v T " -f .i; fc3!r Sir 1 toll ft 'Si 1 4 Wedesday, August 13, 1947 - - Classified Advertising - - , Classrtleds: Vc per word per Insertion, minimum charge, COc. iBlrth Notice r r. tOc; Cards-of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage ' ' and Engagement Announcements: (2. . BIRTH NOTICE i Born to Mr. and Mrs. Norvald S. Rodseth In t he Prince Rupert ' General Ho5pltal, a daughter, .1 Joyce Solvig (Adrlana, 6 lbs, 4 pz. on August ii. uom aoing well. ENGAGEMENT NOTICE Mr. andMrs, W, A, Kelly, Reslna, (lvi.Sask., announce the engagement of their sister, Margaret Ellzaibeth, Mr, Ralph P. ... . . r- - J Smltn, eiaesi son ai Mrs. E. P. Smith, Prince Rupert. The wedding to be solemnized in St. Andrew's Cathedral in September. .FUNERAL NOTICE WARNER In the city Sunday August 10, 1947, Jack, beloved on of Mrs. Irene Warner, aged 19 years, 9 months. Rev. E .Llhney will conduct services at Grenville Court Chapel at 7 pm. Wednesday, Ausust 13. V'trilains will then be forward-ed .to Montreal for Interment JZTn the famllv plot. B.C. Under-takers In charge of arrange-.'mentj. FOR M.fT .FQRiRENT -Three roon cottage rArtly furnished fcr coupla .'.wmi one child. .Green 626. PGR RENT Three rem furnished house. Apply 1634 Uth Ave. E. (191) FOR . RENT -2 sleeping rooms vWith kitchen .privileges. .221 Mh East. (189 FOR RENT One room furnished, cabin. Apply 953 3rd. Ave. iWest after 5 p.m. (189) FOR.jRENT Cabin, furnished, Trice, clean and warm. 1142 Park Avenue. Phone Green 224; .089) ZillW, IV ANTED M ALE ASSISTANT Stockman and front enii pump .attencant. Steady employment. App:y Bob Parker Ltd., Prince Rupert, B.C. (189) II EU' WANTED HELP.;.WANTED Pay ' roll clerk, preferably with experience for the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative , Assn. Please, make application In writing? state aze, experience and salary expected to Post Office BoxJ64. (190) REQUIRED at tbe'Prlnce Rupert General :Hospital: Cook and an assistant coos. Apply to Matron. (tf) WANTED A Matron for the Ridley Home. Board and room with salary. Address Arcri-deacon Hodson at Blue 827. (190) WANTED Names are being re celved.at the Dally News of fiee .of boys or girls desiring delivery routes. (tf) HELP. WANTED w. Ward Maids for iPrjnce ;Rupert General Hospital. Apply Matron, (tf ) WORK WANTED Teen-age girl wlll.look after children afternoons and evenings. Phone Greena 922, (189) WANTED WANTED Light delivery truck. Write O. Lundqulst, Smlthers, B.C. (204) WANTED Young couple, desire . 2 or 3 room furnished suite. .. Reply to Box 264, Daily News. (191) WANTEDWThree.or four room (cottage, or .three room suite, both may be' furnished or un- - -furnished, Phone Green J55. , , (194) BHTP Us Your Scrap Metals ; Top Prices Paid Active Trad ing Company Ltd.. 935 East p Cordova. St.(iiVancouver. (B.C. (tf) WANTED By September 1, furnished housekeeping rooms, also rooms with board for Incoming teachers. Write School Board Secretary or Phone Red 442. (192) LOST AND FOUND LOST Railway ticket. Return to C.N.R. office. Reward. (189) FOUND Safety deposit key. Owner may have same by paylngiforthis ad at the Dally News. ' (tf) .'LOST Blue .pendant. Saturday afternoon, :Phone Red 904. ' (189) ; "LOST Oolderi Cocker Spaniel .rjjimed "Tuffy." Please Phone Kefl 414. or-7a. im FOR SALE FOR : SALE- -Three room cottage with shower, near Conrad school. Owner leaving, will sacrifice $1,000 or $1,250 furnished.- -Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342. (189) FOR SALE-r5 asvc cars, 1-8 cylinder Hudson, 1 Dodge, 3 Fords, from $500 up. Contact Johnson or Mair. Phone Black 156 An or call 171 3rd Ave. Bast. (tf) in 1938 LINCOLN Sedan for sale. Parker's Garage. (19QJ FOR SALE 27-foot boat. East-hope engine in first class shape. Moored ,at"Tacht Club. Price $300. (210) FOR SALE 1940 Plymouth Sedan. Apply Arrow Cabs. (tf) FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Monday, August. 25," for the purchase pf any; or all of the following lots. Lots 78, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13," 14, 15. and 16,. Block 1J, Plan 946, Townslte,of Massett, Queen Charlotte District. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: Strictly Cash.. Gordon F. Forbes, Official Administrator, Administrator' ,of the Estate of Cyril G. Harrison, deceased! (189) will FOR SALE-Oeneral dry goods business In rapidly growing town located .In the Central Interior. of.B.C. $12,000.00 will handle building, stock and fixtures. No. For full information apply Box 2C3, Prince Rupert be Daily News. (190) FOR SALE Black, and white enamel coal and. wood, range, a!4o te 3-p!ece .deluxe mohair chesterfield suite fay Restmoor,; full G.. sprjng construction. Both . js new..Phone Green 316. (189) FOR SAIE Grand view, three room, house .with' modern bath room, .modern Resign, ;.water view and , good ground. Immediate occupancy. Priced ;f or quick sale, $3200. Collart McCafferyi p. (tf) FOR SALE New,' &;Used Fur nlture and Hardware. Slightly used wool iblanketes- $4.50, ;Bi-cycles. .Mirrors v0c. Cushions for boats and Chesterfields; $2, office chairs, single beds com-? , plete.$20, new desks, small size wood and coal stoves, scatter rugs $$125, used vacuum cleaner ;$)12, new hot plates $3.S0r,new unpalnted chest of drawers, new compasses from $L Other useful articles at reduced prlces.-JB. C. Furniture, Black 324. FOR SALE Beam trawler "Col-net," completely rigged. $J4,-, 000. Phone Blue 932. (192) FOR SALE Brand new carpit, 6 ft. 6'.'x9 ft. Wine with blue. 511 7th Ave.iEast. (193) FOR SALE 3 piece slip covered chesterfield suite, What' of fers? Blue 712. (189) FOR SALE 3 room. cabin partly furnished. $700. 885 Summit Avenue. Phone Blue 830 after 6 p.m. (193) FOR SALE Doll buggy $5.00. Less than V2 3i ice. 913 10th (East. (ISO) CHENILLE .SPREADS', $4.89 Manufacturers' clearance first quality for doubte and single beds in beautiful two-tonefl colors, .worth dquble the prl:e. Money refunded tr.not satisfied. Sent CjO D. plus, postage in Canada. Handicraft Distributors, 254 Shertorooke St.'W.. .Montreal 18, Que. SWAP LADIES fall and winter coat, casual tYPe. size 16-18,, for trunk. 913 10th East. )90 ROOM AND HOARD ROOM AND BOARD $40 each double; $45 single. Home away from home. Tabic meals. Mrs Lawley, 622 Fraser Street, .(tf) METAL WORK DON'T Walt for Winter. Now ls the time to have that eayes- trough fixed and furnace; in stalled. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd.. Black 884 Of) MACHINERY iu haw better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date Jype .National Portable Sawmills, manufac tured by National Machinery Company Limited, yancouyer, B.C. (tf) Fastball 'Schedule .Aug. 13 Navy ys Co-op .Aug.l5-Jen. Rotors, vs Gor don.. & .Anderson Aug, 16 Co-op vs. Hish.SvhQSl Aug. 18 CNRA vs Oen.'Motors Aug. 20 Gordon & (Anderson vs ;Nayy Aug. 22 Gen., Mo tors vs High School Aug. 23-C.NiRA vs Gordon Si Anderson Aug. 25 Co-op vs Gen. Motors Aug. 27 High School vs. Navy Aug. 29 Co-op vs CNRA Aug, 30 tffavy vs Gen. Motors .QUEENSBORQUGH, nS- 1849 i'fre engine last used il916,ncw Is, for sale. .TENDERS ATTENTION TIMBER MEN I Tenders wanted for 404 acres .of. crown grant timber in Remo district for, cash sale. Tenders must be in to Mrs; M. Boyn-ton, Prince Rupert Hotel, before-August. 18, Highest or any tenders, not necessarijy accepted. (193) The. Cfrporationiof theCjty ,of North. Vancouver (F O;R :S A.L.E S.S. North Vancouver vFerry No. 3 Sealed tenders clearly marked "Tender forr s!s". "Fejrry No. 3" be received by the City Clerk, City Hall, North Vancouver, B.C., up to 5 pm. of September 30th, 1947, for the pur-, chafe of North Vancouver Ferry 3. -This" Ferry is' berthed and will delivered alongside Ferry Wharf at North .Vancouver,-B.C, and particulars in addition to these outlined hereunder may obtained by appointment With Chalmers, -Superintendent at the.Ferry Wharf, North.Vancou-v ver, B.C., or by writing to. the latter address. . Built In the year 1911. Hull construction of steel, (double ended ferry type). Cabin construction' above main deck of wood. LLengtb, ove.rallJl65 feeU oreaam overall o ii. unciua ing sponsoned sections P&S). Draft 9 ft. Displacement at obove draft .533 tons. Cress .tonnage .1176.03: Space, for 18 passenger automobiles on Main Deck. dumber of passengers allowed 610. Steam-driven by two -Compound Fecinrocatlng En-iglnes total IHP .400. (Equipped with two (2) ,BAW water-tube boilers W.P. 160 lbs. Tenders must be accompanied by, a certified cheque for 10 per cent of the tender,. cheque toibe made payable to the order of the Corporation of the. City cf 'North Vancouver as .an earnest of carrying , out the tender If It is accepted. If the tender Is not accepted the cheque .will .be re turned. The hlehest or any tender not necessarjly accepted. R. C. GIBBS. CltyiCIerk. (189) USED GOODS WE BUY AND SELL ENTERPRISE MARKET Phone :M3 Just Arrived ! SLATER KANGAROO OXEQRDS $14.50 GEORGE 'HILL & SONS LTD. . AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue", Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 4dd ISO h4 BATTERY : MODEL As Illustrated smart plastic cabinet .,, $2i).." ELECTRIC MODEL As Illustrated two.tone, plastic cabinet ,$:M.D. 92X31 BALL SCHEDULE ENDi SUNDAY Association' Heads Claiming Play-Offs for Three-Team League Prince Rupert Baseball League has two more games to play before the end ofisummer schedule and .the , Association executive is planning the league playToffs after the schedule Is completed next Sunday, according to.Doug Kerr, baseball secretary. Thursday night, tWatts&tNisk-mon will meet Savoy in .the Clothiers final league ..fixture, while on Sunday, the Hotelmen and Moose will meet in their final contest. How the play-offs will be arranged, the exr;utlve anps-ently has not yet decided, but they p.re getting their heads together on the matter. .With only three teams In the league, sub-division of the .schedule .was not nossiWe and the .three-team -series .which began on .May 18 has placed Savoys far In the lead. Team .standings on -scheduled .games are given .below. The difficulty of. arranging; an equit-aWe plav-cff system on the. basis cf the .summer-record can.be appreciated. ,Won Last ,P"t. Pavoys 11 4 .733 Monse 1 .533 Watts & Nick 4 12 -.250 As well. as capturing most.of the victories. (Savoy plavers stacked near, the pinnacle of In dividual batting, according to the .hitting record as completed to August 3. However, while Lindsay tccoed the list, veteran Bill Lambie shewed that there Is still a lot of craft jn him .yet. He was second In battlne. TTern le n ,llef. rnvprlnor 2J? -ames from Mav 18 to August 3 j showin batting averaees of nlave" who havp batted more than'50 tlme withian average of better than.itW. All those listed have nlayed in at least." 10 sanies. At thft completion of the season, ;ta further ;lLt. rnverjiMU'vll players will be nuWied. FIT urpe are compiled from the official score books. GABR -H'Pit. Lindsay (S) 13 56 14 26 .464 Lambie (WN) .... 17 62 8 24 .387 Pavllkis (3) .... 18 74 16 28 .318 McK'non (M) .. 16 59 8 21 .355 Moore (M) 16 59 10 20 .339 Foster (S) 14 45 7 15 .333 Gurvich S) .. 12 43 9 14 .325 Dunbar (M) . 17 66 15 21 .318 Da'hl (M) ....... 16 61 15 19 .311 Rcsedale (M) 10 33 5 10 i03 Arney (S) 18 76 16 23 .3D2 Wlndle (WN) 17 70 10 21 30Q M. S'm's'n (S) 10 43 12 12 .279 Kerr WN) 16 54 7 15 .277 Morgan (S) ... 11 39 9 10 .256 A. Bill 'S) 11 32 2 8 .250 Henry (M) 10 32 5 8 .250 Anton WN) 13 37 3 9 .243 Postuk (S) 11 35 4 8 .228 B. S'm's'n S) .. 17 78 17 .17 .217 D'mla'to (WN). 16 02 6 13 .209 BASEBALL SCHEDULE August 14 Moose vs Watts fr Nickersoi: August l'i -Savoy vs Moose. Team last mentioned is toibe the Home team. Advertise In the Dally . News 141 Third Avenue West NOW AVAILABLE AT. PRE-WAR PRICES McBrlde Street Phone311 UPSET IN iii n a closely played game In the City Ladies' Fastball League last evening the cellar-occupying Gordon and Anderson sprang a surprise on the league-leading Moose by winning 3 to2. Moose scored their first run In the first inning. Klldahl hit a two-bagger, . stole third and came home on Betty Hamilton's single. Gordon and Anderson equalized in the second inning when successive errors by Thaln, Kil-dahl and Kennedy allowed Sheila Ramsay to make the round trip on: what.should have been an out at first. The store girls.took a two-run lead In the third .when Clough. who had been .walked and Flynn, who had singled, scored. Errors by the Mocse Infield were responsible. Thain .was at fault on S. Ramsay's grounder and then Kildal committed two fumbles on Hart's and I. Ramsay's hits. There was no further . scoring until the first of the seventh although .Gordon .and Anderson got the bases leaded In the last of the sixth. The Lodge girls tried'hard.in the seventh. Arietta Hamilton was walked. Kennedy was out when Duffus made a scod catch. Currle singled and Arietta Hamilton rcored. WI b the tying run on third. Laird was 1 out on Stewart's throw to Flvnr at first and the game' ended In faypr of Gordon 'and Anderson. Betty Hamilton Rf.s not quite as steady a usud bu'. it was the difference In tho fielding of the two teams that was the deciding factor. Betty gave five walks, allowed only two hits and struck out seven. This brings her strikeout, record for the year up to 118 which works out at better than J a f m,e- w"h her sister Arlet- ta catching, this sister comblna- Hon Is very effective. However, the team committed seven error during the game last evening. .Maresa Wlndle pitched a steadier game than usual and had good support. Flypn at first. 'F.or That Party ... PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port CHOP SUEY 7:00 ajn. SEE l!S FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs in all types of printing work. Everything in high -class stationery. Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens D IBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK SINGER Electric Sewing Machines " For Kent Reasonable Rates Phone 864 Prince RuperU c Singer Sewin? Machine Co. SAVOY HOTEL -Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 514 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert GEORGE McWHINNEY .& Company CONTRACTINO IN Decorating:, Landscaping Lawns, Etc. 147 4th JVve. E. (To rear of Pioneer Laundry) Phone Black ,489 P.O. Box 1126 was a real asset. She hp.d two of the three hits and accepted 10 chances without an error. But the fielding star.of the.samejwa.s Stewart at shortstop. She had four assists and one put-out,. In the sixth inning the three Moos girls went out the same way, Stewart at shcrstcp to Flynn at first. It really was snappy fielding. Scoring: Moose 100 000 12 O. and .A P12 000 x 3 MOOSE AB R H PO A Payne 3 0 0 0 0 Kildal 3 113 2 B. Hamilton ...j3 0 10 2 Thain 3 0 0 0 1 A. Hamilton .... 110 11 Kennedy 3 0 0 0 0 Pavlikls 2 0 0 0 0 Currie 10 10 0 Laird 3 0 0 0 1 North 2 0 0 6 0 24 2 3 10 7 G. and A. AB R II PO A Clough 1 1 0 0 1 Mennell 3 0 .0 0 0 Balagno 1 0 0 0 0 Flynn 3 1 2 10 0 S. Ramsay 3 1 0 0 2 Hart 3 0 2 I. Ramsay 2 0 1 Duffus 3 0 1 Wlndle 3 0 1 Stewart 2 0 1 24 3 16 LU 113 Wth Minora Blades! Minora has a real "edge" over other low price blades. In fact, it's the sharpest double-edge blade In its class. One shave will convince you. Firs voun DOUBlE-fDGf A20t Edward, B.C. CHOW MEIN to 11:00 pjn. THIRD AVENUE INCOME TAX I Returns Prepared See ' It. E. MORTIMER j 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) l Three Sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (ALL TIMES SHOWN DAYLIGHT SAVING) Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. Coqultlam. Fridays, 5 p.m. Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 8 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS August 8 and 22 September 0 and 19 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS August 10 and 24 September 8 and 21 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phono 568 IF you've never smoked a burlcy to! you'd be surprised how it keeps youru, cool, packs so easily, burns smoothly, anjj lit with a minimum of light-ups. You cam it all day long, and still come up for mort. I. RUPERT MOW Chrysler Parts and SmitttJ We specialize in rebulMlii c Marine and Industrial tnglsa Complete Automothe Repii j for all makes of cars and tail Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-ofrtpwn ordea . given special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 566 Prince Rupert, BC KNOX HOli A QUIET, TLEASANT PLACE TO LTil COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS RECEM SPRINQ-FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED El UNDER NEW MANAQEMESI Proprietors: TOM I'ESUT STEVE VKELIBI REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPEl GhopSuey Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OUR S PEClAl'l Open 6 am. to 2 am. rUONE 17.1 "Offering s? years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert JOHN GURVICH has returned to the CONTRACTING No Job Too Large NoJobTm EXCAVATING, HAULING, LAND CIB PHONE. 32 sixth m FAMOUS RUPERT BRAN FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Proccs sscd by CANADIAN FISH & COLD M PRINCE RUPERT Picobac it the p,ct of the Hurlej rr4A 1,1 su,iy southern Ontario, uhert climttai soil are the secret tugrttietttrjor a mild Z GET SOME TODAY! I ... ... . , . A uitvuBos can uuii urn. di urewi . I Company Limited