V 1 "M 6 B D B B B B H B B -B U B a H B u B U B B B B B .B .a B B a B B B B Prince Rupert Dnilp J3ctos Wedesday, August 13, 1947 CITY SHOULD BE GIVEN CLEAN-UP J fllany attractions f Prince ;Itupert Marred by jUnkenipt - --Surroundings, Government ' .Photographer Says HV..take a variety of local Scenes for a travelogue featuring" central British Columbia jvhtch, Is to be prepared by tho provincial Department of Trade and Industry as a major publicity project this year, Clarence Ferris, Chief photographer for1 the department, is in the city for such a period of time as TAKING TRAVELOGUE HERE --Clarence Ferris, chief photographer for Department of .Trade, and Industry. will be necessary to obtain the shots he desires. He was today awaiting clearing up of weather conditions so that full advantage might be taken of the famous brand of Prince Rupert sunshine. Subjects to be taken lo llllllfllllBIIIIIIBIHDBHBHRBIIIDBIDBIIIiRI BBDBRBRIBIIR r RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE BOYS' CLOTHES... at prices you exnect to pay for Boys Boys' Long Pant. Suits from . $5.50 to $14.95 Boys' Long Pants from .. $2.25 to $6.25 Boys' Short Pants from . $1.50 to $1.95 Boys' Shirts from 95c to $2.25 Boys' Socks from 35c to 70c Boys' Sweaters from 75c to $4.25 R Tariff rc T T 1 coys oummer unuerwear .... ooc We carry a complete line of ages. Boy Hear that wears RUPERT ! & BOYS' B B B THE STORE FOR Steamer Service from "BBBflfll V liUAzJUlBBBBT PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 pjn. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnljht " (All" Times Pacific Standard) For reservations call or write TCltyor Depot Ticket Offices. """"PRINCE RUPERT cally will Include the fishing and processing, local homes and community activities. Mr. Ferris is impressed with the many .picturesque attractions which Prince Rupert possesses but is definitely disappointed with the settings which he has so far seen. There is much cleaning up to do 'before the natural beauties of the. place can be fully exploited. In fact unkempt surroundings are constituting something of a handicap for the carrying out of his Photography. I Mr. Ferris arrived yesterday after making the round trip to Observatory Inlet and Portland Canal on the steamer Coquit-lam. The weather was bright and sunny and Mr. Ferris enthused about some fine mountain scenery he was able to SHORT SPORT Tonight's fixture in the Men's Fastball League sees Gordon and Anderson in action against the Co-op nine. At present they stand in third and fourth places respectively. A win for the iron-men would consolidate their position in third place while a victory for the co-operating nine will give them third place. In their two previous encounters this season Gordon and Anderson beat their opponents 8-7 and 20-5. Tonight's game will see the west-en ders staging a determined fight to upset the ironmen. Thursday evening's game in the Ladies' League should prove a top-notch fixture. The up-and-coming Gordon and Anderson nine, imipired by their first win of the season over-the leading $13.95 r- f ' esixsi clothes for boys of all """ j and wears and wears. MEN'S STORE DAD AND LAD" IBBBBEII Moose team, will be all out to show that their win was no flash-in-the-pan. On the other hand Alf Ternevov's young High School nine will be out to repeat their previous win over the store girls. In their last engagement the students trimmed the store ladies 14-9. In the Western International Baseball League yesterday the Vancouver Capilanos registered a double-header win, defeating the Salem nine by scores of 7-1 and 2-1. The Vancouver team Is fiditins hard to continue their climb into the top positions of the league. LONDON, W War Office is considering incorporating mar riage preparation clarses into Its army education plan. MSWJ if m f Pl.V IJ 'l LJIU Boston Cafe) BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND AFTERNOON TEAS For Your Eating Pleasure . . . Broadway Cafe (Formerly THE BEST FOOD FINEST COOKING TOP SERVICE RESIGNATION OF W. W. C. O'NEILL Former Principal of Local High School Accepts Position Elsewhere Announcement Is made at the office of the boaTd of school trustees of the receipt of the resignation from the staff of of Booth Memorial High School of W. W. C. O'Neill who recently relinquished the position of principal of that school but who, it had been thought, might have continued as a member of the staff. Now, however, Mr. O'Neill has advised the board that he has been offered a position elsewhere which he desires to accept. His application for release from his duties here has been therefore, granted with regret. Mr. O'Neill had been identified with the local teaching staffs for many years first as vice-principal of Borden Street School, later as principal and for the past several years as principal of the High School. Mr. O'Neill l.s at present In Vancouver. Where his new post is to be Is not yet known hero. Chinese Dishes Chow Mein Chop Suey "TAKE-OUT" ORDERS ANY TIME Hours: 7 A.M. to 1:30 A.M. PHONE 200 "No, no, Mulvaney you're route any PARTY OF QUEBEC BOY SCOUTS HERE Three men and fourteen boys maklnS the trlP are comprising a Boy Scout Vrty xif Uo'c-rence Edw"ds' auld' arei?10- ' ' Rivet from Montreal, spending the day in the city today in the course of a Pacific Coast tour. They arrived on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver and will proceed East by the evening train. Entertainment during their stay in Prince Rupert, organized by F. E. Anfleld, president of the Prince Rupert Boy Scouts' Association, includes a cruise to Port Edward on the lighthouse tender Birnie and a drive to points of interest around the city as well as a visit to the museum. There will be an early evening dinner by the Prince Rupert Boy Scouts' Asso ciation. A The 9,000-mile good-will tour began on August 1 and reached 'is, westward extremity today vhen the 14 boys and three leaders stepped down the gangplank t the Prince Rupert at noon nd immediately began to aim 'heir cameras at the city's raterfront. The group was met by F. E nfield, chairman of the Prince iupert branch of the Boy Scouts 'Association and A. Van Meer, 'scoutmaster, and were given an outline of the entertainment Wanned before they leave Tor the cast on tonight's train. "We are really seeing Cana da," said Scoutmaster A. A. Smith of the Woodlands Troop, of Verdun, a suburb of Montreal. "This is the first ventuie of its kind by any troop in the Dom inion and we really are enjoying it." "with Mr. Smith in charge of the troop are Assistant Scout masters George Coleman and Don Peddle. All the boys are members of Woodlands troop. and they owe their trip to their energy during the last year. "We financed it by a scrap paper drive," Mr. Coleman said a bit proudly. "The boys worked for it, and that Is part of the enjoyment." On the westward trip, the trocp stopped at Ottawa, Winnipeg and Vancouver. While the Prince Rupert was docked at Ocean Falls, the Boy Scout troop mere held a camp fire for the visitors. "I find a great enthusiasm for scouting on the west coast." Scoutmaster Smith observed. "The leadership is of very high calibre and I have a feeling that JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST Is away for a week attending an optometric convention. If your building, house or fur-niture were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture are up fifty percent? Consult your Insurance advisers nowl H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 216 Sixth Street not on your newspaper more!" scouting is on the threshold of big things." The troop plans to make several stops "on the way east and will return to Verdun on August R. Emo, P. Barolet. De Luxe Wall Tint An Improved Sanitary Kalsomine SOLD IN MANY PLEASING TINTS. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR HOME BRIGHT, CHEERY AND INVITING WITH DELUXE WALL TINTS. EASY TO MIX EASY TO APPLY 5-lb. pkg., 75 cents THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY i Your Dally ! ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Announcement . . . ROYAL REOPENS Completely Renovated and Under New Management WE SPECIALIZE IN SEA FOODS SALADS ITALIAN AND MEXICAN DISHES Take-out Ordeis. tilven Special Attention JOHN COMER, Proprietor MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED MADE IN U.S.A. by JOLLENE Just Arrived ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF your pet saddles perennial saddle oxfords lead a busy life on campus and off . . . blithe little shoes, perfect companions to your plaid shirts and sweaters . . . $7.95 l SAILS BASEBALL NOTES Joe Beruschl, in his capacity of Watts and Nickerson shortstop, not as league umpire, has been diligently searching through his abbreviated rule book for a ruling on third-strike bunts. The ruling Joe obviously sought was the one covering third strike bunts which go foul. According to the official rules, when a batter bunts on the third strike and the ball rolls outside the base line, the batter Is automatically out. The disappearance of the centre bleacher at Roosevelt Part has caused some comment but little regret among either fans or players. It wasn't popular. not only because Its position behind' the wire backstop hindered the view, but because it looked unsafe. It was unsafe. City workmen, in a move to strengthen it. found the wood ypontry, so they tore It down as a matter of public nfety. The first baseline and third baseline bleachers are being strengthened, however. Work l. also being done on dralnas-e ditch covers skirting the field and a tentative linn for a new sidewalk to the field has bejn laid. Repairs to the wire backstop also are under way. BIRMINGHAM, Eng., 0 -Christmas toys are being shipped abroad early. HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modem, Quiet, Comfortable 711 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 CAFE WHITE RUBBER SOLES HATCH COVERS SKATE COVERS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Phone BLUE 120 -160 East Third Ave. (Next to Shenton'a) THURS. TO SAT. ALAN YOUNG- MAKES HIS SCREEN DEBUT AS MARGIE'S BOY FRIEND. ..HE'S A RIOTl if r w . 1 INl.Ull CAPITOL A FAMOUS riAVIM tmiVt4 Business and Professional DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCES THE OPENINO OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 765 J. P. MOLLER PIIONE BLUE 15d 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture in all Us branches. 106 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE OENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all klndt Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Green 391 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Train Schedule (Pacific Standard Time) For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 188 EVENINoa . SAT 2-.00 5:a ..IIIH TodayoJ &c liool for HusijJ p' 1:1 HOTTLF COWl and mmi phct: r.r t Agerr tr:, E.,ai GEORGE L Eil Public Ac :ntar is Income Tax Rttnal Besner E'.::t hi P N Kiltorn II BERTS Tlid AND MES31 Lumber Cca)-w Frr;ht Nlghi Cii-0K PRINT-; H'TCTFlI R LOCK! Wc i: E Dc f al Prompt Box 5! F' I0NES NEWSS Eastern and VeiWI MagBfflo SUBSCRIPTION I Sixth Street JuHN HOSl CARPENTER' CABINET il.il PHONE KB) CALL BLtKf M SAUMf SIDEWALKS - W Your hcuri and M insured while i Fisberiel e !.,. ihP . - L.llinf, 1 Cartage, mm Mil 1J MAC j wt; DOCTOR IHiEL Tliwi-ATTENn THE'11 SAVH THE' B SOLES- Second Avenue