'hen 'inch lerv I,., h th. Uirr (or ilie'n 0$ ft" i.he Iuj Joined her par- lithers CAMPERS s delivered twice to Utt Kathlyn. )0DACRES' MITERS, B.C. -f.202) Wednesdays nd Saturdays at 8 p.m. jay matinee at 2:30 p.m. AY AM) SATURDAY August 15 and 16 Ippenwi Tomorrow" ;k Powell, Linda Darnell. me and Edgar Kennedy. Pl'AY, AUGUST 19 Mil. HKX" Gorcey and Huntz Hall PXEMUY AUGUST tO Y AM) THE 1 BANDIT" "tart Roland, Ramsay w 'rank Yaconelll Peeps Behind the Scenes; Preparations for Carnival Workers Laboring Haiti "Hock, upstarts, mounts, dismounts, flag, uprise, high bar, back plant balance and circles." This seems a strangely assorted vocabulary for any one group to use ai any one ume. aim tne dictionary would not help the listener to unravel the mystery. "Hock the joint in the hind leg of some animals, corresponding to the anKie in man; also a German white or yellow wine;" well, there might be some con- nectlon between that and a "high bar!" also "hock, slang for pawn." Yet I heard these terms all properly used by a group the other evening as I watched a small select group perform on the "high bar." All these words and similar ones form the vocabulary of athletes as they perform their exercises on the high horizontal ! bar. And visitors to the Carnl-' val will see some of the acts as the local gymnasts display prowess on the "high bar" during Car- W ntral Interior hmcois Lake News Monica Holtby arrived Saturday from Vancou- lents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. IIqIUjv of Prince Rupert, at the Beach House for a week's stay. After a spell of lovely warm dry weather it is now wet again Most of the farmers have sorrje hay put-up but it will take some weeks even with good weather to get all the crop in. Ernesti Merrill Vs,homei for a rweek f rCht.Svpnsnnjp Mill at Terrace face Theatre Bng on Tuesdays and CABINS Skeena lUldRe Tourbt TERRACE NtOMPT 8F.lt VICE , . ... A(A Vnn GENERAL MOTORS DEALER '' ....... . uif K U11CT.' THICKS OMsmohlle Machine Work A Wlllard Uattetlea fl.M.C. Trucks Specialty fface Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE B.C. HLEr HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. h ana f " Lumh Lumber' Manufacturers TERRA GE Logs, Poles and I'lllns For '"ternulonal Harvester Co. Nrtitone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. rhllcolRadlM i Camp; (One Mile East of Town) Box 13 Terrace, B.C. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (IL Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace j' your way to the lake? ski: oirn TWO FLOORS LADIES' WEAK YARD (JOOl)S MEN'S WEAR GROCERIES THE SKEENA MERCANTILE and difficult ways of getting off the bars after the movements had been completed, front and back hock-offs, front and rear upstarts, the tricky "flag" and back-plant. All call for good muscle development, skill and perfect timing, and these are the result of practice and more practice. So when one enjoys the display, In addition to what lie will see, he will realize that these athletes had put In many hours of their own time voluntarily so trmt enjoyment might be as- urrvl nn a visit to the Carnival. nival week. Nell Ross, EnillplWse Piymnasts will show noti 'Hlaln and George Ferguson arc ly their skill but also their J limbering up for their part In fine community spirit In giving the program. Springing lightly; of their time and talent that, to the bar these active intllvi-' the Carnival may be satisfying. duals were practising the various; LA IUF.S MTSY i exercises, swinging single and 'double circles, swinging and sta-jtionary hock-offs, the graceful SOItTIN'O PIMZFS dn another occasion a visit "behind the scenes" showed a Email number of ladies with a very large number of very large cartons of all sizes. The cartons contained the hundreds and hundreds of articles that you will be winning In the vralous games of skill and chance at the Carnival. The total number of articles must run Into the thousands. Each carton had to be un packed, the contents noted, checked and priced. The lm men.se variety of dolls of all sizes, shapes and designs; the glass ware of such-quantity and quality, the miscellaneous toys of every description, all made the room look like a Santa, Claus ,tj,ckroom. It was easy to Im agine the pleasure the winning Decker Lake where he has been working. The JTilrvcW. Lake iWre naa Installed a new engine at the Landing for the lighting plant. Fred Gardner is working at a garage in Burns Lake, coming home each night. Steamship Sailings (Daylight Saving Times) For Ynncotivn Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Coqultlam. 1:80 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 12:15 p.m. Friday ss Catala, 5:30 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 10:15 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday ss CoqulUam,-'4 p.m Monday ss Princess Adelaide p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 11:00 a.m. Friday ss Camosun, 4 p.m. Friday ss Catala, 5 p.m. For Alaska Friday ss Camosun, a.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert. a.m. From Alaska , Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 7 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 8 p.m. Advertise m the Dally News low Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL GREER & of these would bring to the jlucky. competitors. It was easier to see the amount of 'abor it meant for these ladies to prepare all the articles. Such a job takes not only hours but days and weeks and It Is work hard work. Here again the spirit of community effort was amply displayed as the ladies worked "far into the night" getting the articles all ready. The committee Is fortunate in having Mrs, George Rorie, who has done it so capably in the past, take charge of the Job again and. Miss Margaret Sllnn, order was j made, out of chaos and the preparations were progressing satisfactorily. A word dropped by Don Forward brought very forcibly to mind the statement that "the Carnival Is big business." There Is an investment 6f thousands of dollars and any investment with that amout at stake has to be managed properly. It calls for foresleht, good Judgment, an ever-watchful eye and preparations well in advance, so that when the week does come1 there will be no hitch. Nowhere is the with the willing help of Mrs. '; need far community effort and Neil Ross. Mrs. Joe Scott and support more rrecessary and no where will such effort' be i more amply repaid. . , " ; ' , Iri ether places Ihere'are practices "behind the scenes." Soloists are practlsing'dally, accompanists are playing, rough plaCes are being smoothed out, sequences are being perfected, and all are motivated by one desire . . to make the Carnival pleasing to trie citizens and visitors, and build up the financial reserves that Such a big undertaking re quires. LONDON, B Because children try to eat the plaster on the walls in a day nursery the walls are to be tiled. , 4 i3rfniRtuirtt'DaIIp.'J3cujg ' " "Wedestiay, August 13, 1547 EARLY NEWS ; IS WELCOME Local hews Hems, to ensure publication,, should be In the office" by 10 am. Contributors are asked to bear this In rnlttd. Items 6f -s661al and persona! Interest are always welcome. LONDON, 0 Temple Church, built by Knights Templars in 1185 -and destroyed during the 1940 blitz, Is to be restored. ' 1 - f 'ti'lilr A' Movirif, Paektnr, eratlflt, Shipping fcnd GenAl Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable "kruj Efficient Service, Call ; Lindsdy'a Cattafce & Storage Ltcl. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 Classified AVwrnsfh Pays! : I , EX PL O R E B. C. W I T H H 0 M E ! All parties having claims against ; the said estate are hereby requited to furnish same, properly verified, to I me on or beforo the 30th day of September, AD. 1047, after which claims filed may bo paid without reference to ny claims. of which I then had no knowledge. And all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me "forthwith. . DATED this 8th day of August. A D. 1947. OORDON PRASER FORBES, Official - Admin istrator. Prince Rupirt," n o. (200) REPAIR AND RECONDITION YOUR HOME THIS SUMMER! CALL BRDDEN mULDERS AND CONTRACTORS lfnairs Construction Alterations P.O. Has 721 I'hone lCi:i 501 BLONDIE v PAPPY-' 1 mot You'll he rKii'fii( lio inrijfs of your fasulhi dollar, . H i'li Hume, your dollars stay In Vrlthh Coin rnf.i i, bulliling H.C. payrolls . . . helping KC. grow. HOME GAS TAKES YOU TO THE CAR! BOO miUTlt-TAKlXG BEAUTY . . . THE ROIACE OF THE STORIED PAST. Sec the umhallcl scenic grandeur of the. mighty Frascr 'Canyon. Follow thefahuloM Cariboo Wghuny, onve a frontier rond . . . route of lumbering stagccouchcs into tlic roaring gold fields of an earlier day. Traditional friendliness is jours at tlome Gaa Stations throughout the Golden, Carilnx.. Let. Friendly Home Gas Dealers welcome you with maps, tips. tm-wheit to see, whore to' May. 'Count on wer-packed Home Gus to carry you smoothly, over mountain highway . . . delivering extra miles of carefree exploration. IV top performance anytime, thousands of B.C. motorists arc discovering Home's unhca tahlc coinhination of Friendly Service, and quality ;i.., u APinvi. i iii 1 EPrr Ti7OT3WLll TMF IthereSagrSat. BIG BEA3 WITH GPTEEN EYES . IM MY ROOM.' products specially refined for H.C. driving conditions. Test it vourself. Wherever you go, drive in at Vhe' Home Gas Hag. HOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED - THE I V V O B.C. COMPANY FRIENDLY SERVICE W M E R E V E R Y 0U GO . I IN THE SUHIEME LUUHf Ol'' BRITISH COLUMUIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" uml IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP CHARLKS WILLIAM B1LEKIELD, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS H1ELEI F.LD DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU Honour Judce W. O. Pilton. miulc the 8th day or August. A D. 1947, I was kppolntM ndmlnlstrator ol the estate of Charles William BUcfleld. otherwise known ns Bielefeld, -It's That Elmer llunistcatl Again!! 7A mow 'm Any times have I tclo rOU TO SLEEP., J 1 By Chic Yottpg liiS IB S The One That Got Away. V, I