U tonight Mews It SINKS sparkle vs. i...... rptnrned to Q'KUU " av nn the Jrvnce 'w . Kl mess U.W W. p.m wv"" Mis. H. Shrubsall are ! tonight's train ior here Mr. Shrub3all .. ..rthpr treatment as ..... . TTnen lol , im his after- r UU H' r - - and expects to south until JshorUy ..... urVinn h Will Prince Rupert. I I 1 v v-o , talented port Queen. ,tf) Mrs J rue uj. vui- i arrive on the Camo- i - i wttn 'heir son and e it was siaiea in, mv Car Poulsen at the net snow leaiurvu u It was really a nov- ish tray. be in town for August 16-23. Civic rniv;ii riniLr iv u uci b a ULismie who iue.svihp m tnniffht alward the in me company s van- aso to spend a holl- .. 1-. 1 . 41.. - 1L Join her husband In Port EsslnffMn h.l re- u uw iiuiiii.s will r Hb.UI 1.4 Wli n I 1 VI. mi iriiR wn npr irpn lti 1.4 .lights meeting or the ...... mi . i M r pi n spnccinn ems, . Remember! Port Day, Prince Rupert's marine holiday, August 21,. (tt) Comjnunlcatlpns read and ordered filed at the meeting of the school board last evening Included, letters from the secretary of the B.C. Library Association, th secretary, of the B.C. Trustees' Association and the Director of Technical Education. Tickets for Associated Board3 banquet, August 8, at Civic Centre, available from W. F. Stone. Please nake reservations, early. Tickets, for dance also available Jn limited quantities. (185) A letter from the Neon Products of Western Canada Ltd., concerning installation of wir ing In t he High School service room and the placing of any Other, necessary fixtures was read at last night's meeting of the school board and referred to committee. . Chamber, of Commerce Convention Ball, Frl. August 8, Civic Centre. (185) Present at the regular sitting of the school board meeting last evening were Dr. R. O. Largo, chairman, Trustees Bruce Brown, W. F. Stone and A. J. Dominate, and Mrs. E. W. Becker, acting secretary In the absence of Mrs. M. Roper, on leave of absence in Vancouver. ...A letter signed by Mayor Arnold regarding disposal of certain articles once used toy the Community Club 'at Conrad Street School was read at last night's school (board meeting. Some of t he goods may be found acceptable for school purposes and the matter is having atten tion. Charles A. Barber, publisher of the Chllllwack Progress weekly newspaper, and Mrs. Barber arrived In the city on Tuesday night's train from Jasper In the course of a Triangle trip holiday and sjent yesterday In the city and In the course of tne day were taken on a motor trip to Port .Edward as guests of the Daily News. Last evening they left on the Prince Rupert for Ketchlk?ri and will be continuing through to Vancouver tonight. Mr. Barber was formerly mayor of Chllllwack for nine years and Is now a member o fthe district municipality of Chllllwack. TOILETS gleam I H I j m rij m " -A a IU Ci .t M.nl.rw AiLm, Srril., Int. ' I VDo I tell you how to tell me how to drive?" Mrs. E. W. Becker will, attend , as Prince Rupert School Boaidl delegate, the convention of the B. C. Trustees Association at Harrison Hot Springs, Sept. 21, 22 and 23. Bears are apparently beginning to leave the berry, patches in the hills to engage In their fall fishing on the Skeena River banks. Mr. and Mrs. F. Welsh and L. Roberts of Washington reported seeing two larse ones from, the highway. The bears were spotted Just before dark last night at separate po:nts Jus east of Remo. Mr. and Mrs. D. Goss arrived en Tuesday night's train from Calgary for an extended visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hansen, Mr. Goss, a former employee of, the Canadian. Pacific Railway, is now relired. After, a five i weeks' visit here they will return home through the United States. R, C. Mutch Is spending a few. days. in the city, having come In. on Tuesday night's train from. Smlthcrs where he Is engaged In .contracting work, which will occupy him for the next five or six weeks, ERSATZ OLIVE, OIL, Babassu, a tall, fan-shaped Brazilian palm, provides oil that substitutes for olive oil in all its uses. Of all the things yoa wear your expression Is the most ' 1 I 1 I I V . Km iiiv I . ' mm WHITEST WASH you've ever seen! 33 AW Jtvex !j the housewife'i bt fritnd, dirt nd gtrms wont entroy. A few Jropi and thingJ come prUing clean quitWIy pJ ely Use " for coundesi everyJy purpoe. Sve younelf drud(ty. Order Jve today. J j.rr ,4W' i SdIE -Just a Dud! GRAND MASTER VISITS LODGE Oscar M.atson, v.lsl,ting grand master from Vancouver, was the guest of honor at a joint banquet given by the local Oddfellows and Rebekah lodges Tuesday night In the Commodore Cafe. Mr. Matson, who was. here on official .visitation, gave an outline of the gootilellowshlp that; exists . throughout the order zn British .Columbia. Although most of his talk was concerned, with happenings, within, the lodges he did mention that, after drivlrig ELDERLY COUPLE CATCH SHARK IN THEIR GILL NET' Hilmer Bakkila, Port Essing- ton fisherman, and his wife have long been known as a pair of partners who would fish unconcernedly In weather that sent other fishermen scurrying fori shelter off the Sseena mouth. Their luck held on Tuwcay when they caught a shark in their gill-net In Principe Channel, The seven-foot shark, of a variety, that usually does irreparable catnage to the. mesh of valuable .gillnets, became a source of profit to, the Bak-kilas, although Mr. Bakklla did have considerable trouble untangling his net afterwards. The shark lost his liver but made a desperate attempt to hold onto Its life. When the elderly couple finally got the. tish into the. after hold of their small boat. Mr. Bakklla qut out the Uver, then returned the fish to the sea. He Was aston-i&bed'to. see. it swim more than oyer, the highway from Vancouver to Prince Rupert, He considered It Co be In very good condition. Due to a mechanical failure in his car Mr. Matson was forced to leave It at. Terrace and was driven to Prince aupert by J. M. Smith, distnet deputy grand master, accompanied toy J Barman. Mr. Smith and i. Davidson, noble grand of the local lodge, who presided at the banquet each gave a short address to the 40 men and women who attended the. gathering. 60 , feet before. It disappeared. The shark's liver, which weighed 45 pounds, was sold to the Co-op store at White Rock on Banks Jsland.'FeelJng somewhat compensated, -the Bakjcllas.begar untangling their net. Advertise In the Daily New.s NOTICE The Dally News wishes to, draw attention to the rule, that classified and transient advertising is payable in advance at the office at time Of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in the Dally News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified adver-, Using. Announcements All advertlsemeiiui in una column will be charged for a lull at 26o word. Sons of Norway meeting, Thursday, Aug. 7. Catholic Bazaar Oct. 1 and 2 Orange Tea, Oct. 16. L.OJ3.A. Orphanage Tea Sale, Sept. 3. Baptist Sale, Nov. 6. NEW BLEND UPnf? I Imtroved Chase & Sanborn, 1 1 . . 1 tkrlllc rttoo Itiuorc I ALL ovec Canada", Chase & Sanborn Coffee has been a big favorite for many years. But now the makers of Chase & Sanborn have created an even finer new blend of the world,'s choicest coffees!, 81 years of experience have gone into making this new blend. You'll find it even richer, even mellower, even more deeply satisfying than the coffee, whicl? tef MRe!TH,sNEvv ) BLEND ISVOND jjp) NEW, M PROVED By Chic Young 6vvo5 r HURRY A HAVE VOUR (COAT THlS L!KE ."V I v"lMOt?NlNG jgn . j ( ''' 7 " L BapHUnr He Didn't Founder ! has won Dominion-wide popularity for Chase & Sanborn. Don't miss it! Order a pound of this new improved Chase & Sanborn today! You'll love it! You'll call it the finest coffee you ever tasted! You'll pass your cup for, more! and Women of the Moose annual Biizaar. Nov. 12 and 13, Moose Temple. Canadian eglon Auxiliary Sale, Nov. 14. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 20 Salvation Army Home League. Sale Nov. 25th. CCF Bazaar, Civic Centre Nov. 28 th. Orange Sale, December 5. SEE US FOR ALL REQUIKEMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs. In all types of printing worK. Everything In-high-class stationery. Cards, for every occasion' Fountain Pens DI66 PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK wj iNNOUNCEiMEJST THIRD AVENUE W E HAVE SOLD OUR BUSINESS KNOWN AS THE "YUKON JEWELLERS" TO, J. G. ALEXANDER AND WE WISH TO THANK OUR PATRONS FOR THEIR PAST PATRONAGE. AND. HOPE YOU WILL CARRY ON THE GOODWILL TO THE NEW PURCHASERS. TOM and 1KL COWAN HAVING PURCHASED THE ABOVE BUSINESS. WE ARE NOW MORE CENTRALLY LOCATED AND BETTER ABLE TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR NEEDS IN BOTH GIFTS AND REPAIRING. HERE YOU WILL FIND A CERTIFIED WATCHMMAKER AT THE .... YUKON JEWELLERS 023 3rd Ave. (J. G. Alexander) (186) f Thursday, August 7, 1947 c PRODUCTS WEEK B.C. ) PRODUCTS i i i 4 "DRY IJAK" water-repellent work clothing, made in Vancouver. We have a very complete stock of "DRY BAK! shirts and "DRY HAK" pants in all sises. tiy3fTYTiJllHI4i 8 ... Less than a third of a month to make your selections from our .sale stock of ... . DRESSES - BLOUSES COATS SUITS and ACCESSORIES IVED! . . . the BEND1X Automatic Home Laundry "The Housewifcrs Dream" ALTHOUGH FIRST SHIPMENT IS SOLD, FURTHER MACHINES ARE EXPECTED WITHIN THREE WEEKS PLACE YOUR NAME ON OUR WAITING LIST 0 Use Our Convenient Budget Plan No Interest No Carrying Charges ' -- Dry Lumber We have just received a substantial shipment of KILN-DRIED Finishing Lumber 2 Get Yours While It, Lasts PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED PHONES 651 AND 652 Coal Lumber Hardware Paints