If (1 II-; i ft t Prince Rupert Dn fig ileitis Thursday, August 7, 1947 t I ' 1 ,That sick friend you sat up with last night he needs a haircut!' f " Playground Fastball Play Very Exciting tflyroscopcs Win from Vseal:Cove Sluggers A very closely fought game JWith first class play by botli jteams. resulted in a 10 to 6 win rfor the: Gyroscopes over the Seal lSy?Z?.lVSgers at the Gyro Bali Park Wednesday afternoon. ?-'Tiapjs?were: f Gyrbjcopes R. Webber, 1. Sedgewick, H. Webber, N. Mc Iverson, M. Forman, R. Young, B. MacFarlane, D. Slack, A. Mac Farlane, Brentzen. Umpire Ross. Warship Here On August 20 The Canadian frigate H.M;C.S Antigonish, under command of Lieut. Commander John Welfen-den, will dock at Prince Rupert at 3 p.m. on Aujunst 20. according to word received Iby the Jun ior Chamber of Commerce Port ,Ara; S. -Black, G. Sharun, D. Dav committer fmm RMr ah kWesch.B. Sedgewick and C. Mc- miral E. R. Mainguy. The ccm-. .. 1 mittee Invited the Royal Cana- , Seal. Ccve Sluggers H. Marsh-i dian Navy to send a vessel to all, N. Sather, S. Hamilton, T). Prince Rupert for Port Day. Yachting On Mass Scale Hearl Sprott, Here With Cruising Aircraft Carrier, Has Ambitious Dream Bearl Sprott and his wife who are now in Ala-sfca with their aircraft carrying yacht "Breezin Thru," are not devoting all their time to mere recreation. Bear! Sprott has a dream and, although ill-health forced him to lea,ve the active field of business, he refuses to climb on the shelf of complete retirement. With his 142 foot luxury yacht and attending Seabee plane there are few spots on the Pacific Coast that are Inaccessible to the energetic Sprott. And wherever he travels, by land or air, he .gathers Information of the country, the people, the In dustries and anything else that might Interest a tourist. If he- stops in a port he likes to know something of its history, its life, its attractions. If the Seabee sits down on an inland lake Sprott wants to know how the trout are biting and the kind of lure they go for. All this is not due to idle curiosity. Bearl Sprott hopes to use the information in a business scheme he has In mind. He wants to bring all the pleasures of luxury yachting within reach cf the man or woman with moderate means. I In his dream Sprott sees a deepsea vessel, perhaps a converted hospital ship, fitted up like a floating holiday resort complete with several Seabecs, fast cabin cruisers, power .boats for the fishermen and even lizht buses that can be used for siaht- seeing short tours. The shirj J "BBBaBHnDnHnBRHilHBRHaBHHBnHaW m t n a . a m H ' m u a H a n u B n D n R H n a n IP Here are beautiful NYLONS tafc-AA legs of course they're bu ImiMi , Tliey're knitted in live proportion to gie couifortalilft uUUh aiulrdii at ALL point . . . top, calf, arikip, una inMep ... not juit length alone! There's a Hoiling in tlie "Fit-All" Family jiwt right for You ... to gire )ouniooth, blcckcotiirnrl. , e, the patented putter umler the foot etrrtche out wben'the blocking is on... guaranteed to give a mnootlwr fit over the ankle, under the lirel, at the hack . . . helps hold ecam straight. 1. STYLON DEBS ... for the short, small woman, slender legs and thighs. Siies 8-9. '2. STYLON MIDS... for average height with average site legs. For short women with larger legs ... for tall women iui eicnuer legs, ayi-ll. 3. STYLON LONGS ... for the really tall woman, or average ! height with sturdy legs. 4. FIT-ALL-TOP" MIDS . . . for the average size woman who want, eitra stretch above the knee. Rj-i-ll. 5. "Frr.ALL.TOI- LONGS . . . ,ake care of the tall woman with large thighs. 9j-U. I AW t 1 1 THIS IS THE FAMOUS KAYSfft "ftr-AU HEEL" I Al RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER ' Thursday at 11:15 pjn. LTe-KETCHIKAN r Wednesday Midnlrht jtfAll Times Pacific Standard) For reservations call or write CUy or Depot Ticket Offices, j PRINCE RUFERT f- For Your Eating Pleasure ... Broadway Cafe (Formerly Boston Cafe) THE BEST FOOD FINEST COOKING TOP SERVICE I BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND AFTERNOON TEAS Chinese Dishes Chow Mcin Chop Suey "TAKE-OUT" ORDERS ANY TIME Hours: 7 AJU. to 1:30 AM. PHONE 200 Patrick Fowlow Is Laid at Rest J The funeral or Patrick Fowiow was held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the chapel of he B. C. Funeral Parlors, Services in the chapel and at the graveside were conducted by Father J. Carroll. Pallbearers John Morrison, Harry Menzies, John Orvlck. SLs Grunfur, P. O. Peterson and E. MacAuley carried the remalas of their frlewWo his last resting place. Flowers placed on the grave were received from John Orvlck, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wick, Al Cook, Jarvis Fitzgerald. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lund and Elsie, Jens Larson, the Deep ea Fisherman's Union and the crew of the fcaisac. AIR PASSENGERS Travellers arriving by air yesterday from Vancouver were Hon. E. C. Carson c- Victoria, Mrs. Lipsin, A. E. Howard and T. H. Richardson. Mrs. W. Suth erland from Port Hardy and Cliff Jones of Sandspit, were also aboard. Passengers leaving by ?lane today for Vancouver were T. Newton, A. Morgan. F. Park's, Mrs. D. Chomey, Mrs. II. A, Smith, E. M. Reld, A. E. Howaru and E. A.- Nlckerson. would also have swimming pools, a dance hall, store, a games room ,' and a theatre. In the theatre egular movies would be shown svery night as well as a $hort colored film on the area or port the ship would be in the next day. Bearl Sprott can see his dream ship makihg two winter cruises to South America and one summer trip to Alaska each year.; Not a pound of freight would Lhe ship carry so her course and! ports of call would be governed only by the attractions offered i by the area travelled through ! Beauty spots off the beaten path j would be a specialty. ! On its northern cruise the ship ' might put into some of the! fjord-like inlets that are a feat-, ure of the coast where advance; Information Indicates that there should be seme good salmon fishing. With the ship anchored, the power boats would be put .ovec for the fishermen and those who Just wanted to explore. For the sportrmen who preferred trout to salmon, the Seabeei would be made ready to fly into any of the numerous lakes .that lie just beyond the first mount tain ridges. Many of the less energetic passengers would be content to sit on comfortable chairs on deck and view the beautiful shore iines or the activities of the powerboats. Chances are Prince Rupert will one day see results of Bear! Sprott's dream for he Ls in a position to know what the holiday traveller wants, having at one time been employpd by the Mexican Government as an organizer and conductor of extensive tours. BATTLE SYMBOLS The rose was the favorite flower of rulers of Greece and Rome and was used as a symbol on their banners and. shields. Advertise in the Dally News Don't let this happen to your LINENS! sjpja TRIPLE ACTION PerfeX IS NOT A HARSH BLEACH KAMI): .1, COAST IM4THICT KecnnlliiR IMhtrkt of Trlncr llunrrt TAKE NtYTInV. that h Ih.l tt.i ward Cellulose Company, Limited, of Vancouver. B.C. manufacturers of cellulose products. Intends to apply ior.a lease 01 ine louowlng described lands, situate on the west side of PorDOlse Harbour At itM nnrt.Viprlv .nd for the purpose of booming ground mm u in wie intuiumciure 01 cellulose products: Commencing at a post planted on the easterly shore of IltdleV Island. Ilt 447 nanirr ft rvm.f District, on a point of land due west jrom me cannery at Port Edward; thence N. 59 degrees E, 420 feet; thence N. 31 degrees W, 6500 feet more or less tn the Knut.hprlv ttlinrn of Kalen Island In Porpolso Harbour; iiieuce nonnwesieny along the shoreline of Kalen Island to Its Intersection with the southerly boundary of the Canadian National Railway right-of-way; thence southwesterly alon? the southerly boundary of said right-of-way 1600 feet: thence 8 56 degrees R 2000 feet more or less to the shoreline Of Rldlev TntnnH th.nna easterly along the shoreline of Ridley iMim mj noini oi commencement, and contalnlne 140 acres, more nr leu. PORT EDWARD CELLUIXJSE COMPANY LIMITED D; July "3rd 197, B.C. PRODICTS SHOW... (Continued from Page One) of Commerce In the staglrtg,of the B.C. Products Show as Just another example of where two bodies had been able to get together in a Joint effort for mutual benefit. Thomas Braidwocd, president of the Vancouver Board of Trade emphasized that the Vancouver Board believed that what was good for any part of British Col- i-o'jver. The business men of Vancouver were happy to see the new industrial development In Prince Ru pert. Mr. Braldwood made pres entation to two local High School boys who had won $75 and $50 -rlzes respectively In the annual 'Job's Study" essay contest of the Vancouver Board of Trade-Donald Main and Lloyd Franklin. A fine industrial moving picture film depicting the'manufac-ture of pulp and paper in British Columbia, featuring (beautiful color scenes of Industrial action on the Queen Charlotte Islands and Powell River, was presented lit after which the lighter part of the program got under way. Community singing was entered into with gusto under the leadership of J. A. Tens and a well-executed variety program Included tap dancing by Marissa Windle, vocals by Mrs. Pat Wicks and piano work by Andy Mc-Naughton. The quiz contest was conducted In masterly fashion "by Archie Foreman, secretary-manager of the B.C. Products Bureau, who, with Mr. Orey. handed out cash prizes right and left with many humorous incidents in the plying of questions on B.C. Products. All in all, it was a memorable show and it was. interesting to hear the announcement that the intention was to come back to Prince Rupert again next year when central interior towns will also be included In the Itinerary. In addition to others, platform ?uests included R. S. O'Meara, deputy minister of trade and industry, and Robert Wyman, industrial agent. Canacian National Railways. ' 'V M 1 III' II I ' LUSTERLITE 7 sy y 1 11 I I W VWW v; I K bHPP saniaua mm IT'S SO MODERN AND BRIGHT! Gay ami colorful, this modern wall finih Horks womlers in traruforniinp a drab, dingy kitchen. Wliether you're remodelling or planning a new kitchen, LuMerlite will provide a hard-wearing, liigh-polUIicd surface that keeps walls bright and clean. LirMerlilc m long lading . . .will not fade or crack . . . and will nave you money on periodic renovation. You have a choice of a wide range of colors willi which to plan your color fcliemc. Call on jour Acc-Tex dealer today, and prove to younelf the advantages of uing Lutlerlitc. I!1.ACE TEX JdTiE Acomtl Board Lath Board Fibre Board Ilardboardi Bonded It o o f I Brick Siding, Aiphalt Sbinfjei F I b r e e n Wat errrop f f n g L u t e r 1 i t e Roll Roofing P I a t I . S e a 1 Building Ptprri Creosote S 1 a 1 a t i o n CANADA ROOF PRODUCTS LTD. iti SIiU.Ox....oifer..M nith dipper comfort and shoe f I) ling . . . deigned for lie leisure Lour, or informal wear. In rich, soft plisbla ull grain leather. Colours Uriar Itcd and CLaco Ta. $8.95 and Up 1 SA1T.G IUTCII COVBItS SKATE COVEKS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Phone BLUE 120 -160 East Third Ave., (Next to Shenton'a) mi rnnAV 1 A I . THE YEAR'S TOP MYSTERY - ROMANCE FOR All WOMEN . . . AND THEIR MEN . . . A GREAT EMOTIONAL THRILL! - 7 J d HUP OBERT IWW BirTURE IN YEMtfi KaiMfflHElll - ucs F NBI"-'"r--.nill rtti' - OM THI f AMI PtOOIAM KITTLE LULL CARTOON NEWS Shows at 1 - 9:15 Sat 2:00 - 4:35 - 6:50 - 0.10 Busmess and Professional DU. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCES TIIE OPENINO OP HIS OFFICE FOR TIIE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 765 J. P. MOLLEU PHONE DLUE 155 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavlnjj. Beauty Culture In all Its branches. 108 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE OENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Oreen 486 Red 894 BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Oreen 391 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black. 823 , H. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Train Schedule (Pacific Standard Time) For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10;45 p.m. NEW ROYAL HOTEL A flome Away From Home Rates 75c up M Rooms, Hot and Cold I water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19ft PRiNrt rt:ph1 itorrw routi and lmm phc::. ec a Agent f F E: j! GEORGE LRlJ Public Ar"-;r,'.sr.- Jtfcl Income Tax Rc'.ctC BcsnerElrk - Bel P N. Ki.bcrn 11 BERT'S TRIM AND MESSES Lumber Con Mult FrdSht - W Phcne BlaiB.j Night CiUj-0'I Prises Kip PRINCE RUPERT W A RIOCi WrHdlrif? nsilQUCU Bulbs 8i mrnnirnATE I Prompt attenuate Box 516, rr.caei' - JONES NEWSq Eastern and Weitn" Magazine SUBSCRIPTIOKSW Sixth Street JOHN MOSU CARI'TERiJ CAB IN FT W PHONE RED 18 I rr if noc:: Work- CAU BLUE fl M. bAt'NDrJl CONCREII SIDEWALIO Bi Your boon and rft insured wnue ' Servine lhFisherirt Wells (P.R') Cartage, LabfHi"?' BLUE 932 . i iiT'tjnini ti i I " I rm -M B Bin MAC SHOE AVE DOtTOB SH0EjJ IHiEL THEM ATTEND THEIR DVKINO-SAVE THEIR SOLES4 Box 771 Second Avenue ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINS R