4 to to Erfnrc Rupert Dafip JT3cto0 Thursday, August 7, 1947 i js; ; I" f Crorw Mltlw Adam ne. I foolishly commented, '"Sticks and stones will break my CFPR bones, but names will never harm me'!" Radio Dial 1240 Kllocyclea (Subject to change) i.i. .,, THimsUAX V -M. 4:00 Tony tne Troubador, 4:15 Stock Quotations 4:30 Especially For You 4:45r-Adventures in Nature . :QO Alan and Me, Tor. 5:30 Beulah ABC -8:00 People Ask 6:15 Freddy Martin's Orch. -k"-C":30 Perry Como , :4" ReccrCeG Interlude 8:$0 Fish Arrivals and Int. .,7;Q0 CBC News c7'fl5 Young' Artists jj87:30 Eventide 8:00 Request Performance. 8:30 Concerts of the Nations, Tor,. 9:00 Sporty Review 9H5 Points of View 9:30 Summer Romance HfcQQrCBC News. '0:10 B.C News 10:15 Sportsman's Guide 10:30 Nocturne 11:00 Weather and Sign Off. FRIDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News, 8:15 Morning Concert .8:45 Music for Moderns 9:00 BBC NEWS 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Little Concert 9:45 Morning Melodies 9:39 Time Signal 10-iOQ Music by Goodman .-.VMki5 U.S-. Marine Band. NBC tj 10j30 Roundup Tme 10:45 Scandinavian.. Melodies; 11:00 Keyboard and Console, ll :i5 Songs of Today pLt.Q.-Weatber Forecast 1M1 Message Period, wfc2i Recorded Interlude Easy Listening P.M. 'ttn n rt 't n . rami i uaucasb fr.?5 Program Resume &xI2ljS) CBC' News SiO Recorded Int. il!45 Ethel and Albert 1:00 The Concert Houi 1:30-Recltal, Tor, .1:45 Commentary ,and4 : Personality Talk 2:0nFaftire Qontejt -...-..2-J5 FamMy Favorites ; aj30 Song.- to Remember 2:45 Rural Route No. 9, Hal. 3:00 Cowboy Troubador I 3:15 Serenade to America 3:30 Serenade ! . 3:45 BBC News 1 .UUrir Aom; Available! km . LOOK FOR. THE NJEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Phone RED-ML BOOTH SCHOOL REPORTED ON Board Hears of Conation of. Structure A report dealing with, an, examination cf the exteripr ot Booth School came before the regular meeting of the School Board, last night. It had been orepard. by W. H. Shortrldge at the request of the board.. Mr. Shortrldge has also, been asked to look oyer the Interior of the school and. submit a report, which will bedone. In the course of the report,.Mr. Shcf trldge dercribed walls, north and south. Same of the sills showed signs of needing further cement treatment. There were no visible fractures at north wall to parapet or stairs. West of the hall a new. slight fracture had developed recently th.ro.ugh 1 1 St Baseball's Surprise Burt Shotton, Aged 65, Piloting Brooklyn Effectively EDMONTC-N, B Baseball's biggest surprise package of the year Is no rookie pitcher, batter or outfielder. He's 65-year old Burt Shotton, manager ol th.9 Brooklyn Dodgers. The "Bums," under mild-man nered Shotton, have been working like a machine since the start cf the Reason, and, a lot of credit for their present, shewing goes to Shotton who has them setting the pace in' the National League. Provided they don't go Into a losing slump like they did in 1S42 and. 1940, Don (Lethbridge Herald). Pilling says they should occupy the top rung when World Series time rolls around. In facf-, he goes further than that, he, believes they'll ccp the pennant. Pilling is of the opinion that Manager Shotton deserves more than iiist. vrpiif. fni thA TnAn- n-rp w0 , ,w 'u continues Pilling, came into the R,v ltipnal League with all the ..j. ' uuaij in lllj baseball world start passing out moisture eettir? into the fabric i authorized to take any steps in and the effect of frost on same. jthe. way. of minor, purchases or At walls south, stairway steps rvi deemed, essentia),, before needed attention as facings had. 1 ",e "01aays, gone considerably from the treads and risers. The parapet and slab showed no rractures. This could be. made to serve by cleaning off all loose materia,' and building up and,rez;nlshing. On. the subject ol the stairs, there was porous concrete through the use of unclean grav- el and unwashed gravel and insufficient water: Semt-ary concrete could go much further but It was absorbent and liable to the effects of frost. There was evidenpe of .slight. mpist,ur?j oujes in east wall (rear). There ould have been frost dam'aee through gutter leaks. In a reference to the roof cf the. wood-working shop, it was reported, its edges had become turned u? to what appeared to be hples in the tile wail. It ap-oeared as though the wall had been cut in the tile for the Hashing but had not been set and the holes never filled im The. examination of ' the .schpoi exterior, Mr. Shortrldge explained, had been performed during a period of exceptionally fine weather, so that spme qf the spots justifying inspection might not have been so apparent. The meeting made no. recommendations. The secretary was EVACUATED BY, AIR In the. Franco-Prussian war, ?sieged Parisians, moyed 83 persons and more, than, 4,009,000 tters out of, Paris by. balloon. Advertise In, the Dally, Sews ,nd enjoqed by more the bouquets the. Dodger master mind, will" nodpubt' Eet;'a far ' share of the glory.' ; When Leo,. Lippy.;Durocher. was suspended, by icawball's goy-ernor, Happy Chandler, for a year, the Brooklyn front cfflc? found a worthy successor in Shotton, writes Pilling,' adding that they couldn't have done better. He desirlbes the "brains" behind the Brooklyn c1ut as, practically the. ppposltQ cf, Durocher wiien it comes to managing a baseball club. "He's soft-spoken, Ijas very little to say, and neyex pu,ts on a uniform when th, te.)' pl,iys. Everybody knows hew the "Lip" behaved, on a baseball field and every rabid fan in Brooklyn loved it. "That I why hl$ success, at the managerial, end, cf, It, is all the more astonishing when you come to think cf the two entirely different-ways the two men manag ed, the Ppdser.s. j.f he- b.oqts. homo a winner, tne people of Flatbush j wiU think he,'s absolutely the! greatest human being on earth." ! The present Brooklyn boss, I players totsl strangers to him, but It didn't take him long to find his way around, H)s '-'success" la a'tributed tu his oatlsnce wllh pitchers. His gentle- way of handling play? and his uncanny way of correct-in? a player's mistake. "Whatever happens .to the Dodgers between now and playoff time, and even then win or lose, Shotton rates No. I in our bocks," Classified Advertising Pays! "Build B.C. Payrolls" Cream With Your Coffee? in the world ! JLJAXWELL HOUSE contain choice A Luilii-Ainerican coiTce. It's LleuiJfd hy experts and Kudianf l(ittl lo develop fully every alum of exlra. flavor and good.... m REPAIR AND RECONDITION YOUR HOME. THJS SUMMER! CALL GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS'. AND, CONTRACTORS Repairs -r Construction Alterations P.O. Box 721 SHORT SPORT Is a base-runner out if he runs more than three feet from the direct line between a base and the next base? Yes and no. Yes, if he does so to a veld being tcuchf n by a ball in the hand, of a field';. . No, If he runs out of the direct lice ln: order to avoid a field er who !s attempting to field a batted ball. In this case the taserunner shall, run cut of the djrect line to the next base, and behind the fielder attempting to field the ball." If the base-runnsr falls to avoid a fielder attempting to field, a batted ball, or in any way. obstructs a fielder attempting to field a batted ball, or intentionally interfere with a thrown ball the umpire shall declare the bW-runner out. The intention of the regulations is to make, sure that the fielder Is not in any way Interfered with in attempting to field the ball. If z base-runner in running to first base over-runs or over-slides first base, can. he be put out? No; he may over-run or over-slide first base alter touching nummjjj it provided he return at once and, retouch the base. After that he may be put out at any other bases. I.f after over-running first base, ho attempt to run to second basn bfiore reUrnlns to first oase be then runs the risk of bcln put out. What is the ground rule regarding extra base or base when a fielder overthrows to flrsjt base? The base-runner Is not automatical entitled to a base. He may advance one base, afc his I own risk. In other words he ha , to "make the base." If, however, a ypectator handles the bajl the base-runners return to their respective bases. Being married saves a man. a lot of time making up his mind about things. Bridget O'Flynn had written ler her a letter of recommenda,- tlcn. before leaving Irend to ccme to America. On the way over it was lost ana she appealeu to Pat Murphy, a fellow passenger, for assistance In the matter. Pat wiote: "To the Gener?: Piftl!:: Bridget OFIynn had a gc:d reputation In Ireland, but he lest It on the bo. t ?ominu. ever" nlOfT LIRWv , naxv ; H ' i kl . . . there's a world of difference U I ilHt Jure KILLING I ' .Vacuum packed, It's always 1 lHQ0rtOi 1- J$r I 1 fresh ... farm-fresh fronil the I 1 "s VT I 'I From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked $12,00 per ton MINI RUN Loose $1L00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 A Product el Cnw al r0 DKVELOPINO, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 M M Cameras, Kodak MedalUt It. 15 MM Projectors, Amateur Kntargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. W RAT HALLi'S Photo Finishing Box 478. Prince Rupert, B.C. . NOTICE MRS. M. DRAKE, nurse administering Wm. F. Kock's treatment "CLYOXYLIDE" for British Columbia, will be at: The Prince George Hotel, Prince George, B,C. August 36th, and until September 4th, 1947. also at: . The Central Hotel, Prince Rupert, B.C. September 16th. 17th, and 18th, 1947. Stops between Prince George and Prince Rupert, 1J.C. will be made upon request. For Information please wrjte to the Vancouver office, 301-2 BURNS ULOCK, 18 WEST HASTINGS ST VANCOUVER, B.C. i0ne iMcific 315o! PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. WILL INSURE YOUR HOME AND YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE 212 Fourth StreeJ PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service Phone GREEN 1)17 I t's good business to Iteep. your, coal- bin full! Von ire! srjeertiesl posr sililo (lelivrry of your Ciivoritc brands of rnal fnm us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING! MATERIALS "WATSON-TJEJi (jUALITT HERE , , , ev , Iliose ore firm, vi!UnlaM(l J made Iiv n wll.il-..ec...i ... 1 sijic una wmlort. QUALITY SHOES De Luxe Wall Tint A f I C 'i f i . ii improved January Aaisomal SOLD IN, MANY PLEASING TINTS. YOVUll MAKE YOUR HOME BRIGHT CHEERY it INVITING WITH DELUXE WALL T3! EASY TO MIX EASY TO APR' beautitul Fraser Valley. 1 9 tocH I ' KlfjpJDJJ I NEW S,0,n,eS .-o"t:. RIACE INSECT!! I tJ. 1 I 4 "There Is Nothing Finer Than A Strombtrj,-,, NOW IN STOCK STROAUiEKG-CAULSON .MOJ)EL 76111- o-iuoe Av-uy manue moaej, walnut plastic cabi J sianaara wave, only STKQMKEBG.CARLSOJf MODEL 752H. ctuDe performance, AC mantle model. Attracttit walnut cabinet. Long and short wave phonoptffl input SEE THEM AT RUPERT RADIO AND ELECT Dependable Radio Servicing.. Overhauls a Sptciiltf.i 5-lb. pkg., 75 cent$ THOMPSON HARDWARE CJ ENGLIS CHINA Cups and Saucen $1.00 to $15.00 FOR THE LATEST IN JE.WElBt MANSON'S "YOUR FRIENDLY JEWEltl' Ormes Drill The Pioneer Drugg'uti PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS ruoNi: Nh ' Announcement ROYAL Dally VtVl CAFE REOPENS Conipletely Renovated, and, Vnilrr, N. WE SPECIALIZE IN sea pnnns SALADS ITALIAN AND MEXICAN D,SP Take-out Orders Given Special A""1""' ' PAVl"" J. COMER and ASSKMINA ProprieoM NORTHERN AND CENTRAL DRITISII O