W . ...l.ij v.ii.wApi1 vmi can't afford to IIerei!lnu VINYLITE Plastics ... to make a ov beauty ol your home from kitchen to If nm?! Take VINYLITE Plastics wardrobe Ct '-blanket 0de, 'or inite . . . hat boxes-.ho. I folders-shoulder covers-garment h, all in gleaming, traniparent materials that trio dust from collecting-make quick clothes fdentiflcation casy-ncither crack nor weathert Look for " VINYLITE " Plastics . . . pronounced - VINE-NA-LITE " . . . available at better stores .ervwhere. For more "about these most modera n.rh.ra Rrpnt. 1411 Crescent St- q.; for your free copy of "The Story of Vinylit. isrFZV INI COOL these warm days? ' cool as a cucumber in your t .tanned cottons! For there's nothing dun summer cottons and you've thev b stay rlfaner lonrrr when they're P T TVIT 1 lhat fin, thln- X thai makes cottons look like linens jiner- iook fresh as summer morning es difficult ironing easy . . . eliminates Se Theatre ! in Tuesdays and ! fcdnesdays Saturdays at 8 p.m. ttatinee at 2:30 pjn. ftNl) SATURDAY lust 8 and 0 IS A FAMILY" le Revnolds. Charlie Fay Bainter. Helen Jheryl Walker and AM WEDNESDAY 12 and 13 'arade of 191G" torm Phyllis Reean. Iel) will Osborne Orchestra IpMPT SERVICE .... everyday H l cares behind ts ? you . . . when, for See Your ss That's whv LINIT is a summertime "must" so. put H ,1 vour topping litt ... and write to me, Barbara Brent. BtSt Montreal, P.Q, for your free copy of "The LINIT DAYS . . lazy, lux-tt-VrA- eolden days of ion' And under the aamrr .urn. they're j, t o' How good to qucrcii th:,t mldsum-of vonn '.v;t)i chilled, VP! Sip 7-UP slowly lively, happy bubbles nd undi-!' your tongue. in crsp freshness your mouth ... it lie fresh up" drink! e and the world will you' Chilled 7-UP is hoiiday.ime ... so !VP around! TRAVELLING can be a complete pleasure when you leave yoJr instance.you let the BANK OF MONTREAL take care of your "Away-fronv Home-Financing ". You'll And the B of M travellers services add a carefree bonus to your holidays. It of M Travellers Cheques are such a convenience so completely safe to carry around with you inexpensive, too. And the precious possessions you leave behind you couldn't bi safer than in a B of M Safety Deposit Box. So take my travel tip and call on your B of M manager before you go away! NO GUESSWORK when you use CERTO In your jams and jellies . . . you-can be sure ol delicious results! CERTO, the tried-and-true fruit pectin, allows you to make up to one-half more jam or jelly from your fruit, II takes about one-third of the time needed fot old-fasbioned long-boil recipes and considerably less work. Look for the book of Tested Recipes under the label of every bottle ol 9 CERTO. Follow exactly the recipe for the (fruit jro 1 are using and your family wiU aire that 110-made jams and jellies are the best yet! USE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR BEST RESULTS ifral Interior Terrace CABINS Skeena Bridge Tourist Camp (One Mile East of Town) Box 13 Terrace, B.C. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT, (II. Smith) P.O. Box 187 Trrce your ivay to the lake? SEE OUR TWO FLOORS LADIES' WEAK YARD GOODS MEN'S WEAR GROCERIES P SKEENA MERCANTILE TERRACE I NERAL MOTORS DEALER Rulck Cher. Trucks Oldsmoblle G.M.C. Trucks Machine Work A Specialty p Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE B.C. I HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. I'Umbcr Manufacturers f lumber TERRACE pts For International Harvester Co. Logs, roles and Filing Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. I'hilco Radios Wlllard Batteries Associated Boards S (Continued Irom Page One) the public works department. Submitted by Hazelton. A fish and game conservation policy In central British Colum-bia. Submitted by Burns Lake. Hard surfacing of provincial highways where they pass through villages. Submitted by Burns Lake. Establishment of a Public Health Unit at Prince George, Submitted by Burns Lake. A reforestation station in cen tral B. C. Submitted by Burns Lake. FULLER USE OF RAILWAY LINE A policy of Increased use of the northern Canadian National Railway line and of the grain elevator at Prince Rupert. Submitted by Prince Rupert. A provincial government f tudy Into economic uses for slab wood and other sawmill by products now being wasted. Submitted by Hazelton. Employment of heavier equipment by the provincial depart ment of forests for trail and road building. Submitted by Vanderhoof. Development of hydro-ekctrlc KltPS In rpntral RO tnr nrnnnm. leal power. Hazelton and Mc-Bride. I Extension of the National Housing Act to cover the con struction of tourist camps, lodges and guest ranches to stimulate the tourist Industry. Submitted by Hazelton. An air service between Prince Rupert and Prince George. Sub mitted, by Terrace. Revision of C.N.R. schedules to Steamship Sailings (Daylight Saving Times) For Yancmmi Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 p.m. Tuesday as Coqultlam, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss rrlnce Rupert, 12:15 p.m. Friday ss Catala, 5:30 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 10:19 pm. Front Vancouver-Sunday ss Coqultiam, 4 pm Monday ss Princess Adelaide. pm. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 11:00 a.m. 'vwi v-sr Friday ss Camosun, 4 pjn. Friday ss Catala, 5 pm. For Alaska-Friday ss Camosun, a.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, am. Fium Alaska- Thursday ss Prince Rupert, p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 8 pm. Terrace Gets New Office TERRACE Village Clerk Nigel Sherwocd Is cheerrui liicse days at the prospect of mcvlng the municipal .office from the cramped building on Railroad Avenue to new quarters on Kal-um Street which the cl'.y recently purchased from War Assets Corporation. The r-.ow offices, which are now being prepared for civic use, will have plenty of space and will have electric "ijhting and telephone all cf which the old building lacked. Mrs. Holtz and Hans and Peter Hamre entertained at a picnic on the lakeshore where quanti ties of Ice cream and other dell- acles were consumed. After 11 days of dry, warm weather, haying Is In full swing. ithnn?h not as lone as "Usual, there Is a good crop., Evan Nobles s helping Mrs. J. H. Jones witu her haying. Couorol nernlp went to BUl'llS Lake to watch the baseball gamo between Palling and Decker on Sunday afternoon. Palling won the game. S mi t hers CAMPERS Supplies delivered twice weekly to Lake Kathlyn. GOODACRES' SMITH ERS, B.C. (202) ession... ellminate the eight-hour east-bound lay-over at Jasper. Submitted by Terrace. RESOLUTIONS FROM ALASKA Unrestricted inter-port passenger trade In Alaska by Canadian vessels. Submitted by Juneau. Elminlatlon of the Jones Act which hampers freight shipments to Alaska In Canadian ships. Submitted by Juneau. Appointment of a Public Works Engineer for Atlln riding. Sub mitted by Stewart. Establishment of a structure of through railway freight rates by the C.N.R. from Alaska to cover shipments of-mineral ore. canned, fresh and frozen fish telegraph tolls between Alaska and Canada. Submitted by Ketchikan and Petersburg. Amendment of customs regu-lationsto ease travel.on pleasure craft and planes crossing the border either way. Submitted by Ketchikan and Juneau. Improvement of road signs, and tourist accomodation and information on Canadian highways. Submitted by Ketchikan and Petersburg. An early geographical survey of the Groundhog Coal fields. Submitted by Prince Rupert. Decentralization of industry to stabilize the country's economy. Submitted by Prince Rupert. PROCEEDINGS AT OPENING At the formal opening of the convention this morning, Presl- of whom spoke briefly. Mayor Nora Arnold extended a civic welcome and paid flattering tri bute to the valuable wcrk the Chamber of Commerce had been carrying on and which was now being rewarded with such tangible results. The presence of such a live Chamber of Commerce was Indeed, an asset to the city. G. A. Hunter, president of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com merce, spoke briefly on behalf of that body and acknowledged Mrs. Arnold's kindly remarks, declaring that,. never had. the Chamber of Commerce received more whole-hearted civic co operation than It "was getting today. Many messages were received Including those of Prime Minister Mackenzie King, Premier John Hart and C. Gordon Cockshutt, president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Hon. E. C. Carson, minister of public works, is representing the provincial government at the' convention and one federal" member and three provincial, M.L.A.'s are in attendance H. G. Archibald (M.P. Skeena), W. H. Brett (M.L.A.. Prince Rupert). W. D. Smith (M.L.A., Atlln) and Joh Mclnnis (M.L.A., Fort George). Stop HAY FEVER Hay Few needn't plague you witli its sneering and wheezing, its blowing and gasping, its sore, streaming, itching Irritation of eyes and ears. Just do w liat thousands have done to get fast, safe relief- -take Tcmpl-'on's KAZ-MAI I. You'll sleep better, v oik better, feci better. 50c, $1 at I druEtistf everywhere. K-15 Francois Lake News Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Holtby and Hubert Ward of Prince Ru-oert came through last week on their way to Qotsa Lake for a week. They intend staying a week at the Landing later. The monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held at Mrs. Ncole's home at the land' lng on Fiiday afternoon. There were five members and two visitors. Another parcel cf groceries was collected to send to a London, England, hospital. Mrs. Cottam attended the school meeting" In Burns Lake Thursday evening. The Franccis Lake bail team played Wistaria learn on the Wistaria ball diamond on Sunday afternoon. Most o Ithe Francois Lake boys rode motor cycles round the head of the lake to Wistaria in the morning and en Joyed the ride. Both teams played a good game and a delicious lunch was served them in the Wistaria hall.-The visiting team returned through Ootsa Settlement and Grassy Plains. Visiting Americans happened to be on the wharf at Francois Lake Landing and took moving pictures cf the ferry pulling In In the evening and of the boys riding off the ferry on their motorcycles. You saw it m 'Sat Newsl APPEALS FOR INTERNATIONAL VIEWPOINT An "International" viewpoint aimed at wiping out restrictive international barriers to trade and travel was championed last night by William L. Baker, editor of t he Ketchikan Chronicle, at a session cf the resolutions committee of the Associated Boards of Trade when he presented briefs from Juneau, Ket' chlkan and Petersburg. "I think it would be a good Idea to start right here and make this an International or-, ganization an Associated Boards of Trade of Central B.C. and Alaska." he said. "We could and pulp and also reduction in have a B.C. branch and an At- aska branch and ccu:d be quali fied to exert pressure on both the Canadian and Antencan governments." Mr. Baker was defending his fellow Alaskans' appeal that the authority of the Associated Boards be placed behind two Juneau resolutions, one seeking removal of .restriction's on Cana dian ships serving Alaska ana the other the scrapping of the onerous Jones Act. Board members from British Columbia felt that It would be presumotive for a Canadian or ganization such as the Associated Boards of Twee Is at present to direct resolutions at tb American government. The Alaska Chambers cf Commerce under the present bylaws are af-fll'ates. but rot members. However. Mr. Baker sained h1 dent George McAdams welcomed point when he won agreement visiting delegates and guests. w.'that the bylaws should bH L. Baker of Ketchikan Introduced brought up for revision to ln-Alaska representatives Including cluoe the Alaska Chambers of Will Godding, Jack Fletcher and commerce as memoers. me ter-Rev. Earl Webb of Juneau, each rltorlal resolutions were adopted by the committee on the as-umpt!on that the constitutional change would be acpled. Mr. Baker suggested that the Juneau resolution aimed at elim ination cf the Jones Act should be forwarded to the United Na tions Education ana Cultural Organization, which Is at presen; studying methods 0 removing oarriers to International com merce, travel and Information. "If it is brought to the atten tion of the American govern ment by UNESCO it might re ?elve consideration on a higher level, he said, Yes, French's Mustard really dresses any dish meat, fish, salads, leftovers, cold plates what a zesty flavour they get! That's because French's Mustard brings out all the flavour. TOPS IN JASTEl Millions i of homemakers use 1 rench's regularly because the flavour's different. Prove it for yourself. COTTAGE CIIEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE GEORGE McWHINNEY & Company CONTRACTING IN Decorating, Landscaping Lawns, Etc. 147 4th Ave. E. (To rear of Pioneer m Laundry) Phone Black 489 P.O. Box 1436 THREATENS TO RESIGN George Black Says He Will Quit if Northwest Territories Added to Yukon George Black, M.P. for Yukon and Mrs. Black, who were In Prince Rupert a short time ago enroute to their home In Daw son, after the Federal session, .were welcomed in Whltehorse. a? Speaking at a luncheon up north, he made reference to the proposed Redistribution Bill and came out definitely with the statement that, If Ottawa per sists in the determination to add still further the very large Mac kenzie district of the Northwest Territories to his already huge riding, he will resign his seat. Such an extension would give the riding a total area of 700,000 square miles 'more than himself or another man could represent Advertise In the Dally News v Girls play as hard as boys their activities use energy requiring daily restoration of ail-important Vitamin 'C ... a Irane-buildcr and Ixxly conditioner, SUN-JIYPE Is Vitamin 'C Between-meal play is hard Vork, and playtime pause call Tor sparkling SUN-UVTE . . . clear, golden apple juice full of rrfre$hing fcoo-ness ... fresh as sunshine. Made from selected varieties of eun-rlpened B. (b Okanagan Apples. fjPM Girls "go" for A at, a X Electric Sewing Machines I For Rent Reasonable Rates fPhone 864 Prince RupeiM T Singer Sewing Machine Co. Three Sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (ALL TIMES SHOWN DAYLIGHT SAVING) Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. Coqultlam. Fridays, 5 p.m.-- Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 pm. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays. 8 p'm. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS August 8 and 22 September 6 and 19 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS August 10 and 24 September 8 and 21 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Prince Rupert Dnflp Betas Thursday, August 7, 1947 SA1ADA TEA QA.C5S 5 : v mm w 1 f -T V Hollywood Gate PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AM. TO 6 AM. Special Dinner Every Sunday -5 p.m. to 8 p.m.- CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST USED GOODS WE BUY AND SELL ENTERPRISE MAR K BT Phone HIS for the baby ... 111 Third Avenue West not r.... BABIES' WEAR of all kinds. You are under no obligation when looking over our display at iil FAMOUS RUPERT BRAND FISH PRODUCTS t i i l Tnnnr.o...i f: ' 4 i ruuuccu aim i luivsscu uj CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE" PRINCE . ., , BRITISH rupert Company T Limited Columbia' - -A .tea S3 I