,IW,WI' broad' HIES FOR MILLIE 1 to Oai N la st: 1 1 wof a. u,o FLEISCHMANN'S vJJ f1 YEAST MO WAITING-"" "vr" llFleischmann's tresn aiuve t iork. Makes sweeter, nner prcaut inu manes ic Urt euro nf fpncler. smnnfh tprfiim faster' iou caw . " lightness - delicious uavour every nnm PU BAKE AT HOME, insist on harm's (resh Yeast with Uie fc,, llow label. It's depend- Ecanada tested favourite for Jthaa "0 years. f Hi! (Ot 73 v'.- ftembe i? ':-! nem Tb 4;rvi;-- was ntl; sv Re Roiana tv v o aianam iuncements men in (bis column bargfd t: : a lull tit::: i-....;:r show t.- Cen- 6, 8:i! cn AdmiS- I Hen B:;ai and LJ5 ai.3 23 uz"j Or and 2, L0.D.E TLnlcsgiving HcCwU. Oct, 13. , Oct 16. & C... Centre. L Cr 30 Ai.' Bazaar, annual Moose ui-eg n Auxiliary wn.OJ).E Bazaar, Fai Bazaar. Nov. Citheii ) Bazaar, (' Army Home League 6th. f. Civic Centre Nov. Prch Bazaar Decem- P'C. Dtcember 5. f Fall Bazaar Dec 11. icr week fnr IK 1rm ""lUlllft .... bLATti.p TlMrc OUT r.. 1:30 D m . pm.- ' :15 n.m. Midnlzht. 1 a"d AUcr: arm 8 P.m. CIlAnLOTTES J II II Trnrm vlLMENTs ; - aim -ri -.,.111.- (? In ISLAVnu ; u ana 24 I 9 it rr 1 Hill (ii,T;' "-.. ? before a gathering that filled the church. Interment took place at KaN um cemetery, wnere a large number of Terrace people gath ered to pay their final reapects. Hymns sung by the congrega tlon were "What a Friend We have in Jesus" and "Rock of Ages." Mrs. C. J. Norrlngton was pianist. Chlel mourners were Emll Wil lie, widower of the deceased, Mrs. D. Hunt, daughter, and Carrigan, granddaughter. Pallbearers were W. Oliver, R. Squire, W. Martin, E. Findlay-son, Walter Warner and A. At-tree. Arrangements were In hands of D. C. Undertakers, Prince Rupert. J. M. Black, resident provln rial mining engineer, returned this morning on the Coqultlam from Stewart, where he spent the last several weeks surveying mining properties at the head of the Portland Canal. Men, Women Oyer 40 Feel Weak,Worn, Old? Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality? HSJSuSS .ud?Amw. oim i-HkI ati JO ..I R. ltflin l art w,rml PP. "". T ' V" ui M all "o tvwjwMra. A oil? Available! LOOK FOU THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Local News Items . -. . Pit. Basketball Ass'n, General Meeting, Tuesday, Sept. 23, 8 p.m. Civic Centre. (223) Mrs. George Murray sailed on the Coqultlam this afternoon on a trip to Vancouver. D. F. Christian of Vancouver Is in Prince Rupert serving as court reporter at the present session of the Exchequer. Court. When Christmas time comes around will your mind be iUMoa apisdfl Purchase your photos early! Van Meer Studios. (tf) R. N. Spankie, K.C. from Ottawa is a visitor to Prince Rupert while the Exchequer Court is In session. He is acting In tht capacity of court registrar during the current sitting, Sgt. L. A. N. Potterton of the city police returned Monday afternoon from a holiday trip to the interior, during which he motored to Smithers and the Lakes country. Men's suits and hats treated with Johnson's "Drax" have a longer useful life because thev don't readily pick up dirt and I soli. They keep their stump longer. Pioneer-Canadian Laundries. (223) Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blackburn sailed on the Coqultlam this afternoon to return to Vancouver after spending the last few weeks in the city. Mr. Blackburn Is secretary of- the Allied Hotel Co. W. J. Martin, well known Ter- Mrs. race farmer, who sold his place recently, left at the end of the week for Vancouver. He has not yet decided as to .his future lo cation, admitting the possibility that he might return to Ter race. MOOSE BAZAAR & Anglican W. A. Membership Tea at Mrs. A. T. Parkin's, Borden Street, Thursday, September 25. Everybody welcome. (22-1) Dr. R. M. LaTTe was among pas sengers scheduled' to leave this afternoon by plane on a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. II. D. Thaln is expected back tomorrow on the Prince Rupert after spending the last two months visiting relatives at Nelson, and in Vancouver. Lieut. Thomas Johnstone of the local naval reserve division, left at the week-end for Esquimau to take a two weeks' course at naval headquarters. Lieut, and Mrs. L. Sparks' of the Canadian Army, sailed on the Coqultlam this afternoon for Vancouver, Lieut. Sparks having been transferred to Vancouver frcm Prince Rupert. ' "Drax" made by the makers of Johnson's wax gives a protective finish to dresses and evening gowns that makes them slst dirt, shed water, stay fresh and new looking longer. Pioneer - Canadian Laundries. (223) "Gin Pills Helped my Sore Back" says Montreal man. "I had rheumatic aches and stiff bad could hardly straighten up after bending. A friend advised Gin Pills ... now I'm ever so much better". I.F., Montreal. For more thin 40 years Gin fill bare brought relict to victims of Rheumatic Pain, backache. Sciatica, Lumbago. Get package today. Use provci tour merit. Regular tlze, OPIIIl Economy lic, It Pills Thursday and Friday, Sept. 25th & 26th Bazaar to be held in the Moose Temple Thursday afternoon and evening of September 25th commencing at 2:30 p.m. Teacup reading featured. Everybody welcome. Admission free. JIOOSE DANCE AT CIVIC CENTRE FRIDAY SEPT. 26TII, COMMENCING AT 9:30 P.M. Drawing for prizes during the dance. Tickets covering the draw and admission also available at the door. (225) C 'WEHAVE PROVIDED THE SITE OF YOUR SUMMER HOME ABOUT ONE MILE SOUTHWEST OF TKHItACE 1.1 acres 120x400 These are selling fast $150 each CORNER LOTS SLIGHTLY HIGHER tail E.T.KENNEY LIMITED tin ... S3 TEKKACE, B.C. (223) Like a doctor or lawyer, the modern Life Insurance salesman.ascertains the necessary facts before be gives advice. I laving before him the picture of an individual's present and future responsibilities he then recommends the insurance plans best aJapted to meet those requirements. Life insurance companies give their salesmen a thorough grounding in the principles and functions of Life Insurance. In addition, the Life Underwriters Association of Canada, with a membership of over 5,000 Life In 7ct (ion Land Dispute (Continued from Page One) reached before the end of the trial. According to the agreement reached, the Crown will pay off the amount owing to the Soldiers' Land Settlement Board, including the interest accummu-latlng since the date of the ex- proprltalon and present Mr. Little with a clear title to the land he has north of the Canadian National (Railway, which amounts to 80 acres and is tile site of his home. Mr. Little will also receive $2,000 dollars in cash, the difference between the amount owed to the Soldiers' Land Settlemnt Board and the $6,350 granted as the total compensation. Originally the crown offered Mr. Little $3,200 for his land south elf the railway but he is (la tin VXK nk Iv Gin PBIi) National Drug & Chomlcal i Company of Canada, Limited ; I :- MEN S From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMr Sacked $12.00 per ton MINE R UN- Loose $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 There are professional standards surance salesmen, has insdtuted a three year course of study for its members, which is establishing professional standards in life insurance selling. Tbese studies lead to the designation "Chartered LifcUndetwtiter" (C.L.U.). As you can see from the teit books illustrated, - those who are qualified Life Insurance salesmen study a variety of subjects which enable them to assume the role of Life Insurance counsellor with a truly professional A message from the IJ)e Insurance Companies in Canada and their agents. A- 2 "nut alleged to hav refused tfie offer claiming his land was worth $20,000. Several unsuccessful attempts were later made to settle the case out of court. In the evidence brought out during ysterday's hearing, cost of clearing land cannot be used as a basis for the land's value. Mr. Little's land was originally sold to htov for $20 an acre and part of cleared at an estimated cost of $100 an acre. William Raoinson, witness for the plaintiff, estimated that In 1912 it cost $250 an acre to clear land, a figure based on government contracts let for the clear ing of airfields. Yet In the evl dence of G. T. McKay, settle ment supervisor for the Soldiers' Land Act, his appraisal value of the cleared land in the disputed area of Mr. Little's farm was $40 an acre. For uncleared land he estimated the value to be $7 and acre. 5ALADA Ladies of Prince Rupert .... Our Dining Room is now open for your pleasure and convenience. Afternoon Teas Served Daily Come and Enjoy the Serene, Pleasant Atmosphere of the Civic Centre Dining Room NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1 GEORGE HILL & SONS LIMITED Complete Stock of Men's Shoes and Rubbers AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 in LIFE INSURANCE SELLING It is good citizenshipJoiown LIFE INSURANCE Ptiitc'c Eupctt Daflp J3ctos Tuesday, September 23, 1947 BE WISE . . . Take Advantage of For FALL... New fabrics, latesc styling, unsurpassed workmanship .... in made-to-measure clothing by. . "Fashion-Craft" and "Lombardi" See the range today Scotch Tweeds, Imported and Domestic Worsteds $51.50 ,0 $80.00 labia1 iM. Ildl J, J. . k -a aHHHV . I W aHtallWaK mr I aVialllllllWilallllllllllllllllllH SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies' Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work. Everything In high-class stationery. Cards for every occasion Fountain Pens DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE SCUBVS AUTUMN FUR SALE MUSKRAT in all fashionable shades . . 295.00 CONEy high styles, latest colors 99.50 Due to Our Low Overhead, We Are Able to Give You Highest Quality Furs at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES 322 3rdAve . . Tr Black 416 BILL, 3LU1JI 3 fUKCi KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PREMISES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN Hollywood Cate PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM II AJI. TO 6 AM. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST An Announcement of Interest Miss Margaret McLeod, optometrist of Vancouver, announces the opening of her permanent office at Manson's Jewelers. Miss McLeod graduated from the Ontario College of Optometry in 1943 and after an association with aproml- nent Toronto optometrlcal group she returned to her home province. Miss McLeod has since been associated with Dr. Harry Perrln, optometrist. In She is well trained In the practise of OptoVnetry and has had considerable experience. She is of a family prominent In oDtometry in B.C. many years. nor father. Mr. Murdock McLeod. has an extensive practise throughout B.C. and her brother, Clyde, Is a prominent ontometrlst in Pentlcton. B.C. Miss McLeod has Installed the most, modern equipment for the examination of eyes and a conscientious service will be given. TEMPORARY OFFICE, ROOM 10 For the Latest in Jewelry MANSON'S STONE BLOCK "Your Friendly Jeweler" i JaW