Tuesday, September 23, 1947 CITY TO BUY JJV C. BONDS While Idle money, unlike Idle hands, cannot get into mischief, c)ty council last night decided that it still might be a good idea to put its extra dollars to work. The work will be easy and profitable; all it has to do is draw Interest. j For that reason, the aldermen i fell Into line with a suggestion Jtj finance committee chairman TrN. Voungs that $50,000 cf the , $254,000, which the city at present has in the bank might as ell be "converted into interest-1 'bearing bonds. According to current expectations, the $50,000 iwjll not be needed this year. JjAlderm.an Youngs suggested that the $50,000 be used to purchase Province of British Colombia bonds bearing 2?i per ent lntcre'st at par value instead of lying in the hank. The bonds, he believed, could be jjjadily converted back into cash ediould the city find a need for the money. FThe other aldermen aereed I Kddlly to the Idea when Alder- aian Black pointed out that It f anight be possible for the city to II a ; Job's Daughters 9 : Thurs. Sept. 25 a D CIVIC a Courtesy B D. RUPERT II N and BROWNWOODS B. B Fall Fashion Show 8:15 p.m. Adm. 50c m CENTRE of B PEOPLES STORE 5 SHOE STORE 5 m 1 .1 - J-jBBBBBBBBBflBBBBBWI 31 , U bbIbW VP IC JiBta :LvJVJ! .EiH - '-.- too - i IT'S FALL COAT H Mm 1 TIME FOR Wl p MISS PEOPLES 1947 &jl ' f ! 1 5 . i i i 1 a 2 .a f B b n B jL deposit the bonds ir. its sinking fund in exchange for cash when the time came, thus eliminating ' the necessity of having to sell them on the market. Such a transaction would have to have the permission of the provincial government, City Clerk Thaln declares. HOTEL ARRIVALS F.Dowie, Vancouver: J. A Taylor, Vancouver; C. C. Baird Winnipeg; Robert Wilson. Re-glna; Mr. Justice C. G. O'Connor, Ottawa; F. Thomas. Ottawa; R. M. Spankle. Ottawa: IE. V. Grey, Vancouver: J. I Sweet, Vancouver; A. Morrow Sandsplt; K. E. Ryers. Vancouver; Col, O, J. Strong. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Pearsri city; Mr. and Mrs. L. Sparks city; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davis Los Angeles; D. Hillman, Tulare. Calif.; D. F. Christian, Vancouver; A. Wigen, Seattle; C. Cou-lin, Burns Lake; W. Robinson. Terrace: Mr. and Mrs. Ohman. Ketchikan; Mr. and Mrs. J. C Warren, Aberdeen. Washington: H. Bowman, Prince George; Mrs. A. Coutts, Vancouver: Mrs. B. A. Cane. Carls'.e. ibb M B If she's one year, three year, nine or fourteen year, we've got her number. Come in and choose. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE a l I '"' J si HMIHffl,m- SOT, - "'V -SI When Buying FIRE INSURANCE On Your Home or on Your Furniture REMEMBER EXPERIMENTAL FARMS SERVICE HAS BIG ROLE Canada's experimental farms' service piays an important part In the life of the district in which they are located. Demonstrated at the Manyberries Alta., field day was a new type branding table which eliminates need for roping a calf and hauling it in to the brand lng fire. Calf simply walks down a chute, into the vertical table, which is then locked and tilted to a horizontal position. Branding inoculating, dehorning, etc., are then done, with the calf held motionless. Range station boss Harry Hargrave claimed that calves were branded with no traces of stiffness the next day. Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kllocyclei (Subject to change) TUESDAY P-M. 4:00 Belle McEwen 4;15 Stock Quotations. 4:30 Especially For You 4:45 Three-Mile Bend, Wpg. 5:00 Music In a Mellow Mooct 5:30 Max Chamtov, Wpg. 5:45 Jfovelty Time 8:00 Slipper Serenade 6:15 Dinah Shore 6:30 Tommy Dorsey's Orch. 6:45 Recorded Interlude 6:50 Recorded Interlude 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Square to Old Eroadway 8:00 Concert Miniature's 8:15 Tomorrow's Concert Stars, Wpg. 8:30 Record Album 9:00 Tuesday Evening Recital Wpg. 9:15-7-Malnly About Music 9:3(1 Design for Listening NBC 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B. C. News 10:15 Neighborly News 10:30 Pacific Fianororte 11:00 Weather and Sign Off WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Concert 8:30 Music for Moderns 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Little Concert 9:45 Morning Melodies 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning visit 10:15 Morning Song 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodiea 11:00 Keyboard and Console 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 (Message Period DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Act n.Mkl!S Scaled tenders will h rert-ivnH h the undersigned until 1J:00 o'clock, Reglna Time, October 13. 1B47. for the construction of two Irrigation ! !s;u.uio, uue in mi vicinity or Chase ouu one in me vicinity or Kamlops, and also, one small earth flu storage dam In the North East quarter of Section 7, Township 18, Range 12 West of the Sixth Meridian, In the Province of British Columbia The following are the approximate quantities for the main Items of work Involved: Canal Excavation, 7,000 cu. yd Common Excavation, 6,000 cu.'yd Concrete, 160 cu. yd. Timber, 4S MFBM. Steel Flumes. 6,000 ft. Culverts, 600 ft. Pipe Wood Stave Steel, 1,600 ft. Small Pump House and Well. Plans and SDeclflc&tlnns mi ha viewed at the following offices: P. F. R. A. Office, 910 McCollum-Hlll BuJldlng, Reglna, Saskatchewan; V L A. Office, Kamloops, B.C.; V L. A. Office. Marino Building, Vancouver, B.C. Tender forms, plans and specifications may be obtained from t.h nn. derslgned at his office, 810 McCallum- mu uunaing, Keglna. Saskatchewan, upon the deposit of teni dollars, ( 10.00) cash or a certified chequo for that amount payable to the Re-celver-Oeneral of Canada, which deposit will be redeemable upon return oi tne pians and specifications lrt Rood order within one month after ienuers nave Closca. Any tenders which are not prepared strictly in accordance with the "Instructions to Bidders" may be rejected. The lowest or anv tender not ntr. essarlly accepted. Bv Order. GEORGE SPENCE. Director of Rehabilitation. 910 McCallum-HUl Building, Reglna, Saskatchewan. 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Easy Listening P.M. 12:00 B. C. Farm Broadcast 12:23 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News L12:40 Recorded Int. 12:45 Ethel and Albert 1;00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Recital, Ottawa 1:45 Commentary and Summer Holiday 2:00 Feature Concert 2:15 Family Favourites 2:30 Men and Music Advertise n the Dally News BLACKHEADS Imp7 dluolrt and dliippr hj thli on ftlmple. aaft and tura method. Gtt two ooneti of peroxlnt powder from any druff More, prinkl oa a hot. wit cloth, and irpij cnU7 Trr blacihtad will t goa. If your building, house or furniture were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? O Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture are up fifty percent? Consult your insurance advisers now! H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 216 Sixth Plreet GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Phone RED 561 A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" HERE AGAIN mn fnrcintr its will unon the the organization and peace would "crumble and crash" with "hideous consequences." Hector McNeil, British Minister of State, supported full examination of United, States proposals for strengthening the organization and described as a "comedy piece" Russian delegate Vlshinsky's speech accusing the Americans of war mongerlng. He declared that If the United ' Nations Is to succeed, its mem bers must accept certain facts; no naUon has a monopoly on truth; no nation is omniscient; no nation is omnipotent; no reasonable nation can expect at ail times to have its view accepted by all other nations. McNeil was particularly bitter when he referred to Vlshinsky's attack upon Churchill, whom the Russian put In a comparable bracket with Hitler. McNeil said Churchill's struggle against Nazism "will compare wlt'a that of any Communist party in the world." He blamed the present critical world situation largely on what he' called Russia's unwillingness j Fur GRAND Fashion IJy FOWLIE & RUTTLE, Fur Dealers 3rd Ave. CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM Thursday, Oct. 9th at 2:30 p.m. Presented by combined Chapters of the I.O.D.E. I'rocetds donated to the 1.0.1)1- fund for relief of British and European Children SEE CANADA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL FUR COATS AND FUR ACCESSORIES MODELED BY PRINCE RUPERTS MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLS Door Prize Lovely Silver Fox Scarf donated by FOWLIE & KUTTLE Refreshments Admission "0c Tickets obtainable at Store, 3rd Ave., and from alt 1.0 D.E. members "OTTAWA VALLEY" BRAND All Puro Wool REVERSIBLE TWO-TONE BED THROWS Rose and Blue, Maroon and Camel, Green and Peach, Rose and Green, Mauve and Green. WHITE BLANKETS Rose and Blue borders. Sizes 72x90 and 64x84. 327 INCOME TAX Returns Prepared Bee R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) Russian Course Will Crumble Peace - Hideous Consequences9 For the World of Today NEW YORK, (CP) Britain Monday warned the United Nations general assembly that if Russia insists Third Avenue Phone 775 HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FRASER STREET Pnone Black 823 Winter Coming! Time to fill that coal bin NOW SUBSTANTIAL STOCKS ARE NOW ON HANI) BUT THE SUPPLY WILL SLACKEN SOON. Phone 651 or 652 for Quick Delivery PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED "SERVING THE NORTH SINCE 1920" Coal Lumber Paints Building Supplies HALIFAX FIRE INSURANCE CO. maioritv. it would destrov to co-operate and denied the charges that the Marshall plan' for economic aid to Europe threatened the sovereignty of any country. Health Officer- (Continued from Page One) liness of this room (Jardlne's) could best toe attributed to the habits of the tenant himself," the letter continued. "In the past eight months our department has received good co-operation from the proprietor of the Grandvlew Hotel, Mr. Robertson, In matters of sanitation " "Sgt. Potterton reported that this room was cluttered and unkempt the day the death was reported but that on the same day he had Inspected other rooms in the building and found them as clean as at present Inspection." Show P.O. Box 721 COTTAGE CIIEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY I Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Available NOW! Out-of-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 FILMS Superpan Tress Films Developing, Printing, Enlarging Portraits, Passports, and Photo Supplies Prompt Mail Order Service Chandler and Cowgill 216 4th St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Canada's Oldest Fire Insurance Co. Established Since 1809 TODAY AND W I HE SCDtti AT 8:45 .11 ii.I1 I vi v 'in,.. WW m J I 1 f .11 1 I lj KJM I I' rt il'i Canitol A New Shade Will Make it tfUHl mil Look LikeaNw See our complete stock of shadts for trili,hu,t " wwuuwii lainiii .... in si u. n ill. ... SPF.C!Ab Acetate boudoir lamp shades, sit colours to choose from RUPERT RADIO & For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at fort Edwtrd, B.C. n ii ri a vi b v a V V O U 11 1 W Ltilll II 7:00 m to 11:00 pj&. SHINGOLEEN ShiiiKoleen beautifies and protects old ml m ana years or lesunr ana consuni matt tun Its worth and sure rapacity to bcauliff jouk Miinroie c n is maue on a iwo-ou oast m un colors and Is entirely free from creosote. Sold by UllMlllllft Un J MIMA Jb a nil ii i mi ii u i i.u. i PHONE 101 WW Keep Warmer! w r with a iiiii mn v-.no cm El mi ill. i. n nil mi rmun uil n.n See them now, with the'r be. famous Coleman furnace-typt; rier''.r.g u There Is a right size for xaur tr." i large or how email. '-'J Come In and let us zm rrj about these famous heater; t mm : ABB ... til WiVww.v!v.vwmvv.vavwwv REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PWMW Chop Suey ntiiNrnr I1ISUES OUR Open 6 am. to J am PHONE 17S FAMOUS KUIftlf I PP FISH PRODUCTS Produced and I'rcCI CANADIAN FISH & COLD PRINCE RUPERT Company Limited AT II li otwnt Chow Men sscd by special coisii,wi1 ; ASFps WARTIME HOUSING PURW PHONE It. E. (MONTY) MONTAPOB COLLART & McCAFFERV.