(MING SCORES v.r. i..-ue enjoyed ....n-m with .re- ttrwtsry consm-, "ame sco'e, In HI" At. " ,. ... i" i:i .'int'le ,cr three SroilcJ Oouirars iine (.-am aiso fKOBATE ATTK! uc m A rF THE E TATE y UP ! lb wit. w v r uiwii. the E'jprwnn Court iz on inc A.P IB47.; i the Es- WW Show 1 1 idfbtfd to the said pay the amount I i mr innntnin thy of September. ) UkARTHUR, "Diai?. Dticcased. c .lajtors. i ;;rt BC leading ,the ihree-game scor,e With 2,981. Here are the game standings for the session: B;C. Packers 3. Fish Dock 0 (default). fCousors :3, Triple OC 0. Ideal tCIeaners '3, Brawnwoodt Jilt and .Miss'VJslanders 1. .COUGARS E. Anderson 117 ,178 145 R. Shrubsall 178 338 154 M.?Seharfe 120 104 .182 C. .Scharde 100 93 1321 ,Q, Jubb 172 139 127 R. Tubb 120 218 .2.12 1 Totals 8791130 '972 TRIPLE X A. .Matheson 474 147 185 E.Trumlbell 150 97 40 S. Davidson 120 155 ,150 Mrs. Trumibell 00 09 62 June Thornton .... 131 75 237 ,E. Teurrtbell 190 203 203 Totals I.... 831 748 889 B.C. 'PACKERS N. .Mazzone 217 119 142 L. Mazzone 128 180 120 R. Paul 102 95 97 JD. .Balllle 180 120 157 Y. Turcotte 118 140 172 Totals 751 060 G94 FISH DOCK Default. ISLANDERS J. Foster .: '90 A. BOOS 114 1 c lumbla. wbo C f. flay on MT t..-. JlcQ Will r:--.:lrcJ c pay the pE naviK wnica distn- r.z-- tznrr regard j whicn I snail , . n..... n r- v. i tz tratcr R-: BX COLL'MDIA PROBATE p.. i iir i nr. uiAir. t!--i tr Order of , W O Fulton made 1; -t July l4?, my, Executor ta the e. M.-Dus:'.d. Deceased, n he-b7 required prcpefti verified to r nl; i t alms filed in -I mmnn, 11 nn C.:a bad do know-. B. Payne 102 V. Duncan 110 C. iFoster 113 R. Judge 132 Totals 733 I ITT AND MISS M. Youngman 79 B. McChestney 222 B. Wlndle 113 S. Scharff 158 M. -Matson 113 B. Scharff 191 Totals 876 BROWNWOODS D. Woods 116 B. Woods 148 E. .Graham 72 .B.. Graham 78 Grace .Brown 158 130 98 200 119 100 151 813 70 157 115 207 130 215 900 136 145 .123 132 144 103 163 238 112 141 124 878. 34 140 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Before -having that next JtEPAIIl JOB done, drive in and have one ,vi v j& .' nr niir piihtls Live yuu v hut r,uuiiiiru lor iiuiumuuiic ivci"ii AUTO & BODY SERVICE Hie Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS Dally Delivery .Service MEN'S 'B' LEAGUE 5-PIN5CHEDULE September 26 Mocse vs. Thorn's S.M., Fish Dock vs. Canflsco, Army vs. .Scotlans; Mutts vs. .Leafs, ThorncllfXes vs. Grotto, Stones vs. Co-op. October 3 Co-op -vs. Leafs, Stones vs, Scotlans, Fish Dock vs. Moose; Grotto ws. Canflsco, .Army vs. Thorn's .S.M., Mutts vs. Thorncllffes. October 10 Mutts vs. Grotto. 62, 143 156 203 743 188 135 '06 144 104 Army vs. .Leafs, Co-op vs. Thorn cllffes; Stones vs. Moose; Can flsco vs. Scotlans, Fish Dock vs Thorn's S.M. October 17 Thorncllffes vs Fish Dock, .Moose vs. :Scotlans, Canflsco vs. Them's S.ufT Army George Brown 130 161 167 Totals 702 841 834 IDEAL . CLEANERS E. Mussallem 192 .170 159 II. .Schmidt 117 120 120 D. Houston. 155 147 143 , E. .Schmidt 80 87 149 W. Fudger 199 213 17B., Lew .-Score 72 123 96' I Tctals 815 .860 840 Baseball Scores National league 1 .Chicago 2-6, .Cardinals 4-3. American .League Cleveland 4-7, Detroit 6-6. St. Xouls 4-D, Chicago 2-4. vs. Co-op, Stones w.'Mutts, Leafs St, Andrew Win vs. Qrotto. October 24 Co-op vs. Scotlans, Mutts vs. Canflsco. Stones vs. Grotto; Thorncllffes vs. Them's SM., Leafs vs. Fish Deck, Army vs. Moose. Octdber 21 Stones vs. Fish Dock, Thorncllffes vs. Moose, Army vs. :Mutts; Leals vs. Can flsco, Co-op vs. Thorn's .S.M., Grotto vs. .Scotlans. November 7-nArmy vs. Can flsco, Grotto vs. Thorn's S.M., Co-op vs. Moose; Thorncllffes vs. I Scotlans, Stones vs. 'Leafs, Mutts vs. .Tlsh Dock. J Noverrtber 14 Mutts vs. Thorn's ,S.M., Stones vs. Thorn-IclLffes, Leafs vs. Scotlans; Army vs. Fish Dock, Grotto vs. Moose, Co-op vs. Canflsco. . .Novemfier 1 Thornclltfes vs. Canflsco, .Army vs. Grotto,' Stones -.vs. Them's S:M.; Mutts vs. Scotlans, Co-op vs. Pish Dock, Leafs vs. :Moose. November :28 Fish ;Dock vs. Grotto, Army ys. Thorncllffes, MIXED BOWLING September 24 Kilowatts vs. Pioneers, Thistles vs. Maple A Leafs, McMeekins vs. Gold Seals, Klngpinners . vs. Pushovers, At omics vs. Dodgers, Midgets vs lleadplnners. IT .GET5 AROUND. ..THE W0RID Every country in the world Is today buying Canadian Aluminum produced at Arvida, Canada, home of the largest Aluminum smelter in the world. The "Alcan" ingot has become a major factor in world trade and a valuable source of the foreign exchange which Canada needs to cover her own buying .abroad. ntory Soccer Trophy VANCOUVER, a Vancouver St. Andrews captured the Cana dian soccer championship Mon day night, deieatln? Winnipeg Scottish 4-0 in the second game of a best-of-three series. Vancouver won the opener on Saturday. This year's title play was lhe-flrst since 1939. Mens 'A' league- fThe point system used allows one point for each game won plus one point for the total number of pins in each three-game sessions). Home Oil 7. -Continentals 7. Malklns 5. Burns'.-5. Mansons 5. Brownw'oods "4. . Morgans A. McMoekins.3. Kilowatts ' North, Star 2. Revellers 2. , Ambassauors 1. Schedule for Men's A League .Sept.,29 ,7 p.m. Morgans and Mansons; fMalklns and Ambassadors; Home (Oil and ;Nor,h Star. 9; p,m. Erownwoods and McMeekins; Burns and Continentals; Kilowatts and Revellers. ta certan Ladies' Bowling Schedule September :23 'Manson's vs. Variety, Savoy vs. Comets, Toller vs. Bankers; Orange vs. Big'Sis-ters, Blowers vs. Miller Bay. September ;25-,Lucky Strikes vs. West Wiew, .Annettes -.vs. Rosa Lee's, Scuby.'s -.vs.-Sweet'Bixteen; Moose vs. Coasters, Watts tt, Mlckerson vs. Cosmos. September ;30-iSavoy ws. Man-son's, Toilers vs. Varlety.vOranse .vs. .Comets.; Watts .& Nlcker3on, iOctober :2 Annettes ws. lCos-mos, .ubyls ws. Wet Wiew. Moose vs.;RosaXee.'fi; Blowers vs, Sweet iSlxteen, lucky .'Strikes vs Big.'Sisters. .October Tollers -.vs. .Savoy Orange .vs. Manson's, Watts & Nlckerson vs. Variety; lucky Strikes -.vs. .Comets, Annettes vs. Bankers. Octcber9-Scuby's vs.Big'Sls-teTS, Moose vs. Cosmos, Blowers vs. West View; 'Miller Bay vs.J Rosa Lee's, Coasters vs. .Sweet Sixteen. October 14 Orangevs.Tollers, Watts 'Nlckerson ts. Savoy Miller Bay -vs-Cosmos; Annettes vs. Variety,.Scuby!s vs.iComets. iOctcber:16 rMoose.vs. Bankers Blowers vs. Big Sisters, 'Lucky Strikes .vs. Mansons; Coasters vs.. West View, Sweet Sixteen vs. Rosa Lees. al II Ifl I It II Itl in the -north nvoodi? Yes, tcven there this versatile metal makcs-itself useful ,in.aidozcn ways. That canoe is aluminum. So. are.thc paddles. So is the rod, and the reel, nd the tackle box. 'Non-rusting, light-as-a-fcathcr aluminum is proving itself a natural for an ever-growing list of sports .equipment; skis and skates and hockey sticks and bicycles . And, of course, that's just one small part of the story. From industrial castings to objects of art, Canadian manufacturers arc leading the way to stronger, .lighter, more attractive articles of cvery-day -use. Our .owe development and research is helping them .to. blazc.ficvf trails places at their disposal a wealth .of technical know-how. Today over six hundred Canadian iCom-panics are turning out products made with this miracle metal of the Twentieth Century.- ALUMINUM COMPANY Of mm uniinu Producers end Proctisort of Atumtnum for Cqnodiqn Induttry ond World Morkt rAU(A Prfncc Ettpcrf "Daflp I3cta3 Tuesday . September 23, 1047- Favourite Shaving With the Ukffft edges ever honed! wrrt JWZOR Combination IheiWorld Over Men. for the best-looking shaves, the quickest and easiest money can buy, use the Gillette Tech Razor and today's Gillette Blue Blades. They .fit exactly, and protect you from the dis-. comfort caused by misfit blades. Gillette double edge means double economy, too. look""'"' lei" Gillette BLUE BLADES RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Chrysler Parts and Service Depot We specialize in rebuilding Chrysler Marine and Industrial Engines. Complete Automotive Repair Service for all makes .of -cars and trucks. Call on us for, your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town orders given special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 5C6 Prince Bupert, B.C. RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) .We -Take .Listings of . . . BOATS FOR JS ALE OR CHARTER UKOKEHS 1N:B0ATS, MARINE AND nSIUNG EQUIPMENT -TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK -SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of :Ltpsett,8, Waterfront) Box 548 Phone Green 070 An Invitation MK. TED KUUP JNVITES 1QU ffOiCOME IN ANI1 DISCUSSs XOVR AUTO BODY REPAIR AND REIlNlSIIINGj Box 38 RE()UIREAIENTS Ted has recently assumed ;the management of oura body repair and refinishing -department. He brings, with him a fund of ikowledge and experience fiu this trade, and we are sure you wll agree that his! work is excellent and has that "Factory Finished? appearance. Free Estimates Gladly Given Bob Parker Limited "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" ,1'ord-Monarcli Dealers PHONES 116 and 117 .Courtesy , and Service m V HI on Pi mm iPhone 83 It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest pos sible delivery qf your ; favorite brands iof coal j from us. ALBERT & McCAEFERY LTD. FUEL .AND BUILDING MATERIALS Announcement ... ROYAL CAFE REO PEONS . Completely Kenovated and illnder New Management WE SPECIALIZE IN SEA FOODS SALADS ITALIAN AND MEXICAN DISHES Take-out Ordeib Given Special Attention JOHN . COMER, Proprietor NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA 3 NEWSPAPER