Mis HalalaHc c Bnv IBno News Items . . . prince Rupert fc nape wr iuc II of ANNETTE tore-Salon, v' sm"J turned to ; plane Friday night i holiday trip Ithi Queen Charlotte the oquitlam tun- Bon " Rtie E:3onciaie w ' rr MAY CONCERN (hnt. T iv; uuuic - P v,, .: nnMb;e ior irnef man uy Enrw; cr:-iuv (205) Campbell, vnteran Fax, once identified rrrjs, pyritcj property Itai uivet arwveu m the amc3un Satur ar ailed Sunday tth oquit.vn ior Sen' 2nd Students t ui:- Jouowing ad: ') eleven and a Grades seven at (( (t oraae nine 1l RDERS ' IA0E W 203) Public Library will re-open Tuesday, Sept. 2. (203) Mrs. D. II. McLeod and son left lor Stewart Sunday night on the Coquitlam. Orange ladies tea and sale, homecooking and delicatessen on Wednesday from 2:30 to 5:00 pjn. In the Oddfellow's Hall. (It) Mrs. and Miss Prince Rupert Watch this paper for the open lng (Very Soon) of ANNETTE MANSELL'S Dress Salon. (206) Assistant Fire Chief Becker Is back on duty after a three week holiday spent aboard the 47-foot troller Cape Spear on Hecate Strait. L. M. Felsenthal and daugh ter,. Judy, returned to the city Monday on the Princess Norah. Mr. Felsenthal has been in Van couver for specialist's treatment. Judy has been spending the summer camping at Roberts Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Augier and sons, who have been vlslt- I lnsr at the home of Mrs. Auzier S parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Edgar, left Sunday night on the Coquitlam to return to their home at Premier. They will be accompanied by Miss Rita Edgar who will spend two weeks holi has available for sale the following: vessel. i r. as ION C 5 -- 10 : Si:, r ond M Y "N1T1NAT" O.N. 1719G3 itinns $7.95 - AT WHITE RUBBER SOLES ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF your pet saddles icrcnnial saddle oxfords lead a busy 1 campus and off . . . blithe little shoes, perfect companions to your '"id skirts and sweaters . . . ' I I oem.rtment of Fisheries Patrol vessel. an Built 1039. Length 99' .5. Beam 177 or:-: tonnage 135. POWERED by Vivian Diesel : . tea tn good condition. Speed 12 knots This - :de - ;bte cabin accommodation and Is of partlcu-::3e desiring to transport personnel as this v:::u::i certified to carry passengers. 1LIE S2 1,100.00 ISIIKKIKS STATION WHAUF, NEW WESTMIN- .ships are Invited subject to the following u;;r'.ion shall have the right to accept or to : offers In whole or in part. ohf accepted, sale wll be on an "as is where is" U) w,-ranty of any kind (except as to the Crown's of subject to the other usual sales conditions rourar.;!)n v pt m::e of offer, purchase price will.be payable in rchaser wn) be required to take delivery of ships sold r owr. expense within a time limit set by the Corporation, ditiotiu mrormation and arrangements to Inspect, apply Saic envision of the Corporation at the address given phonic oe addressed to the: ;SAI.ES DIVISION, WAR ASSETS CORPORATION : GEOKGIA STREET VANCOUVER, B.C. AR ASSETS CORPORATION PROMPTLY FILLED Miss Nancy Rorie returned to the city on the Coquitlam Sunday evening fjom a brief trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Mrs. Stan Boshler and son, who have been visiting In Van couver, returned to the city from the south on the Coquit lam Sunday afternoon. The Misses L. and R. Kro- chenko, who are to teach school at Stewart, were passengers go ing north from Vancouver on the Coquitlam Sunday evening. Miss Barbara Hyndman. daughter of School Inspecttor and Mrs. E. E. Hydnman. re turned heme on the Coquitlam Sunday night after, fipsndln;' the summer holidays in Vancou ver. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Coulter, who have been on a visit to Lake Kathlyn following their recent arrival from Premier, are back In the city as the guests of Mrs. Coulter's Mother, Mrs. M. P. McCafferv. Miss Elliott Head, manager of the Terrace telephone office. noon for Victoria. They were driven In by Mrs. Kenney's daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Johnstone. After an absence of nearly two months during which they motored as far south as Denver, Colorado, covering nearly 6,000 miles, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mills returned home Saturday night At Denver they visited with a sister of Mr. Mills ana met a brother from Oklahoma whom Mr: Mills had not seen in 44 years. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Berner returned to the city on Satur day night's train from Vancou ver where Mr. Berner attended a meeting of Canadian National Railways British Columbia executives. This, Friday night Mr. Berner will leave for a vacation trip to Niagara Falls, New York and Montreal. Mrs. Berner plans a similar trip next month. Miss Betty LiacK R.N.. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Black left Saturday night on the Camosun for Vancouver enroute to Victoria where she will re turn to her duties with the city health department after spend ns a month on 'the nursing staff of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, Miss Pat McCly- mont R.N., who has also been relieving at the local hospital, is accompanying Miss Black to Victoria where she will take up her hospital duties again. Announcements All advertisements iu tins column will be charged lor a full at 35c a word. L.O.B.A. Orphanage Tea and Sale, Sept. 3. Moose. Men's Bazaar and Dance, Sept. 25 and 26. Catholic Bazaar Oct. 1 and 2. Orange Tea, Oct. 16. Baptist Sale, Nov. 6. Women of the Moose annual Bazaar, Nov. 12 and 13, Moose Temple. Canadian Legion Auxiliary Sale, Nov. 10. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 20 Salvation Army Home League Sale Nov. 25th. CCF Bazaar, Civic Centre Nov. 28th. Orange Sale, December 5. KLfcsilllH7aTY137TTT7- FILMS Superpan Press Films Developing, Printing, Enlarging Portraits, Passports, and Photo Supplies Prompt Mail Order Service Chandler and Cowgi.lI 216 4th St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Van Wel- leghan returned to the city on the Coquitlam Sunday "night from a trip to Vancouver. Miss Ellen Klnnalrd of the provincial social service department here left by air Saturday afternoon for a vacation trip to her home in Vancouver. Mrs. W. H. Pettman and chil dren of Premier, who have been spending the "summer vacation In the south, were passengers aboard the Coquitlam Sunday night returning north from Vancouver. Mrs. N. MacDonald, lady sup erintendent of Miller Bay Hos pital, who has been holidaying in the south, came north from Vancouver on the Coquitlam this trip, making the round trip to Port Simpson before disem barking here today. Bernard Allen, general superintendent, Canadian National Railways, Is expected to arrive here tonight by rail in the course of one of his periodical visits of inspection. He "will leave Thursday night on the arrived in the city on Saturday Prince Rupert for Vancouver "ifciivs nam iium wie interior and sailed this afternoon on the Coquitlam for a holiday trip to daying at the mining settle-. ed on the Coquitlam this after- ment. .VESSELS FOR SALE (CROWN ASSET) M to prior sale or withdrawal, War Assets Corporation Vancouver. Mrs. E. T. Kenney and son, Edward, who have been spending the summer at Lakelse Lake, arrived in the city toy car tnls morning from Terrace and sall- WOODWARD'S FALL CATALOGUE IS ON THE WAY With a Message of Vital Importance This U our 100th issue, ond to com' niamorate this occasion, a new policy has been adopted which will be REAL INTEREST to the Buying Public ol British Cohimbii 11 Nat Already a Cuilomtr WRITE TOR A COPYl Vancouver. B.C. VOUR WESTERN SHOPPING CENTRE n view of the presence of a I case of diphtheria in the dis trict it is recommended that parents of pre-school and school children take advan tage of the opportunity to have their children immunized against diphtheria. R. M. LANE, M.D., Medical Health Officer If your building, house or fur niture were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and fur niture are up fifty percent? Consult your Insurance advisers nowl H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 218 Sixth Plreet UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Available NOW! Out-of-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S CABINEX SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 Miss Carol Flngerolf of Seattle, who has been visiting here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Balagno, sailed at the end of the week on her return home. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Armstrong made the round trip to Stewart and other northern points on the Coquitlam yesterday, returning to the city this morning. Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Alexander and son and daughter arrived in the city at the week-end by motor from Vancouver for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott, Fourth Avenue West. Indian Agent T. E. Anfleld left on last evening's train for Saskatoon where he will attend special sessions of the Anglican Church of Canada called for the purpose of electing a new Primate. Later Mr, Anfleld expects to visit Ottawa. $2.95 Pencils 6 for 25c Rulers 10c Penholders 10c Erasers 5c and 10c Blotters pkg. 5c and 10c Ink 15c Special The pen W. M. Watts left on las qvf-nlng's train for one of his periodical business trips to Smi-thers. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Mitchell and family, who have been spending the summer at Laks Kathlyn, returned to the city from the .Interior at the end of the week. Howard Frizzell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Georee Frizzell, in th$ course of "a business trip west from Chicago Including Alaska, is expected in the city about September 10 for a visit. Miss Geraldlne Cade, who has been visiting with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Cade, for the past three weeks, left Saturday night on the Camosun on her way to Haney where she will re sume her duties as home econ omics teacher. "SALAM TEA SCHOOL SPECIALS School Opening Tuesday, Sept. 2, 1947 INK SCRIBBLERS LOOSELEAF REFILLS & BINDERS Paper Cover 5c, 6 for 25c 2 Ring, 2 for 25c Oil Cloth Cover 10c, 3 for 25c 3 Ring, 30c Coll Bound 15c, 2 for 25c and 25c 2 Ring Binder 35c Hard Back Science 40c and 45c 3 Ring Binder 75c and 9oc ' THREE RING LEATHER ZIPPER BINDERS to $10.75 Crayons Pkg. 10c Water Color Paints (With Brush) ..65c . Set Squares 10c Protractors 10c Compasses ..25c Geometry Sets 75c TEXT BOOKS WATERMAN'S SCHOOL PEN & PENCIL SET Special S2.60 The Pencil 87c The Set $3.47 For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY enow 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 pjn. jl For Wall & Ceiling I Decoration Use Ij .Modem colours in their most at-tractive form. Applied with a mini-J mum of labour and inconvenience. ;I The cost is surprisingly low, and It I will not rub off on clothing. SOLD BY mm y McBride St. Phone 311 .1.IJJJ.II.L11.I M til mW m UMLLsgJ M EI N MUWCEIUNG ; Decoration McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LTD. (E. C. Wallace, Manager) "Your Friendly Drug Store" Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONE 7!) Box 1308 Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS Authorized dealers for GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC DELCO HEAT OIL BURNERS for your furnace or boiler A Oeneral Motors Product QUAKER OIL RANGES AND HEATERS now In stock Large Stock of Plumbing Supplies 1 Wnti Rupert Dailc IScius 3 Tuesday, September 2, 1947 NEW ARRIVALS in SHIRTS The JVaikiki Casual PASTEL SHADES "OF YELLOW, IVORY AND BEIGE IN A FINE POPLIN a Migo's Latest FINE BROADCLOTH WITH CRICKET ENGLISH COLLAR $4.25 $4.75 llllkJkH.llill..laJ.I. l vasaar. t r Bfasfsnsssfri aaHasavaissssssssssi NOTICE . . MRS. M. DRAKE, nurse administering The Koch Treatment "GLYOXYLIDE" for British Columbja; will be at: The Prince George Hotel, Prince George, B.C. August 30th, and until September 4th, 1947. also at: The Prince Rupert Hotel, Prince Rupert, B.C. September 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 1947. Stops between Prince George and Prince Rupert, B.C. will be made upon request. For information please write to the Vancouver office, 301-2 BURNS BLOCK. 18 WEST HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B.C. Phone PAcific 3450. A. MacKcnzic Furniture Announcement LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" CHESTER FIELD SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, BEDS, BEDSPRINGS, SPRING-FILLED AND FELT MATTRESSES B.C. Troducts made by Simmons and Restmore, the leading Bedding and Furniture manufacturers of Canada SEE OUR WINDOWS PHONE 775 308 Third Ave. West NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Booms, Hot and Cold vater PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 'Phone 281 P.a Box 18 MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE DOCTOR SHOES HEEL THEM ATTEND THEIR THEIR SOLES Box 774 Second Avenue 9 ROYAL CAFE REOPENS Completely Renovated and Under New Management WE SPECIALIZE IN SEA FOODS SALADS ITALIAN AND MEXICAN DISHES Take-out Ordeis Given Special Attention JOHN COMER, Proprietor PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS ll 3L