9 A. $rincc Rupert Dails rectus LtD. Thursday, September 18, 1947 Published every artemoon except Sunaay by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. A- HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managlne Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OF- CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION An independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert md all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Po6t Office Department, Ottawa) City Carrier, ptr week. 15c; Per Month. 65c; Per Year, 17.00: Bj Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, M.00. No Food Shortage Here EVEN SINCE WORLD WARS became fashion-able never have people of Canada anywhere in " all her broad spaces been in danger of serious physical hunger. Inconvenience has been felt but never the stark destitution seen in actual, acute want. 'The carelessly spoken, thoughtless expression '-facing starvation" heard over the air, and read on . countless pages does not apply in Canada. One can conceive, under some circumstances, a lack of costly luxuries, but rarely a shortage of wholesome fare., The charge of products manipulation in big business is something else again and is, as well, beside the point. For food, and enough for all, is always here. The privilege of humoring one's appetite, or taste is never denied. Now comes the meat scarcity,, but we can always fall back on poultry and fish. Yfes, prosp.eq.ts could be more grave. Canada will ALASkk SEWARD, who served in Lincoln's cabinet, was a statesman who, after scoring the greatest bargain in American history, received for his re-.'. Avardth&linmeasured abuse and cutting ridicule of , his fellow countrymen. A few years after the close of the Civil War he bought Alaska from Russia for $7,000,000 a pic-.ayune sum, measured by today's standards. Of ourse, feTiv could comprehend the north. Another iron curtain this time a curtain of profound ignor- - ance, made it possible. Hence", the barbed criticism, the jibes and mockery. Hence, "Seward's Folly," "Seward's Ice Box," and the playful "Bears and Walrus Make Salaam, You belong to Uncle Sam." They did not know then of a land way up yonder, of unimaginable natural wealth and lordly beauty that, some daybuld be of commanding strategic import ance iitp-ctefence of all North Amierica. Q.C.I.XRANSPORT UNJ1LHE COMING of aviation, travel between .'"thgueen Charlotte Islands" and Prince Rupert ' ;" wa, permanent headache, unless one did not f-care iftoigbng it might take. Any old timer will' nod .:.sbrein)irai full and ready agreement. It was not . '(DnucVirinatter of distance as'it was the long delay "waiting for the return voyage. It was a tedious C;an expensive business. Flying now settles that 'problem. Today one does in a few hours, what years - ;ago required weeks. That time is money is just as -jnuch a truism today,, as ever -perhaps more so. .... 1 LAUGH JT OFF! SOME FpLKS have the happy capacity of refusing toM things bother them, a. blessed state worth striving' for. The habit of fussing over trifles grows with indulgence. If we had minimized all those minor Upsets and disappointments, how much more we would have enjoyed many occasions beyond recall! It's never too late. Cultivate a shrug-of-the-shoulder attitude toward trifles which often are easily dispelled by "klUghihg it off." TORNADO JUTS TWO ONTARIO COUNTIES One of the most vicious'wrrKidoes ever to hit Canada ripped through 70 miles of .two Ontario counties, leaving death and destruction In Its wake. Souhern; Haiburton and Hastings counties were In tornadoes path. The service station of George Parks, near Coe Hil Ont., jrear view of. which is shown, here, had the roof torn oft. Many weer eating dinner when the storm came and had little warning of what waif to happen. ADVERTISE-1N THE DAILY NEWS ;FOR BEST RESULTS Canada Has Great Role Preserved for Part kit Utmost Importance in Building: of Better World, Says Canadian Navy League Head Canada, her shores on east and Vest by providential fortune still intact has been preserved for the carryins out oJ a great world task in the future. In the building: and maintaining of a better world, she should, with the tradition of British Idealism and the co-ODeratlon of the Ens- llsh-speaklng nations and thcwa nations which believed and prac tised similar principles, play a mighty role. .So declared David H Gibson of Toronto,, Dominion president of the Navy- League of Canada, at a dinner tendered in his honor last evening by the executive of the Prince Rupert Navy League: Mr. Giibson spoke of the- valu able contribution to the build ing cf citizenship that was being made by all persons, particularly as regards Sea: Cadet training. He told of the high regard held in the heart of Empire for the Canadian Sea Cadets and for Canadian naval men. He spoke of their great deeds during war in keeping the Atlantic life line and their exploits ci courage and daring. Mr. OSbson complimented the Prince Rupert branch of the Navy League on the achieve ments of the local Sea Cadpt Corps as had been so amply tes tified to- When members of the corps had had the distinction of winning scholarships for naval training and. of being selected for such an honor as a trin to Britain. , '1' Situated as this city was, it was logical, said Mr, Gibson. : that Prince Rupert should toe a training ground for men of the sea. He foresaw immediate and Important development of the port of Prince Rupert. The Dominion president also spoke, of the valuable function that the women could play in their auxiliary work. RESERVOIR OF TRAINED MEN Rear-Admiral. E. r. Maimn.v RrCJCcomiriahding officer, Pa cific Coast, speaking along practical' lines, emphasized the im portant function that could be performed by the Sea Cadets and the Reserve Corps in building up a reservoir of trained haval men If war came again, he warned, ft would be sudden and sneedv of action. There would hot be the time- nis there had been in the last war to build up a great Canadian haw ahd laree nr- sonnel. It was only by the Grace of God, he felt, that, unprepared as it was'ln the last war: Britain and Canada had ccirie through.. Such good fortuna could not be expected again it there was not training and preparedness. S. P: Woodslde: rjreslttent nf the local Navy League, presided at last nightls function and the spokesman' for the local branch was Us seeretftrtf-frMisnrpr- n v Applewhaite who expressed ap preciation for the visit of Mr. Gibson, -bringing a .personal touch between .the national and local; levels. Mr. Applewhalte also spoke vippreclatlvely of the presence of Admiral, Malnguy and the representative of the Canadian Legion, Robert Nac-nicol, public relations officer. Particular acknowledgement was made by Mr. Applewhalte to.Lt. Cdf. A. S. Mitchell and Theo Fortune whose Indefatigable hours of work and guidance had made possible the distinctive achievements of local Sea Cadets. Advertise in The Dally News I DPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Track and Auto Cushions Repaired And Recovered Drapes Specialty New Upholstery Materials Arallable NOW1 Out-of-Town Orders alven Special Attention LOVIH'S CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUB (NexttbCTPR) PHONE BLUE 818 CALLS HUNGARIAN ELECTION "FRAUrr Protesting against the recent Hungarian election, which put a coalition government In power With a Communist majority, Zoltan Pfeiffer, leader of an opposition bloc, addresses a rally at the town of Mls-kole, and claims the election was a fraud and manipulated by the Communists. Canadian Newspapers From the Monthly Letter of Royal Bank of Canada INSTALLMENT NO. 8 CENSORSHIP OF THE PRESS Censorship of the press is not an immediate menace in Canada. Outside the democracies the coverage of news is much less complete than it is in this country. Whole populations are denied news, while such newspapers as there are obey governmental dictates by publishing only material which will further B r u c k e r , widely - experienced newspaperman and a professor at Columbia, puts it: ""This public-opinion technique of . . . trying to make the real world conform to an artificial mental one, is an Inherent part of the totalitarian method. The results in terms of the wreckage of things past now strewn "about the world, Indicate that the method is effective. In its way." That way Is a way of destruction, the suicide of personal freedom, and the smothering of in ¬ telligent thought. Canada nasi no peace-time censorship, puts-i no embargo on the Import or export of news, and does not tell editors what to print, what opinions to express, what "causes" to' support. The policy of public criticism is understood and accepted. Such criticism as there was of the Hong Kong or Dieppe expeditions could never have been made In dictator countries. Bruce Mickicaurgn, former local school teacher and now permanently identified w i h Labor-Progressive party affairs With headquarters in Vancouver, arrived In the city on TufS-day night's train after haying been for some time In Ontario He will be Here until Saturday night when he will sail oii Uie Camcsun for Vancouver. Three Sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (ALL TIMES SHOWN DAYLIGHT SAVING) Tuesdays, 1:30 pjn, i Coquitlam Fridays, 5 p.m. Catala. Saturdays-, 10:15 f.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and ALICE i ARM Sundays, 8 p.m. I ( QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS August 8, and 22 September 6 and 19 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS August 10 and 24 September 8 and 2i Midnight. FRANK J. SKtNNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Pbbne. 668 t B ustness an d DR P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF IUS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 765 J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 1 5 o 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches. 208 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds rtoofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Jreen 486 Red 894 If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fulh insured while I do the work PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P C Box' 274 GEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING 147 4th East Phone Black 489 Train Schedule (Pacific Standard Time) For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Frlday-8 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday-10:45 p.m. MR. ALDER CONFIDENT Former City Commissioner Sees Great Progress Here Concluding a week's, visit to Prince Rupert, W. J. Alder will iail this evening, returning to his home in Victoria. He came north to look over the generul situation here in view of preset and prospective developments and among places visited was ort Edward where substantial orogress is being made wltjrr preparing the site of the cellulose mill. Mr. Alder remarked that the coming of this great enterprise to Prince Rupert Is of Immense Importance for It will ..provide what the city has so long lacked, a steady, large-scale payroll, a well as exerting a strong effect in attracting other Interests th's I way and, In general, strength- en-Ins and stimulating confid- j i' see He nredlcted the time-was i now rapidly approaching when local expansion would even sur- i pa?s the optimism now so evld-1 ent i Palisana Docks Here With Fish The 8.000 - ton Northland Transportation Co. freighter Falisana docked at Prince Rupert Wednesday morning to unload a cargo of frozen and canned fish which will be transshipped over Canadian National lines to the eastern American market. Southbound for Seattle, Palisana was under command of Capt. A. W. Nlckerson, veteran Alaska skipper. Her cargo for Prince Rupert was seven carloads of frown llsh and 8,000 cases o If vnned salmon from the Alaska ports. Classified Advertising Pays! Hrof esswnai PRINCE RUPERT ROTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER PHONE RED 828 Agent for Pacific Bertie B C. Ltd GEORGE 1. lOn Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax, Returns Compile- Besner Block Phone 381 Grandview Hotel ROBERTSON ROTTLE BUYER & TRANSFER DAY AND NIGHT ' Call Black 412 P N. Kllborn W. Petersor BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggaet Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 971 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Large selection of Bulbs MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall orderr Box 516, Phone 77, 300 3rd Ave JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Paper Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Rod 80C JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNINO-REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT, WORKS A. P. Crawley Qrein 391 Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling. Weighing BLUE 992 MA MOM FT m4 IFFICSKT . mH Mr JU(M to COUMBIA OPTICAL COL IP NEW BLEND HERE! SKft All over Canada, Chase tk Sanborn Won Coffee has been a big favorite for many years. But now the makers of Chase & Sanborn have created an even finer new blend Mw ""P'ovtd cL,' 11, 6t the world's choicest coffeesl ,oullovt 81 years of experience have gone into malting this new blend. YbuH find it even richer, even mellower, even more deeply satis-ying than the coffee which has r MORE I THIS NEW BLEND IS WONDERFUL p5 f'! HHJUHIllHIIIIJIIITTtW FAMOUS RUPERT FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Processed bj CANADIAN FISH & COLD I PRINCE rupert Company Limited 303 Cabs I would like lo lake this op announce to my many friends and pi that I have left 12.1 Taxi and will injj 303 Cabs from the 3 Sisters faff. continued patronapc r ill be rincirijfl ciated. ' - , ,vcrv , .v. , ; FRED JENSEN ' ' 300 . ...rw nnwnz imrrr MAT MAT HAS TIUS W(- rrvDS OUT FOR ITS PATRON-HUE, Rotary Club "Open 7 Thursdays 1 pffl. COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE SODAS - ICE CREAM SUNUAW GEO. DYBIIAVN Prop. w. t. coorER Manager "Offering 37 years of Experience in Prince top JOHN GUPVICH . a it the - nas rcvui- .H CONTRACTING No Job Too Large - EXCAVATING, HAULING, 0 PHONE 33 w" IDVBjjl "WtBWiilR., BRA Our Foods Are Ptf C l.Nw White CanadianDM i. D nffl. 1 excel" - ... ..i,v 8 a.m.W"1 Official APH