idtiiuc Rupert Dnily J3cUis .... Thursday, September 18, 1947 jiJIVErPOP AND JEEPS MAY MAKE HAWAII ANOTHER STATE OF U.S. iiilavwii's 'teen-agers huve gWeii Shenee trousers But the dancing as show a by this girl, still has a traditional hula aspe::t Imposed on tne imported jive ;For'rt7 years islanders like this worker have dreamed of state hood, Hawaii's wealth is in sugar, pineapples, tourists. In pre-Var years they were good for $20,000,000 a year; sugar, $60,000,-300. and pineapples f,or $50,000,000. i Steamship Sailings fhr VtfhcomTti-- i Monday ss Princess Adelaide V P-m. Tuesdav-r Coqultlam 1:30 m: , tThursday-ySS .rrlnce Rupert' 0:15 p.m. Friday ss Catala. 5:30 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, .10:13 p.m. ' .5 m.w From Vancouver Sunday ss Coqultlam, 4 poa. iuur.aay-Ksj'rrincess. Aaeiaiae pJDQ. weanesaay- as rrince nupen 11:00 m. t-ii j ..... i.. f Frlday-ss'Camosun, 4 p.m. Friday ss.pataia. 5 pjn. Fayr-' Camosun, a.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert. a.miti J'rom AUsk Hi. i Tbursday-r-ss prince Rupert, Saturday--s Camosun, 6 p.m, up u. .xjru for the below- Advertise in the Daily News We have just received a substantial v shipment of KILN-DRIED Finishing Lumber Get Yours While It Lasts PHILPOTT, EVICT & CO. LIMITED PHONES 651 AND 652 Coal Lumber - - Hardware Paints H't SOLARIUM EDUCATION Borden Stteet School P.T.A. Hears Impressive Address A talk on the work of the Queen Alexandra Solarium on Vancouver Island provided the feature of last evening's meeting of . the Borden Street School Parent Teacher Association. The speaker was Mrs. A. M. Morris, now on the staff of Borden Street School but formerly on the teaching staff of the solarium. After dealing briefly with the start of the institution in 1926 and referring to its plan Mrs. Morris told that the objectives were to build healthy .bodies and happy minds and send the children back to their homes confident in their own abilities and with 'the knowledge that they were not misfits. The medical wing was discussed with special emphasis laid on the "splint shop." The name is an understatement for it Is in this department that all the steel, wooden or celluloid accessories :ire made from the raw material and in each case fashioned to the peculiar needs of the child. Children 'are accepted from all oarts of the province without regard to race, religion or color. The school program provides for dally instruction and as most of the children are 'bed patients he books and equipment are carried to the pupils'. There are1 three groups, primary, intermediate and senior. Special weekly activities include the weekly letter home, educational fllm, handicrafts and even a rhythm band. When it Is realized that some of the children are lying on their faces in a "sheii" or with a limb strapped to a frame, the story of their participation in rhythmic works was a -evelation. Special features Included an operetta with songs and choruses and even drills. Hallowe'en "?letbrations. Boy Scouts and Girls Guide activities are regu larly held. Every child Is "adopt ed by an organization but adoption in this aspect means that the organization makes lt- ,self responsible for seeing that i alt anniversaries and fete davs are suitably remembered for the 'child. The school year breaks up with ja picnic in June. Musical items were provided ')y Olive Strand with pianoforte lolos and Edwin -Veil with piano-accordion Selections. IKOOSEVELT PARK FOR rtEW SCHOOL In the . business session in addi tion to routine matters the question of the location of the new school building was discussed. The representatives to the P.T A, Council were instructed to recommend that the site on Roosevelt Park should be favourably considered. It has the space o necessary for modern educational activities; It Is off the main traffic lanes; it was provided with modern conveniences during the time when thousands of American troops were located there and it would allow for future expansion. These expansion might Include a Normal School and University extension units. .Speakers claimed that to continue spending money in trying to make Booth Memorial School safe and satisfactory was a waste and would never be economical. It was also agreed to have alternate monthly meetings in the afternoon. One special meeting will be arranged for the parents of pupils who began school this year. The president, Carlo Hansen, was in the chair and, Miss O. Foster acted as. secretary in the absence from the city of the Lumber THIS -AND THAT "That's' what I like about Amy's table, she can extend it to accommodate as many people as she wants!" regular secretary.'Mrs. McKeown. A heatry. vote of thanks to Mrs. "Morris for her Impressive and informative talk, and to Oltve Strand , and TEdwln Veil, was indorsed enthusiastically. Delicious refreshments'were scr-ve'd by a committee with Mrs. Uheh'am ln cha'rge. Funeral of . Bert Creech is Held Funeral services-for Robert A. Creech, resident In Vancouver for '-40 ; years,, and well known in Prince Rupert, took place : In Vancouver earl y this week from Simmons & MeBride funeral chapeL Revi S.-Ei ed, Mr. Creech,- who was '75 years of age, had been employed In ne St. Francis Hotel, Interment was In the family plot,-Masonic sec tion, Montain View Cemetery. Clifton E. Gllllngham, son. of Brigadier and Mrs. J. T. Gllllng ham of the Salvation Army r-U a visitor -In the city on official business as an auditor for the War Assets Corporation. He Arrived yesterday on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver and will be here for the coming week, )the day with JUST TRY THIS TONIGHT Why waken tired tod listleisi ' when you can do what thousands t of happy people are doingl They limply take a cud of Ovaltin at bed time to wake up fresh ; and alert each morning. rnn.,i.:.. ! Tint, taken warm at bedtime, it fosters sound rertshing sleep, without drugs. Stcond, it supplies essandal food elements to rebuild ritality while you sleep! ! . . Third, it also furnishes Important vitamins and minerals! in a delicious, more natural way for all-round health and vigour.' i So why not try, Oraltine beginning tonight?. See if you don't' wake up refreshed and vigorous.ia the morning, ready to start the day with a song; Owiltii tne- If your building, house or fur. nltuxe were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture are up fifty percent? Consult your Insurance advisers nowl H.G.HELGERSON LIMITED 210 Sixth Street FOUND GUILTY OF ASSAULT CHARGE Harry Innes, resident of a cabin at Cow Bay, was found guilty of a charge of assault occasioning actual bodily harm when he appeared before Magistrate W. D. Vance . In police court Tuesday afternoon. He was remanded for sentence. A. B. Brown acted for the accused. WL film 7v urn ijouA 8 lkc p!i COAL rnONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service CIVIC CENTRE GETTING READY FOR HUGE DRIVE NEXT WEEK Prince Rupert Civic Centre Association plans a membership drive later this month that will be aimed at "covering; the whole city" to increase formal participation in the community centre by stressing family membership. Decision to undertake the campaign was made at a directors' meeting Tuesday night. Choice of chairman for the drive was left to the Civic Cen- nnihQ.. tre executive after discussion by the .directors failed to bring forth a suitable name at the meeting. The drive will commence on Friday, September 26, and run for two, or possibly three weeks and will be' preceded by a "mem bership rally" In the Civic Centre to which those Interested in Interested in increasing member - J ship will be invited and briefed on the campaign procedure. ; Civic Centre President T. N. Youngs stressed that this year's campaign would be on a broader scale than the initial drive last year and reminded the directors that the success of the last year's operation would be a strong point In favor of obtaining new memberships. Civic Centre membership last year numbered about 1,000 and this year It Is hoped to more than double It, "I feel sure that,. If we get the campaign across In a proper manner, we will be able to show a vast Increase In members this year," Mr; Youngs told the group of directors. "The place which the Civic Centre, has assumed in the life of the community will bb one of our strongest selling & -on IV Vok n r o i n n tlc' of the member, munlty rrk inn Z?. 00 bal in thu ;::."Bl Centr h"; " W1 I this VP,, year, '" 4J , Till rn ii f bQll Ul beans is jiiht over. Soon those delicious "Itoyul City" licuns CANNED F 0 0 I 4711 III Keep Warmer! with a - m1 . . r . ll. u I i L L teHMW can irt-ffeetlo-teiwi fMfif Wise' M UnmUM It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS f - The membership rally, sched uled for a week from Thursday will give volunteer campaign fUltu,ral pr8ra! workers instruction in the tac L, p a ,0: to Bean crop Jul r but not lUmpttt COLEMAN OIL W ..ifuutyw"' See them now, with their famous Coleman furnace-type """"'". n0 maw There Is a right size for you' large or how small. Come In and let us give you about these famous heaters. vvuSv.v.v.v.w.v.v.v.v.v. . i..nnir unit. home- compIete 2k