ii gftmcc Rupert Dafip nmis n.tj. Thursday. November 13, 19-17 An independent dally newspaper devotea to the upbuilding ot Prince Rupert nd all communities comprising northern and central British Columoia (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Fost Office Department. Ottawa) O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMHER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS Published everv afternoon except hunuay by Prlnr, rj Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia SUB.SCRIPTiON HATES. City Ca. r, pi r wei k. 16c: Per Month. 65r; Per Year. 17 00; Bj Mail. Par Month. 40c. Per Year, 4.00. The Bus Franchise OPINION definitely divided as to who WITH should he the concessionaire even after the council made a close decision oil the matter, there would appear to be possibility, if not likelihood, that the Inlaw which it is proposed to present, at the civic election on the question of granting a bus franchise may be rejected not because it is undesirable to tyrant a franchise but because of the differences as to who should have it. Il is not doubt time that th- luatter of a bus franchise should be settled one way or the other but, if the bylaw should be rejected, il would only be that much more time lost. The council might be well advised to con-ider if sonu-thiii.y,' in the nature of a plebiscite might not be advisable to get a democratic decision on the matter as to whether a franchise should be granted and who slmuld be the concessionaire. Then there might be more likelihood of the franchise beine' approved not onlv bj ihe voters themselves but b the Public Utilities I 'ommission as well. IMMUNIZATION HOPING HERE Wii Louh Becomes Ninety tuberculosis cases, con- Um Serious-Health I nit ; 1 ""l "5;" ' ''r' ,,Xa,n ' Ifmm .Vlonthh Report lined. Tliere have been a number of The nur-ts have been espec-OMW of whooping cough in ially busy with well-child clinics Prince Rupert during the early 'and school work. Examinations fall but the cases have been 'of the school children are in mostly of a mild nature anion1? niiiminunizcti children. This con-1 trastl with 1941 in the city when many infants and one-year-olds were seriously ill with the mal- a Dr. R. M. Lane, medical direc- tor of thr Prince Rupert Public Health Unit, concludes that the change in this disease as seen "The council has in process a ' High Schcol Site, in a small wa f, in Prince Rupert is largely du" suggested plan of the city en- j i' expressed ;ny sentiment when, to the fact that many small gineer to improve garbage col- pertainine to same. I ws ' children have been immunized lection and disposal. The health prompted to say. "Oh no, not. with whooping cough vaccine at department hope that the coun- that!" six to nine months of age andjcil shall see lit to improve the' Even now I am visualizing this has protected them against .city dump and make use of the teachers and students alik the disea.-e for their younger j city incinerator. Recent trial usp muscle-bound and weary afn r years when whooping cough Is ; of the incinerator has been sat-! the long trek uphill, the sui-of a more serious nature. isfactory." dents, letting thsir books fa;! Other acute communicable New Health United staff mem- to their desks, flop Into' their diseases have not been preva-' bers are Miss Barbara H. Smith. seat Tre teacher, alert to un-lent in Prince Rupert, according senior nurse: Miss Jeannine steadiness, cautiously easin?, to a Health Unit report covering : Coupal. who is working in Prince himself down to a sitting pos Seiitember and October. j Rupert in part and also Terrace , ture; luite helplessiy falls Into Froi xtober 22 to 25 the and Usk: and MLss Dorothy W chair . After whi.ih. hr coast travelling tuberculosis Brown, who is covering Hazelton manages to dispatch Morpheus clinic made a regular four- as well as the Smithers Telkwa f:(jm blurry-eysd and fur. monthly visit to Prince Rupert, CHINESE COUPLES MARRIED EN MASSE A mass wedding Ol 255 Chinese couples were held in Nanking, China, on China's Mttl national anniversay of the founding of the republic recently The ceremony was in keeping with the national program of austerity and presided over by Mayor Shen Yi in the national assembly auditorium This is the sixth and largest mass wedding in China's history. The brides are pictured as they sat on one side of the aisle, and their grooms in corresponding seats across iioni ineni. r To Wartime Housing Purchasers We have something in leresliiif; and reason aWe to iiffcr Mm in . . On your new home and futrniture. Do not de-laj in providing yourself with full protection We have a plan to meet all your needs. Do Not Delay! See Us at Once! H. G.HELGER50N LTD. PIMM M or visit our office 210 Sixth Street progress. 1 Following representation from the medical officer of health, the1 prjnre Rupert city council voted to reinstate chlorination of the I city water supply. Since then all! city water samples have been j bacteriologically satisfactory ac- I cordinif to the health reDort 1 district. I : i i mil. . I FIRE INSURANCE Vn CANADA'S WHEAT OR m. umt 58R'''" ''41'' li t KNTRAL PRESS A Mil W I I SASKATOON. Sask. --Prof. J. G Rayner of the Extension Department of the University of Saskatchewan, recently present ed Dr. Seager Wheeler of this city, with a purse of $80. one for every yeai of his life, and a lamp, at a complimentary larewell dinner. The dinner was tendered by the North Saskatchewan Branch of the Agricultural Institute of Canada and by the Saskatchewan Institut of Agrologists in recognition of LETTERBOX ACBOPOLJS inn Kditor l;nl Newe: Relative to your recent edi torial on the Acropolis K'l thinking students. This accomp- l.shed. with mind and one eye on the task at hand, and the ether on the class (of 45 or morei he pulls himself together long enough to rejoice silentlv within himself: "Hail. hail, '.he gang's all here! " Meanwhile. still oblivious to Ntur?'s '.rent panoramic scenic beauty-- Just outside closed doors he plun-2es into the task of tea '.hiivr . ' And it is to be hoped, that his -?ccd-fortune might, b? w?'.l-founded in the fact. Eventually with school out for the rest of the day, neither student nor teacher, has eyes for much else, than for a mammoth-sized sandwich: to give a lift to his "prolapsed" stcma--ju?t brought down by the downhill trek-- to appease him till dinner-time. fihoultl plans for the above High School Site carry, no mat-I ter, how prepossessing the edi- fice amid its wealth of scenic splendor, it shall not have justified its location. After scho'il I hours, week-ends and long summer vacations, it shall lock just (as lonely, emptv and di-:mal as any other- school . . . The atmosphere and surroundings wil'. reflect in measure the same emptiness. Last but not least: I'm glad they didn't make a public goif course on AcropqlLs Hill. iNj golf-enthusiast's eyes won't! travel farther-- nor futher --than the length of Acropolis Hill once he took them off his feet long enough to focus them on the golf ball; shall I say Frankly, when I saw Acropolis Hill last May Day for the first time--- as I watched the happy throng of dancers literally dancing By The Light of the Moon-- and not just to the tune by that name. I mused: What wouldn't our friends down south, do about a night like this--more often. An cpen-a i r dance pavilion of course-ylth a slogan something like this: "Come, where the stars look down, as does th? moon above; the while you arc in hcavien . . . with your turtle-dove. VIOLET WOALU KING HON ORED AT Dr. Stage Wheeler, riht. receives presentation Dr. Wheeicr s outstanding contribution to agriculture Dr. Wheeler won five international wheat championships from ins ' Rosthern farm, as well as many other prizes. Ue jiiginated the well known variety. Red Bobs wheat, still grown extensively in Alberta He also developed the famous Gold Nuggett potato. In recent years he has devoted much of his time to the production of hardy nurserv itocka for the prairies. He also has written a book, "Profitable SONS OF NORWAY TO CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Prince Ruperts Sons of Nor-Mtv Lodge will observe the seventeenth anniversary on Friday evening with a celebration that v ill include a mass initiation ceremony at the Civic Centre. followed by a banquet in the ellows Hall at Which members of the Ketchikan Lodge will be present. The initiation will be the second within a week at which more than 50 new members will Lave been brought into the lodge as part of a membership drive. Friday night 30 new members will be admitted into the group Lodge membership now exceeds 130. Initiating officer will be G. P. Rognlie of Bieinerton. Washington, who last week conducted the ceremonies which admitted 26 new members intrthe organization. Chairman of the functions will be Gunnar Selvig, president of the local lodge. A number ol members of th" K' l iiikan lodge head by O M Lien, district vice-president, ai. x pec ted to arrive in the City Friday to take part Last week's initiation was followed by a social winch included luncheon and dancing and Ihe showing of a film of the 1940 legional Sons of Norway cou-venUorj at Vancouver. KVLRYTIIINO IS UP The priceof cans lor caunin;; fruit and vegetables has risen five pet cent in the last 11 year.;. Grandtifilkf FROM SNIFFU, STUFFY DISTRESS OF HealCokki DOUBLE-DUTY Vek I NOSE DROPS WORKS J k jK V FAST RIGHT WHERE N. "MtJ isomii ist IiisUnUy relict from head cold distress starts to come when you put a little Va-tro-nol in each nostril. Alao It helps prevent colds from developing if used In time! Try it! Works line! You'll like It! ICKS VA-TRO-NOL YOU TOO CAN BE INDEPENDENT Hare a Biaincss of Your Own Become a nucceuful operator in the profitable profession of hatrdrcshinK anJ beauty nil-iutt'. Our new enlarged school offer a thorough training under qualified teachers. Write or call for free literature to MOLER SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING 303 W. Misting! St. (Dept. 1) Vancouver B.C. SASKATOON, SASK. mini Prof. .1. (i. Kavner. Orain Grown.'' which lias become a farming classic Dr Wheeler has been made a member of the British Empir". and received the honorary de- gree of Doctor of Laws from Queen s University He wa.s born by the sea in the Isle of Wight, and now is to retire and take it easy in another little house be-ide the sea. 316 Linden Ave.. Victoria. B.C. One of his four daughters will accompany him to live in Victoria, when he leave shortly. SHIPS AND WATERFRONT Canadian Pacific's Alaska utiiamoi' Dii iumi r..,.i..A Pn..l ' P. L. Leslie, dix'ked at Prince Rupert at 8:30 this morning! northbound on her last trip of the season to Alaska ports She carried a small list ot passe n- i gers The Louise will be replaced next week by the Princess Norah. Capt. Graham O Hughes to. ; the winter months The Louise j will go into dry dock at Victoria ; for a month. One of the newest halibut ' Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT SUSPENDED I ROM NOVKMBKK 17 TO DECEMBER i INCLUSIVE Account annual overhaul of ss "Prince Rupert" Service Resinned Deeeiiihcr 8 Reserve Early for Xmas Sailing December 18 For information call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices PRINCE B II F K I (OVEKNMEN r I.114UOK ACT" (Section Mil S"hc .,1 tpplli 11 for lleer UcCOCf notice; is hfihkby given that, on the 28th day of November, next, the underhlgncil intends to upply to the Liquor Control Board for 1. licence In respect of premises belnr. part or a building known as Karls-court Hotel, situate on Colllson Ave nuc. at Masnett. Queen Charloto Islands. British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots One (1). Two (21 and Three (8), Block Five (5), .Subdivision of District Lot Seven (71. Plan 940 Prince Rupert Land Registration District. In the Province of British Columbia, for the sale oi beer by the glass or by the bottle for consumption on the premsles 01 elsewhere DATKD this 27th day of October. LM7. HERALD GRAY Applicant. (27Si "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT' (Section 46 1 Notl 1 IpbUcaUoii tor 11 liuli Licence NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 28th day of November next the undersigned REX BOWLING CLUB LIMITED Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a Club Licence In respect of premises situate at No 221 Third Avenue West. I Prince Rupert. British Columbia. 1 (First Floorl un-in In as Lots 45 and 48. Block 34. .Section 1. Map 2.'l. Prince Rupert Iaind Registration District. In the Province of British Columbia, to entitle each member of the said Club to keep on the premises a reasonable quantity of liquor for personal consumption on the premises, and entitling the Club to purchase liquor from a vendor and to sell by the glass the liquor so purchased to Its members and guests tor consumption on the Club premises In accordance with the Provisions of the "nivirnm.i. I Liquor Act" and the regulations proiuuigaicn uiin iiniiir DATED this 27th duy of October. 1947 KKX HOWLING CLUB LIMITED (278 1 $75,000 U.S. Port - How Prince Rupert is Winninq 3 Alaska Canned Salmon Traffic In Seattle, the advantages of Prince Rupert as a thus haLH i , i -1 . , t tin I 1 1 ' i t i . nni't hunc " ' I I ' ' i Wilt (Ivlilv Uvl WW vB more recognized. A A - 1.1 1.1 At a recent meeting mere, dealing with Alaska "Buh,i B shipping rates the position of this city entered into the discussion. The managing director of the Alaska Salmon Industry Inc. declared , thai the (low through the Am-, during the war?" riican-finunccd port facilities "That is correct." answere.i offered at Prince Rupert wa.s cieii ueiiiuii.su nun uir nuv- Ing of time and money. i C. W Robinson, one of the Maritime Commission examiner's was surprised at certain state-1 menus mad by the AS I man- aKinn director, W C. Arnold. relative to Prince Rupert. "Do you mean to say," In quired Mr Robinson, "that the United States government spent ,$85,000,000 on a Canadian port boats on the coast, the 44-foot Ruby wa.s recently sunk by tho steamer Alaska while lying neat the dock at Tacoma. According to witnesses, the suction caused by the reverse action of the Alaska s propellor magged the Ruby into the large blades A large hole wa.s ripped through the starboard side from just below the walerhne to keel The Ruby was beached Later a diver went down to place a mattress against the gash and a collision mat wa.s strung under the keel The owner of the Kuby is Lawrence W Fllzpai-rick SUCCORS SWEET TOOTH Hecause ol the world shortage ol sugar. South Afrrca is takin 1 steps to increase production Try a Daily News'Uvvf ied Ad cefvf 'Wt' tttT'e i twt For 'Xmas Elaborate- i HNGER1ES EVENING BLOUSES Up-to-the minute FQRMALS Newest Designs- QUILTED HOUSE COATS SWISS EMBROIDERED BRUNCH COATS ANNETTE MANSELL Upstairs STOM riLOCK .. .............., ...... nkHkMik -it'., w ,.,.!. . i i wl i Wwlllillg " KJ I ( t ( 1 t .. . - Mr. Arnold And lie added TO avoid Uayinii the hwh freight rates to Seattle, much traffic from the Ketchikui, art j being diverted through Prim e Rupert, the western terminus ol the Canadian National Raiiwav- It Is as cheap, if not cheaper, to F,,r riehnen mi snio east iron Prince Rupert The hearing lasted for ,i week anci the general marine and shipping situation, mainly concerning Alaska and the north. was thoroughly studied and canvassed In considering Prince Rupert and the growing trend toward the wider use of the xrt. Mr Arnold further said: "The salmon industry's can- "A FOOT FOR LECKIE If it liu five toet it's a "fi"it(irl and the downright emnfiirt tbltl rraltHUien build into everj iairof Imm ia one of the nutrj r. ..- hucr. i j i i t on . . . THE CITY OF PRINCE RU ha.- firuanluH n f unci US U II R H PRINCFS.S ELIZABETH w be tat THE MAYOR'S FUND The gift will take the form ol food pWCe" k,H 1- I Di-ltnln 111 Ult'Ul WiW Donations for the lund will be accepted at tM ' ...... n.M.. llMM ' and aeknowdged in tne uauy N E ARNOLD. t I T V 01 riN ' NOTICE A Court of Revision to revise Voters' List will be held In the Council Cham ' Z.-L. ,Kr 1 Kti. ni 10 a.ni on oaium-. " u. TAI.V 0U N.B.-TUe proposed list will be displayed 0DeJ ;it the City Hull 1 10111 wovt'in" Union Steamships Li wish to annouiue t"r NEW FAST DIRECT SERV1 Btrince Ki'' an(l now :i m i'v mill 1 Lv. ITU.ce RuiK-rl Sunday - Tuesdays Arr. Vancouver (Norlhlwund) Arr. rnneoKu,..-. ' Also exteiided lervlce (Rtt4 (Read Down) 2 p.m Friday 9:30 p.m. Friday 11:45 p.m. Friday 10 a.m. 8Btuiu.1v 11 a.m. Saturday 2:30 p in Saturday .v.w.w nefy nden, Wuh W sold 0t '"'' cost, ' them to arount ot A Kitchen Favorite i fUrplu, tow llnil I....J: . . lrlw.il (. I p"'K"iii meaal larm reshnes 'uu sh Bfijcer for PACIFIC Irradiated and v I QUALITY SHOES I -30 Rupert A". Lv. Pr rtablkta w MM Lv KetclDHuD A" a.r Petersburi! mjm Lv Petersburg LV yt