I. AnrW inn .d Reception. t. be Buckingham Palace. :0KJIAN CRIBBBNS ... .r-u Four tlays. of . including a nauonai children, -will t -he:) . ,,. u-eeK or rnnceps eddin3 tp ueui. ... . u-a) be on a svo- m to ine nauonai . , a- ii start Monaay, ff; a oai' in the state , Buckingham Palace c; attended by .1,000 ..sir.:! tieads of the cr.a oionies, :-remony of a i .. oa observed with , fr.a Queen and Prln- 7-h"i una her fiance x - :i uie Royal Llrcush the picture-.-i down the white h; ballroom, "rrf will De a or ( 60 in the ball -i at which guests ?e.n toyal houses '-rUned Wednesday r :; between fiOO. and . be held at the , . . i t I, a: . tne aipiomatj.. I , : present The King , w.D receive the s.c . names are an- wedding brealc-r; che ceremony In : Abbey -will climax i i nAro win np ifw ::3 cue:'-J. limited to Royal Family, : and Intimate a ur.ning uuuih iruiu tr; .x sandwiches and w.i) be served, has -X in place of the 1 . L L - t core affluent time, "remonial will follpy; aaiLlhnl OHN H. I 1 ha L traditional lines with the King proposing the health of the bride and groom, and the bride cutting th wedding cake which, at her request, has been reduced to. four feet in height. There will be some festivities at the palace when the couple return from their honeymoon, Including dances and receptions Princes Elizabeth now Is attending to the details of the bridesmaid's dresses and th preparation of bouquets. First of the enght bridesmaids to be fitted is Diana Bowes-Lyon, cousin of the Princess. Prince William of Gloucester and. Prince Michael of Kent, the pages, have already ben fitted for suits in traditional page boy style. Watch the Classified Ads! Tn-tf.. ? o0OOTO THE, LAST DRQp , ViCtUWV TIN OHlNOJ IB-Ma mm v. i "'Ml , ser Ltd. Avenue MHW NOX HOTEL A QUIET. PLEASANT PLACE TO; LIVE -ujy Renovated i - rooms redecohateu SPRING-niXED, MATTRESSES UNDER, new management -uurio..,., ,. .... ,r, trw -T-N.0, illfll FKSIIT STEVE VJlIYluwm I j PRINCESS ELIZABETH PRESENTS PRIZES-Princess Elizabeth, as president of the Royal College of Music, Is pictured as she received a bouquet from Vliss Theas King who a,t the same time received the prize as the best wind instrumentalist. Princess Elizabeth made the presentation of prizes to best musicians at the concert held at Kensington, London. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "I know that you done it." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "forget"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Funeral, sureal-ist, funereal, 4. What does the word "impulse" mean? ANSWERS 1. Say, "I know that you did it." 2. Pronounce the o as in of unstressed, not as in fore. 3. Surrealist. 4. A spontaneous Inclination. "An impulse stirred him to action." 5, Trouble. The white manreatlng shark has been known to attain a length of 30 feet. i A Product of Gtntral Foodi GEORGE HILL & SONS LIMITED Complete Stock of Men's Shoes and Rubbers AGENTS FOR SbATKR SHOES Cafe P.O. Box 737 Commodore - Next 824 Third Avenue, MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE doctor shoes II EEL 'FHEM ATTEND THEIR DYEINO SVE 1IIEIR SOLES Ro t 771 Second Avenue 3k Paradi araciise on car Sja Writes Rplartd Wild in "TJie People' of London, England; (By Roland Wild) r Ever hear of a "Company Town? This beauty spot Ocean Falls 400 miles north oi the American border and half-way to Alaska, Is owned and operated by a paper-making firm. It has no mayor, but a "town-site manager" and a committee, drawn from workers in the factory. There are 2,500 inhabitants, of which about half have jobs in the mill. The company owns all the houses, and rents them cheaply, complete with steam heat pumped through an immense pipe that runs up the main street from the mill. UltlGIIT AND CHEERFUL There are no private cars because there is only one mile of road, and the mountains crowd the brightly painted wooden houses and apartment blocks almost into the sea. The company owns all the land. It owns the only store, the movie theatre, the electric plant, the wharves and the three1 churches. It encourages skiing ; clubs, tennis clubs, shooting and ' fishing clubs and sponsors the ! new school. And it gives you a diamond stickpin when you have completed 25 years in its employ. Ocean Falls is unique In other ways. It is the most northerly paper plant In all the Americas. It has grizzly bears in the yard of the factory at times. You can walk for half an hour, and catch river trout In the huge 13-mile lake that powers the plant, or sea salmon from the wharf. But nobody can grow a vegetable for a score of miles around, and It Is Impossible to farm o; breed cattle. So the big day of the week is when the boats come up from Vancouver and the States, The Ocean Falls experiment began In 1917, and has been watched by students of town management ever since. It's a good life, they say In Pulpan- papertown. The pay Is good, and the American company that Earth runs the mill guarantees full employment even In a slump. There Is no sign of the world becoming-less hungry for paper newsprint for all the papers of the world! boxes and wrapping paper and the paper handkerchiefs which the American women use. In thousands. It's a river of paper, they say, starting .only 50 miles away in the forests of the Queen Charlotte Islands, where the bears and the wolves run free, and ending with the ships for Australia and the United Kingdom pulling into this natural harbor The company boasts of its ski champions, who can train five miles away from December to May They claim a marksman champion, who can shoot deer and bear within half-an-hour's walk. The Indoor swimming pool . and the bowling alley are run by ' . the company. j ONE WAY TRAFFIC There Isn't any crime In Ocean Falls, for the two constables say they only have to stand at the gangplank for a few days to catch anybody. There Isn't any other way out of town. Back of the mountain there Is nothing at all until yoU reach the Arctic Circle and the Eskimos. Every "nut and bolt, every yard of cloth and pound of sugar comes at least 350 miles from Vancouver by boat, though Clifford Cameron, who runs the general store for the company, says he can keep down to big city prices in spite of the freight rates. And since nobody can keep a cow alive, Cameron also runs the dehydrated milk machine. There are no old people in Ocean Falls. When they are pensioned from the factory at the age of 65 they have to leave, for even in the Paradise of plentiful building timber, there is still a shortage of houses. In this remote Eden lost In the silent forests, every man knows his neighbor's salary, uses his Christian name and works for the same master. Hemmed In by mountain and impenetrable wilde mess, CONSTIPATED ? SLUGGISH? A v tb!t non-hablt-formliift laifl-tl Ccntle In action, yet really tHertlve. Get thl handy package at II druft atom. Ocean Falls is the scene of a unique experimenUn living. The company, which keeps the re cords, says that its people have a lot of lessons to teach the. rest of the world. Roland Wild in "The People" (London, Eng.i. CLIFFORD. FUND REACHES $1726 TERRACE The committee which directed the raising of a relief fund for the Clifford family some weeks ago announces that the final sum collected was $1726.65. Recent subscriptions to the fund Included $50 from the Rebekah Lodge of Prince Ru-pertr$50 from Kltselas Lodge A. Fi Si A.M. and $10 from the Terrace branch of the Canadian Legion. The committee in charge of the fund consists of E. Haug-land, chairman of the board of village commissioners, J. H j Smith and John A. Barman. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By, ANNS ASHLEY" Q, How can L keep cork floors1 dean? A. By sweeping with an ordinary broom or floor brush, then putting a small amount of neutral soap In a basin of warm water and washing the floor Stains can often be removed by rubbing lightly with a fine grade of sandpaper or steel wool. Q, How can I make apple and banana salad? A. Cut twtj quarts ot apples into small slices; then slice three or four large bananas. Sprinkle with one-fourth, cup of lemon juice, and mix with cream mayonnaise dressirg-'Serve on crisp lettuce leaves. Q. How can I keep frying pans bright and clean? A. By rubbing them with a crust of hard bread. Then wish in hot water and washing soda. It Pays to Advertise in the j Dally News Classified Columns. SUPERIOR FOOD STORES Ltd. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NOVEMBER 14th and 15th FREE DELIVERY PHONE 18 FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT Pink Meat 4 for - 35c D'ANJOU TABLE PEARS Tasty, Ripe 2 lbs 25c CALIFORNIA BUNCH CARROTS, 2 for 25c MUSHROOMS No.. 1 Snow White, per lb. 63c FANCY McINTOSH APPLES .... 3 lbs. 32c SWEET POTATOES No. Vs 2 lbs. 25c PEAS No. 3 Fancy 2 tins 39c SOUP Heinz Cream of Tomato . . 3 tins 32c CUSTARD POWDERS Cafe Brand 3 pkts 25c COCOA Cowan's Perfection ... Mb. tin 23c BEANS No. I Small White 2 lbs. 33c RAISINS California Seedless 2 lbs. 43c JELLY POWDERS Mello Jel ... 3 pkts. 29c LIFEBUORY SOAP 2 bars 15c FLOOR WAX Old English Paste, 2:lb. tin. 89c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 20-oz 2 for 25c LIGHTENS HOUSEWORK The Perfect Bleach and Sterilizer-Deodorizer and Disinfectant 32-o?. 33c y x y 1 ' ' 'li ? if y y . jr y y y y y y y y y y y v 1 5c pkr. SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHKISTMAS IIULOVAS GKUENS ELGIN'S and Many Others to ChoQse From DRESSER SETS FLATWEAR MB The Early Shopper Is Never Disappointed On Engraving ALL WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES LATEST IN JEWELRY FOR THE . . . MANSON'S JEWELLERS "YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELER" Irfnrr ttnpcrtinnp;jactoa 3 Thursday, November 13, 1947 11 Fruits & Vegetsblesg afee hagpy Re j ! LOCAL DEALERS: j OVERWAITEA LTD. 429 Third Avenue West SHEARDOWN'S GROCERS' 401 Third Avenue West ENTERPRISE FRUIT CO. Third Avenue at First X 49.50 (Regular $66.00) ONE WEEK', ONLY (While they fast) EASY TANK GLEANER (Complete with attachments) Guaranteed for One Year 5 Bulkley Valley. COA L AND SAVE OK Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of Coal Your dealer can supply you BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES Telkwa, B.C. "LIMITED Margaret McLeod Optometrist - AT MANSONS Jewellers 522 Third Ave. Phone Green 324 lor Aon; Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Broadway Cafe (Formerly Boston) YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FULL COURSE.MEALS 11 A.M. TO 8 P.M. Chinese Dishes Oar Specialty BANQUKT HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS NNERS AND PARTIES Friendly Servi rvicc 608 Third Avenue West Telephone 200