.1 U ever. 11 it- Man mill ;t: sal. he- - HhE; .Vc 0o",e rno' '''"rtfolW loco' ni . ... 4lco , ; 0; tC-rr T P: Hi : B: . t:u. rfC on de " Ulriru so eo1 moc or 0Ur ... Ho"' ' be'-' der Why v.ove Horn' for tor racetins? advanced second Mi M::In-ubsence irxt m.cet-'S at which Orand Co:umbla. It will iC"':on of v. ir.. be held . lounge Mrs. A. FS-. ::: Vancou- Axc tsr-ndstrom of oec In the u i j? days on ir.cc'.lon with the Per Edward, ..I:- cn the Prin-o their return :i:; Terrace at louncements Meeting. Civic kt i? f.l J Coldwell. OC 30. Aid Bazaar, Lit .oo Auxiliary P ' th Mrn'' arrmal v H and 13. Moose WDLar outed ChurCh, Mar? :.o.D.E. Bazaar, r'-erian Fa, Uazaar, Nov. Stai U) uance. Ma- pple Nov 21 tolrwi cathedral Bazaar, (it a wn Armv Hnmp rntnio ... in teat civic Centre Nov, fcvT? Homo Cooking, L wuieran Kecrea- r- 3li-.v3o. Nov. 29. pi Church n.,.. r s Wan Bazaar. Dec. 11 N'OLSTERINr. KNTTi'i,., "-nr. KH'AIIIS rk . . . u auto Cushion ana Recovered "rP a Specialty Available Nowt -BoT CltEDIT TERMS .1 wn orders Given pPlal Attention COVIN'S AVENUE ( 4 10 eier her VtVe do the Be be ritt 00 re' b fSf-f OtO tl0cW free. -"0B,n . wr j. L'.nf' SfND YOUR UTIIB TO xrazi 100MI I " .unit Products, Ltd. los Angeles 11, Calif. REMOVE 2,424 B; . vol at N H I l II I'l 1 mm m w MAN'S STOMACH Despondent Capetown Carpenter Recovers Two Weeks After Operation CAPETOWN 0.i A young Capetown carpenter, who swal-nxroi nAarlv 2.S50 nails and have set a world record by his strange feat. Details of an operation per formed in a Capetown hospital, during which a mass of nails weighing lOVi ounces was removed from his stomach with the aid of a teaspoon, have aroused widespread Interest. The patient, a 25-year-old European whose name is being withheld at his own request, was discharged two weeks after the operation and now has fully Local News Items... Elio's Furniture Store will be closed Nov. 10 to Jan. 3, 1948. (270) William Osborne returned to the city last week by air from a holiday trip to Vancouver. Prince Rupert Basketball Association general meeting, Tuesday night at the Civic Cen-Itre, 8 p.m. (252) Mr. and Mrs. H. O. King, who have been visiting In the city ior the last two weeks, are sailing on the Coquitlam Tuesday to return to Vancouver. Mrs. Jack Gibson, who has been in Ketchikan for the past five weexs, relumed to the city from the north on the Camosun yesterday morning. Mrs. C. A. Bemer left trie city recently for a visit to Niagara Falls with her daughter, Mrs. R. O. Wlnship, the former Miss Bea Bemer. Mrs. Bemer will also visit in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. May returned on Friday night's train to their home in Notch Hill after spending a week with Mrs. May's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Swit-zer, Sixth Avenue East. Miss Christine Montgomery left last night to return to her nursing duties at Essondale Mental Hospital, after spending the past two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Montgomery of this city. .Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bain will leave tonight by the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver enroute to their home at Van Anda. Tex- lived-is believed by doctors to recovered. "I had been fed up since the death of my father In 1940," he said. "One day, when both my jacket pockets were full cf nails I acted on a sudden im pulse and i swallowed swawmru a a handful -. ada Island, after spending sev eral weeks visiting at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry tow surgeon Dr. William P Steenkamp. A lull account of the operation, which lasted 1 Vz hours, appears in the current Issue ot the South African Medical Journal. An x-ray examination revealed two three-quarter-inch nails and "an opaque area! measuring approxlately four by three Inches" lying inside the stomach. Dr. Steenkamp decided to bp crate Immediately. The "findings" consisted of 2,424 nails, tainly did Us best to digest the somewhat indlgestable meal. CORN COB POWER WASHINGTON, D.C., T Corn cobs may power the car of the future. Government research scientists now believe corn cobs may furnish valuable butyl alcohol which can be used as fuel in automobiles. Stanley Cameron, local Standard Oil Co. sales representative, left by air this afternoon on a business trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Messer sr. are sailing on the Coquitlam Sunday afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. Bl-Weekly Whist and Crib- bage tournament, auspices Oddfellows' Lodge, Oct. 28, Admission 25c. (252) Mr. and Mrs. R. C. White and child of Port Edward, are sail ing on the Coquitlam Tuesday afternoon on a trip to Vancouver. A. E. Smith, local produce exporter, returned to the city on the Camosun yesterday after making the round trip to Ket chika;t, Petersburg and Wran- gell on business. Notice to patrons of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative Association, the store located in Cow Bay will be clos ed for stock taking on October 29, 3Q, 31. Business will be resumed-Saturday, Nov. 1. 5(22) Miss Lillian Swanson, who operates a ladies and women's ready-to-wear store in Petersburg, was among the southbound passengers from Alaska aboard the steamer Camosun yesterday. Miss Swanson will visit Seattle and San Francisco on a buying trip. Howard Stewart, prominent Ketchikan merchant and pro prietor of the Bon Marche store j there, and Mrs. at.ewari were passengers aboard the Camo-sun yesterday bound for Seattle. At the Puget Sound city they, will pick up a car and drive to Texas ana uKianoma iur a Capt. Neil McLean, former well known Canadian National Coast Steamships skipper, now living in retirement in Vancouver, disembarked here yesterday from the steamer Camosun after making the round trip to Alaska. He will visit here for the next week, guest at the home of Mrs John R. Mitchell, Atlin Avenue, Westvlew. Simplicity Please, Advice to Savants . f half-Inch to -one ii lsnriish and use less tech of them then another nanaiui, inch, and wpia-hinc weighing nitnthe? Cni nical jargon was thr the advice advice Si Sir and a third. I swallowed mem easily with sips of water. "In all I think I made live attempts to end everything in this way. All that happened was that my throat got sore. When I got pains in my stomach I be came frightened and went to a doctor and he couid scarcely believe his ears." He said that he hau previous ly swallowed gramophone needles, pins and large sewing needles, although none were found during the operation which w;as performed by a Cape 10 's ounces Giving his medical conclusion, Dr. Steenkamp says that it seems that the stomach, through increasing its blood supply, cer Shrimps For Lady Mayor Mrs. Barnes of Wrangell Sends Gift to Mrs. Arnold of Prince Rupert Gift of luscious tinned shrimp, now at the height of production In southeastern Alaska, was sent by the lady mayor of Wrangell, Mrs. Doris Barnes, to the lady mayor of Prince Rupert, Mrs. Nora Arnold, on the occasion of the Inauguration at the week-end of the Union Steamship Co's new service beyond Ketchikan to Wrangell by the steamer Camosun. - A letter of greeting from Mrs. Barnes to Mrs. Arnold, accompanied the parcel which was delivered personally from one lady mayor to the other as a gesture of international and municipal goodwill by G. A. Hunter, president of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. DUNDEE, Scotland, O) Speak iTpnrv n.iie. nresiaeni ui nit- British Association for the Ad v-inrpmpnt of Science gave to the annual meeting here. Sir Henry said scientists'- edu ration was onen to criticism be cause "It does not teach them to express tneir ideas eutvu'j or to present the result of their Investigations clearly and vivid ly." HANDICAP OVERCOME Beethoven, the great musical composer, showed signs of deaf ness at the age 01 28 AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver R. Mar, Mr. and Mrs. D. Burt, S. Simons, S. Cameron, W. R. Montgomery. From Vancouver (Saturday) P. Sendvik, Mr. and Mrs. D. Burt. AHEAD OF TIMES In 1805 Robert Fulton demonstrated a method of destroying ships Joy exploding a charge of gunpowder against the hull under water. 1.1,1 1 vmmnM.im ' ft FOR THE BEST WEDDING PHOTOS by Chandler & Cowgill 4th Street, Prince Rupert TRAFALGAR DAY DANCE ENJOYED Officers and guests of H.M. C.S. Chatham naval reserve division enjoyed dancing by candle light Saturday night at a caba ret style dance observing Trafalgar Day. There were 142 guests present at the function which was held In the drill hall canteen. The guests were welcomed by Lieut. Walter Smith, and danced to music by the Four Dukes Orchestra. Refreshments were served at tables clrclln; the dance floor. Mrs. William Rothwell was in charge of the refreshments. Relieve HEAD COLD? Dry, Stuffy Ate FAST! A few drops of Vlcks Va-tro-nol In each nostril work fast right where trouble isl Va-tro-nol opens up cold - congested breathing passages and relieves sneezy, sniffly head Cold' distress. Follow directions in package. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL JSoiv Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL If your building, house or fur nlture were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of youi possessions? e Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture are up fifty percent? Consult your insurance advisers now I H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 216 Sixth Street BAPCO Floor ENAMEL and DAPL-ART PROCESS Bapco Floor Enamel may be used on floors linoleum or woqdwork, and dries with a high gloss. It is made in nine popular colors, and is ready to walk on when left over night. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. PHONE 101 255 Third Ave. I TEMPTING! DELICIOUS! rBv b' -Your Halloween ,,kl. tjWl J I ' pie$ are a success Iron JtiJ " 'r? f mJK i the itai ouuse f Jy , 4Tk CANNED FOODS Prince Ufipect Daila faeffi Monday, October 27, 1947 IT'S THE SEASON for r comfortable topcoat. We are now showing one of the finest ranges we've had in years. Made by Fashion - Graft and So: ciety, in Scotch fleeces, gabardines, coverts, tweeds, Venetians and Crombie lodens. Call and see 'them today. V ig GIFT STATIONERY $37.50 " $65.00 m K'n wmm m l m ORDER NOW! Personal Christmas Greeting Cards ALSO DIBB PRINTING COMPANY From This Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: LUMP Sacked 512.00 per ton MINE RUN Loose $11.00 per ton No rebate for quantity HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 m a A m M ft NEW ROYAL HOTEL LUMBER JUST RECEIVED a large shipment of Fir Dimession, Shiplap, Flooring, Vee Joint, Kiln-Dried Fir Finish, Shingles, and a large assortment of Moulding. Sole Agent for D.C. CEMENT CO. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES PHONE 116 COAL TIIONE 117 Hollywood Cale TR1NCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO G AJU. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW ME IN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST ft BOXED ASSORTMENTS 8 In New and Original Designs, Prices from 0 up FOUNTAIN PENS ft J K 5 BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE fi A Home Away From Honwf 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1M for Hallowe'en . Mill t m 1 1 ai Masks Lanterns Hats Fireworks Streamers Noisemakers You will find your Hallowe'en requirements at NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA 3 NEWSPAPER