~ 1 Prince Rupert Daily News per deyoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Central British Columbia } Press Audit Bureau of Circulations | Canadian Dai Nev per Association | Published by The Princ d Daily News Limited MAGOR, President H +. PERRY, Vice-President Sa independent daily new and Northern Member of Canadian J. FP Subscription Rates By carrier—Per wee> per month $1.00; per year, $10.00 By mail Per month, 75 pe ir, $6.00 nv UN RPABEL Sear Authorized as second cla the Post Office Department, Ottawa \“ . of The ‘Taint’ of Peace HE strange*gir] in white who made her un- Scheduled appearance at the Olympic stadium in Helsinki to plead for peace was later described as queer in the head. It may be that her method was queer, but we fail to see anything queer in her motive, Rus instrument out of peace there has been an ugly connotation to the word. As a result those who seek peace are often labelled pacifi: ts, and pacifists are branded as communists. Ever since the ians made a propaganda This deterioration of meaning in such a sig- nificant word is a tragic development of our time. rhe’ very condition of world affairs that most of us want receives carefully guarded lip service which in effect utterly condemns it. READY FOR ELECTION—Nelson Castonguay, Canada’s Chief Ele the next Federal election even though the government has un electic With Mrs. F. Loop, a member of his office staff, he of supplies now being mailed to returning officers in all The solution is far less obv'ous than the prob- lem, but it must le somewhere in the courage of tho e i date who disdain the conventional and are not constantly on the alert for approval. While the girl in white chose an extreme way to express these qualities, we applaud her individuality and suspect that besides many of her more orthodox contem- poraries she would wonderfully and re- freshingly sane. As I See it by , Ctmore PA éhpott BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Than 1 Per Cent appeal New Government's Problems oe 7 ALL the problems facing Social Crediters t Figures sometimes have more eloquence than words. Certainly the story of the impact and im jury of the cold War was never told more eloquently than in a few dry-as-dust trade — figure DURING the time I was published.by the Canadian gov . . ernme recently in hospital many letters They seeee teat Canada sold came in about Dr, Pat-)| more goods to the Fiji Islands ton’s aesearch into the cen eae alae. connection between fowl) Russia, Red China, Hungary a Czechoslovakia, Poland, Rom paralys is and human ania, and the other polio, Readers recall that Dy Patton that the trous epidemics of polo among when they move into Victoria to form our government, perhaps the greatest will be to overcome their lack of experience. With no one to show them how except two of their own number and the opposition, it will be task enough to be- come familiar with the complexities of parlia- mentary procedure, For those named to cabinet positions the work will be that mich more strange Letters on Polio nex The tiny South American country of Ecuador bought four times as many Canadian goods as the combined Tron Curtain countries. British Honduras the Eskimos followed immediat-| bought nearly as much as the ely after their receipt of a supply of U.S. War Surplus dried eggs Using the self powder which, ne ed the. Eskimos, Di perimented on monkeys these developed typical ymp- toms of polio, and one died out right and exacting. will As most of the pre-election promises of the iN Social Credit party will require approval of the legislature, not many are likely to be carried out for a while. Among these may be included the pro- posal to introduce voluntary hospital insurance | which, since it would presumably entail additional government subsidy, would be a matter for vote in the House, : Thus with no great burden of radically new disas Gibraltar just a. little The Fiji $802,000 worth. | $2,713 000 worth as pait of the ever ume of trade Canada is doing With South and Central Amer- * oe ica. The tiny French islands of ONE MOTHER writes she is in- St. Pierre and Miquelon off tensely interested but wants to| Newfoundland, nearly doubied know the bought dried ege : ciaims, infect Patton ex Some of Same : bit more from Canada Islands bought Ecuador bought welling vol “How could the polio germ (or virus) survive the drying pro- cess, plus the cooking necessary?” The figures eame out in a gov ernment blue book, a review of foreign trade for the year 1951 The statistics on trade with the ated countries were burved deep because not one of them quali- fied among the first 40 of Can- ada’s best markets Only brief reference to this situation was made in the writ- Ores Jacqueline Moore Hollywood: A place where you newspaper woman live happily and ges married for Loves slLoves Montreal igloos consent packet of storie Madamo have newsy tucked away closed with the don’t env the aware now upply of month farthe: finds ang the pace Se legislation to handle, the duties of the cabinet mem- of deputies, These are the men who do the unsung Many others wrote on the same Like “The Brook” of poetry, ministers may _, | this Spray dried eggs are ‘ot sub thing that they do. whole principle of, drying eggs is housewife cah camplete the cook - Patton’s investigations show that cnt tae Gada rele ipon | Will Shortage be less acute Talks Fea d oi) lamp Ordinary answering court inquiries cover-| ever afterward-—Nancy Craig ‘oe 6 6 nes openiig here today fear) sprightly A Prince Rupert-Ketchikan alt| «7 pave a small flock of chick- | 2° 4 sounding board for renewed | in | MEETING THE PACE Skeena and Alaska have always! poosters each fall. In spring they problem ul sented at the conieretice, North | dozens will sail or fly south,| patch out the baby chicks . Com- | regret It says we munist Chines hor ar regula ingling ‘ i and regular mingling of peoples |; eghorn and Barred Rocks. In | must be when the neighbors at sip ‘ | as Count Bonabes Ge Rouge, See- | Leigh and neighborhoods, | eges in the incubator as y 1 f € ing materials than it wa in| see Vancouver when they think | "sual munist delegates will be seated | know that every Prospects of a population of |70ster took sick, lost the use of] pons» ge DYNAMITE the steady increase in popula aia. ; . j and died in ten days. This was j , tawa—including the Dowkivebars, | * Nationalist Chinese | bers will be simplified. Even so, they will have to work, know most of the answers and provide the line. I already had Dr. Patton’s eome and ministers may go, but deputy ministers | jected to enough heat to kill pased on leaving them suffi . ray Rellects Communist re ing process in her own kitchen lthey either do not cook thei it.—Ex ili are occupied? ; are impossible in Eskima TORONTO Officials of the ing a ten year period ol allegea ———— that a t r ‘om nist |A FRASER Valley farmer write hat a North Morean Commun‘st must ‘ ise ‘ ‘ | ack: alle j service will in time lead to much| ons around 60 or 70. The only | tacks on alleged United Korea | Parliament been a long way apart. Where) are divided into two pens. We changed and this, the St. Thoma; Koreans, backed by a 15 member t which, in a we scted | 1ich, in a way, is to be expected “About 12 years ago we had delegation will] Mr. Winters who ha l | in his own charge. H : mence, » easier | sress these charges as humani-| 1 commence, It will be easier to the fall we bought two roosters 5 an deficit is large: Some day | Set the |retary-General of the League of | 1946 when every kind of build-| of going somewhere “Just about the time the chicks Canadian housing f ce part wt .,|his legs ari could not get | 15,000,000 by 1953, according to There may be a dispute on the | ion.” irst exper > wi ye | Munist or tion who took a fancy to South mates” experience with Range sease, lean heavily on, and accept advice from, their corps continuity of administration. answer to this in my files. It is evo on forevér, Right now it is a particularly good A germs of viruses In fact th ciently uncooked so that the In the case of the Eskimos, D1 P d, Charm: Something | ple have are going up but to what extent) ro, a n ad cod at ail cook it over small made of snoy fnternational R°d Cross confer- vice, What a BECOMING ACQUAINTED ax foow: delegation may use the meeting Na-| where } . ¢ ‘ e ' . fions use er arfe more than that. And it’s time.|yew stock purchased is two tions use of germ warfare With some 68 nations repre- | oh ee one local citizen journeys north,| pave a small incubator and Times-Journal finds reasons fot Russian and 19-membei But now community interests, ; : two breeds of chicken White | have an excellent opportunity to | ing policy fully that the| understand the true meani tarian matters. meaning of | usual, and when spring came | is not a short build Prince Rupert won't | Red Cross Societies, said all Com- ing material was scarce. He must were due to hatch the Rock|as aceredited delegates. farther behind bY | fiaeast sition ii va ,|around. He also became blind | Y latest revised report from Ot- | conference floor if either Com-| Anu Dare ta delegations should demand that! erica but wouldn’t stay on a het. | or Fowi Paralysis. . Oh, in the summer time we | “That fall we bought two roos- | the other not be seated, he adds | fish and go motoring, and in ters as usual, buying them from | ed winter, we do not fish. Nationals Raid }a small flock of chickens. The | they were | dynamite,” but added “it’s our - i spring we hatched as usual. Tt’s a fact scores and scores of) ¢ : communist Is. |about six months old three died | job to see it goes right ahead and In the fall when buildings were dismantled here, years ago when the city was; HONG KONG (AP)—National-|—one rooster and two pullets— | makes progress in bettering hu- | under commissionership. Some | ist guerillas raided eee, B. Rocks |manitarian laws in the world.” | were fair size, but the mujority | held island off the Chinese main- “The following year two died | : land July 15, looted a supply|—one rooster and one pullet.| gether except for six weeks at | | ted “the conference could be| were smalj aiid not Much to look at, but no one could foresee ‘he | store and escaped with four cap-| Again on the fourth year one | hatching time. situation that eventually came te| tured motor junks, a Hong Kong] pullet died. Since then we have’ exist. Had nothing peen torn) newspaper reported today. More|not had a sign of it. all B, Rocks—not a single Leg-| down, but premises somehow) than 100 raiders landed on Quei| “Our chickens have the run of|horn. This certainly convinces | kept rented or in reasonably| Ling Island off the Kwangtung/| the orchard so have lots of green | me that the disease is hereditary good shape, far more people | coast. They killed two reds who|feed. The chicks were hatched|and was passed on from sl would have been living here to-| put up a fight and ran up the|together and raised in the same | single afflicted rooster to the It is true new dwellings| Nationalist flag before they left.|brooder. Both breeds were to- | fourth generation.” | “The chickens which died were | day. lron’Curtain Countries Buy Less By DOUGLAS HOW Canadian Press Staff Writer No Restriction on Imports From Communists from calendar | control or Russian-domin- of two-thirds of total | her | Switzerland One Red Cross officer admit- | 4 Beer Tablets Great, Claims Scientist By ALFRED CHEVAL ‘States BRUSSELS.—A young Belgian/representative In Washington, biochemist claims he has found|who said “It yields a, beverage a way to reduce any beer to tab which very closely resembles the let form reguiar type of American beer The beer tablets, Robert Mou ton says, can be turned into a true foaming bee by adding water, alcohol carbon dioxide He sees the quartermaster-general}in protein biochem). British authorities been interested in a centrating process British represen; Atives asked him fom » ‘Mples , tablets ‘/ al Tego Mouton says he has applied back {or patents for his process im simply | which alcohol and and extracted’ through vacuum and deep- What is left is a pow beers gas water combined future for his freezing tablets in the opening of a'qer which can be pressed into world-wide beer market. Beer) any shape and size for transpo! would be concentrated into tab- tation and easy storage | lets wherever raw material and manufacturing is the most econ- omical. The concentrate could be exported anywhere Mouton says “there'll be mo are Britain To Buy Uruguayan LONDON (AP) Mouton came across the pro- guayan Embassy AD NOUN OE ss by accident while he was that Britain wi) jy then working on an apparatus for | 88,000 tons of meat from y,, his invention to realize drying during the next 11 nw) the a water to transport, no bottles under vacuum gy ager an agreement recent}; wo re een a ze a and substituted beer oO! lack Of | jin Montevideo. A 5 Just ~ easy to handie cance a solution of barley proteins Britain ill take all 1. even under tropical climate currently involved able meat Surplus nex! He claims a_ beer drinker / drinker would find it difficult to tell whether his beer comes AVAILAB from a tablet or straight out of ;a barrel or bottle Mouton says the process was “Ecc. A MARINE BAND Comdato _$ BATTERY RADIO .ctoral Officer, is preparing for | Foot M th Designed especially for the fisherman til Aug. 25, 1954 to pick an | % ou e looks over some of the hundreds parts of Canada, (CP PHOTO) The § day and y Cone) KESMaHl versity, ne i eat NOW REGINA @—-Canada may be | declared free of foot ard mrouth disease Aug. 19, Agriculture Min® ister J. G. Gardiner announced in a statenfent released here on Tuesday Gardiner said that provided ho new signs of the disease were discovered, Canada will be de clared free of the disease and |quarantine regulations on qwar- antine and buffer zone areas Sur- jrounding Regina will be lifted Aug. 19 CALL WRIT RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Phone 644 Box }2 Canadian Export Communist countrie did to- gether There were lots of other par allels to illustrate the paralysis} A C| $ has overtaken trade be- rm ose =f Shell Plant tween the two great areas of the world, East and West WASHINGTON (AP) rhe army has closed its largest shell Out of the same figures emerge ed, too, another haunting making plant here because of the lack of steel ' thought—to what record heights hs a a? il It is a Chevrolet plant at Sf would exports roll if} mankind could dissolve its dif ad throw that Louis, Mo., operated by the Chevrolet division of General Motors, It produced about halt area now er Red domination open to the traders of the world? the army’s output of 105-milll metre artillery projectiles For Canada sold nearly $1,000 000,006 worth of abroad The plant workers Canada’ ference > PRICED FROM $299.’° UP and vast ull good and the Tron with all thelr of people, bought worth of pel last yeal Curtain countries millions ! $643,000 than i employed 2 600 Oly them—far le cue cent MILK PRODUCTION In 1951 the per capita pvoduc- ‘tion of milk in Canada was 1,170 } pounds ten portions of the publication It said ‘Canadial egie contro on j trat- export id the purchasin ee eet? eee Commu ist as policies of ments ‘ + most Communist counts a Je) , § scligible lev« Whi negligible kx 2 | Whil does not Gaicriminate 7OVeTH « i . i - . nave reaquced expo ‘ \ import from the jnevertheless they Red total : jada are small Actually countrie Canadian import: unde! Russian influence were about larger than the vatue | her exports to them-—a total] 10 times of $6,764,000 Czechoslovakia made up about | the total And, | significantly Czecho: lovakia’s | was down markedly from 1951. \Missing Official’s Wife Moves PARIS (Reuters) anda MacLean, wile of missing British diplomat, Donald Mac Lean, arrived here yesterday with three children em route to} She sald she hopes, by moving from England Lo escape further publicity. Mac- Lean, 38-year-old head of the} Foreign Office U.S. Department, | disappeared Last May with an-| Mrs. Mel- diuolechiic STEAM IRON THREE-WAY GROOVES puta protective sheath of steam from heel to tip between iron and fabric, Two Irons in One flip the switch to change instantly STEAM — for wrinkle-proof iron- DRY — can also be used without other foreign office employee, ing of synthetic fabrics... no etick- i } water as a dry iron for cottons, Guy Burgess, 40, ing... no scorching. linen, flatware, see Dial-set temperature control " “WILex and Eatin It's better when made in a Silex Here’s the reason “FLAVOR-GUARD” FILTER Self-Timing Electric Stove assures cor rect brewing period every time. EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Flavor-Guard Filter makes coffee with or without cloth strainer. “Pop-Up” Handle, the slightest thumb pressure instantly releases upper bowl. DEFANCE JOB —- George M. Grant, 54, of Toronto, assist aut general manager, of the Bell Telephone Company of Canada, has been appointed co-ordinator of production in the Defence Production De- partment, He has been on loan from his company, serving as director of the electronics divi- sion. He succeeds Reginald M Brophy, recently appointed deputy minister of the depart- ment. (CP PHOTO) Decorative Clip conceals serew heads which attach handle to coffee maker. Hae ES Rea COMPANY LIMITED