page four OIIer Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn &. Hansoa Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, BX. DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue, Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, 9 U 8, Phone 688. Open Evenings Only Far Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading RestauranL A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. M. S. SING Cleaning and Pressing. Special Suits Ready to Wear $18.00 Laundry Office. 820 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, 1J.C. Phone 774. P.O. Bor 958 EDSON COAL Received few cars of our Famous Edspn Coal. From How on we can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantify delivered dally. Prompt Early Morning Delivery. VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 657. McBrldc itreet I I I BASEBALL BOXING LACROSSE LEAGUE BASEBALL American League New York 7, Philadelphia I. Detroit 8, Chicago 2. Washington I, Boston 2. National League Chicago 3-6, Pittsburg 9-10. BADMINTON IS badminton enthusiast turned out to the anntial meeting of Hie Hub at which officers were elected and preparations were made to carry on during "the coming winter season. No definite decision was arrived at in regard to the , hall which will he used, but the mat ter was left in. Ihe hands of the executive committee. Three halls were under review and the com mittee will look them men and interview the owners with a view to getting the best possible ac commodation. A delegation from .the Elks consisting of Charles Fofsom and Murray Fuller attended and out-lined the situation so far as the Elks Hall was concerned. I was generally concededthat Ihe Elks Mail was the most suitable but the 'matter of . availability and other questions in connection with it had to be considered. The fee for members was set at ten dollars each for the sea son, the club to provide shuttles but Ihe members to find their own raquetfl. It was thought this would probably provide suflicieut money to cover all expenses. It was felt I hat any higher fee. would be prohibitive as in a number of cases both the man and his wife were join-ing and it would prove quite a burden. Officers Reefed were: President, II. F. Pullen. Vice-president, Miss 1nV'Ri Scott. Secretary, Alex. Rix. Treasurer, W. H. Hamilton. Executive, E. C. Gibbons, Fred (Jillmly and Mrs. Mcpherson. Mr. and Mrs. P. Stralitz an daughter of tSydney, Australia,' arrived in the city on last night's 'train and boarded the steamer i Prince George to make the round' ( trip to Stewart before proceeding ui ancouver tonight. I hey arrived recently in Vancouver and visited Jasper Park with which they were highly pleased. From Vancouver they will go (o San .Francisco and thence to the Old' .Country by way of South Amer. lea. Of 25t; I I SPORT NEWS wr the DAY HERE AND REORGANIZED Ulub Holds General Meetlna and Chooses Officers for the Season In spite of the bad weather fasf evening, well over twenty Sport Chat 13 Delicious Kinds to Choose from W. ClARK LIMIT! . MOHTKCIL JJ-1 " " -. T. EVERYWHERE ii nil I s I I A meeting of Ihe City Billiard League will be held in tfie Elks Home on Monday night at '8.30. 229 Haiti's capture of second plaei in the rifle matches at the Olympic games has stimulated inter est in sport there and turned the eyes of the IslamWs toward basfhall The president ol Haiti, evincing a keen interest in baseball, lias appointed Captaii Bertol of the Gendarmerie d'- Haili to take up the matter. o: introducing baseball in Ihe Island. Otlicials of major league teams in Ihe United Stales arr being communicated with in ai endeavor io obtain the necess;fti paraphernalia. The Colombes stadium, which was erected for IheOIympic games at Paris this year, will "revert to the Racing Club of France, one of the most prosperous rugby and football institutions in Ihe country and will be the' scene of all future international rugby and soccer . matches as well as Ihe finals of hp French football leagues. The swimming pool and xladium at Les Tou relies will be administered by the city of Paris; and will be thrown open to the public for three davs a week dur ing the summer. The tennis and polo stands will be taken down. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE Division I. Birmingham I, Burnley 0. Blackburn I, Aston Villa I. Bolton W. I, Sundarland 2. Leeds i, Huddrsfield 1. Liverpool 3, Nottingham F. 0. Newcastle. 2, Bury 2. Notts County 3, Evert on I. Sheffield U. 0, Manchester 5. Tottenham I, Cardiff City 1. West Bromich 1, Preston 1. West Ham I. Arsenal 0. FOOTBALL DENNIS SWIMMING t -, HAMILTON MAY TORONTO. Sept. 27. . (By Canadian Pres . AV 0ueen.'s University repeat for the senior rugby football championship of ihe Dominion this fallf There fre niany who believe that the Presbyterians, who have domin ate senior play for Ihe nasi wo years, are due lo make way for someone else this year. This is figured brcaue the Presby-ferians have lost a number of regulars. But particularly will hey miss Johnny Evans al quar ter-back: True, Batsfone and Lead ley. will probably carry the aim for barkfield work again, but Evatis will not be there to start these' two on their famous runs. Quarterbacks of" class are not picked up every day. Queen's nmy have another Evans in their 1924 -quad but' present .indications lo not point in that' djrectidn. And Queen's tackling strength will nt be so good either. However, ariyfeam with Balstone and Leadley on it will be on top or mighty near it and while Queen's may not win the'Caiiadia championship again they should take the Intercollegiate honors. Hamilton Tigers appear lo be he likely successors of the Presbyterians on Ihe top of Ihe rung. rhey gave the Intercollegiate measure' irn lal 'venr. Ihoncrh nl that it was not weak. But with Evans to start those backfield i plays, mire poihls should come DEFEATQUEEN'Sj Change Looked For in Ontario Senior Rugby Football This ' v Winter f Ollll ttlfaT i. Fcatuhc Soviet Crt Britain rittt in that rjirec'liqn'in'tie Tlgei. Jine. best of tlM'rot 'fait year. w.rl,tfidCMrJmen.aI -btmln even belter this, for Ihey have' Tiramis of Otlawa, ranked as one Hu"n "Sourdough of the best. And'thev m.n hnv one of best know on every occasion. Varsity will again build around Snyder on the backfield. Jack Newton has a real lask nn his hand for Iliat 1923 Varsity learn certainly did British Consols for I'M Cigarettes per smoke O Ji2 either size jjaclcage , rwiH r ryBBBBBBBBB McKay, members "Gear" Elford also of the Yukon Telegraph staff Season of Surprises t'north of Hazcllon, returned lo ,l,e ci,y on ih Vrinr' Beatrice But Ibis season may be one of surprises. Wfiile Queen's should ,,!is ''rning after having spent win Ihe IntertoHegiatc race, keen four monn,s visiting hi England, opposition will come from McGill France and other parls of the and Varsilv MeGitt tooled hr 01,l Country. He also look in last season Ihan for several years Kmpire Exhibition al Weml orevious and" while ?'rank ley- Mr- McKy expects to pro. iShaughnessy hardly looks for a e,''',, ,0 i,ll'r'or " ' f- champlonshin. lie does look for "noon train. Iijs squad lo give real arguments' " PRINCb RUPERT TIDES Saturday, September 27 12:13 p.m. 19:8 " 'High 0:14 a.m. 19.7 fl. 12:13 p.m. 19.8 " Low 6:33 a.iiiT 4.2 " 18:55 p.m. 4.9 " Sunday, September 28 Hull 0:55 a.m. 20.C fl. 13:15 p.m. 20.8 " Low 7:08 ajm. 3.7 " 19:31 p.m. 3.7 " Monday, Soplember 29 High 1:33 21.2 ft. 13:18 p.m. 21.6 " Low 7:12 a.m. 3.4 u 20:00 p.m. 2.7 " Tuesday, September 30 High 2:14 a.m. 21.3 ft. 14:22 p.m. 22.1 " Low 8:10 a.m. 3.5 " 20:42 p.m. 2.3 " PLAIN SEWING Wanted. -Child. ren's sewing a specialty. Phono CG6. BOAT REPAIRS J27 WANTED. Small secondhand cookslove for cash. Phone 127. WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange Auctioneers. Phone 652. SITUATION WANTED CHAMBERMAID Phone 6C6. .'ants Work 227 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typist' wants employment. Write Box 207, Daily News. 227 iXPEIUENCED stenographer and book-keeper wants work.Nq.v-ember I. Write Box 205 Daily News. if FOR RENT FOR RENT Seven roomed house unfurnished, near Cold Storage with Lath and toilet. Rent cheap to suitable tenant. Phone 287. 227 FOR RENT. Furnished house keeping rooms. Phone Blue 217 or 18. 410 Sixth Avenue East. tf OFFICE FOR RENT with modern living quarters. Westenhavet Bros. tf FOR RENT. Palmer House for cheap rates and home comforts, tf FOR RENT Four room, modern. heated apartments. Apply Smith & MalletL Lid. tf AUCTION SALES. Goods Bought. Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crookery. Third Ave. I'honer Black 136 end Red 442. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Ca)l Oeorge, Paul or Gust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night Stand: riOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block, Across from Empress Hotel. FISHERMEN, The close season will soon be here. You can gel your boats overhauled by contract or day work, at a moderate price. We build anything up lo 200 tons. Marine ways. Call or write Eriksen Bros:, boat builders". North Vancouver, B.C. tf AUCTION 8ALES. AUCTION Sale Saturday, Scpfem- her 27 at 2 o'clock p.m. 20 Ninth Avenue West (Parkview Apartments) . We have instructions from owner who is leaving town lo sell Iwo circular saws, 16 inch with man drel; carpenters caulkers and other lools; lool boxes; bed lounge with drawer; common lounge; baby carriage; bedstead; cookslove wllh coil, healing stove; fur blankets; mats; Scandinavian and English books and other things loo numerous to mention. Phil-poll, Evltl & Co. Ltd. Chief Constable W. Spider of Ihe Provincial, police relumed on Ihe- Princess Alice yeslerday afternoon from a trip to Juneau. .Daily News Classified Ads FOR SALE or Lra- a Eighth Av-n.,,' Black 519. FOR SALE, phonflgrapl Seventh Av FOR SALE in A.I. cm nil heater FOR SALK. furnished. Avenue. t?r 1 1 n i r n .... THE DAtlY NEWS Saturday. ;.. tii-, BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM Money CACIOO THE WEATHER WHERE IM h:t w o nd where: I COTTa. THE were r00 J I VORLO MORnin'. and i -i- -T- kept Orders T NOW - CKX IOEA HAVE. lOO walkik- OoRitsq the ME.VELR. I TOL.O l WO t THE. "TO 5? THSH GOT iT't) HOuO OH OOTMOE. f PR. ArV WALKED On Sweden Norway, and IFXCT WE THAT I ALOtC, THE Denmark at Current Rates "55B 1 I C.riE IN 1 RWER of Exchange ;om out Make your reservations -011 I II 1 " " 1 M ' I IB v sss for that Christmas visit to WALK the OW Land early. For Tickets, Rates and Information, see us. a CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdertlMmnt Taken for L.( thn Bo I AGENTS AGENTS WANTED WANTED I ra . FOR SALE !l(i Piuirirs run or spare tiiqeselling our men's made to-nieasure. clothing. No ex nerienee necessary. We teach yoli how. Samples free. Write for exclusive territory. Depl 192, Wilson-Bradsbaw Company, Box 1015, Montreal. not set any worlds on fire. Montreal may do well in the luterprovincial race but Montreal always seems to look well in early training but fall in ac tual conflict. But with Major "Greenwood as roach the Winged Wheelers are likely to show something outstanding. Major Greenwood showed one of the best trained teams in Canada last fall in Royal Military College and if the Montreal players will do as (old, improvement is bound to be noted. Ottawa are not likely to provide much opposition. They didn't last year and this fall look even weaker. ' Argonauts have lost Hughes from the harkfield and are minus a good kicker. But. much young material Is available and the Double Blue may unearth one or two new stars. Balmy Beach, Ihe Jew entrant into Ihe O.R.F.U. senior race should win there. Hamilton Rowing Club are slow in starting and what they will have is a mystery. Varsity are also uncertain because when Jack New-on is through selecting his In-Vrcollegiate squad, the test of 'hose left will go to the O.R.F.U. feamr. Western Situation The western situation is also champions a real tussle right inlunwrla,n- Winnipeg last year Kingston in play-off last year ibuin nn a "'anT "P"lw Plim-And everyone of these self-same j inatp 0,1 others but Regina sur-Tigers are back again. But on Prii,pd- Irtaps Winnipeg will top of that they have new mate-do f'oMpr l,,is 'ear- nul al an rial. Evans will give them raN il rtoM ,nn a !f 4nk strength al 'quarter just as he crn wlnnw not go east fot gave Queen's strength" at Ihe ',,c ?or play-off after the ter-same position. It was the Hamil- rific ,ru,,,'inP Kcgina received at Ion rear-Kuard that did nnVlh han,,s r Queen's last fall. ' rj.. If . a ii. u. rraser, scnnoi inspector, returned today on the Venture from Ihe Naas River where he ',3 has beVn I,pn for or Ihe past week on ess.' lh Ci'i I , - It . k ... .r M. tf v "r i i tea Hilt .,- D. rim jij pap,.rs j, tiumile. Daily X, s ROOMING Iiom: for 3al-: n. tral local i. .n; s:yam Ut Clienp rnt . i,M,ni.i tlwayj fall uwnr. r !' i 'JO M) ews. . J W I "Ml t e .V run 3i,e. ,vew snfl u Machinery, boats snd Engioes Northern Kxcbanrr FOR 8LE HOUSES 6 rooms ami iatluJ,K0 lot? harbor view, t:i.000.00 rooms and $2100.00. "Tilfi, close ii rooms and l.t. .wod gardn 2200.00. rooms, high grWimt, 1750.04 Terms an inK1"1' t6 McCaffery & " .lufeii J, Ltd. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Fuw- ture Store. We Buy, s rhanire New and EeCOBfllia Goods. GEO. PAPADOPUUS, CH'ROPRACTOR . in 83 Third Ave. FDcnei R. E. EYOLFSOS Graduate of the Nafhmal ' of Chiropra 'n- Cfturap, 1st. DIaaL RMftl IS. ir..-. ia l I tin . Saturday a flernoon. im'"-" by nppofnlB'' Phone HlueA DONT BE SHOCK" Ride (n GOODYEAR BALLOO" TIJ For all jna1 Ford Tires, $850 U Fit Goodyear Tlr Avoid Uie Shbcks $11' MODERN WRECKING EQUIPMENT Day and NlnM.Senlc. Phone 52. KAIEN OARAOt"- BOARD AND-BOO 1 '7T.-I.niif! BOARD and Room al w centrally locaiea block from Second Aven. PAIRED J. B. Phone Gren 45J. nhnne 3': PIANOS TUNE0. ,1.'!' " MacKAY p,0. I'