Saturday Seeptemher 27. 1924. GOODipWS FOR OF COAL Some fiftv. markable coaf was discovered on Vancouver Island, This coal caused a scnsalioii at Clio ihno and o.uickly eslablrshed a'repnta-tinn for greatest heal, very lifllo ah, no cHnker or rock. If was culled 'Wellington coal. Many other minefehave since been Im'cii oneHej-on the Island and tli.. natne?!dlin3lnn'' bus 'been given tojh.em. Hut Mie public alimlhl tMltiM .finrifiunJ mv.. naitno-Vetllnto!i" coal has the reputation i bf being the best .Inmnahit'lih'uinniM -'i : """" "";.'Hi "vi"" liotii iiuiirii Oil Vancouver Island. The mine has an ouipuf or"3,ooo tons per day which is rely satisfactory icyi-dnncc as 16 its quality. The public is cautioned airalnsr sulistltutiny,,and in order to imikn sure that they get the real "Sa-naiino.NVdlinalon" coal they should iXj-iVldlnct . from Albert v. frGaffiT" who are Vole agents i IJiis coal in Prince Huiiert. Their ithone number: are 1 1.6 and"!)!. You can huy a ton or a sack. I t W-C liavo nilp nvvn li-nnl-K .. u,n. OIIU team and -can give prompt ser-! ,vice. tf DUTCH ARE LEARNING ENGLISH FROM TOURISTS AMSTERDAM, Sept. 27 Am. erjean tourists have flocked this I season t9 the quaint Island of jtoarken in the Zuyder Zee. This is" one or the Jew communities in Midland where the native dress. has not given way to stan-Idardized clothes. Huge balloon trousers for. the men. ani irav pink, blue and yellow wauls, lull peuicoals and while caps for the women jstill are worn in Marken. Thn Utile folks dress just as do their elders. The pictures-, tpieness of the place, mainlained wih an eye to business, have drawn so many American visi tors lhat not a few o he natives speak English with jan accent. V. S. Fisher, provincial collec. tor, returned yeslerday. afternoon on' 'the Prince Geoi-ire from business trip to Ocean Kails. Dubarry's Fine Perfumes and Toilet Luxuries Appeal irresistibly to people of good taste and refinement. PERFUMED BATH SALTS IN TABLETS & CRYSTALS Tonic, invigtrruliiig. refreshing and beanlifving. FLOWER SCENTED BATH SOAPS FACE POWDER MANICURE OUTFITS DAY CREAM NIGHT CREAM TRAVELLING OUTFITS Contain, in compact and convenient form, every Toilet Luxury likely .to be required on a holidays Perfume, Kace Powder, Night Cream, Toilet Soap, Hath Dusting. Powder"; and Tooth -Paste ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists Third Ave. & Sixth St. The Rexall Store Phones 82 and 200 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For "'r Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle October 7, 17, 28 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway October 3, 13, 24 S.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai Tails', Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-eouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. i h Aflency for all Steamship Lines. ' .Full information from t v W. C; ORCHARD, General Agent Ctraer of 4th SSreet and 3rd Avenue, PTlnce RupfrtyBX. - t for Quality! and Food Value tH Select ELECTRIC BREAD j The Acme of Sweet Perfection! The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Uox. Sole A'ge'Ms PRINCE RUPERT GIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. Phone 109. .Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY DENTIST Office Horn's: f) a.m. to (I p.m. Opeu 'Rvoiiings by Special Appointment J DolngsToT the Moaquito Heet whichUthe SjfM IF IT'S ON OR UNDER THE WATER WE DO IT. Diving, Dredging, Xight-cring, Coaling Ships, Jlcavy Lifting, O.ncral Salvage Work. Pumping a Speciality. . VANCOUVER DREDQINQ AND 8ALVAQE CO. LTD. COW BAY. Phones: Green 259. Green 487. f e 4 An Optimistic Nautical The following Is a verbatim report of a statement, made hy fine, of (lie hest known nautical businessmen on the waterfront on I uemlay niorninir. and will doubtless serve as a zood Ionic to a few of the. "lilue .ruin" talk artists. "It would do the cockles of their hearl good, and would be like a splash 'Of sail spray on a hot day, in fact as exhilerating as a idunpe in the briny, In many of our local pessimists if they could become imbued with (he solid feeling of confidence of our seafaring citizens, who are ad justing themselves in advance to the furthcoming closed halibut season. '.o whining is heard but actions speak louder than words to quote an old proverb. The opinion is freely expressed, by men who know what Ihey are talking .about, thai what helps to make, business quiet in Rupert is the amount of monev snent in (illegitimate channelsv Future iplatts are being made by halibut J fishermen, and others who get a Jiving from the sea, to divert their activities during the closed feason (o remunerative lines of endeavor, and in site of all I he pessimistic talk then1 is not the slightest doubt but that the walerfonl fraternity will weather the closed season with flying colors and the 'uptown merchants will nrofi accordingly. If all our citizens were as true to themselves, as far as, trading at home is concerned for instance, as is the local fisherman the city would soon come into her birthright." Fish Business From Monday-o Friday 321,-000 pounds of halibut has been marketed on the Fish Exchange.' Americans were bigb at 20.7c and t)c and low al I Be and He. Canadians were high at 18.2o and 8c and low at. I5.Cc and Cc. Arrivals were: Canadian Prosperity A., Seamaid, F.d. I.ipsett, Cape Spencer, M. M. Christopher, Murineag, Alii, Gibson, May-Ilower and Johanna. Americni Western, Hrisk, Foremost, Rainier, Wireless, Mildred 11., Atlas, proseprity, Glacier, Gony, Pelican and Augusta. Wide the halibut arrivals this week liavo not been so heavy as for several weeks past (he prices for both: first and second class American and Canadian fish have kept up well. On Wednesday the Americans received 20.7e und T)c. and the Canadians 18.2c and 8c. The shortage! of fresli bail is stilt worrying -both Heels and several of 'I he schooners are fishing for I heir own. Tbo run of herring is eagerly looked for. Skandla Engine Scores "She is certainly a wonder," said Capt. 1'elo Jenson, skipper of tli-o Canadian schooner Lysekil upon his return from a niaiden voyage to the northern h'alibtit banks, when asked by tbo WhilTs man about the behavior of the 00 horse power senii-ileiscl Skuri, dia engine with which the local halibut schooner is powered, the Installation work being done iby Akerberg, Thomson & Cn.j l;ld. local agents for the Skandia engine. '"Anil what is more;" continued I'elo with emphasis, "she will 'idle' beautifully us long us there is a jiin.t of oil in the fuel tanks, and moreover she will take her full load at low speed without a murmur." 1'ele was of the opinion that for perfect "idling" thrie was nothing: to touch the jSkandia engine jii tlie .world to day. Hereupon John Wicks, first mate on the Lysekil, chimed in Willi l have fished on many boats in my .lifetime .filled with every conceivable make of engine I and. I can honestly say that never j before Hd I work-rui a boat with ja more perfect machine than the bkandia 00 h.p. semudeisel en gine on Ibo Lysekil," Capt. .Jen sen said that THTTiougli the boat did between 2,Gim and 3,000 miles during tbi .Iwe-nty-onc dav trio 1 she was as cool as a cucumber al tlie time and1 he-ver caused a moment's trouble ..Talking about fuel and lubrieaVjitg oil consumption the engineer, Eli Olsen, who has recently arrived from Sweden, said that-for economy of oil consumpliojyjic had never seen her equal.vand he had had sonic ten years experience with semi and full-deisel engines. On the entire twenty-one day voyage, when variable weather conditions were encountered, and an aver age spe"d of seven miles per hour was mainlained, the consumption of fuel oil amounted to oilly 3', i gallons per hour while the lubricating , oil used only amounted to 75 gallons. Mr. Ol el, the engineer, said that of all (he engines he had handled tlie Skandia had them all beaten for perfection in- "idling," an important feature of a fishing boat engine. Personnel Tbo personnel making the maiden voyage on tlie Lysekil in cluded Capt. Pete Jensen, skip per; John Wicks, lirst mate; Olsen, engineer; A. Hoinstrom, Louis Larsen W. J.und, Martin Johnston and Ted ShrubsalL Martin Johnson was suffering with fish poisoning upon return to port which necessitated hos. pilal treatment. However, lie is recovering nicely and hopes l.o make the next trip of the schooner. The Lysekil left on her second voyage to the northern banks on Monday night and will return about October 17. m Why-Oh Why-Oh Why Why did I buy, boat Why, oh why, oh why? Why did I buy that boat 1 could almost' cry. I'm seasick, I'm crazy, I'm dead broke, and blue, And if I sold it now What would (lie buyer do? He say be'il break; my neck. It would serve Jne rfglil. I can't ge. (lie wheel to budge It's wo stiff and tight I'm in trouble all "pecos" I ain't what 1 used to was. Why did I buy that boat, Why, Oh Why, Oh Why? Hubert Want, managing direcn lor of Ihe 'Ward Electric Co. left on the sleiuner Prince John on Wednesday night, on a business trip to Skidegate. - The power lioat" Leinsh, for merly owned by Aid. iTbeo. Col lar has beeir traded to Mr. Ivarsnn of JVcw, Westminster, for a six roomed bouse and a 00 ft. lot. Since takfjig .over 'the .boa! Ir Ivarson lias re-sold it to Their. Johnson. . N Capt. Kbort, skipper and owner of the power ia't.-Iiist IJ, has returned from a prolonged fishing trip to lunulas Island nn'd Rur-rounding water, Cap has evidently had a very good innings judg ing from bis Jivand new set of working clothes comprising new rubber hoofs, lovely thick wool "lickly" shirt, and sninrt brilliant rooking suspenders. vMany of the boys did not recognie, Cap when lie sauntered on to the. wharf on Thursday 'jnorning. 'Whiskers Made -of . Seaweed According to a newspaper in the southern Stated Hie. stago whiskers worn by heroes ana "heavies" at Hollywood have in .many cases been clipped .from tlie bed of the Pacific Ocean, near, tlio Queen QhurlotIslands. The article says that ii lefr days ago u steamer arrivro in Vancouver WitiLJ 3RD AND FULTON STREET. with a shipment of six Ions of the whiskers lor the Orient. The seaweed is called agar-agar which grows on the bed of the ocean near the islands. A year ago a Japanese company sent a boat across (he Pacific witli two divers to ascertain the. extent of the grass beds. Later a small Japanese community was 'estab lished on one of the islands and the inhabitants drag and fib for the whiskers. The liner quality, of the grass goes lo make -stage whiskers and I lie heavier is made into gelantine, isinglass and kouri cake. Some .Nautical Charlie, the genial manager of the Pacific fisheries, lias gone and lost bis boat but be knows where it is. It sounds funny but its a fact. You see, the little old boat needed a bit of fixing so Charlie put he high on the beach in the vicintiy of 3ow Hay without consulting the tide table. The tide at the beaching ceremony was a particularly 'high one. and the sequel was that Charlie could not un-beach ber for ten days.hence be was without a boat. Some kind friend houM draw Charlie's attention .'to the fact that the tide table has been compiled at colossal cost for the purpose .of giving nfuch valuable information an to the behavior of the sea when approaching the land and receding from it. "Teddy" Campebll Married The latest nautical lo join Ihe matrimonial army is Clarence Campbell, familiarly known as Teddy, and a .'member of the crew of the Canadian schooner Muir- neag. On Monday night Teddy was quietly wedded to SUiss Herlba Mason, of Hoston, Jlev. J. J. Pniithson ofliciating. The hearty congratulations if the naulicals are extended to the happy couole. Mr. am! Mrs.1 Campbell have taken up their residence in tlie Clapp building. The power boat Zorra lias recently been sold by Roy tlrown her former skipper and owner,' lo l)ie Hrown sawmill on the Ec stall river. Tlie Zorra is a useful looking boat measuring 45$feet long by a 12 foot beam and is powered with a '50 horse power Sterling engine. In the past hbo has been employed in fish Tftnck-j ing and towing. ' New Boat Launched A new boat was launciied early in the week from the Cow Hay creek ways for -Waller McMillan, for uso on t lie Nnss river. The boat, which is powered with a 35 horse power Studebaker auto mobile engine converted to mar hie .purposes, measures 28 leelj long by 0 foot beam and has a, good turn of sjieed. i Oh I You flrlnn 'Pin, 'Dunk Kennedy and J. Mitchell of Seal Cove fame went out for u .Utile bunting .across the, harbor over last week end. Dunk was splendidly equipped wilh a .high powered 22 -wlijle Jimmy trailed aong a 3030 .Winchester. After. many trials and tribulations deer was sighted on the star board. Dunk, who is horribly quick on the draw, fired .twice at the unsuspecting quadruped without effect. The deer, treat PAE FITF. 00000POPOO000000000000COC0 ' Madame X Reducing Girdle & Brassieres Look thin while getting thin. Fits any figure as snugly as a glove. ' THE ONLY ORIGINAL RUBBER GlflDLE Beware of imitations. Look for guarantee tag. , GIRDLE - $ BRASSIERE -$ 12.50 H. S. WALLACE CO. 6.50 .7 PHONE 0. OOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OO0OO!OCOO "Nerves in Bad State Could Not Sleep" .Mrs. H. N. Tardell, Harrow mi th, OnL, writes: "My nerves were in a'very bad state, and for nearly six months I did not know what it was to have a good night's rest I could not eat. and never felt well. I heard about, Dr. Chase's 'Nerve Food. with an entrance at either end ot tbo building, to enable the tour ists to "keep going." When tills lias been done Harry will bo enabled to lake better care of the rush of business in the summer season. "Harry's Arcade" will sound all right. and thought I would try it After taking it for a few days I began to feel better, and soon was able to sleep well at night. My appetite also returned, and I felt stronger and better, and after taking three boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I was quite welL I have also given the Nerve Food to my little girl, with good ' Di Chase's Jlerve Food O rtn. hoi of SO pins, Bdrnwon, Itar-& Co, -JAA,- Toronto - Blue Ribbon Tea The fine Quality of BLUE RIBBON TEA Is the result of experience combined with a real desire to produce the best possible article. Now that Trade conditions are becoming more normal, the Quality of BLUE RIBBON TEA Is better than. ever. TRY IT. ing the- whole performance as a joke, winked, a couple of times and leisurely strolled away. In the meantime Jimmy- bad stood nearby working at it lie trigger of bis gun, like a Chinese fireman trimming coal, but without the HlJglitest response from tlie shell Dunk, boiling with as much rage as a wild vat in a barrel of cold tar, turned disgustedly upon Jimmy exclaiming "Hoot man. whit wve did ye no fire?" Upon examining Jimmy's ar tillery it was discovered that the gutrwns minus a firing pin. Tlio hunters are now going in for knitting lessons. Alterations Contemplated Harry Jackson, the waterfront cigarette magnate, amt-Who re eenlly purchased the newsstand of Arthur Little on the provincial wharf, is contemplating making extensive alterations to his al ready ambitious layout for tbo season. It is Harry's intention to make a sort of arcade stand TIMBER SALE X 6439. Coaled Tenders will be rei-olved by th MlnlUcr of Lands, al Victoria, not later titan noon im the Dm day of October, 14, Tor tne piirrnase or i.ieenre x iiuv, lo rut S7i,iimi lineal feet or iilar I'ole un an area situated near Sewall, Masselt Inlet, Queen Clnrlotte Island l)lVtrt. two (S years win ne diioweu lor re moval of timber. Turiher ra'i"'i'ir or tne i;nier Forester. ' VirtorlaA 11. C, or District Forester, Prince HuiH-rt, B.C TIMBER SALE X 6489. There will be "offered for Sale at Public Auction, at noon on thn 01 ti day of Octo ber, 1884, in the nrrice of the. Forest Hanirer at Hums Lake. B.C.. the Licence XM89. to rut Su,8U0 ties, on an area situated on tne soutn tnore or trancoi Lake, at Llpplncott Hay, Range 4, Coast District. Two 2i rears win b allowed for re moval of timber. "Provided tbat any one unable to at tend the auction In person may submit a sealed tender to be opened at the hour ot auction and treated as on Md." Further particulars or the enter Fores ter, Victoria. B.C.. or DUtiicl forester, I'rlnce rtupert. B.C. LAND ACT. Cattlar Land District. ncrordlm district of Prince Itunert. and situate In Atlln Lake, about one half mile tlue west of Atlln Townslte. tauk notice that raul I.. K.ritert. or Atlln, In the .Province of British Columbia, occupation Jeweller. Intends to Jiinly for permission to purchase the rolluwlnir described landi Commencing at I .Tost planted at the south point or the small Island known is Second Island In Atlln Lake, situated a shove: thence northwest and on around this, Island followtna' the shore line, to tlie place or commencement: and containing two acres, more or less. Sept. 3rd. 1S4. PAUL LOUIS EQ0F.RT. i ft it 1 1 ii II i,