OE TWO. THE DAILY NUW8. Monday .iHiiiinry t AsK Your Grocer n for a trial package of SALUDA" GREEN TEA hi If you enjoy green tea you will be satis, fied with no other blend. Try it todty. The Daily News prinrr miPKiiT - nnmsn colij.mma. Piiblihed Every. Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Unperl Daily- News, Limited, Third Avenue. H, l PULLKN, Managing Editor. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month 1.00 By mail to all parts or the British. 'Empire and the United Stales, in advance, per y-nr '. S0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year S7.r0 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 9S Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - .'86 All advertising should lie in The Daily Xews Office on day 'preceding pnhlicalion. All adverlising received subject In approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Westbound Rates On Wheat Shipments. Moinlay. January 28, 1021. Hero Worship Today Inherent In People. The cenes marled al .Moscow al llie fiinral of the former premier of lhat conulry indicate that hero Avurship is not dnd but i just as prevalent among devotee of democracy a in tries devoted lo kins-' worship. It is inherent in Ibe-rare that we look lo leaders. We desire big men, outstanding above Ibeii fellows nnd Minn-lime v mistake ma men for big one and worship Ihcm. Doulttless Lenin? va a log man. Had he not heen outstanding he could not have continued to lead th people of Hti-sia for so many years and to impress them at his death, as has heen done. What view future generations will take of him cannot yt he stated. We have no perspective with which to view his life. We are clouded hy prejudice. Undoubtedly conditions in ltussia are wonderfully changed since the abolition of the monarchy, but whether the change will he" permanently for the good of th"? country remains to be seen. In nnv event we nnisl admit, whether reluctantly or tM, that when irholai l.enine was buried yesterday An nu(slnudiugpcrsouag. disappeared from Ihe earthly scene. ' Visit Of. Planes. . Will Be Welcomed. lhr visit of the .'four seaplane to this" port' )t. April will be welcome! by the. people here. AVe are always- glad (u: wel- l iimc auiericau people nnu espt-cially men engaged in inter-Minjr an experiment as flying around (he world. The arrival of four planes here at one limn Will I if nil ililnwlittrr at .ml and will put the name of Prince 'Rupert in Ihe.moulhs of millions of people who will be kept 'informed through the pr? of the """" " iu-iiic!ii! orine uiers. ruiiiiy sotnelhifig mjghl ..v ....ire iui-uiij io miiKf me viii impressive ami In carry lo the .Musing someming nmr? than llie mere fact thai lhis is a slop- fklllrv tLlftnn f... II... I..! . . . uuir .it me iiing men. u is worth plaiiuiug fur. Premier Oliver is naturally gratified thai llie movement to . . M""oc iicigiii rai- neiween AlKerta nnd ltrilih (iitl .."" " ""-fiiiig wiiu sirong support in this province ... .juiuuiuii uiiiieiin. iii uie circumstances it might be nearer Ihe mark lo-ay that Uritish Cnlumhia is backing a de-riwiid m which the people of Alberta nr? primarilv interested. However anxious Hrili-b Oilumbia wholesalers mav be (n j,,-yade Allierla, Ihe ar?er inleresl in the freight rale's o.iestion is he influence reduction would have upon 'the grain-growing i "M'T -r. '" lhi ,"'vi",, Alherlans are Interested in Ihe ouev-Iioii i ImIIi i as sellers and as buyers, but in ihe first instance ns i .11 u--M 1 ? A,l'er,rt farn,?r " eU al n Profil he cannot i rV '("rating ,-osis as high as they are rtt present. t. .e'U' ,f a ew1'0,'t'1 '"''l n.eans Ihe difference be- i .i"3 S-rT ,:?",kr,ifl,, ' making progress toward bel-h. ill ?u Columbia .s not concerned in Ihe proHts f h- Alberta t farmer save as they affect his buying power. AI- n ..":.'?::::r:,e'1 ,,e,,,,":f f. ",e m", g,Mi pVonts make '. ","m"u"1" e farmer ami his fnniilv ami of the :'', ?H ,,,rnmi'nily yhich he supporls, Whatever reduceil .... l" "nuu mhln in ,e wny of larger ds oci .,: U : nr. famr or 1 ,,r"'c ""''lined for farm r.n pro H 1 liii 1 1 c I s. s The Tim freights f n . T i i , -ser Huesli.iu U nue in whicl. .li.nrin i !a:!.., ,: . A,MI lh? ri1 -''J-rlive should he lowe; " " "c "aK ex pi in. ueduced commoditv "n' J charce .... weslbou(I graill wmiI(1 u rje d.ale rerpurements fro.,. Ihe Alberta standpoi For Baby's Health To promote the regularity In sleeping and waking which follows perfect digestion-Ask your doctor about KLIM MANO POWDERED WHOLE MILK Canadian Milk Products Limited MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG Ml 8old by RUPERT TABLE SUPPLY CO. HOWCOMPANIES PACKED SALMON B. C. Packers Headed District and Province, In 1923 The MA.. Fiiinjr A Parking V.n.,' I. Id- with canneries al li.iliiioral jlhtmuiion ami Ciiiiiiinifltatit's I'orl l.ssinsrtu . put up llie lanret saljiOMi pack in llie Skeeua llixcr district last year acrnnliiin lo official report recently is-micI. Tim total for (his company was Ht.U'U cases. Next in order for Hie district wore: 'ios.e-Milloiil L 1,1., Sunnysiite. :l.HMfi cases. J. II. To.t. A Sons Ltd.. Inverness Onniiery. 37,818 cases. Aiifdo-ll.O. packin? Co. Ltd., North Pacific ami HrilUh Anmrl- ,ran Ginneries, 35.079 cases. (aiia.lian l-isli A Cold Storage r.n. Ltil., Prince Ituperl Cannery. :t:t.7 1 U c-ascs. Northern M.C. Fisheries Ltd.. Port Kdward and Slcna Oim. mercial..:to,875 case. Wallace.. Fisheries . Ltd.. Olax. lon. .in.C78 cases. l--.s.iar Parkin? Co.. Oaiar. :n.t38 cases. Kil.l.ila Packhor Cst- r..irlil. itf.WI cases. Maritime Fisheries Ltd.. Hays- port, 10.170' cases. The lota! pack for Hie Skccna INIriet was 33ri.8ti.1 rases accord ing lo Hie report. The lararcst pack for a sinale cannery on the coast was nude by Hie Cossp-Millerd Oi at Fast 'Delhi 'Delia. Hie cannery which was recently ileslniyct by fire. Ihe lotal pack for dial plant was K.1,Vt5i cases. Naas 'River At. Desltrisay ,V Co.. at Wales Island, ha. I the larr:el nark in 102:1 in Ihe Naas Diver ilislriel. Hie lotal for that plant hcirisr 27.-851 cases. Oilier totals were: SoinVrxille Cannery Co., Ltd.. Sonierville Island. 2).7(i'J cases. .Vorlhem D.C. Fisheries Lid- Mill Day. Ifl.2t5 cases. Anglo.D.C. Packimr Co., ,r-randale, ll,lii8 cases. D.C. Fisliing .1 Parkin? Co. Ltd., Naa Hart. or. I t, 2 17 cases. The total pack for Hie Naa llicr was Of ;rK0 cases. Summary For Coast panics and their Hie L'rainl total: Cassiar Parkins Co. Lbl Wrn. Mickey & Sons . .-, ... , . L)eep Day Packing Co. Lid Provincial CantiliiK Co. Lid. ... ... (lenrose Canning f'n I I.I I ' iLnckeporl tfanninsr Co. Ltd Cboooiiot Sound Canning Co. Ltd. Hreal West lack- fna: Co. U.l. ... iMarilline Fislier-; ies Ltd. 'lotal D.C. Fishing Vt 'I'arklug'Co. Ltd. 23U,5t7 Co.se-Milleril 1.111.1811,155 Canadian FishiniT Co. Lid Nortliern H.C. Fih. cries (Ltd. .. .. .!. II. ToiM ti Sons Lid. ... ... A.D.C. parking-Co. Lid .. Soimnervilb) Can ning Co. Lid. .'. Wallace Fisheries Ltdi Kildala -Packing Co. Lid Canadian Fish A C. S. Co. Ltd. . . M. Desbrisny ,VCo. Nanairno Cantors A Packers Ltd. . Liimnii Day I'ack- it.K Co. 'Ltd. .. Nootka Packing Co. Ltd Oualhiaska Can-nins Co. Ltd. .. 171,313 l25,:i.M yii!t;:i cm wo.aii c.8 C. 2,3 7 3 rrt,n72 13,7 It! 33,7 P. 32,lt7 27.I8C 2rttn I 23,'llrt Total ease ... 1,337125(5 HOTEL ARRIVALS 12.3 tl.3 Lo 3.2 2.1 I.'.. 22,253 1.15 2n,138 18,822 t t,3rti 1 1 ,03 5 1 107 ll;i! 10.817 1012 10,170 t.t 1.0 .8 Prince Rupert J. .lacohsen, rXeatlle; Lt. Dissell. I1.S. Air orvio.U' Chisholin and .L I), Darclny, Ki- iiniiiiiiiii ii. wntiiinll, A. and I. c. n.im.1. been sent oul hy the iucsh enl ... . . " r ""-". if Hie Hoard of Tra-le. s. j. Mc- P"niy Leo, lo nml-ers of the hoard "w. urginc aclio co-operation dur-i 4lV1. . . , Inn the present ,e0, r0r Hie fur-l tS. ' '"T T'T' fill I llii ItalK' iw- I.. 1 - ..iiiir I l.nn.i iini ..t .l.y. .! 1 . t of , , ... iOIK the ilisi.tes of lli.-ir ....... ,.,.-,.. 4,,, ,.-.ir says; ,..,. ., ... You have iindniiblftlly received ...-..-e o. PJ23 shows Hie total pack on M,e.r,WM"!' ,,oil,U "Ul '" UU rPM""' tZi:.!!! m" entire coast for vaHi.us coin-i""v,'ral "filers of importance to '' percentage uf Pack. P.C. 17.2 I3.G !.. II.,..' If T r.l it I I I J-ktl'A. 1 . IhAKA n ... HA ... . hats as ie. with a ureal deal or salisfacliiui j ....... , .. . . . ., . the excellent report f last year's' Vn lh work submitted ' " '. "r"""" ' by the oast . pre,i,lcnt and I feel ...ire wist, .( m maK" ,"-, . . .... .. ' . it. a r ..I i I .in- mi- ..uirii t. l1'LIllJli ...... ... - . . Tin. (Yin......... r' - rarrieil on for the New Year. Mr r. &II4ITI ...a l n ill. a .. . . I Hie .-on a the con-. hear. .ii.jni-ii, iii.-ir an- new ueiiis ,..., ., , ., . of .... dexelopment being presenld al NV ,hlllh,, 'dirislmas bills all limes and Hie success of the work of the board depends laruely on your co-operation. Must Work Hard The year 1021 should he a good one for our city the Canadian National Itailways are realizing more ami more every day Hie undeveloped value of liiis (1 are ta aboui a-lii 1 1 all oil nni.l. t .1 whai .. nimiii a 'saving iij; ' a liltle for next year? i TIIF.Hi: is very liltle relation beiwecn lung popr and brain power. .When a person has both coupled with discretion, there is Ihe uiakin? of a statesman. I.N LN Hie ,h" llilile I "'',, here is ,N "M'" oine port but we mind all work hard1 , and show the rest of Ihe coiinlrv."li",r n,",", H"1 people that lov the advantaces wn i.os.sess . There ,'1 darkness mlher than Ihe is still a large amount of work i"lr'l, Tl"'-V 'rrie. hruuneltei. lo he Jone to make sure of n.a,ui ,,"'r0 wn conslderahle grain elevator being built b nope perore tiie next annual n;- lll'lfl 1 ul.tmtfiltliil rt. .fill w n.. ....'.......i. ww. n Ml 7.1 ui IS order lu see Dial Hie child- grain from Ihe prairie passing ' rPn n "'""ee, the best thing . . K mi id irk e.i.rw ii.. i iiiroiiun nere ano Jiie iiiiiines.i ' "- hip iiiireius llonalde valtie of Hie oosilii in hi the porlTor this hiisiness firmly established. I TIIJ-: world Is full (,r egomaniacs. If you iloii'l know Wlml .Mleiidanie al Ihe- regular i Dint means Just look 11 on In meetings last enr, was not all, Hie mirror. that could he desired and I would urge upon you the importance of ? alien. ling as many meetings as1' iiossilde and taking a keen inler. if est in the work. Mailers come up j at different limes in which you! 8 may tie vitally interested and the other niemhers of the board are anxious for -your opinion. Be a Booster Ten Years Ago ". ninci nuprt January 28, 1914. Failing jn Ihe sale of ilehen iu.es or trrasnry notes. Al.i Morrissey, chairnlan of the civic. He a booster for the city; dl lend finance comu.lllee. plans buying HER CHILDERN HAD WHOOPING COUGH Thli It fine if. llii innM (lanpmu ill. jf i,f rhllrtrifii. It .jrl Willi ffver mill rwiprti. Thf r.uli l ill rirnt Whirl iiiil lwrt, .ml KMilunlly liiri-i.f In .nf-rirlly iml iirrurt In mulilrn M-m. iVomltlnir folluwii. intl wiriH'lliiic 'llirrr l noK lilwit; th rhlhl turns llvl.l In Ihu llJirp. in riif itr.mr a.' tr fhnv nAiailil . 7 . " . 'line jii.irn. innil IIM-ll- mii-kiu, iihi miirra'auoii IM-imih iNiiiHni'Ml till Mlrf Is linmrlit f.ll liy llie "v-tKHip.'' Iir. WKl .firs-iv I'liii. Hvrnn ulll tT W lirfinrhlal (iih- nt Ihr rnllrrlfsl iiiiirmis and (.lilrrm mid In ltil way V.J in rmninir riuirii, ami in i ;hnrt nine fiMkc' it ft(imiw-ar. MM. 1. AllihMiM. Kal-iiLl fui I . UMIM'.. i"iy hum fin upre miIi ali-k wllti wtvHip. Int. m.h.Ii I k...i ...I..... ,irA.ui. v..- . Illlllle nnv I'lnr Btnm u. mull .i.l I i.nlv ii.imI Prince ITIIICe ''" inn hutllin iinin. iikI mwi thpy iiify ire WPrP lllr. In'lli'r. I I l.B.l Iml iiiiiii!!-, f.eiirgej Ole. Wuneho Kelchikan,ir'ir""lr ir'""','i"1' rr 'Uiwe yfrs ami l. Tiiylnr, Illgliy'Miind 'JtrifJ evrryihinr unill, finally, I k.i 'lr. r.i Central WisMCa'. I win,!,) hoi -fcn wlllioiil lhl F. Iinniels. CA.li Pi-Tin! Cretlon, Kdliinnlon: Wntlnr 'lull HmllliHrg. rriiietly.1 Price 35r a ' butt If. i larac .family olin ne; put tin ,mr ,v Tim T. Mllliiirn Co., L.iiilied, Toronto, Onl, macliinery and luinher for I In. proposed power plant antl paying inr ineui on l0 deferred nnv .nenl plan. -s . wayor .ewlon and Hie ciiv eoimcil, , Ihe superintendent of ulililies and Dr. W. II. Clayton Cy. Peck and .1. A. Klrknalrlek sei oul this inornliuT for -Woml .worth Lake to JiiMpecl (he ilu of plant. proposed livilro-elecli-in Parker Wllllains. d.ahor mem her Of Ihe legislature fur New. ensile, claims lhat the Prnvlti rial government luis iuiIIiimI.h.i lis resources, lie mijh lhat the supporlerH wif the' igovern.nenl are infected with premier Fred Fraser, governmnnl, agent al Pouee Coupe, has been nppoirileil a Hllpeinljary maslH. Irnle fop (he counly of Cariboo in place of J. ). Mnnie.. h-imt. ferrcd, 8 . , I . i flB Ib 1 1 a bIK a bb bm b b b bbFbVcisa Vwvl LbJBBjbbjbbjbbbjbjbmjbbb LbLBkbb1 bV bh Hi PHECKERS Cut Plug Tobacco HPJJIJIIJIJBHHH 'H 1 bbw .aaLI ' al 1 il al Ll aLa Ll bLb eaLl 1 bH mH bV - . . ii-BiBMBtaMBBBlBBBfcBBVBlBmiS URGE ACTIVITY DURINGSEASON President of Board of Trade Writes to Members Asking For Co-operation Mir ni'cetfnir rrmilarlv. ond I feel Mire Hie fnleresl you take in me noani oi I nine will neifi joiij in your own Inisuiess as well as Hie Cily of Prhice Ituperl The Man in the Moon SAYS: rcrsoiiaiiy sipiieo tellers nae .... . , . . Canadian National Railways mi Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry pock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc-i ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our pi nl is eiinpped lo handle nil kiniU4)f MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Scrrlo S.S. PRINCE RUPERT sjaiU from Plnce Rupert, For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Friday, 10.00 a.m. For r STEWART and ANYOX Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. 5A PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Jan. 2, 10, 30 Feb. 13, 27; March 12, 26 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, f.irr.0, III tstnl K.trrn Cnd. I'MimI uiM, AOINCy ALL 0CIAN STIAMSHir LINIt. OH, Tli.t Offle.. BIS TMf A.., .. n.ru pmm t. & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAT B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert 8.8. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, m . u.L ... Ju7 18j February 1,1 C, 20. -for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and 8kagway, January 14, 28 j February 11, 25. 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swnmon Bay, last Bella Bella, Oceart Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all 8teamshlp Lines. Pull Ififormnllon from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. . . . ilin rroui I'rtnr huprri, for llltl.ll : U0B". "iWAKT. W.I.. UUnd. Sund.J rjJ. ' PORT SIMPSON .4 Niu mm CM.rl... rrMi, A.M. BARRIE'S Home Furnishings WE 8ELL FOR LESS. 'lAvill pny y,, niiisiiiT ,h fn.l, when yoti nn plitnniiiK lo buy Furniture for Your Home