PAGE FOUR. SPECIAL FOR FEW DAYS. Ladles' Velvtt SLIPPERS All sizes, $2.50 Chlldrens' Patent Mary Jane' Slippers. Size 5 In 7 Vt . . S1.60 Sizes 8 In 10 . $2.25 Sios t Id 2 . . $2.50 Family SHOE Store Third Avenue, Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for thai Summer Vacation . visit to the Old Land early. For Ticket., Hales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and 8teamshlp Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Urcad is your best food. -Fat more of il. Kept by the lending grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. HydeTransfer Phono 580. MIGHT OR DAY. Express Baggage Coal 139 2nd Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phono CS. Curtate, Warehousing, and 'Hslrihullng, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Rand and Gravel. ' Wo Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Loggers Club Situate in the old Empress Motel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. Flrst-clais Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. TH1 DAILY NEWS. - Monday Janiw. sfl BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMan r n i i '!. . i . - . . WHERE tj I . T " fTifVlLrwrv Tri . ,?J M S r"""""'"' Jtai THIRD 1 fii2S fmm 'YOUR tHcc wJ5t L'rS J mSEh 5 floor! r SAUE-PLESbE?l OH THE THIRD i CeTJtAvTXI ft, ON "E "' T? - fSBi M V r-J TCP IM TO i" h nwa!msaai i iewmnui ?i mm I iw null HIS MEMORY WASHONORED Assemblage Attending Service For Late Harry Fletcher One of the Largest on Record One of Hie largpst assemblages if mourner 1hat ever Trathered in ilhe oily paid tribute to the mem-lory of-the latt llarlwell (ipnrge iFlelelier on Saturday afternoon iTherc wns an attendance of more llian 300 persons at the Klks Home at Hie service which- was held preparatory to sending the remains Kast by train for inter- jment at Portland. Maine, the home city of deceased. The ob-Isequies were under the joint auspiees Of the Klks, Moose and St. Andrew's Societies of which organizations the late-. Mr. Fletcher had been an active Jlev. Dr. JI. II. (Irani, who offi- 'cialed, delivered a feeling ad dress in the course of which be referred 1o Hie valuable nail de. 1 (ceased had played in the life of the . city. He would be sadly miss- I and bis place would lie difficult to fill. A. ClaiMierton and J. K. Davcy sanij as a duct. "One Sweetly Solemn Thought,'" and the congregation -sang Hiree i .. mt i . iiynnis. .uarie naiagno was nr II enmpasist. , NA. Pall Bearers i After the service, the remains were borne to the Canadian National Jlailway station and sent! This famous household cleaner and disinfectant is now made in Crystal Flakes instead of powder. It is thefos household lye on the market-Use it for cleaning and disinfecting sinks, closets, drains, etc.; destroying vermin; softening water; making soap; cleaning floors, greasy pots and pans, etc.; removing paint, etc. Avoid inferior and dangerous substitutes. Get the genuine article in cans as reproduced out On the evening train. Pall-. bearers were Men Self and K. J.!mi 88 "flabel wlllep Becomes the bb. representing prince Ituoert i Br,oe or Tnoma foster Lodse. Heneyolent and Protec-i Will Reside In Wlnnl- live Onler nf Klks! li n Pe3 and M. M. Macl.achlan. St. An. , j ilrews Society: Hoi Harnes and (iillis It oyer. Loyal Order nf Moose; M. I.. Slepp and C. W. Kirkendale, American Klks. Floral tributes included a pillow from I be Jlenevolent & Protective Order of Klks. and QUIET WEDDING The Wedilinir look nlnp.o iniinllv at 1.30 Saturday afternoon at-tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Keasley 527 Kiuhtu Avenue West, of Miss Mabel Miller and Thomas Fos. Iter. Hev. (i. i. Hacker officialixl and the oulr alleudauts were Mr. and a",, Mrs- Mrs. Unasley. Following "Ilowiiui per wreaths from Ladies of the Hoyal . Puride. A. C. Little, Mr. and Mrs j"10 p,'m"y. a weddinjr supper Phil McDonald, Mr. and Mrs It iwa!' to n r,'w immediate L. Parry. Mr. and Mrs. v'fr"M"l', Mr- m"1 Mr"- 1'uhU'' fiance. fiance. Mr. Mr. an.l and Mrs. Mrs il II. Ilnu-nr,t n..,.-.i t11"'" t"""" lrfl y 11,0 the "veiling evening train train for for e James Mc.Meenan. Mr. and Mrs lU i'il"f where they will reside nen rcn. Many Flowers Mayor S. M. Newton. Mr. nml Airs. T. (ioveulnck. Mr. anil Mrs lack Itatchford, Mr. and Mrs. A. Akerberjr. Mr. and Mrs. 11 11 Sklnnerr Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hrochu, Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Sineelon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seaddeii, Aid. and Mrs. S. I). Macdouald, Mr. and Mrs. J. Riir- mund, Moosebeart Lecion. Mrs. Nation, Miss Josephine Itos- eaux. Hoi Harnes, W'altpr Scrinufeour. Malt Vbleck, W. .1. Raymond. J. Fred Hilchie. Jr It. II. Kiefbaber. I J. Marren. Mrs. Peter Mullin (Los Aiifreles), llayner Uros., J. n. Hoberlson, D. McMillan. Capl. and Mrs. fJolemari, .lack Judae. Lovnl Order or Moose, Mr. and Mrs. I). filpiiuie. , Krnnst Head. SI. An drew's Socfely. Mr. and Mrs. X. 'urvicb and family. ' NEW HAZELTON Hev. W. J. Parsons of preached at the Union yesterday .niornins. Terrace A .burslar broke into II. S. Sartrenl's store at HazcUon I a si' week but obtained liflle for his trouble. 4 " . Mrs. John Newiek, who has been ill for a fortnight. Is now around attain. BURNS LAKE S. (iodwiti addressed Hie. Hums Liikp fiilzpns' Association lasl week, Inking as his ?irbjecl "Minis on Pufilic. peakinif." President. II. L. Mann was in I hp chair. Prosperous advr'.isin(f means On the eve of his departure egnlHr eontlnuoiis advertising, 'for Vancouver, to which city be (lias iieen transferred, a dance lwa given t.y the citizens on Thursday night U honor of Miles llenderMiii. .until recently manager nr the Hoyal Hank here. Miss I.ury Aslin has on fr iber 1ioiih in Spokane. PRINCE GEORGE Mayor 'Alwurd has appointed the following- city council com mitters: Finance. ,ld. Patter son, Aid. tiuesl and Aid. Fraser: works. Aid. Taylor. A1J. Opie and Aid. I.aiiibcrl ; power aud liaht. Aid. finest. Aid. Opie anil Aid. Patterson; rire and water. Aid. Fraser, Aid. Lambert and Aid. jTaylor; health. Aid. Uuiilrt. Aid. Fraser and Aid. iiuesl- housing, Aid. Opie, Aid. Taylor and Jalterniu -- Activities nf the provincial (inlice at fJisriiiie last week re- sulleil in six persons aiieariiisr before .lipendinry ,Maeisrale Milhtirn on lioolIfKin.' chamrs. - The Supreme t:mrl case nf J. I.. Iturlt aarainst K. F. W. I.iweis for $100,000 Tor oiuliri-ui -r-sccution has resulted in Hip plaintiff being awarded .1imi. 'no provincial povernmeiit is beinp asked to cranl Hie city Idu acres not far from town for fair purpose, i . (ienrae Duncan, a resident nf Hie Pineview dirlricl. died in the Prince (ienrae hnspiial lal week. FOUR SEAPLANES PLANNED TO ARRIVE HEAE APRIL 1 EM ROUTE ROUND WORLD (Continued from PaR) One.) they -weish about four ions and carry a load nf a Inn nf fuel hrsidcs nil. Major Martin nf the U.S. Army air service will be in charae of Hie expedition and be will fly one of the' planes machines will be Lieulpnants Wade. Smith respectively. The oilier piloted by Nelson and The four men are nnw"lakinar a special rourse in navijxatinii mid meeo rolocy nt J.ansrley Field, Yer sinia, where (hey have been since the firs! nf the. year. They an in strict Irainin? and go to bed every evening at J. Kach plane will earry a mechanic as well as a pilW. The mechanics are be-inff carefully chosen. They will do all Ibeir own work throughout the trip and no one but Hie men in charge will touch Hie machines from' (he lime Ihry leuve Seattle until IliPir arrival back there. Xn lielp nf any kind will be sought. The primary nbjecf nf Ihe fliers will be lo reach their ob jective and rfnr Unit reason I hey will be unable lo lake part in any social events or do anything which will cause delay, if the weather is good. Should Ihe weather prove Impossible for flying they will then be able lo relax and will be glad to meet the jleople and enjoy themsel ves. Jarvis Mcl.eod, collector of U 111 liiii L WANTF.D. Machinist and engineer Willi knowledge of giiMiliuc repair work. Apply Akerberg, Thomson A ii. FOR SALE FOIl SAl.K. Fully modern house in Section five. Six rooms, pantry and baemenl. Iluill on cement piles. Fnillldalini nid building in ki..m condillon. t'ish iir terms. IIok I r,H Daily News Office. 25 FOIl SAl.K Sixteen room boarding bouse and store., furnished. Apply ittO Ambrose ' FOIl SAl.K. .It cheap. Apply cbatigp. LOST x .1) propeller Northern FOR RENT STEAM Heated Flat for rent Besner apartments. M. M Stephens. BOARD. HOARD. The Second Avenue. Inlander, 830 Phone 137. If LOST. Siring of pearls between Diuismuir SI. and Fiflli Ae. West. Finder please return lo Daily News Otllcu. lie ward. AUCTION SALE. AFOTION SALK at Sift Second Avenue on Thursday. January .11 at 2.30 p.m. Consisting of mahogany library table, armchairs, crass chairs, Wilton carpels, bed, bureau, uood water color pictures, linn, lentil, kitchen utensils, etc. PhiliMill. Lvill .V Co. customs here, is making arrangements nil behalf nf the flier In have mooring buoys nut in at suitable points at Seal Cove, which l.leul. IHssell con siders an admirable place for the purpose. Hp will also havp a boat standing by in case of emergency. !s reqiielcd by Hip visijors that shlppi.ig keep close in shore oh the arrival of the planes so as In avoid any chance nf accident and no I to interfere with Ihe landing. In addition In Prince Hunerl. slops will be made at Silka, Cordova, Seward, Chignl. Dutch Harbor, Xazaii and Attn on Chicago f Island. In the course of Hie flight I hey will pass through I'H foreign countries and il is hoped Ibal Ihe arrival of Hie aviators will be looked upon as a visit nf courlesy and will lend to furtber a bejlcr understanding with the nations. The purpose of the flight is lo gain experience in long distance flying and in bundling problems of supply, The longest single' flight will lie from Allu on the Aleutian Islands in Shimusu ,in Japan. The average flight will be 150 miles. Ily flying logelber. Hie planes will be In a position lo render asslslance In each oIIut ill case of accidciil. 11 will be mi imposing sight In witness no, I one thai will be walchcd eagerly here. for Advertise in Him l)aly NcwA strong. See me first and last with your eateh - you'll make more money. W. OOLDBLOOM, The Trapper's Friend, Second Avenue. AUCTION SALES. floods Itought. Sold or Kxc hanged H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Hlack 130 and lied 12. TAXI Tail 87 Phons, (Call Oeorgs or (lust) Ross Brothers. Prompt Spi-vu-e und Don Tort I i ft, l .-I i Oii4 Imt'i. rfTof Stvr l( Daily News Classified Ads. 3 CENTS PER WOKD IN ADVANCE. No AdvrtUmnt Taken for Lmw than BO J WANTED .MOLKit harjikh collkok wjfhls men and women lo leiirn Ihe Harbor Trade. Paid while learning. This is ynur opportunity lo learn a trade and get into steady employment. Graduate earn from 10.00 to 150.00 per week. Write for free catalogue. SO Hastings K. Vancouver. FURS QOINQ UP. ! I The Fur Ma -kel is omlng hack I stitnrf? KvaviMn nin .'IVarlirr. Mnnlr I . ' " mm innui ... , MISCELLANEOUS. fl. AXDKHSOX. SailmnlofHftli. and Tarpaulins made lo order and repaired. Third Avenue, opposite Pioneer Laundry. Phone (Ireen 392. p. f). Ilnxl 723. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, closps at 5.30 p.m. From the East Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 1. 30 p.m. From Vancouver Sundays . p. m. Weilnpsdays t P.M. Frblays .a.m. C.P.H. January 1 and 28. To Vancouver- Tuesdays, Mail closes at t P.M. Fridays 8.15 A.M. Saturdays a.M, C.P.H. Jatiunry tH. To Anvoi. Alice Arm. SUwart. Premier Wednesdays .. to P.M. From Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier-Fridays a.m. To Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier-Sundays 7 p.m. From Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier Tuesdays A.M. To -Alaska Points January 1 1 and 28. From Alaska Points ' January 18. To Queen Charlotte Island Points January 2. 10, 30. Closes 0.30 p.m. From Qusen Charlotte Points January I i and 2H. To Naas River Points and Pnri Simpson-Thursdays ...lo J.M. From Naas "liver Points Saturdays A.M. PRINcr RllBrarr rinri a. Monday, January 28. Hiali 0:02 a.m. I0.fl 18:30 p.m. ' 17.4 12:21 p.m. 0.5 Tuesday, January 29 High 7:00 a.m. lo.fl ID: IK p.m. m.n '"w 0:27 a.m. C. 13:37 .in." 0.3 Wednesday, January 30 "fell H:io inn. io.7 21:11 p.m. 10.5 1 :3H a.m. 7.3 J 1:51 p,ni. 5.7 Thursday, January 31, High ..... 0:24 a.m. 20.2 22:21 p.m. 17.3 f.w 2:52 a.m. 7.0 10:01 p.m.. 1.7 fL ft. n. fl. SCHEDULE OF ranchers. BASKETBAl January 28. Coll. Hftf, latdu?rs, Maple f. Teachers. February I. Kniens. u,, . Ornllo; Teacher,; I. O rot to, Cojfs, M;Ut' Adanaes; S.O.C , f ill. H. Kaicns, Tea, ir i V, High School; Odls, T H. Coll. Itegl Ms; ,:i.-.V Kalens; Teachers S. 15. Ailanars. Trai ); School, Oridlo. Siij i IH. Oilla. Ha!i f it. -Kalens, Adar a t Orotlii: Teachers. 8.0 25. (Irolto. Lv.y it Leafs Adntiacs; .. March 1. Kalens. Tea - Il High Schol: Corrr Tea b?-tr-Oilt. Heat ; M- U Kaieiis; Teaeliers. "K.o. 8. Adanaes. Trai li. Stlinnl. (Initio: S.O.f I II -T.olU. High HtsliT T'i ers. Maple Leafs: Crtll a V l'l 15- Kalens. Ailarac III Orotlo; Teacbersj Hlr.C WHIST LEAGUE Jan 3I--SL Andrew s v I P.: LJin.K v I Jil vs. n V V A ! Kons : f J ada vs. Sons of Fig's: Feb. 7 SI. Andrew s V U LO;O.F. vs. n.w V v s Canada vs. K nf P M K. nt r. ... ... ... B Feb. ItSons ofi JJntfaN t II - of 0.; K. of I" v VMi vs. I.O.O.F.: n.W V A v A lldrew's. Feb. 2i.iMin v SonsetWI ada: Si. Andrpw s . I'M M K. of I', vs. K1. of f Knsland vs F.Iks. Feb. 28 K. nf t s (i AV.Vi Moose vs. Klks; Sim of f nda vs. I.OfHF.t Si Ar.!!'f VS. k. nf r. March fl K. of P vs I.0M Sons of Knglahi) v Sons of Canada vs K off Alnul, ii L',... I. fi-lrd 1 '..I. If .. I III III i H'-"- Sons Klks MEN'S WHIST STANDING Moose 8 nf I'.naland , K. of P Oddfellows . n. w. v. a. SI, Andrew's s. or c K. of C. BILLIARD I.FAfillF 8 8 fi I i 3 J ISSUES SCHEDUli .Inn 9 n v s S.OT- Jail. 30. (li-ollo vs. SI drew s. 4 . Feb. I. P.H. llilliaril P" vs. Klks; K Feb. i I Ml lilllnrd r'1'' vs S.O.K. " V'nli t .'- ci Amir' I'VIl B II W l A ft Fell. II. Pt Andrf Feb. 13. (Irolto vs. 1J-. I IVh. 15. P.H. :Vima.rl ''"' vs. (l.W.V.A. Huhseriha fnr th. Dully