onilar Jnhuary 28, 1P2L Jyleathss ays VU Flt CeilW MM, to VXniJMITLO It is economy to let the butcher drive past once in a while. Oxo Cubes take the place of butcher's meat in soups and savory dishes and open up a hundred and one dainty ways of using up today what was left over from yesterday. Oxo, Cubes are time and money savers more than that, they add nutrition to other foods. Tlnnol 1, 10,50 and 100 Cubes. Oxn VcoetaMe UUh ii ii .. i pong i tic r n t ' i .- .ut a i la-i ' i IM I't pain (hip t.-a'- f mi le m' - I . an I n ii.. i;ffivirrriitw Ihiiiii ; QUI' it l if m vaiumi M.T-' C.t i l. K.iii.i'hr.1 '1(1 i I It All Purpose Columnar and Figuring Books ik -f I' uw- or our Im ihIii 'I M i'l- to inert - f ln-uiv.- i.rf.f-. TIm-v fir.- i l' -.il hi detail jail- .diL-ty the . 'Xntlmp r.qmr nieiil l.r bonks 'tafiirtv K '"' -l.iiilnl ruling '! ii' embraced Ai il kni.Wll llllC. T'.li-, I"". I" till' . I l.'C Inventory Sheets and Trial Balance Books I ' - iiiii'li- "I 1'ipi i we have il. .l.nl unlet despatched .I'VJV IV. IM'.I, ' HEATER BARGAIN t$Y - ' 1 Null!". mi H'''lr. reg. pure :. jXS.r-. Sn-. t il tin- niotilli iiiiU $14.00 , $ii. 21U Siinbcm ll. fil. r. re. Ii i. S?.t0. Sin', i.il (In- niniitlt only $18.00 y 1 Buy now and save money. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Tel. 3. Wo Deliver. P.O. Drawor 1G4G DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to (.' Phone 575 Lady Assistant Shockley's piLHs Sole Agents for noyal Mills, Hanall, B.C Lumber J. Fyfo Smith Co. Hardwood Fraser Mills Flp Veneer Diniciisioti Lumber. Fir, Spruce ami Cedar. Spruce nii'l (Mlnr Sliiolnn. Spruce IMniiking. 3nli, )oors, Mouldings. Oloss. Shingles. Kir Veneer, t.cdnr piling, DIRECT SERVICE TO NEW YORK BY CHICAGO WINNING, Jan. 28. Tiie opening of u through daily service over llif Canadian National Hail. wa)n, iiy arrangement with the Lehigh Valley road between Chicago mid .New York waM au-nouni i'd by J. I'a Dalrymple, vice- rHifiil in charge of traffic of I If foinici- system, while in Win- iii'K Saturday. This train, is hu h will do filled Villi new eipiipinenl of I lii Canadian Na tiiinal slandard, will reinstate the service given in the territory ovitimI between Chicago and New Yink prior to In war. there hav ing been a curtailment of service (liie to war necesMly. The new service, which lie come effect ive April 28 is of considerable iinpiirtaiii'e to western Canadian travelling to New York na Chicago anil wishing to lliake direct i-iHiui'i'lions. OTTAWA TAXES ARE OVER 90 PER CENT PAID TO YEAR END OTTAWA, .Jan. .'8. - What I thought In te a record showing f r any rily in Canada it reported by Williiiiu UolieitMin, rily rollei'lur, regarding the eollce- tion of lase for t'J23. The iiiiiiniiil unpaid in only 8.3 per cent an mmjmrcil wilji 10.32 per rem ror imp prcwou year. The 1023 laxc were made up ;. follow : Heneral taxes, 13,-'.iio.i;;: -liwt si.rinklliiir. tiH.- ;.'8.'; IiumI iiiipruvetnenN, 33.-K'.iK wlnieuay liKlitnik. 15,1113; .ii,i- -ewer CnliiieC'tioiix, IJl,- I elioff!.. ?I5; Kidewalk .iic;c. l.!53: eltH-lrir .iun?t j;t:i: (.(.peial patriotic Kr;uit. it.."!'i; privy ulllt. 1'0; clean. ;uiK yar.U. l; titl. 1.137,571 WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. IHiiMY ISI.ANIi. tuininjr. fic-li xiullieHt wind; liarumeler. :v.Hi; l.iiiMalure, t8; lipht well. liKAH THKI-: I'tUN IV-Clou.ly. calm; baromcler, 2V.52; tern peraluri, 37; ca miiooIIi. HLI.I, H.Minnit. Clmidy. calm; Immmelr, 211.52 ; leiu- licmlure. 37; Sea ninoolli. Ill 1,1. M.MtllOII. Cloudy, freKll ,ioullieail wind; barium er. 2.H5; U'ihteralure, ll; ea miHlfrate: Neon IlKlltY ISLAM t. Cloudy. frcnh -...ullieflsl wind; barometer 2W.78; lemMralnre, 13; Hpht Bwell; lit .m. Kpoke lenmer PrinwK Mary, 35 nifleii mmiIIi of I'rinre llupert norlhboiiii.l; 10 a.m. Hike steamer Prince John left Maxell itorthboiind; 11:55 a. m. Mlie sleamcr lirilTro a Lea in WiiImiii llttck ImiiiihI for Anyux. ii:.i Tii;i: poixt. r:oudy. 1. 1 rima mmiIIicnkI wind; baitniie Icr. 2:5S; lemperalurc, II; .ea i-oiikIi. Ill l.l. IIAIIIldlt. Ovi'itikI, -l riii); .uilliea-t wind; baromc Icr. .". 72; li'iuperature, HI; . Illiiilerale. .Major .ioiiii l . iiramit, pro- Miiiial manager for Hie Aetna Life A.iiruiirc tlo., arrivi! from Yiuicniiver ioi the Princes Mary llii arteinoon. Major llramlt wwin formerly in lie really husi-m. in the city and Is bark on one of his periodical Inisine. trips. Mr. and .Mr. 1 II, Slurr relumed this nfleruoou on the Princes Mary. They have been holidaying for .several weeks in Seallle and Victoria and other cilies in the south. I'red Weaver, of the United Stales eoiistilale here, returned lo the city on the Princess Mary this afteriiiioii after haviiiK spent several weeks liollilayiiiK-iu THE DAILY NEWS. PAGE THREE. Local aid Personal B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Haynert, Under taker. Pboue 351. . if lakcthall tonight three game III k h' Hume. Moo.ie wliiel dric and daiiec, Metropole Hall, January 30, 25 We buy, sell; and exchange furniture and all. useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. If The "Fordor" Sedan and other new J-orii model "are now on display at I'arkcrfx Salesroom. Ak ahoul (he ca-y payment plan. Milton (iuiualei returned home on the i'riiirc Mary thl- afternoon after' ii ten dayn bu.Hi- iie trip lo Vancouver and Canadian' Xalional xfcanicr Prince John, Capl. Xcil McLean, i due thin 'evctiing al 0 o'clock from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte IMand. J. 5. Ciranl)' the well known YVrafifrell hotel man and former mayor. Is in the city this after noon rcturniiis north on the Princess Mary ufler a holiday trip lo Seattle. F. It. Havens, former United Stale cnslom olllcer here and now stationed at Ketchikan, was u passenger uoing throush on the steamer Victoria this morn lo Seattle. He is on a busi ness trip. President Stewart of the boii id announces that only those registered as member three day before I he annual meet hit' of the hospital associa lion tomorrow are entitled to vole, according . to the const ilu lion. The funeral of Charlie I lease. you ntr Indian boy from the SHkine lliver, who died some time ago, took place this after noon nl I oVJock from llayner Pro, chapel Jo Fairview tnic lery. Father P. J. McCrnlli olliclatin.-. (I. Wemabo, secretary of the leep Sea Fishermeirs Union at Ketchikan, reached the city al the end of the week. He is here lo tueel and take home Mr. Wemabo who recently successfully underwent an operation in tin- local hospital. - -- About 22 was realized by the Indie of the Loyal Orange He-nevoleut Asocialfou at their tea and sale of home cooking on Saturday afternoon. The committee in charge consisted of Mrs. S. V. Cox (convener), Mr.. Thomas lloullcr. Miss Mabel Veircck and Miss Lottie Houllcr. Mr. Smoke, was cashier. The fire department al 10.15 yesterday morning responded to n call from (lie lloyal Hank buihliug where coal ga had caused an explosion iiulhe fur nace. The top of the furnace and pipe connecting with the chimney were blown olf and smoke caused considerable alarm. Oulside of the damage to the furnace, which required immediate repair., there were no serious result s. . i C.P.It. steamer Princes Mary. Capt. (Irmislon, . northbound from Vancouver Iri M.uthcas'e-n Alaska ports, arrived from the south at 2 o'clock this after-1 noon and will sail for the north: al 5. Hoarding the vessel here! are: J. P. Johausen, Waller Fab, I A. Salemin, Peler Itulani. Ole Dggestal, I'.. Knglivapg, A. I Jnhan.seu, I.. .Slokkl and Jacob, Sandvik for Kelchikau; Ole1 llensdal. A. llendnl. I llirpulil v anvil and Ldwarri Langlo for iluneau. ' - The Annual (ieneriil Meeting of he. Prince llupert (iciieral Hosilltiil AwsiipIiiMiOi will 1... I.i.l.l on Tuesday next the 2'Jth UM., at the City Hall. In vipv of the fact Ibid, nil tliiise . - -' - - ------ " v JUUOVl I ed $5.00 or more towards, the erection of the Nurses' Homo have been enrolled as members of the Association il is earnestly hoped that all subscribers will (conllnuo their Interest by at-.lendinjf litis meeting. Huslnes9: l To receive reports and balance , sheet for tt)23. Eleclion of direi :or- 23 49C from ifie roaster to you! Sealed in the Nabob Vacuum tin, free from air action, neither time nor di&ance can affect Nabob Coffee. It reaches you as rich and full flavored as the day it.was roasled. In K, 1 lb. and 31b. Vacuum Packed Tins. KCILV DOUCIAS t- CO. LTD. Frc.h shipment Nanoosc-Wcl- linglon coal just arrived. Phil-pott, Kvill &. Co. tf Harry XV. Oarllcy, YVrangcll saw mill operator, is going north on the Prince Mary this afternoon. He ha been in Seattle on business. Among the pacnger le- barking here from the Prince Mary this afternoon were Mr. Ituben. X. I). Sweet and Mrs; V. (i. Munro. Called lo the city on account of the serious illness of her son, Hen Crossed. Mrs. F. Croelt arrived from the south on the Princes Mary lhi afternoon. At 11.50, yesterday morning the fire department1 responded lo an alarm 'from the residence of Harry Lipselt on Fourth Avenue West. A coal oil slo catching fire scorched the walls of Hie bathroom. lloberl Lowe, prominent busi. ne man of While Horse who has long been connected with administrative affairs of the Yukon territory, is among the passengers going north mi the Prineesf Mary thi afternoon. He anu Mr,. Lowe, who ac-compauie him, have been outside for several week viiling among other place Vancouver ami the prairies. NEW LAMP BURNS 94 AIR Beats Electric or Gas A new oil lamp that gives an amazingly brilliant, soft, white light, even better than gus or electricity, ha been tested by the U.S. (iovernmeut and 35 leading universities and found to be superior In 10 ordinary oil lamps-It burn without odor, smoke or noise no pumping up, is simple. clean, safe. Hums "lr, air and C common kerosene (coal oiV. The inventor, C. A. Johnson. 5D5 McDermot Ave., Winnipeg, is offering to send a lamp on In days' FHF.F. trial, or even to give one FIIKF. lo the first user in each locality who will help him introduce it. Write him today for full particulars, Also ask him to explain how you can gel the agency, and without experience or money make $250 lo 500 per month. Veterans' Associations' Bovril Poster Competition closes definitely MARCH 31st Each donation of $1.20 entitles to ticket-folder containing 18 color -potters, giving an opportunity of winning lit prize, about $55,555.00 or others of the 2,003 . prizes, combined value, 30,000, about J1M.888. Send Donation of $1.20 and play tk gam. Addrtu donation! to any ( tha following oraititioni or their branch i Vlliimi' AMcltkn l Great Britain, mi Paik AvtM MenlraaU Great. War Vttarana' Alaeciatlm. Cittie BulUini, Ottawa. Army ' Navy Vtlarana la Canada. 121 BUhap Street, Mentrtal, Imeerial Valaraak in Canada. 7M Main Street. Wlnnleei. Tukercuteua Veteran' Awociallan. Raom 17, Cltlien Buildlni, Ottawa. IK BONDS Are the Best Investment We recommend the following a being safe, saleable and of fair return: City of Vernon hWc due 15th June, K:tS, at !)8.0.. Yield 5.70 City of Duncan ' Ofedue I8lh May. Itl5;i, at 10-f.2U. Yield 5.70 City of Prince Rupert title III. i to ISI50. at IOs:t,. Yield 5.00 Orders may be wired al our expense, interest accrued lo date of payment must b? added. We pay delivery charges. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Office: VICTORIA, B.C. 1st NORTH B. C. REGIMENT, 102nd Battalion C.E.F. Recruits Wanted Ag limit IS to ir. Young men from IC lo 18 can join willi parent' consenL Commencing Wednesday, January Dili, it comprehensive six, weeks' course of military training will lie conducteil iimler a regular army instructor loaned (it the Hegiment for this purpose. Physical training and boxing under iiu.'tlifi?d instructors. Recruits will be examined Mondays and Wednesdays at S p.m. PUT A STOP TO IT! this useless squandering of strength and vitality Thru- T-service will care for all the heavy work of washing all the tedious task of ironing flat work-only the wearing apparel will remain for you to starch and iron. And this comes back to you just damp enough to make this duty edsy. A phone call will bring this service to you. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8 iaWtf