Whan Yh Want A taxi no in a hurry ff Phone J J Beet Oar and Beet Service In tha City. Ratee Reasonable VOL. XIV,, NO, 23. mm m " TVKJhi.rW ARRANGEMENTS MADE FOR LANDING OF FOUR ROUND Lenine Acclaimed at his Funeral as one of Saviours of Mankind Half Million Attend Obsequies MO.SCUW, Jan. -'X. Nirliulm l.ciiine wu entombed ycs- rday afternoon anil followers nf I In- rulers of .Soviet Hiissia haded liini uii hour before hi burial at greuler in death than in 11 it! ii nd puiil liitn honor thai u king mighl envy. They withstood for hours Hip bitterest nild I lie llolheviki capital ha M: wii in it yeur. Ilulf ii million persons inarched or waited right hours in a Icmperutnre of 'id below zero for the privilege it i.inig I lie tenixirary mausoleum liuslil)' huilt under the ii I in in i i .it. f ...-it.. ..r I:.. t . GOLD AGAIN AT j LEECH RIVER . Winer Thinks He Has Discovered Molherlode from Which ; Dust Came . . . Vi TijIUA. Jau. ?H. Arthur F ui- of Vieloria. an oj.l Uut . Merlor. conftdrnlly believe l:a found the mother lode, in Malahal district at (lie . 'ion of the l.eoeh and Sooke Hi.Kn, lite scene of n'gf.ld mi ( y year ago. when the gold; ::iiiiionrrs ofllce wa etb- tiet in the inhll of three . :;aml miner. K -mii Hi. when the firt formed Tor Ihe purpose or inaiiu-h raclurliiif eneer product from slarled in IH7n. ftt.OOu.tioo mluliDf.l'he eollmiw I in the Skeena 3i 'aken out in plawr w ii proved blKhly profllable.'lHver and inee that time erforU but iiohiHly was able In find hae been made. II It underntood. w'.im-e lM. gold eame from.' rai.e money with which lo PL lip believe lie ha oled nli" ,t"', fndor' . u" , ",0 ,llrr- s,v" u J. inallfi','' mystery by fiudiiiK iMKgelin einbedd.! In IIiq lale'"'-'"'"'! a a possible location win Ii give u gold Heara'nee lo 'lie white rock. Phillip and other have been riaiii(Mlicnlly whhiug gold in u imall way ul l.cerh lliver for n i:umher of rar ninl have been making wiigc al the work. Srwral plan for the establish-until of a hyiluulir planl there have been devised but mine have hitherto been carried Ihrouglt. BUILD CANALS GREAT LAKES Company Incorporation sought View to Carrying Big Ships to Head of Lakes OTTAWA, .Ian. :H. Xolieeha hecn ii hen that application will be made lo Parllaiuenl for In-corporation (,f u roiiipany lo be ciipiliilUcd al 5li(i.(i0n.mi(l wilh power to rounect the lower SI. Lawrence lllver by iliip eanal wilh the head of the pieal lake, tales Ihe Journal thi atler-noon. f h.o were conlructed ocean veel would go right HiioumIi to Port ,rthur. POINCARE GETS GOOD SUPPORT Taxation Designed to Strengthen Franc Will be Considered at Once l'Alllis, Jan. 28. The chamber or DepUlle by a show of hand "iipporfcd Premier Poincare In hi, ilemand for liiiinediale con-"I'leratlon of the new drastic tuxntlou program calculalcd lo "Ireiiglhen (hu franc. Theinolion ' poatpono action until ufler Iho piirllninciilary elecllon wa ilciealed, The Latest In Restauran BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Kent of Food flood Service. Private Doxes for Parly Use. 'Take Her to The Boston." PEOPLE ATTEND LENINE FUNERAL jnuun ui iiic iiiiiJiiwi luniirj. Tin-re wan mi oralory neither iwa there visible sign of mourn- ling anion? the assemblage. Mas" wa celebrated in House . of Union but before ! IIim It.nil. Iti II I sliinur.i u l.il.ti- I r"y phrased slalement of Hie ,U(lan soviet wa rea.l in which l.etilne wan haileil a one of the saviour of mankind. Communists hymn were Ming. ! : ,,r.IPrn UIf f TA nP VL11lLI JTULL 1U DL ! ESTABLISHED ON RIVER Money. Said to Have Been RsJsed Toe Project to Use Skeena Cottonwood I .n I year a contpan was lull noihllitf iieiiinie nas ui-ru done in eoutieetion with a site. , repieentalie of the eom- iiany is ripecled here to Hake on Hie mailer of locution aiul to arrative for the eslablisii- ni'Mit nf Hie mill. I liere i a similar mill in oper ation at New Westminster and il i ald to I"' ery urceftil. Sahus Is nearly sixty mile up the Skeena Ittv it Just ahe tide water. THROUGH PASSENGERS NOT ALLOWED ASHORE Capt. Davles of United States Steamer Victoria Sees That No Liquor Comes Aboard Ship Alaska Steamship Ci.'l flenmer Vieloria. Cant. Iaie. wa in porl Ihi mornlnj.' from lu.Ilu lo r iiVlnrk sout ihound from ward and interniediale Alaska port In Seal lie. Kleven passl-n-Ber debarked here and one went aboard. On the captain' order, no ihrntiith passenger were al. lowed ashore here. Ihl was in rilir lii lnsiiri eoniiilliiiiee with Ihe Volsleail Art, which prohibit liiunr being nhoard a ep lying the American flap. The ae-liun of Ihe captain causeil np-pa icii I ilisappoiutinenl amotiK many of Hie l0 paeiiKer. STEAMING CLAUSE ' ANGLO-AMERICAN TREATY INNOCUOUS NKW YOllK, Jan. "H, Sir Auckland (iedde, prior lo ailinn on Ihe A i 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 a on Saturday said Ihe hour steaming clause in (he l.hpior Treaty between (treat llrilalu mid Uuiled Mules should iMinse no iimieui y. uiriciai could ih'lcinilne the distance and speed of a vessel by examination if (he en,'e Northern and POWER 3Y RADIO WOULD SIMPLIFY FLYING PROBLEMS One of the most likely and hopeful development in flyiii? is IhroUKh the development of radio, according li l.ieulenaut Olaylon ltiell, who was here al Hie week end nHak-inf arrangement for the landing of the plane in Hie round Ihe world fliphi: If airmen could t act their powrr from Ihe air liy mean of radio it would simplify mailer immeiily a o d woubl make long dislanre flight much more popular than they are today, lie ay. USE HERRING LOCAL PLANT Efforts Being Made to Have Permission Rescinded by Authorities (Special to Dally News) VICTORIA, Jan. 28. On December 26, the deputy minister of Marine and Fisheries gave notice that herring and pilchards caught on the Pacific coast could be converted Into fish meal, fertilizer, oil and such products. Now word has been received here that efforts are being made to have the order re scinded on the ground that the use of herring In reduction works would deplete the fish. It Is understood this has a diiect bearing on the situation In Prlnco Rupert where there Is a reduction plant which could operate almost all tho year round If the permission to use herring Is allowed to stand. CANADA MAKES FIRST POINTS Beats Czecho-Slovakla by Enormous Score of 30 to 0 at Hockey In Olympic Qames CIIA.MO.MX. Jan. 28. Canada made her first win today when e Canadiau hockey Irani defeated Czecho-Slovakla by Ihe enormous score of thirty goals lo nothing. The conditou were new lo the Canadian player a there wa no border fence again! which lo manoeuvre, a I their huliit in the big game in Can-adiau ami Uuiled Slate rinks. Their splendid control on the ice.eaping gas was ignited when the howeer. gave them a .distinct, advantage over their opponents who. appareully, had not ever played in I lie sclent 1 no manner peculiar to Ihe game as seen in Canada, Unllcd flairs also had an easy victory over llelgluuu making IU", ?rl3 to- nolnln PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper IMWNCr" IllTI'ltT, HjC, MONDAY, JAMAltY 28, l!)2i. Mere is it genuine Albino and one of hi brothers born of Ihe same parent, native of the oglh sea island. The Albino bus one pink, eye and one blue a strange sight with his pure while hair and skin. STUDENTS ARE UNDER ARREST Employee of Post Office Let Them In and They Made off With Cash IIL TI I".. Mont.. Jan. 28. llobcrl Kckter. I" llellen and Lier-nard yuesifell, youthful .student at (he Molilalia University, MLt-fJlo.l.tsrci5irreled here charsrd with robhiugr the Missoula' "Post O frier last iiipht of 33,ono cur. reney. The money was consigned I j a lru( company. Ilellen had been actio? as sub. sliliite mail clerk and it I alleged be adinflled l-'cklrr ami Uuesnel. who were wearing mask and presented their gun. hound Ilellen and another clerk ami es. raped with Ihe money. INSPECTOR LONG VANCOUVER CHIEF OF POLICE FORCE YANCOL Vim, Jan. A. In-speclor Waller II. I.onsr, for many year oo the local force, has lii-cu apMiin(cd chief of police in Vancouver. There were ( many applicants lor I lie posi tion. Inspector fuig .succeeds chief J. II. Anderson who rez eiMitlv resigned as. a result of pressure of public opinion and Ihe insistence of the Attorney (icnrral lliat the law be enforced in Vancouver. HOPE GIVEN UP FOR RESCUE OF MINERS SIIANKTOWN. Jan. SK. Hope ha been tfiven up for forty nilners entombed Saturday by an explosion in the Lancashire mine here. Itescuer reported Ihe mine dense with black damp, Water I rapidly rising. SIIANKTOWN. Jan. S8, (later) -The bodies of at men who lost their live in an ex plosion in the Lancashire 1111110 have been recovered and five others have been located. FOURTEEN MEMBERS OF TWO FAMILIES KILLED IN BLAZE PAWTUCKKT, Jan. ','8.-leen -hour-in person. were killed an explosion al Manville today. F.s lamp was 111 ami as a resull nearly all Ihe member of the Conway un, Uunmiill families were killed. Karl Hume look the services at the lluptlst Church last night speaking on "The Friend of Jldii. Stlurtfty'i MANY GREEKS DEAD RESULT OF EXTREME COLD WAVE EUROPE ATHKXS. Jan. 28. Scores of people are frozen to death as a result of an exceptional cold wave which is . prevail-ing in (ireece. f. mes-age received from Salonika says tiree soldiers aiij 150 civilian who were liyiijs under canvas art- dead from erfiosure". ' ' FINLAND WINS SPEED SKATING Early Events in Olympic Winter Games at Chamonix SWEDEN HOCKEY WINNER CIIA.MOMW Jan. '8. Finland wilh only three men entered, woo the first honors in the speed skating events or the 1021 Olympic winter game which concluded yesterday, 't hat country won l8'.-i points. Norway came sec ond wilh 3J(!i, United Slates third with It. Charles Corman of St. John, N.II., Ihe sole Canadian representative, had been considered a dangerous contender bul was unable In gel a place in any of Ihe evenl. The first hockey match look place today when Sweden defeated Switzerland decisively 0 lo 0. It was tame hockey compared wjth the Canadian big league games. EARLY END TO STRIKE Official of Union Expresses Confidence Objection Wilt be Removed LONDON, Jan. 28. The public Is hoping for an early end to the railway strike as a result of negotiations which are going on. J. Bromley, secretary of the striking union, expresses confidence that something to which the men objected will soon cease to exist. Meantime the dockers and Iran port workers seem to be moving near a strike owing to a refusal to Increase their wanes. BURNED AT DOCK WASHINGTON, Jau. 28. Fire on Ihe wharf burned lhosteainer Midland Waters and damaged the wharf and smaller craft, the . ;tud. k'v l)ei' $300,(nH) Clrculttlos 1,0. Sl'Mt Saltl SSO. WORLD PLANES HERE Four Seaplanes Planned to Arrive here April 1 En Route Round World When I Ii 3 four roiind-lhe-world aviators drop into Hie water ii Hie neighborhood of the cold "storage plant and aiiehor their ea planes al .Seal Cove, completing the first section of Iheir big .light on or about April I, their chief huiuess,will be lo get away or Sitka, if the weather is good. They are expected lo leave Seattle at eight or nine o'clock in the morning and reach here probably about four in Ihe afternoon. On lying up, they will al .nice proceed to go over their machine, to fill their tanks wilh fuel, and clean up in readiness for leaving in the morning. This will probably take theui until dark when I hey w ill go direct to the hotel and to bed o as to be fresh for the flight; next day. That is the program! laid down for them as enuncial-j ed by Lieut. Clayton liissell. ad-! vance agent for the flight, who; arrived here by train Saturday evening, returning lo Seattle by the steamship Victoria today. liefore alighting- Ihe planes wilt fly low around the city su that all 'may see Ihem. They are expected lo arrive together, fly ing in formation. This will prove an imposing .sight and one for whicliKralpeopWwill eagerly cretary or the association, an-wSTrfr? W?-sg-.ijkAnouncW jyfiuglif . . Tlie Hrst The flight will be made by ?ame wi'lbe played at Sydney way of Alaska, Japan, China and " Ma 10 aluJ arler cisM we"k India, where Hie pontoons will lie laken off and replaced by wheels, as from that time on' ood landing field will be ob- lainable. They will touch at Kgypt. Kngland. and back across Ihe Allanlir l,v 1,-eh.ml. rsrppn. land, ami the Fast coast to Washington and (hence overland to Seattle. The pbntotm. will be resumed during the Atlantic flight, and again released on a'rrival on the coast of this oon- lincuL Six Divisions The round the world flight is planned lo be made in six divisions, Ihe plans for which arc being made by six advance men who will make all arrangement. for fuel and landing places and everything necessary lo the success or the undertaking. The first division, over which l.icul. liissell has charge is from Seat-lie to Sliimusu on the Kuerilc Islands olT the coast of Japan. The second from Sliimusu to Chimulpo, China; then from Chimulpo to Calcutta; Calcutta to Constantinople; Constantinople to London; London to Washington, D.C. There is no necessity for arrangements across the coulineiil back to Seattle as Ihe flight has often been made by other machines and the route is well known. It is planned lo finish the flight in September, travelling in all 35,000 miles and taking only 100 flyinsr hours or twenty days in the air. High speed will not be expected, as the wind is against them all the way. This was made necessary in order to arrange Tor escaping seasonable bad weather In different parls of Ihe world. Two Years Building 'The four planes are being built especially for the trip and are fitted in such a way as to withstand the cold of the semi-Arctic, regions and the heat of the tropics. They are being constructed by the Douglas Air craft Co. at Santo Monica, California. 'They have a wing spread of fifty feet and will bo propelled by tOO horse power liberty motors. They huve been under construction for two years and will nuurt a speed of abyut 85 miles an hour Equipped eoullMUi'il 'ii paye V PRICE .FIVE CENTS. ATD ATI IT A M HU1dALL ItAffl TAD AMTIDATiTO rUIl All I IliJULiil Sixteen Players, a Trainer And an Official of Association to go WINNIPF.C, Jan. 28. Sixteen players, a trainer and an official of the Dominion Football Asso ciation leave Vancouver on April II for a tour of Australia and New Zealand. S. Davidson, the -vuirana me team win go lo z"la"'' and lour four weeks. ' "c provincial associauons win ""'alc 3I players from which w.1,pei wl" "'' c'o,'. iiriilsli """ enuue.i io select , "-bee b. Ontario 0, Manitoba . Saskatchewan I, and Alberta 0. FISH DELAYED INSHIPMENT Will Not be Fresh When It Reaches Seattle by Steamship Included in the cargo of the Alaska Steamship Co.'s steamer Victoria, which was in port this, morning southbound from Ala, ka, were 215 cases of fresh American halibut being shipped from Ketchikan to Seattle. This fish, it is said, hud been waiting five days at Ketchikan for the steamer ,to arrive. Naturally its condition has been impaired and it may not be described as strictly rrch when il reaches Ihe ultimate consumers. Had it been shipped through this port and over the Canadian National Hallways it would have been delivered and consumed in the Fast beforo il reaches Seattle. WHEAT GOES BY WESTERN ROUTE Preference for Western Shipments Shown on Winnipeg Grain Exchange WINNIPFO, Jan. 28.-During Ihe past mouth there has been excellent demand for wheat cargoes lo go via Vancouver to Ihe United Kingdom and immediate shipments have, been commanding a small premium over Fori William values, it was staled on ilia grain exchange, here. Cheap tonnage- al Vancouver was responsible for tho premium, while, differences lit jireigm ravor Vancouver from a number of western points. He-cause of the abundance of tramp vessels offering, tonnage, has I bet', c i !y secured.