PAGE BIX. THE DAILY NferVB. Monday. January 28, Igjj BLANKETS SPECIAL THIS WEEK All Wool Blankets English Make, Pink and Ulue Uorder. 7 Ik size .... $9.50 pair 8 11). size $11.50 Pair U lb. Whipped Singly $13.00 pair Grey, All Wool Blankets Full, 7 lit. size ... ..... $6.75 pair Grey Union Wool Blanket 7 11). size . . $4.75 pair Baby Crib Blankets All Wool, Jaeger make, reg. $1.00 $3.25 Baby Blankets All Wool, IW and 52, reg. .$15.25. Sale Price, each $2.50 Baby's Colored Beacon Blankets Jnsl a few left. Special 95c each H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Cor. Third Ave. A Fulton 8t. i IHbbbbH, Telephone Specials Monday, Tuesday and SHOP BY PHONE TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY. Combination Specials 95c LOT 1 Macaroni and Chcexe. 3 lb. Heady ('til Macaroni, rej;. IOC. 2 lb. Ontario Cheese, reg. 70c. Special, 95c. LOT 2 f t lb. Malkitr Coffee, reg. Cue, fi I tins assorted Spices, rejf. ' 50c. 'Your choice any variety of spice.- Special, 95c. 'LOT 3 1 tin I.ibby's Asparagus Tips, ix. 50c. t tin Nabob Corn, rep. 25c. t tin Malkiu's Peas, reg. 35c. Special, 95c. LOT 4 1 pail Shamrock Lard, 3 lbs., rep. 70c. 1 lb. l'eaineal Hack Itacon. sliced, reg. 50c. Special, 95c. LOT 5 Kvaporaleil Milk. SI. Cbarles, Pacific Cariialion. 8 Tins for 95c. LOT 6 1 package .Maple, or Leaf Malrlies, reg. 10c. It bars While Wonder Soap, rep. 70. Special, 95c. LOT 7 Old Motdc Pork and Means. Individual size, rep. 10c. Special, 11 Tins for 95c. LOT 8 1 pail Njapivi Falls llasp- herry Jam, rep. 85c. I jar l.ibbyH pickles, rep. 35c. Special, 95c. LOT 9 ilraiiulalrd Sugar. 9 lbs. for 95c. .Vol over 18 lbs. to each order. LOT 10 1 pail Malkiu's Marmalade, rep. 75c. 1 jar Slrawbery Jain, reg. 35c. Special, 95c. LOT 11 8 dozen Juicy Sunklsl Orange ... . . . . 95c LOT 12 1 dozen Malkiu's Jelly Powders 95c Assorted Flavors LOT 13 Hun. maid Itaisius, seeded fir seedless. 8 lbs. for 95c. LOT 14 1 pail llnycis' Syrup, 5 lbs, rep. COc. 1 package 1 tuck Wheal Flour, rep. 50c. Special, 95c. LOT 15 1. carton Fels .Vapllia Soap, rep. 'J 5c. 1 package Lux, teg. 15c, Special, 95c. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 811, 212, 281 TIMBER SALE X 5626. There will U- offered fur nalii at I'utillc ut"iiuii. bi iMMiii iiti ini 91111 nav nri TIMBER SALE X 5767. Sesled Tender will be received by the Mlnlittee nf I.aiul4 al V'lelnrla later Sealed Tender! will lie received by the i ui ... ii u.j ui irmu.ijt ll, for the purrhane of Llceuce X JJI. to rut SO.ouu lineal feet of Poles and Pllintr. 011 an area situated three mile S.K. or Vllwanm, fjumlar IHntrlrl. Two (i years will ber allowed for removal of limber. Further particulars of the Chief Fores-ler, Victoria. B.C. or Itutrlet Forester. Prince Huperl. B.C. TIMBZR SALE X 5763. lo rut I.I I J. chid feel of Spruce. Cedar. Hemlock and llalnam, from an area altuated at the head of Turks Inlet, ..V. of Prince Hupert. IlaiiKe S. CoaM Dl.lrlcV. Two fx veara win be slowed for re moval of timber. Further Particular of the Chief Fores ter. Victoria. B.C. or DUtrltt Fores-ter. Prliwe Itiifiert. B.C. CORN on Cob $1.35 BUYS 1 tin Corn on Cob, lleg. value 35c; ami 3 lbs. Harvest Coffee, .Hep. value 1 .35. THIS WEEK ONLY. Tlii pivc you an opportunity to get our famous Harvest Coffee. 3 lbs. for $1.01) and we stand behind our Man est Coffee. Your money refunded if you do not find it equal lo any bulk coffee on Ihe market. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. COAL The Famous LADY8MITH-WELLINQTON Lump and Egg Sizes. STERLING Stove and Egg Sizes. We deliver in sacks or bulk. Phone us your orders day or night. Prince Rupert Coal Go. Phone 15. Main Office: Hotel Central. LIGHT CATCHES HALIBUT BOATS Unfavorable Weather Has Interfered With Fishing Lately 11 Boats In Today Several of the larger American cliooners were in nort this morning but their catches were' light and there was only 150,000: jpounds sold in spile of the fact: that eleven boats had arrived, 'l'oor weather of tale has been responsible for the lack of success. Several or Ihe boats had been at the Cape Aldington and Capo lOmanry banks for a fortnight or longer. All boats in today were American as follows: Oonah, 1 1,000 pounds, at and l.5c, ami Yakatut, 10,000 pounds, at IG.Cc and c, to tho I tooth Fisheries Canadian Co. (irelchen, U',000 pounds, at I? Tp nil. I ) Tin mi. I C... I I....I III Amundsen, 8,500 pounds, al t7c ami 11.5c. and Tlielnia II., 12,000! lebruary. IVi I. hi the wrrire of Ihr tils- pounds, at 17. 3c and u.5c, to the i trlrl Forester it I'rlnee IIuimtI, B.C., the ,.,,. ., ... . , ... , . ... .. I l icence x ior. to rut iio.utiu feet!'-'nnadi!n rislt A (.old Storage Co. ii. .n. vi iruce sua iifiiuuck. oil an arrai YVirHis4 1 S 000 imiiiiiU pounds, at -il' UlualeJ at the lieail or Chief M.tihewV . . . ' ' Day.. Ilaiure t. CoaM 1-ainl IHnlrtrl. 1 ..ic and U.5c; Washington, 7,-j is ,.rr: will in- iiu.ieu ivr r iimivii i.r tirniier. Minister of Land at Vlriorla ma later iu effort lli.n .....n .... . K.. .il. ... L..l. I tll'MI undernlriird A.ND H'llTIIKn TAkF MlTICE that on and after Ihe Hrt day of March. Itl. me r.ieruint' win proceed to di.trlbule this eatale In rerard only 1o thoe claim of which Hie shall have been ilnlr IKitiried: DATKIi this Stli iliv or January. I9J4. CliKASK CIlUeK. Solicitors fur the Kireulrlt. II0 Cenlral Bulldlnir, Victoria. B.C. LAND ACT. Notlcs sf Intantlon to Apply to Laa Land. In skeena l.acid IH.lrlct, Itrrordlnr l'l-trlct of (ja.. ami sliuate on 7.ayas Mand. Take .Notice that fitorre Kerr, oernpa-lion htitrher, or Prince lluperl. B.C. Intend to apply Tor icrmlloii to eae tlie follnwliiir dencrlU'd laud: Oiioiiwncliir al a Mmt planle alsml four rhain north or Jacinto Point on Zaya I .land; thence fol- iwIiik Ihe luuoltle of the leire line al hi arh water mark around ihe l.laiul and rellirnllir to Imlnl of eoiiiluriireiiieiit. sml coiilalnliia s.ikiii are, more or leas. UMWOF. kUIII. .Name of applicant. IIOOMtH K. FIIEF.MA.N, Arrnt. Phone 84 Cash & Carry A Few of Our Bargains Hound Slcak, per lb. .. 25o llib rUcak, ter )b 15c I toil hip Hcef, per lb. . . 10o l'ork Chops, per lb. . ... 35c H.C. Fresh Kpps, doz. 45c Pullel Kpgs, per doz. .. 40c Creamery Hutler, per lb. 45c II Hi. box Hotter, box 98.25 Kippers. 2 lb. for .... 25c Hlack Cod, per lb. .... 16c We also carry a supply of Fresh Meat. All orders of $10.00 and over delivered. E conomy Store 417 Fifth Ave. East. The Pastime Cigar Store Opp. Empress Hotel. Tobacco, Cipars, Ciparcttes, Candies ami Soft Drinks. We have a pleasant back roun, Come in ,and inako yourself at home. W. M. Whiting, Prop. LIMBS AND BODY ST. PAUL'S is ALL SWOLLEN "Fruit-a-te" Relieved Both Dropsy and Sick Kidneys Till Wonder of Fruit Medicine Those who know they have Kidney Trouble who suffer with pain in the back who are up frequently at night will elcome the news that "Kruit-a-tires", the wonderful medicine mails from fruit juices and tonics, will positively relieve Kidnry and ItUd.lcr Troubles as proven hv this letter. "Otirlittleairl had KidneyTrouMe and Dropsy berliinbsand txxly were all swollen. We decided to try " Kruit a-tives". In a Oiort t ime. the swelling went down. Xow, she is the healthiest one or the family". W.M. W.VKUK.V, Port Koliinson, Ont. 60c. a bo t, 6 for $2.;0, trial site 5. At dealers or from Fruit a tires Limited, UlUwa, Ont. 000 pounds.' al and l.5c. to BUNGALOW BUILDING llrolhers, tO.OOO pounds, at IN CITY OF VICTORIA 17.:'c and U.5c: Kodiak. i 1.000 pounds, at lii.7c am 9c; lloald Bible Students to Engage In Con- structlon Work to Pro vide Residences COMMUNITY APARTMENT YICrOHIA. Jan. 28. With tho 500 pound?, at 17.3c and l.5c, and layinp of Ihe foundations of two Kurilier pirtlrutar of the chief lur it.el.aiioil. 7000 l.ounds. al t7.3e iiiii.Ii-iii liiiiiirnlnu. s in II... "Mill wl GREAT PREPARATIONS FOR GYRO CLUB BALL A'. '",' rk The Oyro Club dance commil- 1 ha 11 noon on 1 lie jim day of February, tee has been very busy recently I ml. for the purchase or Licence X&767,! , . , .. , , , 10 rut 3,tto,ooo reet of spruce, luuain.iancl a splendid propraui lias been Hemlock and Cedar, on an area situated on nreoarpil for Ibp first niiniinl l.-ilt . iniino inr i in iirsi aiioiiai nan 1 iiimiei i.iami. r.amner pjmi. inn.. Coat )ltrlrt. Three (J. yeara wilt be allowed for removal of timber. Further partlriilar iif the lilef ForesH ler. victoria, lie., or IHlrlrt ForeHer, Prince ruipert. B.C. m TIMBER SALE X58S1. which is to be held in the Auditor. ium on Wednesday eveuinp Ihi- week. A ureal deal of ivnrk lias1 Huupalow Construction Company, a commercial offshoot of flu lutiiriuil iimiil Itililt Silioliiiiltf an extensive propram 01 construction in Victoria. Many Antiquated "We expeel to put up uile a few houses, some for ourselves mid some mi contract for others," I .C .Itichards, one of Ihe lt-adinp ollicers of the con- already been ,1 'an.l reports s,nlc" company, said "llunpa- or Ibis lopellier wilh what I yelilow Victoria at the present to follow indicate that no stone llmi' alv- ",e ,l,ai"' "'d'ouat-is beinp left unlunied to make a!pd. without proper healinp ap- wonderful success nf the affair.1 1'ratus ami the breakfast nooks The Cyro Club deserves every sup.orl thai ran be piven it in ' incorporaled into the best resi nbaerihe fn Ilia Oailv Nawr. ISTATI OF ALFRED WYNDHAM rARTIRl DECEASED. and other features that are now dences or Hits type. I here are plenty of empty houses In Victoria, but il Udinicull Ut find a vacant structure that is up-to-ilale and liabilabfe, according to 1 1 : 1 t. 1 .i:M..i.. TAKE I" I seiu uaj i.u-u. .nii.i iniini, . VOTICK Prr.lule of Hie lii.t will or the above named deceaed waa.wc have formed our Company H at 1 a I a . mil . ilm l' ri...i.ik.i 1 of the supreme Court of Hrltlnh Columbia 'and Mall to bllild JUst as lllall) ';"..,!!'.'. xV" r r .":. '"Ifully modern comfortable bunpa- Sealed Tender will lie received by the vT; "i.... V". f."l' t ... i .. MlnlMer of Land al Victoria not later ' V t WY.. WB " " ""r ,u '.'iV. "rJ'.h!.' HOLii'l W ."'I'y?!?; Uila 'eHaie are' requeued to send In uch j have six or feven going on all :.. .' "",.rf riamn in writinr duly verified lo the Ihe lime." Mr. dtieliards said thai. ,roii-trary lo the idea that pained credence when forly or filly of Ihe Hible Student came lo Vic toria a few moiilli apo, they were not a community organization. Some of the houses would bo buill for members of his association, ami they would bo in all pari of Ihe cily. Central Dining Room The Association Iwo or three iiionlhs. ago secured Ihe Scott Ituihling, at Ihe comer of Hooplas Street and Hillside Aveum. and most of Ihe members, of Ihe Assiii-ialioti iu Victoria are domiciled there. The biiildinp bus 1 11 converted iulo an apartment house, of a kind, save thai il now coiilalns a cenlral idiiiinp-rooiii or resluranl. About jiMin member of Ihe Association are now iu Victoria, hailinp from various iirls iif the Culled Stales and Canada, mostly from Ithe Canadian prairies. Between If 50 and 200 more are expecled Income lo Ihe cily in Ihe near I future lo settle here. The sect is. however, a small one. Mr. Itichards says, and the rumors l..r ll.....nii.lj iniiiilnir here wbicll III IIIIIUI.IIUU 7 i, CHURCH NAME English Lutherans Organlie Congregation Under Rev. P. E. Balsler Yesterday at the evening service of the F.uplish Lutheran Church In the Melropole Hall, llcv. 1. V.. Haisler. the orgauiier of the eoiigrepatlou in clinrge, and with John Oybhavu acting a secretary, il was decided to organize St. Paul's F.imlish Lutheran Church. After a brief outline of the situation Mr. Haisler read a copy oT a constitution recommended to coiigrepations by ihe Inilei. Lutheran Church of America, which was adopted. Twenty-five sipnatures were affixed lo Ihe charier and more are lo follow. The first rhurch board wa appointed consisting of John Oybhavn. A. Aekerberp. K. Hall, berg. L. O. Larsen. C. (J. It. An derson and T. Johnson. Ihe first visit of Mr. Ilulslcr to Prince lluperl was in Novem ber last when he spent a week here looking over the ground wilh a view to establishing a congrc-palion. He returned a few week apo ami services have been held al Ihe Melropole Hall and a Sunday School has been organized al which If attended elerday. Last rrinc'e iiuis'ti.'ii.c." " ' f 'jand lc. to the lloyai Fislt Co. ihlock oil Ouadra Street. Ihe Star (v'nl" ,l,l'r wrre rifl' P'r' ui me organization gainerinp. BILLIARD TOURNAMENT The teams in the billiard tournament tonight will line up as. follows: J. May ((treat War Veterans) v. 11. Howe (Sim of l-.ngland) at Prince lluperl I'ool H00111 at 10 o clock. Col. McMordie v. II. II. Shock- ley, Prince Ituiiert Pool llooin al 1 1 o'clock'. K. I'enelon vs. O. P. .Tinker, (5.W.V.A. rooms at 7 o'clock. J. I'yle vs. J. Howe, (5.W.V.A. room- al H.30. Sept. .Ichxnii vs. Dr. J. A. Wesl, (i.W.V.A. room ut u.ail. When you buy Advertising ynii buy CinCl'LATION. nnd se thn' m f It f SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant, unreatrved. aurvey'! Crown landa mr b prfemptad b nrltlah subject ovar II yrara of ajt. and bjr allna on declarloc Intanllon lo becom Britlah aubjacta, cundi tlonal upon rcildtnc. occupation, and Improvoment for acrleullural purpoaaa. Pull Information conctrnlnc rrju-atlona rardln pra-mptlona la llvon In Bullalln No. 1, 1-and Hria. 'How to Pr-mpt Land," eoplaa of arhlch can bt obtalntd frt of chart oy addraaalnc th Dapartrnant of lnda. Victoria. H.C, or lo any Gov rnmant AfnL Recorda will b granted corrlni unlr lnd aultabU for acrleullural purpoaaa, and which la not tlmbr land. I t, carrylnc ovr 1.900 board feat Pr acr wat of th Coaat Mania and 1.000 ftt per acrt aaat of that Rant. Applications for pra-emptlona ara to b addraaaad to th Land Com-mlaalonrr of th Ind flrcordina 1)1 vlalon. In which tho land applied for Is situated, and art mau on print! form, coplrs of which can b obtained from th Land. Commlaalonar. rra-rmptlona muat b occupied foi flv years and Improvsmenta mad to valu of I0 par acr. Includln-clearlnr and cultlvatlns; at lst flv acrta. bafor a Crown Grant ran b received. For mor detailed Information a Ihe Bulletin "How to Hr.mpt Land." PURCHASE Appllratlona are recelred for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown landa. not belnc tlmberland. for acrleullural purpoaee; minimum have bi'fil circulaliup about the. price of firateiaas (arable) land Is It cily are Impossible ot U.S. GOLF CHAMP ! DEFEATS BRITISH I.OS AX(li:i.I'.S. Jan. , 28. Ocne Saraen, the United Stales pro-fessional polf champion, defeated Arthur Havers, llrillsh open champion, five up and four lo po tn a 72 hole nialch, Ihe first half or which wn played iu Sun Francisco for the unofficial world's professional chain, piouship, FIRE SWEEPS MAIN STREETJDFLITTLETON M I'l IiKTON, N.H.. Jan. 28. Fire swept the eas,side of Main Streel late this afternoon and is still beyond control, after rapinp three hours. 'Hie damapo o Tar Ms estimated ut a million dollars per acre, and second. olaaa (crazlnc) land IZ.iO per acr. Further Information rtrardlnc purchaa or leaaa nf Crown land Is clven In Uullatln No. 10, Ind Bfrlea, "Purchaa and l-eaee of Crown Landa." illll, factory, or Industrial sites on Umber lend, not axceedlnc 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the con dltlons tneludlnf payment of stumpac. HOMESITE LEASES I'nsurveyed areas, not szreedlnc 10 seres, may be leased ss homeslts. conditional upon a dwelllnc belnc erected In the first yesr, title belnc obtainable after rssldsnc and Improvement conditions ar fulfilled and land has been surveyed. LEASES For crailnc and Industrial pur. poaes arras not eicodlnc 140 aorta may be leased by on person or a compsny. GRAZING Under Ihs Orailnc Act the Irov. Ince Is divided Into rrsilnc districts and th rsnc administered under 1 Orailnc Commlsstonsr, Annual Traiinc permits are Issued bssed on numbers ranged, priority belnc clven 'o ealabllahed owners. Btoek. owners may form associations for ranis nanacement. Fre. or partially free irmiu ars available for settlers, smpers and travel lera, up to tas iad. Phone 376 The House EXTRA 8PECIAL. of Quaity All Wool Coating in Blanket Cloth ? and Hopsach 54" Wide, in Rose, Copenhagen, Tan, Blue and Heather. Reg. $2.75 per yard. Special, per yard, $2.00 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Phone 370. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 MAY McAVOY 46 In Her Reputation" Tin- sloiy of ; voiiug yirl who. r.ilher tlniii t frotil iinpulatuii niadc against her poi (nil i j j a spirited battle apaiuvi them, anil won. j jilay tinil shows how drlirnle i the slniclure Unit It: woman's reputation. Setintionulim. ximuhil mid I woven into a most niio-oal ere-n drama. A u rK spectuculur unveil), rati.m'l .l;m e .ue uitrodiicrd k M McAvoy and (iorire Lit kin lliroupliuol the play L . Hughes. tisoii Ferguson ;nd -truiig supporting : . lOmtBY "THE LIMIT." INTERNATIONAL NPWt AdmUtion 35c and 10c TELKWA COAL $11.00 BULK ON WHARF $12.50 BULK DELIVERED Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 504, STOCKTAKING Winter OVERCOATS 20 per cent Discount on all WINTER OVERCOATS STEVE KING Phone Gren 85 Third Avenue Be the 'Cand Kid And Buy a Bo, of PURDY'S The Autocrat of the CANDY World Ideal for the Home, tho Parly or the Theatre. A TOOTHSOME DELIGHT IN A BEAUTIFUL BOX. All Sizes All Prices. Solo Agents : Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUE