John January 5fl, 1 0? t . ay TH18 DAILY NEWS. PART. FTVU. Ndw a bargain for menl 70 value Itwynip Hun- iiu f.rorer fur "FIVE ROSES," inr World ltet L AgonL Christie ! Soil Finish. Tlipif-T-Service I Wet Wash Mil ' Sprvicp. on of wU exactly fill your Mi1- need r ii fur iiariii'itlarit. Canadian Sleain Laundry Phona 8. CiMAKCE SALE HATS HALF PRICE. CLOTH COATS RAINCOATS1 ONE THIRD OFF. UNDERWEAR WOOL HOSIERY ONE FOURTH OFF. SWEATERS, DRESSES, SKIRTS, BLOUSES, CAMISOLES, CORSETS, BRA8SIERIES, ONE FIFTH OFF. SILK HOSIERY, GLOVES, ONE TENTH OFF "DEMERS" Phne 27. P.O. Box 327. EPSON COAL We con now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL In nny quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone Bl. K ! 50c Three ftmout artlrlrn ral comforts every man needi; I'tlmnlivr Shaving-Cream, i'almolive Koap, and the new I'almolive After Shaving- Talcto give that well-groomed look without hollig on your fare. Regular price 70c ' 1 ORMES LIMITED FiveRoses FLOUR Sport Chat Tin1 jiiiTiialinul League guiriiP lic'wi'i'ii tln Coll ntifl High School promise to ii Hie mil. -laiKliiiK folium .if (hi even, inn liaki'inll program at the Hall. Wlnlc I lie CoU. who I hate ycl lo lo.e u nanio I his eu"ii. hutp Iippii iiri'Pful in liiillitiK II over the hoy from Sctpnih A ten up Haul, lttu far, their icl compel ilfiin hu come from thai itirif linn and Hip i'liuiii'i-f an- the champion will have I" extend llii'iiiolo njniiuj on this occasion. The Tnelicr! an- point; to allempl a heller! ImwniB ntraiiMl Hip Mnplp Leaf in Hip Ladle' League ami Hip Teacher will yo iii a?ainl thp Ci-li oiipp nion in Hip Spnior l.pasup. High School nml Coll iiippI in Hip Junior Lpugup ami should put up a snappy exluhi-tiou nl I Iip. I'riu llni'Wt.r'i'y lianl Jnup toiirnatupnl toiuyht' iipImppm Hip ttrpiil Wnr Vppriuii' j Afx-ialioii anil Son of Knclamlj i of tiuiuiulliii- imporlnnrp for) Hip rooipiiilrr aro at prpPiil thrj lemlini: iraiiK in Hip plamllnsr. 1 WIiiIp Hip VpU hatp a tpry rtuiu ' forlnl"lP inurjijn of fpiy lo r-! 'urn HiPir po.jllon. a -prion ilffpat michl Ptcn ilUplnco Hipiii. I "r Hip Soii of Knclaml otpry; mii ii I won or hi.-l ttill Iip of ilouhlp nliiP ami. iippiIIp In xay llicy will Iip out to ypl nil thpy i'ii n. 1 Iip opinion of Hip fan., hnwptpr. i apalm-l llirni in vIpw of Hip way thpy fiirpil nl Hip liamU of Hip tirollo on Friilay ptrniiiR LikI. - HiPir firl hockpy (fniup a I Cut i I liithd ClI Hit fl V warm unhine prevnilin? hul 'lliere were miiiip hrillanl play Iwhh'li helil the interest of a pood 'rrowil of peclalor. j If you find you cannot Bel Hip dally .News regularly, cnll In ami guhocrllio for It and hnvo it de- illverel In your hnmn. U FLOATING SPECKS BEFORE THE EYES MEANS LIVER TROUBLE 1 Wlirn tprk tint to fl"l lHrnre IIh fSf. l"'ii everj'tlilni wenn l liirn tilnk (fur a row ki'oihuIi md ymi fid m ir you ttcin luinir tn rami, you mu nt kmihiI Itlml yinir liver I 't wmkln pinperly. i Hip r''nlll IIHni In ilu In all raw itttmrr tin' llvrr It olovv, Uty or Inrplil. I to mlr it up ty 1,IH "f Miiinirn'a l.l.lver 1'HI rlear y tlin arm- Iniiilali'il limn f te iil miIiihhi inmiliT friiii il"" yl"n. Mr. r ha . .tylaml, Frank vltl. out., wrllen:- ''I n,el 10 iwfihly,lMllierpil Willi fhHitmir Kpi-rk lerue iny nyr, licaiUrtii'a ami alrkii tu my Mnmarli. I l.v.k Jut lialf vial i'f yiwir Mlllmrii' llaia l.lvi-r Mil anil ever lnr I livn fell it uell ii I ever illil. " I alwaya Vwp Ihi ni nil liaml." Movies and Mowe People 'Devotee! to 'the cloings and sayings of those" who entertain the public. WEEK AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday May MeAvoy in "Her lle-pulaiion." Cr.iuMy ""The Limit. " International New. Wednesday and Thursday Dorothy Dallou in ,"Fojr Hound." The Leather Pushers, round rt. Fox News fiazellp. . Friday and Saturday. "Master of Men," a ca Mnry. Comedy "lloll Almiif." Fun from tin- Pre. HER REPUTATION IS BEING SHOWN TONIGHT Picture Is Adapted From Well Known Novel Is Action Classic llpr Ittitu1 ifin" it I nrr' Int. ol offering on Hip nllar of ptililir piilPi'taimiiPtil anil Hip wise one say II I tin nplioii r In --ii llml i K'Oiif to win u lol-of Indifferent iiptiirp goer lo Hip rnnk lif lh "fain." AilailP(1 from Hip iiovp) of Hip -.iiiip name liy mimn Mutiny ami Hindlcy Kinv. luce ha lodl n powerful story, in fhi dranCi, of a lot piy Mil ip oiiiiierii neaury whnp iihiiip linkpil willi nn ii ply opiimlnl on Iipp wpililimr lay. Si-anlal ami A upwpaper r'- Lloyd HadhesTroi.H.lnCff3 "HerReputation IVIkwn nml Smillipr, nPp.rl'"rl,:r-.l'urr"0 ,.".r",,1Ji" T""r iiotpi iiiiMMiiiirn iiiiiii nriMii in ir. , liir innoppncp i lorcpn iioiup in c;;rii u smiVhcr;!!"-""1 f-,,i" ,h-wh" 'crew pailillliiK nil Hip way lo i... .. ..i r. i,. ri. 'i" " " V' ".'ttl.crc m..l proiluclion,. Pmfor , , lli'lkwa in cn protp.l lo lie Just., ftitrltUT hcail u iippiy If not inorp" o man .. . . ., Hip SmilliPi-ppn ami, while llicy lotc her. Iiicp ha hc)!uu hi pii'lurci line of n -t JtrllinK newspaper .niHil inti ' SinPnnti dlinl In 11 ha.l H.PirharP of Hip """liPal ncwpnp.n- plant, n niacnlfi- "lr)rTV , ' , I. I''" while INK. Ill" Hi" i ,li,1l.J ..r ,. no' ' Frnrteioco hy niphl fumih the UhlftliiK Imrkpround for Ihe lensely drnmnlie finhl of 'Maeiiuellne l.aniler" lo repiiln "her ref.ntalion." May McAvoy wn never lot Her limn in the coliime of old New Orleans nml modern-ilay "San rianeisro'whicli she wears in Ihi production whirh earrle her to slardoin. Lloyd IIiikIips ha a tirile. itppoulitiff role n "Sherry .Manfield," Hie youiiB newspaper reporler. hero of Ihe lale. DOROTHY DALTON IS DUE HERE WEDNESDAY To Be Seen In "Fog Bound" 'a Picture Replete with Thrill Scoring n decided lift, Dorolhyv Dallon's new Paramount picture, "Fop Hound," will he presented nl the W'CHlholme Theatro Wednesday. The vnrinu.s slltin-lion are packed with drama nml Ihrlll, and Ihe populnr vr-rdict has heen lhal Mis Dullon seldom has heen een In a more nt-Irucllte Jilellar vehicle. The 'slopy deal Willi Ihn Mlllmrn' liver rni ra ic j,aUB1or r n Ulllled Ton'uTo, o..t, , ln on an Island oil the coast of Flori'la, who falls in love witli lloffpr WainwrWil, a vrPaUhy' Npw York man. Jlrrnnn i liot ami killPil ilurin? a raiil on nn ii(n, nml PlrriurHanrpj) point lo Wainwrfplit a (tie sruilly ono nllhoiitrh he if imioppnt. Hp Kppkn lo p)pappj. hill i woiimh'il in lli imrxiiiL tialn llrennn firnl him nmlarp for him unlit I ho posn rarJ" hpr lirtmp. Sim ppihU'" hlliij'iiway in xiifply, ami Iip finN nn a.ylum Jn Inn own liomp, ailjolnin fialp'n pro-pprly. Wlipn Jnlo lparns Ilial Waln-wriRhl killpil Iht fallipr, .Iip f lorn Tiy ronflii'liiiir pinnlioim. Slip iwtPr lo.ips failh, howptpr. ami wIiph n woman rli-ar Wain-wiilil nml fii'lfiM Hip primp upon a rornipl Hlipriirs Dppilly, Hip hlory poiiipk lo li happy finih. WASTERS OF MEN IS lefl WONDERFUL SEA STORY Tells of Life In American Navy and 'Aboard Sailing Vessels wtlh Love 'Theme Al Hip W'ppfc pni Hmrp Will p kIiowii Iiptp a tlirillint' ph nlory Ippirliuir lifp ahoant holh naval anil iiiprrliuul vpk.p.. TIip ilrn ma hPim in Hip I my-lioinl of IHck llalpin in Hip vll-lapp of AIIvIIIp, wliPrp Iip Ik fal.opy .Hrlfiil of Ihpfl hy Hip hrollipr of Hip' girl Iip lovr. ItalliPr than humilialp- Hip cirl Iip acrpjiln Hip hlauip, run away ami join- Hip IJnileil Slulci Navy. I.lfp on hoanl n Yankpp man of wnr i eptpmliilly pnr-Iraypil tiinl lhpri"lirk Iparn how lo Iippoiiip a man. Hi immpiliafp supprior ollii'pr. I.i'Uliiiaiil Hrppii ami Dirk nrp , l)iinalinipil nnil oh hy crimp ln .Hip hrulal maxlpr of Hip ".Mary Karl," a iiliiit.' Khip. 'TliPn Ihpy nrw ilriwn into Hip fnrpralp nnd piiiIiip Hip cruelly, of hijr fipil Imaipi ami Hip filth of h:ul tuarlcr ami wlirp foo.l. ii may m n'inarkPii in pain(r thai (Iip pulilicaliou of ihi novel hy .Morgan HohPrUnn iliil much lo improvp romlilion of fnilor- HIPH. " . TIip two yotllht manafro lo jenenpp ami rpjoin'-'lhpir liip I a i Hip lime Admiral Snmpton' fpp I lyinj? out.iilp of Sanll-aeo llnrhor wailin? for I lie i Spanish flpp to romp nut. Dick's hiproim jmp wnrninir llml Ail- miral Orvcni hail pivon onlpr. lo ail. 1'hi minunilPolanilinKs hPlwppn Hip two youllii ami Hip two old riihionpil sirl .."llicy left lipliiml" arp slmiphlPiiPil out aiul Hip Inry piiiI happily. llev TERRACE NOTES Mr. A. Marker lof I on for I Iip sotilh. - Mr. II. Holcnmh of Prince llupcrl I Hip bupI Ihi week of Ml Iiipi Ho. The ami Mrs. W Friday eveniny Ion where ;Mr. Parsons look pari in (he aiiuitersary services. Mr. ami Mr. Ilurison eiiler-laiiipd a larpe parly of llieir friend AVeduesilay evi'iiiiip. The I. allies' (iuild of Ihe Pres. hyleriau ('.IhiitIi 'mel al I lie home of Mi's. 'I.oucie on Wednesday. The Forestry car wn here on Tuesday. 1 The school children nlfended i'ti masse ami many of Ihe older i'lijyis (oik aUviiiilnjie of (he opporluuily io see Ihe in-lereslimr fxhihil. Prortn; lliill in Ihe evening wa packed lo il. ullnosl copacjly to see the mnv-iiifr jiiclure. Miss I'.slher Moore was hostess on Friday evening lo u numher of her yntinjr friends ilnil u'inosl cnjnytihle VvtMihtpr "vjih spent. Mrs, l.ll lie. sr., Wlin has heen seriously til, I 'sllghfly imprnv-eil In l.eallh. MILLIONS and Movies THROUGH the medium of slender strips of celluloid an actor appears simultaneously on thouands of screens in as many different towns. On the same evening, he entertains great armies of film fans who Jeagerly pay their money to see his performance. So the movie star commands a king's ransom for a salary, and a fortune is spent profitably, to provide a proper background for his art. The movie multiplies :personality-and earning power. Advertising does the same thing for a merchant or manufacturer. In a single day it takes his message into thousands of homes to tell folks why they should have his goods and how to get them. Advertising endows him with a thousand voices with which to tell his story. But the value of advertising is by no means confined to the advertiser. It has a very definite value to you. A glance through this paper enables you to sift out the things that interest you. Sitting in your easy chair you can compare values and prices, in a moment you 'can tell exactly where to go for what you want and how much to pay. Figure how much useless walking and talking and how much actual money you can save by spending a few moments daily with the advertisements. IliPir annual htiinp well win appointed I'Iip olhcr ilircctor p1pcIpI. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Mr. Hall) sorrplary. were iv- Mrs. T. II. WaUli, who lin lipcn vifillnx her niolhcr Mr. W. C. Sparks .-ince leaving llazcllou. rplurnpil to Doippu on Tuesday. PRINCE ALBERT CUTS EXPENSES OF THE CITY SASKATOON, Sask.. Jan. 28. ;n..i- iiin.i. i.nllfcnipii will lie mi Phone 109. Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist X -"RAY SERVICE. Office Honrs: 0 a.m. to 0 p.m. Open Kvenings by Special Appointment. services of the city police masri9- llrale will nlo he dispensed 'wilh. Women's Auxiliary of (he (ho ciuploy of Ihe city of Prince changes will sate me city Anulican Church met nl Ihe home of Mr, liurnetl on ' .' The Farmers' InsMllilte. 'met Tluusday ovcnlnfc to continue Alherl arier March 31. One niemher of Ihe force act as license insperlor and collector. The oilier two con .1. Parson8'ah!es will he under Ihe jurisdir-! for lliuel-iiion of the provincial police. The! A Little Trip to B.C. are MaVaWaV JV.lWTE! I In our correspondenco we ni Hritish nolilmhia prndn'l. It ha iixen us an iijea lo!hae n woman pi around visiting: home here ami there In pet n' kind of skeli'hy survey of llml proporlion who nk fop local ko nl. We speak your Indulgence should she call on you. Pacific Milk Co. Limited 328 DRAKE STREET, VANCOUVER. 'Factories at Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. , nearly xin.OOil nnnually. will " tax TCDDAf C CfATCMi7M CELEBRATE BURNS' DAY! Banquet Followed by Dance Well Attended at Fruit Centre Is TF.IUIAP.F., Jan. The first1 hamjuet of the Terrace Hranrlt of) Ihe St. Andrew's Society was hehL on the anniversary nf Hu?ns hirlhtlity. Seventy-five puesls: jwere present, while others ramo. 'laler for the dance. Mr. Harker.i I i i t K.n.,l.A.l : lice to decided increase ill thpimesmeni oi ui- s... oi,, .rrmr.ii .......1. ,r w.ii.,P.i wl.n s;iv IliPt-:"" i"'' numpu'i aim in uie uos.-iiri' ' ' ... Iiwlslinir liniiii ni.irlp.ill-l"1 " Ihe clerKymeii -ead lluiii' ilraee hefore meal and laler proiosed very, briefly the lousls Ni Ihe Klnt? anil Jlohhie llurn. A real Scotch haggis was Ihe "main feaiure itf Ihe meal. F.aeh table tva Hherully miplied with mil lake ami shortbread. Tom Younjr iuldreed Ihe'hajjpis very eloiuelily. nml Teelingly ill Hum' poem. iMr. Swan closed Ihe first pari of Ihn jpoem sinning-"He's u llanlin, lloving Lad." Union steamer Cardena. Capt. 'A. 'K. Dickson, nrrived tit I I :5t) last nijfbt from 'Vancouver ami way purls and salleil at 2:25 o'clock for Stewart and Anydx. HOME FROM NOME. MOCH1DA ROOMS . 714 Frasor St. Steam Heated Hot and Cold Water nates by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phona 669.' I Big Reduction on all Coats and Suits BENT'S TS4 , Dr.E.S.TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson llosk, PRINCE HUPERT, . 0. Office Hour U ft. Phona 4M. Open 'Evanlnga fenty :Ff Special Appointment. n