; PAGE TWO TCE E&ILT NEWS v Wednesday, Septemhe in ,j,,)t 1 The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES t City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per ysar . ............. ..'.. $6.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. . . .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page.,, $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion.......,-. 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion ....... 2o per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line All advertising should be in The Daily News Office Oh day pra-ceding publication. All advertising received subject-to approval. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Contract Rates on Application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Daily edition BURNS LAKE t Miss Grace Stearns left last week to attend High School in Prince George. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. .1. R. Mc- Crimmon are leaving here tifcxt Montlay for Montreal. William Hickte of Grassy Plains and Miss Mary Gillies of Detroit were married recently at fcouthbank hy, Rev. J. Ft. McCrim mon. es 86 Wednesday, Sept. 10, 1924. Ailspicious Opening Of The Fair. v . The fair opened last night and all who attended were profuse in expressing appreciation of the arrangements this ytar and of the quality of the exhibits staged in exhibition hall. The tables and stalls are full aiid the only complaint has been the lack of space accorded exhibitors. There are a number of new features in industrial booths and the district exhibits, show a healthy competition that is most encouraging. In the school exhibit, ladies work, and infacl in almost every department there is renewed interest as illustrated by the exhibits shown.1 Many Compliments On Work Of Band. 1 The Kitimnat band which is playing this week at the exhibition is the recipient of many compliments. Its mjisic last night at the opening of the fair was mmdr appreciated and the opinion was freely expressed that it was superior to any music ever heard here. The band will 'play throughout Ui week aiid will be one of the enjoyable features that will appeal to the numerous visitors. . Prince Rupert People Hosts To Visitors. " While the day is past when prince Rupert people can make any attempt to entertain all visitors coming to the city, yet this week they are the hosts and doubtless will do everything possible to make the numerous visitors feel that they are welcome. It is a great .thing to preserve this attitude toward the peopl-e who come here and to be ready to do whatever possible to make the week a success, especially from (he point of view of those' who are nere from outside points. A welcome will be extended lb the Ketchikan visitors to morrow but there are nunrerous people here .from all over the coast and interior and they should be included in the welcome that is being accorded to those who are here for the annual oc casion. " Splendid Work Of Chinese Girl. There is a picture in the exhibition that is worthy of note, trot so much because of its quality as because of the promise it shows of things to come. It is by a little Chinese girl, Mary fiaithon Wong, fifteen years of age. It is a still life study of a large basket of fruit drawn from the object. Mary Wong will develop into an artist if she keens at the work. The picture in question shows some of the crudities of the amateur but not many and is really a wonderful production considering that Miss Wong has been learning her art onlv a year. She is developing very rapidly and is enthusiastic over it ana anxious to improve. She Will probably find it to her ad vantage later to take up the study at one of the art schools. Her development will be watched here with great interest as she has uie promise oi oemg a real artist. The bungalow occupier! by Robert and Grindley Saul was completely destroyed by fire la's! week, the damage being estimat ed at $2,000. - Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hrunnel of Decker Lake have returned from a motor trip to the stale of Washington. Hayners, Undertakers. 351. FRESH MILK -FED BROILERS. Visit the Chicken Booth at the EXHIBITION Burns' Pure Pork Sausage Given Away Every Night. Take a Selected Broiler Home to the' Missus. t LOTS OF FUN. Phone i The Man in the Moon SAYS:- TO the fair at night I wander. Wishing there to meet my love; Hut alas I see her yonder, Someone else's turtle dove. TAKE says what lie likes about the fair here is the comfortableness of t lie place. Everybody seems happy. So different from the ordinary fair. - ; GOD made limbs but knickers were made hy man. So were hik ing stockings1 THIS is the ape of education, and yet now and then you run across a boy who does not even know the difference between a carbureter and a spark plug. THE boss in 1 lie family is us ually the one that conies last. . MANY. a guest would give any thing if he could feel as much a' home s the waiter. THINGS have never been quite the same in Prince Rupert shire the pioneers gave up picking their way in gum hoots through the muskeg to their front-Moor?. . SAYS Jake a fair Is not a joko It draws the crowds And leave's 'em broke. GETTING married used to In expensive enough and now comes the bobbed hair that has to be trimme,j every two weeks. That's another nick in the stork's wing -- I HATE a man who'd always wrong and simply detest a ina'i who is always right.. I Ten Years Ago j in rrinco Kupert September 10, 1914. regiment and their ladiqs. s: The Portland Canal Tunnels Co, lias run into a big yeifi of low grade, silver-lead ore at Stewart. II is said tliaUit will make a pro. filable proposition as .the Values are from $10 to $12 per ton. The Wcslholmo -Theatre was crowded to the doors last nigbl when a military moving picture program was put on. Th,c buglers of the Irish Fusiliers were pre sent and (he entertainment was patronized by the ollicers of the The following staff appoint ments have been made for the local regiment' which is being re. cruited for overseas service: lieutenant colonel, C. V. Peck; major, J. Tl. McMullin; adjutant, Henry Lee; chaplain, Canon Ilix; medical otllcier, Dr. H. E. Tre- niajme; quartermaster, P. Goden. rath; captains, Dr. W. H. Clay ton and 1). M. Moore; lieutenants, L. Mullock-Webster, Adair Carss W. Pettlgrew and W. F. Heck. Hand Concert by Kilamaal Hand -tonight at 7.30 at Exhibi tion A BUSINESS umm Always Hie same THE BEST You are cordially invited to visit our Booth in the Exhibition Hall 'Main Floor. . Free" Coupons in every tin entitling you to beautiful China Cups and, Saucers. ASK FOR "SUPREME." BAROMETER CONDITIONS IN THE FOREST INDUSTRIES REGULATE THE PROSPERITY OF THE PROVINCE Lumbermen Furnish Wain Clien tele of Business Firms and 'Professional Practitioners A well known H.C. retail mnr- chant remarked recently: "'Hie lumber trade is my business bar ometer. 1 remilale my business by advertising and tho activities of my sales department by lb strength or weakness of Hie lumber market." Another prominent Vancouver retail merchant say?: "I cannot say, of course, how many of my customers nr actually loggers or lumberman, or their wives, or sons or dauqlilers, but L.do know that if I lost the business do willi the people who depend ort (he Jumbr. induslry'for their in-eome, I would have to shut up shop and movo out of Urilish Columbia." .Forest Industries Motive Power These two, cases go to prove the Iruth of the. statement that, the Forest Industries . are the motiye power of this Province's progress. One-fourth of the. working population of Hritish Columbia are on the payroll of the lumber industry and they, with their families and dependents, must necessarily constitute the irfain support'of the storekeeper in our cities, towns and settlements How many or these, but for the business the lumbermen brings 1 1mm. would also be com-pelled to "shut up shop and move out of Hritish Columbia." This series of articles communicated Jjy the Timber Industries Council of Hritish Columbia. ; ' A superb Bourbcn whiskey of the . L.ut. ! i i . nigncsiquauiy uouiea in oond under Federal Government Supervision. "AWAKENS OLO MEMORIES" ' . bow 32 m. bottli Jt m This advertisement is not published or displayed by tho Liquor Control Hoard or by tho Government of Hritish Columbia. I FALL OPENING 8 VJ "The mineral eollei'iion jiiis year is very ereditahe and in imJ prttbably Hie best that Prince Hupert fver had. All the large mining companies in the .sur-rouhding ilintriet haw eonlribul- ed liandsninejy and deserve special Credit," said A. C. (arde, M.K., of Smithcrs, at the ranclusion of judging the mineral display at t lie exhibition, Mr. (iarde slated tiiat Hie various classes of ore were well represented wlTieh spoke well for the vhole of northern Hritish Columbia for values and high character -of ore. Mr.Oarde considers that the min eral sent in this year to the fair goes to show that northern H.C. has taken seriously to mining and has a very bright future abend for eventual shipping. Awards The Hulkley Valley display was awarded the silver cup for the best district exhibit, the display being put in 'by the Smitliers Hoard of Trade. The district, display was a ki-cn contest between the Hulkley Valley and Usk dis tricts. v . Helmont Surf-Inlet Mines, Ltd., first prize for gold ore,. n ran by Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co., Ltd., Any-ox, (shipping mine), first prize for copper ore. Premier Hold Mining (Jo. Ltd., Stewart, B.C., (shipping mine), first prize for best, display of sil ' ver ore. Kitselas Mountain Copper Co Ltd., Usk., H.C, first prize for best collection of gold ores,. Cojrper Queen Mine, Jedway, H.C, first prize for best roller, litin uf copper ore. Dunwcll Mine, Stewart, H.C, first prize for silver ore; Hasin Properly, Kilsaull lliver, Alice Ann, owned by Angus Mc l.eod, first prize for best collec tion of copper-silver ore. (Jeo. .1. Frizzell, Prince Hupert, first prize for best collection of zinc ores. (ieo. J. Frizzell, Pinco Hupert, first prize for hesLeirttecUiori of iron ores A special prize, for the best collection of gold and arsenic ores was awarded to 'Hie flnldcn one group, owned by F. M. Crosby, Prince Hupert. Phil McDonald was awarded the prize for the best prospector's individual collection, lie also won the prize for the best collection of crude oil and tnr from J ho. Queen Charlotte Is lands. I he Ilylaml Hasin group, Habine. mount nins, owned bv Cain & King of Smilhers', was awarded the iu-jzo for the best collection of lead ores Dr. William Sagcr and It. It. Young nre Fair Week visitors from Port Simpson having arriv ed' on the CarJena last evening lion. YOU ARE INVITED TO INSPECT OUR COATS DRESSES SUITS HATS i Our goods compare favorably vAdi j shown lii Western 'Canada ip both prw?-,). quality. if. "DEMER Phone 27, INTERIOR P.O. Box "327. 0COCXO0OOOO0OO0OOOOOOC002 awaiuj hullo w ri FOR MINERALS Judge Says Exhibit This Year l?j Best Ever Sent In liSi. MILK! MILK! MILK! You are Cordially Invited to Inspect our MILK EXHIBIT In the Exhibition Hall (Main Floor opp. Indian Exhibit) VALENTIN'S DAIRY jsfcj McBrlde Street. j VISITORS ! SPECIAL VALUES SUITS $25.00 FOX SERGE. Mackinaw Coats "Carss" Pure Wool. Underwear 'CEETEEM None better, etc Wool Shirts "G.W.G." Brand. STEVE KING Opp. CJ.R. Ticket Office. VANDERH00F liowis -Johnson and. bis bridge crew left last weHc to build ap 270 foot bridge at Ihe cast end of Francois Lake. F. A. Grant, wlio has resided in the Marten. Lake district for Hie past two and a half years, has left r for Hilling, Mont., en-route to New York, where be will Join Mrs. Granl. Samuel Cocker left last weekJ for Kdmonlon being callpd there on account of bis daughter undergoing a serious operation, - J. Sljnson, who lauglil school Ihe past year at Ilulall, is now principal at (Uscoiiic. Mr. and Mrs. David T'ourlgny have left for lbr homo in Wey-burn, Mask., after isilihg bero with their daughter, Mrs. Andrew nhe; Missv Thelnta Tltllemoro has taken a position as public school teacher at Kngen. Dr, Putnam of Ihe tducatioi commission will visit The dislrlct this month. IUV will be acconi panied byd. 11. (lower, inspector. , Sir John IMfka of Stuart Lake visited lb Fair here last weuk. Hand Concert by Kllaniant Hand tonight at 7.30 at Mxhibl- I PRINCE rlUPERT TIDM 0 0 High Low Thursday, Sept. If 12:2,p.ii. 0:01 M -18:23 p.m M ft. i. . -j "Savage" Electrlo Washers Hoover" Suction .'Cleiners "Monarch" Malleable n Ranges "Hotpolnt" Eleclricsl "Valepar" Varnish ani Enamals ; "Martln-Senour i 100' paint "Sanola" Bathroom Ware "Kyanlze" , III j "Sunoco" Motor Oils j