PAGE FOUR Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Dan mark at Current Rater of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Rates and1 Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safe. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hansen Insurance and Steamship Agency, Prince Rupert, CO. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours; 9 te 8. Phone 680. Open Evenings Only Far 8peclal Appointment. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. M. S. SING Cleaning and Pressing. Special Suits Ready , to ... $18.00 Laundry Office. 20 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 774. P.O. Box 958 EDSON COAL Received few cars of our Famous Edson Coal, From now on we can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery, Prince Rupert Feed Co I LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered daily. Prompt Early Morning Delivery. VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 657. McBrlde StreeL THE DAILY .NEW? We.1nes.iay, sn ht BRINGING UP FATHER 'V ' ' By George MqMaa J "xeo-evEtA n .WHERE0 OTi THE WE COOLO 7j Jn mo- ' COMN 11 WAX OF" THE EVERY TOWN KID INt 11 j A-ra- t WE WNT A,rK0 STKttT F roc Or y4NXC3NE BASEBALL BOXINQ LACROSSE NATIVE FOOTBALL NEITHER TEAM-SCORED IN FOOTBALL AT ANYOX Final Game Has Yet to be Played on Return of Players From Prince Rupert ANYOX. Sept. 10. Football has been of a very high order in nyox during Ihe season of 1024, and some excellent games have been played. n tlie finals for the cup, the Beach ami the Smeller had In play two games for a decision, the Heach getting lite trophy on the-second at tempt hy a one goat margin. The series Tor Hie medals has still to 1 decided. In Ihe. first half of the, season the Mine-was the leading team and was looked upon to win the second half, but Ihe Smelter beat tbem to it, which necessitated a play-off, both learns agree-, ing to a, sudden death game. This: game resulted in a tie, and a game for a -decision was set for Sunday night last and played. Neither teanr could score, how-ver, and another game . will have to be played on the return of the pig-skin chasers from Prince HupejL AND BASEBALL AT ACROPOLIS GROUNDS Three teams are entered in the Fair Board s annual native football competition for the cup ow held by Port Simpson. These earns are Port Simpson .Y.P.12.A, Obi Masse! f, amLKitkatla. The opening game is scheduled to lake place on Thursday afternoon between Port Simpson and Old Massett. Two teams arc entered in the baseball competition for Ihe $45 cash prize They are Port Sime on and Orcenville who were scheduled lo play this afternoon. Dates of further native foot ball games will be announce later. ANYOX REGRETS NOT SENDING BALL TEAM Football Squad Comprises Pick of Players at Northern Centre ANYOX, Sept. 10. Owing to the departure of several rrpre- senla'tive ball players for Van couver several days ago, the games partially arranged to oc played at Prince Rupert during Fair W'eek, had In be cancelled by Anyox, which was greatly to be Tcgrctled, as il was hoped to be well represented both in base- tall and football. The football team visiling Prince Rupert comprises the pick of Anyox players and should give a splendid account of them- Sport Chat SPORT NEWS OF THE OAY MERE AND EVERYWHERE BOXING, Empress Theatre, Thursday, Sent, ilr 9.15 p.m. Joe Manilla of Kclcllikan s. Brick Skinned, of Pr'-co Rupert. 211 In spile of the 'fact that the failure of the ,Aoyox baseball team lo come here to the Fair this year proves quite a disajt-poiiilmeot, ihe threo garde scries at the end of the vcek with KH- chikau will he none the less in teresting. Ocean Falls was un. able l o tend baseball It-am bull an aggregations of soccerists is, coming instead. What will be lh. loss, of Mm baseball fans will be thff gain of the many local followers of foolhall .nix I fhc" Fair, Boar, should riot be a Heeled ad- rcrsely in Ihe bargain Baseball has taken a strong hold in Japan arid, In Ihe playing of the game, certain customs have been adopted many or which might well be emulated in Ibis country. The Japanese play ihe game conservatively, dislike taking long chalices ami abhor wild las running. Fans arc very loyal but they are considerate of Ihe feel ings of .others and "razt:- ing" is an. unpardonable sin,' Pitcher have a habit of ultcrincj a war cry as Ihey deliver Ihe ball. The Japs are "very -lavish in their prizes which; include all kinds; of merchandise, silverware,1 jewelry anj clothing. One of Hie biggest American military reunions since Ihe Great War will ' lake place at Wilbur "Wright Fields Dayton, Ohio, where, the International Air Races are to Ite held on October 2, 3 and 1. FJyers and officers from the UnileO States Army .Air Ser vice in all. parts of the country will be permitted to attehd. There will be twelve aerial racing events for 'which $50,000 in prizes have been offered. Many aviators who flew together over Ihe German lines during the Great War wilf enter the enm- Brick Akinner'is in great shape for his, battle tomorrow night. He has been training faithfully quite awhile and is.iu better, con dition now -than, when he fought Red Caiiiplel. Just Jio.w good he is remains to Im seen Thursday night, Manilla will know hest. According to Mr, Sharp, Joe's manager, doe is in llie nest or shape, Manilla' is a inugh boy and there is no doubt he will make .Skinner fib all the way. Prince Rupert foolhall players will again run up against some of their old acquaintances and selves; and whether winners or joam mates in the opening-clmm-losers, will play the games for.oionsltip game this aflernoon all they are worth. Iwith Anyox. Among the former Qmi vt lwfv, TeTuie ScuYtci. Inc. FOOTBALL ENNIS SWIMMING local players to the noticed upon lithe smeller 1own line-up are. J. ( M. Canrphell', Dave Jack, I). Scot! and Eddie Oraggs. In spite of Ihe fact that these men are opposing us on this occasion, play ers. and fans alike are mighty glad to see them and will do every tiling to give thenv and all oilier members of tlw. teams FIRST FOOTBALL GAME ON TODAY Anyox aijdj jPrliqf'- iRMPeirti Will Meet In Championship Series This Afternoon The oenihg game of Ihe Exhibition football series for Ihe challeuge trophy representing championship of Northern B.C. now held by Prince Rupert will lake place this afternoon at 3.30 at Acropolis Hill grounds between Anyox and. Prince. Rupert. The teams will line up as follows: , Prince Rupert S. Gawlhorne; H. Menzies apd Dick Lambej James Harris, W. Murray and "fl. Currie; S. Elder, R. McDougall, 8. Erskiue, G. P. Tinker and James Marks. .Anyox E. Graggs! !. Stewart and A. Slillic; J Buntaln, J. M. Campbell and R, F Carter; E. G. Your pipe tobacco, always in its original fine condition when you buy OGDEN'S GUT PLUG in the V2b. vacuumized tin. BOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Office, 830 Second Aven. Phone 137. tf AUCTION SALES. Goods Bought. Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Xtlack 13R and Red 442. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Ca!! George, Paul or Gust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night Stand: ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from Empress Hotel. Positively the Best that Money can buyl , GOODYEAR TIRES 'FOR FORDS $8.50 to $16.00 RIDE ON AIR v Fit Your Ford With BALLOON TIRES and eliminate, the rattles. MODERN WRECKING EQUIPMENT Service Day and Night KAIEN GARAGE Dearlove, W. B. Robertson, I). Scotl,- R. Ingram and D, A. Jack The Ocean Falls learn, will arrive from the south on the Prince Hoped- this aflernoon, the Anyox aggregation having come In from Ihti north on tho Cardena last night. The. second game iwill take place tomorrow afternoon between Ocean Falls anil Anyox and Prince Rupert and Ocean Falls will play Friday. Total goals will decide Ihe e. ries. ,i. Sam Pierce' was fined $50 in the city police court this morning for having liqpor on the. premises known as Jean's Place on Second Avenue. Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdrartlMmant Taken for Less than SOc UNDERWOOD wanted, in lMmite 653. WANTED TYPEWRITER good condition "12 wam ED. rurnlture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phone 652. visiting the city a hearty recep-iWANTED Immediately, lady help lion ami make their -stay here al for family of three. Apply ideasanl one Play Ball! I P.O. Box 576. w LEAGUE BASEBALL i National League Cincinnati 3, Chicago 1. Pittsburg 1-1, St. Louis ', American League Chicago 3, Detroit 7. New York 5, Boston c. ANYOX TROUNCED BALL TEAM AT ALICE ARM Wiped Them up by Score of Nineteen Runs to Three Last Week End ANYOX, Sept. l0.-f-On a number of summer week-ends, Alice Arm ball tossers entertained sundry baseball learns from Anyox, and invariably sent Ihe boys home with the short end of the scon nltachfd. 1 "his was'all very well for n while, but a continuous string of lost ball games began lo rankle some of the players of Ihe lawn, nnd they at last decided io give the fans of Alice Arm a treat and show 'em, at Ihe same time. Last week-end was the occasion for the visit and -tfhen the game had finished Anyox had scored as nmny as nineleeji runs and the Alice Arm players had miinaged to count three. The Anyox players who made Hhc trip we;re Fred Brown, Cy Grcenweli, Archie Sniilh, Frances Filzparick, Bud Sheen, Boh Watson, Dick Ballentyne and O. Mulchings. ' FOR RENT If FURNISHED Room with hath for rent. U2 Ninth Avenue East. 212 FOR RENT. Four rooms and bath. Phone Red 119. tf OFFICE FOR RENT with modern living quarters. Weslenhavcl Bros. tf ( FOR RENT. Two largo apartments down town near Pusl Office Apply Stork's Hard- ware. tf FOR RENT. Palmer House for cheap rates and home comforts, tf 1 ) FOR RENT Four room, modern, heated apartments) Apply Smith & Mallelt, Ltd. tf BOARD AND ROOM FOR SALE FOR SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe. BOATS of every description suitable for work and pleasure. Alt in first class condition. Apply N. M. fffcLean. Cow Bay. 216 SMITH Premier Typewriter for sale cheap, fourteen inch carriage. Appl Box 203 Daily Ntws olllce. 213 FOR SALE. Roomings house, furnished. Apply 929 Ambrose Avenue tf FOR SALE. Hcasure, boat Echo. Length 2 feet, beam 5 feel, powered with 48 H.P. Winlon Six engine. Bosch ignition, storage battery. Windshield, canopy lop and curtain., 2 auto seats. Seating capacity for eight or len persons. Price $350.00. C. L. Hein.lel, Cold Storage, If FOR SALE. Piano, mahogany. medium size, lately timet. $200.00. Also 25 foot boat with Ford racing engine. John Bulger. 21 C FOR 8AI.K Old papers by Ihe bundle. Daily News olllce. tf ROOMING HQUSE for Sale; central .location; steam heat: cheap rent; rooms always full; Owner. Write I .x 202 Daily News. ( f FOR SALE. Sixteen room rooni-ing house and store; all furnished, hill sized basmenl with new hot air furnace. Terms arranged. This building is right In front of the Dry Dock, 929 Ambrose Avenue, tf FOR SALE Ford Runabout Delivery; In good running onler; $200.00 cash. Also .several other good buys In used cars. S. F;. Parker, Ltd. tf FOR SALETwo used Ford engines; suitable for conversion .for marine use. $50.00 each. S. E, Parker, Lid. FOR SALE Chevrolet Touring Car; overhauled and in good condition; $250.00 cash. S. E. Parker,. Ltd. FOR SALE. New and used Machinery, Boats and Engines. Northern Exchange. tf FOR BALE HOUSES C rooms and bath, two lots, fine harbor view, $3,000.00. - rooms and $2100.00. $2200.00. balh, close In 5 rooms and balh, good garden, 3 rooms, high ground, $750.00 Terms arranged for all. McCalTery &. Gibbons, Ltd. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store We Buy, Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULI8, 839 Third Ave. Phone 640 CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLF80N Graduate of the National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, Smith Block Room 16. Hours: 10 to 12; 2 to D; 7 to 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by appointment. Phone Blue 85. TI10 train from the East is reported on lime al , 4 o'clock jhjs afternoon. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Frt. I my, closes ai 3,45 n.m From the East-., f Mondays, Thurdayg and ltd uruays, p.m. jV To Vancouver Mondays, mail closes at I0PX Tuesdays, Mail clones at I .i Thursdays .. jju.4iIJ. io H Saturdays i Saturdays 10 H li.r.ii. Mepi 3, o and 16 From Vancouvsf-uQ auuaayg .xj Mondays Wednesdays Fridays Fridays C.P.R. Sept. I ai ,,IJ2 To Anyox, Alice Arnv- Wednesdays Sundays From Anyox, Alice Arm P.1L itX .3 PI U .3 P.I I 9 Ml 7 PI I Tuesdays M Thursdays .PJl To Stewart and Premier- Sundays .. 1 Km, Fridays 9 W From Stewart and Premier- Saturdays PJ Tuesdays P To Port Simpson-Sundays Thursdays From Port Simpson Tuesdays Saturdays To Alaska Points Sept. 1 and I From Alaska .Points Sepl, 3, C and lf: To Massett, Port CiemiiM, Buckley Bay Monday mail 'doses. .6 JO P From Massett, Port Cienww Buckley Bay-?" Wednesday inaif due. Jo Skldegate, ,Q. C. cf w South Island Poinis Wednestlays, ittiiil dos x p.m. From Skldegate, Q. C. Cltl South Island folnts- f.l,...ln.,n mnlnitllP l.Hl. To Naas River 'Points " Simpson . Thursdays ,7 PI 10 Pi .PJL Jl. From Naas River Points . Saturdays BOX COLLE0TI0" i.. . i.!o.,TT. St. 2.2" ui n Ave. & l uuon ou 8th Ave. & Thompson. st llthAve.AShcrro(ik Ave a,- l' . it) ilhUve.& Conrad St. 2. Oth Ave, & Hays Hove l5 Ave ft- z,t 0th Ave. & Haysf Clrclo 8lh Ave A Cotton St.. 5lh Ave. & MoHriil Sl 3.u pro. gov. Bi.igs. tTr::n Prov. Gov. O.T.P. Wharf ... 2nd Ave & 2nd 'V2.30 l Wlinrf" " 3.1 3.20 3rd Ave A Fulloy f J. 3.25 3 28 M..V 3nl Ave & 0th M - M. Ai NOTICE! serf Hl c . 11 J.5 emlnd- . ... .. tc rnr u'-- P(l lliai cui; Ropy . ,h9 Usements staul'n .of 1.11 0 0 Dally News owe - 4 p.m. todayim ensure ' , scrtlon ln'tmorrow , 'sue. 1