Wednesday, September 10, 1924. FOR SALE Alaska Blue Fox Breeders IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR QUALITY STOCK BLUE FOXES COMMUNICATE WITH JACOB OTNESS Petersburg, Alaska j Our Foxes Guaranteed to be a Number One Stock. I YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON "Rupert Brand" Selected Skema Sockeye For iii'tii'S, 'lioosc "Rupert Uraud" Salmon. A.. f.ejv tins iu.the panlry arc always handy. Slock a supply on youc boat that's a good idea. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Will sail irom PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and into mediate pon.'ts each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. ' FOR STEWART Friday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, every Monday, 8.00 p.m. For Skldegate and ah ports south every Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. PASSENGfcR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Trlnr llurx-ri f' "U p ni. Tor I'MNCE CEOnOE, ED.MO.NTO.N, WW-NtrEQ, ill point! Eauern r.anid. L'liitei! Suim. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. OH; TlekM Orric. S2f Thlra At, rrlnet Rupirt. Phen t0 Phone 109. Helgerson Block. . Dr. F. P. KENNY DENTIST : Office Jiours: O ti.m. to 0 p.m. Open Evening by Spei oil Appoiiilmeiit I Canadian INational Kailways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 383. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. salllnirs rroin rrim-rl unpen. 'Of VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swinton Bay, jmd Alerl B, Tutd. J"-' for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Altrt By, nd, Sw.nion B.jr, S.turdty, 10 A.m. r0f ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wlct illUnd, Sund.y, 8 P.M. 'f PORT SIMPSON ind Ni Rltr Cnnflt, Prldty A.M. . , 2nd A'.nu. J. Barnflty. Aojnt. RuP'rl' ' Local and Personal B.O. Undertakers. Phono il. For Taxi, phone 65. 210 Mrs. Field, Art Needlework. Agent for real silk hosiery, 213 Second Ave. Phone 23. tf Towing and freighting. Tug 'owena, 50 h.p., Cajit. M. Clifton. 'hone Jtluc 400. Night phone 23. tf t It. S. Howcn-Coltliurst of Ter race sailed last night on the Car. dena for Vancouver. ' W. K. Walker, manager of Ar- randale cannery, arrived from (he Naas Hivcr last night and is registered at the Prince Huperl Hotel. Ladies' Winter Flannel Dresses just arrived. Special Fair Week offers. Mrs. Gralilman, Second Ave. 213 Mrs. Annie Hills is leaving on this evening's train for Montreal en roulc to her home in England where she will pay' a visit. Union steamer Cardena, Capt A. E. Dickson, returned at ,8.1 5 last night from Anyox, Stewart and Alice Arm and sailed at 9 o' clock for Vancouver. J. McMillan was fined $20. in the city police court this morn ing for assaulting Louise Adams He was also ordered to pay for damage to property. Passengers sailing last night on the Cardena for the south in eluded II. S. Rowen-Colthurst, 11 W. Wolf, Andrew Fox. Harfy Mc (Jowan for Vancouver anil .1 Kelly, O. K. Hyrne and James (iray for Swanson Hay. J. W. Nicholls, controller of the Canadian Fish & Cold Slor age Co.. sailed last night on the Cardena for Vancouver. Mrs Nicholls i already in the soolh having gone there lo attend the funeral of her mother, the late Mrs. J. T. Phelan. C..'.R. steamer I'rincc (Jeorge Capt. Harry Nedden. is due from Vancouver and wayporls on lime at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The vessel will sail al 10 o'clock and will proceed from there lo Ketchikan to bring the Alaskan fair excursionists to the city. Miss (irace Crate. Queen of the Fair week carnival. ' and her maids of honor. Miss Nora Kenny, Miss Mabel Viereck and Miss filadys Dodd of Anyox, registered last night at the Prince Huperl Hotel where they will be the guests of the Fair .Hoard. Var ious social functions are being arranged in their honor this week. There was a gay and happy crowd at the' Auditorium last evening enjoying the dance put on by L. J. Marren. One of the features of the evening was the moonlight dance in which Ihe lighting effects were novel, Refreshments were served and the whole evening was most enjoyable. The remarks of Aldermau Mac-donal.l at the city council meeting Monday night were misunderstood, in regard lo the investi gation into the charge that men were forced lo work on Labor Day. He is hot satisfied with the statement of Alderman Collar! that they were not forced to work and favored a further "Midnignl Frolics" at West. holme' Theatre, Thursday evening al 11.30 p.m., under the auspices or the rair Hoard, Moose ami Elk Lodges. Ketchi kan, and City Hand, Moose Saxa-phone Hand, and local talent will lake part. Tickets $1.00 each can lie had from: 5Us Uigur Store, Prince Huperl Cigar Store, Fuller & Atkins, (rut (0 Cigar Store. Prince Rupert Fish Market. Hose, Cowan & Latla, Ltd. Any Elk, or any Moose. 214 FCZEMAil I ratnt for Eczema and Skin Irrtta-Uons. It rfllevm at oneo and gradu- all? heals th akin. Sumple box Dr. Chaae's OInUnent free l( you mention this and send 2o. stamp for lK)tae. coca Caper ox t all dealers or Etliiianaxn. U'Wa & Co. limit"!. Toronw THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LSI 13 Delicious Kinds to Choose from 3 W. CLARK limited . Montreal Ladies' Ilcady.lo-Wear at Bar. gain prices during Fair Week Mrs. (irahlinan. 213 CHILDREN'S SPORTS The children s sports in con nection with the lair Week activities which---were lo have heen held this afternoon have been postponed until Saturday afternoon on account of the in clement weal her 'today. LIFE IMPRISONMENT GIVEN TO CHICAGO LADS WHO MUR DERED YOUNG FRANKS (continued -Irom page one) workman, traversing the Pennsyl vania railroad tracks at 118th Street, a wild, uninhabited sec lion just inside the southern cor porate limits of Chicago, saw the feet of a nude body protrud ing from a culvert between two small lakes. The body was taken lo an undertaker's establish ment vere it rested unidentified until late in Ihe afternoon, when a brother of Mrs. Franks went to lie morgue on a chance that the body might bo" that of Hobert. He identified it positively although a pair1 of horn-rimmed spectacles wero'affixed on the Tace: The glasses were found near the culvert and the under taker thought they belonged to Ilia boy. Then began one of the great est manhunts in hc history of Chicago, beenuse oT the eviuent brutality of the murderers and the prominence of the Franks .'ninilv. More than a score of persons, including two instruct rs at Ihe Harvard School, were arrested, but released when they were able to disprove connection with the kidnapping and murder. Lads Confessed Columns of newspaper space were devoted' to the case but the heailliners' were diminishing in size as hope of apprehending the murderers dwindled when unexpectedly Hobert E. Crowe, slate's attornoy, announced on May 39 Uiat Itirhard Loeb, son of Albert H. Loeb, 5017 Ellis Avenue, vice-president of Sears Roebuck & Co and Nathan F. Leopold Jr.. son of a wealthy paper bqx mamifnc-turer and shipping man, 1751 Hreenwood Avenue, had confessed to the kidnapping and murder, j II developed that all clues NOV.' SHOWING Tho Latest in LADIES' t Coats Suits and Dresses At Moderate Prices HATS I HATS I HATS I Fall Showing of Stylish MILLINERY Inspection Cordially Invited BENT'S Third Avenue Opp. Hank of Montreal. with the single exception of the spectacles found near the body bad been exhausted. Hy tracing thousands of prescriptions for spectacles, the- stale's attorney's force finally eliminated all but four which callcdfor spectacles the same as those found alongside the body. Of the quartette, the officers seized upon Leopold. He previously had been questioned by the police because of his known frequent trips to the place where the Franks boy's body was found, but was released when he explained that his interest in that locality was based solely upon ins slimy 01 orniuioiogy, the science of bird life, the re gion abounding in unusual spec irncn. Loeb and Leopold related what at firs appeared to be an unim peachable alibi. Leopold finally admitted possible ownership of ihe spectacles but had about convinced Ihe authorities that he had lost Ihem, while on a legitimate trip to the region. Boys Broke Down Their story of their where abouts oh the day and evening of the, kidnapping was broken when Sven Fnglund, the Leopold chauffeur, asserted that the red Willys Knight automobile in which the boys declared they had been riding, had not been out of the, Leopold garage at the lime specified; Loeb, upon learning that ejcclainyd "My God, can that be true; give me a glass Of waier," and within a few nynutes was relating a complete confession of hi participation with Leopold hi the kidnapping and murder; Leopold, told that Loch was confessing, also nfade a detailed confession. The two statements jibed in all details except Ihe one as lo which actually had wielded Ihe lethal instrument. Leopold and Loeb both maintained that they had been driving the automobile into- which the Franks boy was enticed and killed and that the other had struck the death dealing blows. The confessions set out that the two were intent on commit ling the "perfect crime." In' de tail they ran: The crime had been planned for several months; No particu lar victim had been selected. The afternoon op which the Franks boy was chosen had been spent in reconnoitering the Harvard school district for a possible subject. John Levinson, !-year old grandson of Julius Rosenwald, noted philanthropist and president of Sears Roebuck & Co., was singled out; He escaped, however, in the general rush home at the end of the baseball game in which the boys were participating, and partly because of the presence of an instructor. Loeb and Leopold were driving slowly down the, street, having abandoned hope for the day, when suddenly they espied Hobby Franks en route 'me. Loeb addressed him, inviting him into the automobile. Hobby demurred. He sail he . had only a Miort distance Jo go home and preferred to walk. Loeb, who hail olayed tennis frequently with the lad, insisted that lie wanted lo talk with him about a new tenuis racquet, whereupon Hobby entered the machine. Struck on Head Seated, he was struck upon the head with a taped cold chisel, and rags were stuffed into his mouth. The kidnappers, not realizing that the boy was dead, drove about for a lime intending lo kill Ihe cldld when they reached the place they had selected for disposing of Ihe body. They finally reached Ihe rendezvous,! stripped t lie boy of his clothes ami poured an ncid dh his face with the intention of disfiguring it beyond recognition. Leopold donned wading boots, strode into the water and thrust the body face downward into Ihe culvert. It stuck and he forced il further with his fool, but in the haste in the darknes left the nlunler-rdvboy's feel protrudug. Also in the hurry of leaving the scene, Loeji picked up Leopold's coat bottom up nml lost the tell-tale spectacles from the breast pocket. They also left one of Hobby's brown sport stocking's and his rap. Loeb and Leopold then proceeded to( dispose of various articles of Hobby's . clothing, the automobile 'robe hi .which the body had been wrapped and I lie olher things used In the nihnler, I Some were' burned, sonin were buried in widely separated spots and the cold chisel was hurled (from the ' automobile not far I from the scene of Ihe kidnap ping. The automobile used was ob tained froin. a .rent-a-car agency and was of the same typo vas The Leather will Wear when you use a polish which will keep it soft and pliable, and prolong its life. USE NUGGET Shoe Polish 28 BLACK - TAN - TONEY RED DARK BROWN. ALSO WHITE Dreaalng(eake) and White Cleaner (liquid) -tfURN- Nanaimo Wellington Coal Our lunip'coal is double screened. Every lump is a chunk of heat. TRY OUR NUT COAL FOR YOUR KITCHEN RANGE Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. The Acme of Sweet, Perfection! The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A 'Toothsome Delight In a Beautiful llox. Sole. Agents ; PFINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CA8H CHEQUES. Shoe Bargains For Fair Week $3.95 Women's IT eyelet Hoots. Good quality Vh'i Kid, Medium Heel, sizes 3 to 7. Regular price $7.50. $3.95 and $4.95 "Chums" Welfed Hoots for Children. Can't be beat. Regular price $1.75 and .$0.00. "Note the clearing price." Agents for ONYX SHOES for Women. JUST ARRIVED FROM ENGLAND CELEBRATED "LOTUS" MEN'S SHOES." "Britain's Best Shoe." Family Shoe Store Third Avenue. Leopold's personal car. To obtain il the youths used assumed names, registered at two hotels and. established two bank accounts. Wrote Letter Before The ransom letter was well in advance of Ihe se'aled and Ihe envelope left unaddressed, that feature to depend upon the child chosen for death. The typewriter, was a portable stolen from the house of the fraternity of which Loeb was a member before he was graduated from, University of Michigan. The letter written,1 the typewriter 'was damaged badly and thrown into a lagoon in Jackson Park. I .. The morning of the finding of IJie Franks boy's body, but before it had been identified, Loeb andj Leopold agan "telephoned, tho' Franks home but Mr. I ranks; again was absent. Later they telephoned, again Instructing Mr, Franks lo ride in a taxi cab lo a certain drug store where he would receive other telephonic instructions as lo how to pay over the ransom.. Mr. Franks knew by -then that his sou was denu and refused to enter the laxicab. The youths intended to instruct Mr. Franks lo board a fast train for t he East and al a specified point hurl a cigar box containing tho money from the train. Other instructions were in a letter nlaeed in a message irack in a parlor car. Thai letter jwas found later at New York. Went Over Ground ' Upon concluding llieir confessions Loeb and Leonold agreed to go wilh officers and prosecutors 'on h Ibur ii f Hip run 1 1' llicv Inul j travelled from the moment the J Franks boy was seized until the last article in connection with his nUirder was disposed7 of. .They loinled out the various spots where they had buried or burned articles and assisted Ihe, officers in their recovery. The typewriter was retrieved from the lagoon by a professional diver. BAw3f luc x y I HAND RIBBON S X IStM BEST or QUALITY ONDS SiMONDJ UNADl SAW CO. LIMITED vawcounn MowTRtat.tT.jQMH.N.a. t.,t WRIGUYS Jijtir every meal A pleasant TJjX DaogiccaDie sweet and a I-a-s-t-I-n-a beneltt as well. Good lor teetn. breath and digestion. Makes the next cigar taste better R24 imm.