PAGE SIX WESTHOLME THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday, 7 and 9 p.m. "The Stranger" Adapted from Hie well-known novel by John Galsworthy, noted Hritish dramatist. The heart-appealing story of a loveable, old derelict, who shaped the destinies of a beautiful girl of the London streets, a young society wastrel ami a great man of Kngland. The backbone of any picture is the story here's' a story with the strength of Gibraltar. A more engrossing plot has never been invented, told a.s only a genius can tell it. Scenes iaid in London, Dramatic Old- Uailey trial and prison episode wflh real local color. Richard Uix, Hetty Compson, Lewis Stone, Tally Marshall, Frank Nebon, Mary Jane Irving, and great east. CHRISTIE COMEDY "HOT WATER." FUN FROM THE PRESS. Admission 35c and 10c. Walk Downstairs and SAVE MONEY White Picklinpf Onions (now in) 15c lb., 7 lbs. $1.00 Medium sized Cucumbers, splendid for pickling, C for .... 25c Fresh Citron, firs', shipment now in, lb 8c Fresh Outdoor Tomatoes, 5 lb. basket 50c Hothouse Tomatoes, per 5 lb. basket 75c Larue Head Celery .... 15c Golden Uantam Corn, dozen 50c New Carrots, 0 lbs. ... 25c Cooking Onions, B.C.. 5 lb. 25c Vegetable Marrow, lb. .. 5c Harllett Preserving Tears, heavy pack in apple boxes per case $2.50 Choice Cooking Apples, unwrapped, per box . . $2.50 RupertlablcSupply Three Phones. Qio211,212- FISH PRICE HIGH TODAY Continued Scarcity of Halibut Causes ' Local Bidding for Catches to Go Up The continued scarcity or halibut duo to bail weather on the banks caused prices to climb at the F.xchauge this morning to a higher point than Uiey have reached sjnee last spring. Americans -averaged 19c and 8c and Canadians 17c and 8c, Arrivals were: v American i Seattle 05,000 'to Royal; Norma 5,000 to.'Alljn, Lancing ltf.OOO to Uooth. ' Canadian Fisher 0,000, Verua 5,000. Til-lic S.. 2 500. and Gibson 0,500 to Cold Storage. SOUTH AFRICA WILL BE'REPRESENTED AT HLOHMFONTAINF,, S.A Sept. 10- .1. II. Thomas, llrtUsh' Colonial Secretary, states that after an interview with Premier Hert- ...n. tl. .4nnl ..n.l II,., I l.ia iUfy IIIU tlllllL UllUilil tllfll mo government would accept an invitation to be represented at the Kmpirc conference in LonT , don. REBEKAH LODGE AT TERRACE Mrs. Woodcock, president of I be Rebckah Assembly of British Columbia, left on last night's train for'Tcrraco accompanied by ten locitl members of the lodge. A nvbekah lodge is to be instituted at Terrace. Sterling Furnace COAL Dillvtrtd In Bulk. At $10.00 pep ton. This it a very superior furntce coal. It fives a clean hot fire aivl Is entirely Tree from soot, clinkers, slack and dirt. Some of tLs largest heating plants In the city are now using it with entirely saturattory results, STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sacks. At $12.50 per ton. We are also Agents for the Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELkWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Office Hotal Cantral. Phon 15 ONE YOUNG WOMAN WHO KNOWS a lot about the proper care of tier wardrobe is Dainty Dorothy. She knows how to make serviceable frockso'ul of last season's dresscs'and believes that the science of dry cleaning is the friendliest service that ever helped a woman dress economically and well. PHONE 8 Vferft BOX392 PRiNcer-rRxpERT SPECIALS FOR FAIR WEEK ONLY. Wc giyi special reductions on all our slock to the visitor and the outside customer. Milk, per case $5.50 Flour Maple Leaf, Purity, and Five Hoses, per sack ... ... $2.35 Ulue Ilibbon Tea, per lb. 65c 5 lb. packets $3.10 Economy Coffee, per lb. tin ... .... 50o Fconomy Coffee, fresh ground, 3 lbs $1.30 Heinz pork & Ueans, fe's, .0 tins for $1.00 COM STORE 417 Firth Ayonue East. Phone 84. NEXT AUDITORIUM DANCE Tuosday Evening, Sept. 9, and Thursday Evening, Sept. 11 Moonlight Dances During the Evening Conic early as Miss SI. Cyr's i -piece orchestra will be there, at 0,30 sharp and no 1 about it. Gentlemen $1.00; Ladles 50c Phone Hlack 49. L. F. Marrcn, Prot i-Uor, Advertise in the Daily News. ' FAIR OPENED LAST NIGHT BY SEVERAL SPEECHES (continued from page one) abroad. Coining back after an absence of .seven months, he bad noticed a great improvement in I tie city streets brought about by the policy of the city in replacing the old plank roads with graded streets. There was nothing that caused more impression on transient visitors than the appearance of the streets and the members of the city council were to be congratulated on the im- Iprovements that had been made, j Stating that the Hrilis'h Empire iKxIiibilion which he had visited 'was a-collossal and magnificent 'affair in which the Dominion of l Canada occupied a prominent jiositioi), Mr. Stork declared that the annual exhibition in Princ Hupert was no less a credit to the city and district. The quality of Iho exhibits here compared favorably with those to be found anywhere in Che world. Only in bulk but not in taste of arrangement was the Prince Rupert Ex hibition excelled by those of Toronto and London. Matter of Satisfaction "It is a matter of great satis faction to me to see the develop ment of this northern country and the city of Prince Hupert," continued Mr. Stork. "Thanks: ire due to (lie commilleeV that have kepi this organization afloat and to those persons who year after year have given freely of the energy in that direction. II gives nif the greatest pleasure maginable to participate in the t &2 4 Prince Hupert Exhibition which I now proclaim formally opened to the public. May it long ontinue to prosper." The Kitimaat Hand then played "O Canada," while the gathering stood at attention and the Prince Ilupert Exhibition was once again launched willi enthusiasm and every promis" of great success. TIMBER SALE X 6489. TIipic will be offered fur Sale at I'nlillr Auction, at noun on tlie Dili day of October, Hit, lit the office of the KoreM Hawrer at Hums l.akc. B.C., the l.lwner X IU89, to rut 20,800 lies, on an area MlnalM on the miulh more- or trancoi Lake, at l.lpplncott Da)', Ilanre i, Coast IMMrlit. Two ii years will be allowed for re moval of timber. Provided that any one unable to at tend the auction in (htsoii may submit a valctl lender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars of the Ciller Victoria. H.C . or District Forester. Prince Ilupert, B.C. TOST DAILi NEWS Wednesday, September 0 The Gift House Latest Novelties of the Season. BEADS, EARRINGS, BRACELETS, BAnETTES, Ac. JUST ARRIVED See Our Side Window. We carry the largest stock of mounted and loose Diamonds in the North. Extra Special Low Prices on Bracelet Watches. Absolutely Guaranteed. UMBRELLAS IN ALL STYLES AND QUALITIES From $1.75 to $12.50 The Best Made. "See Our Optician for Correctly Fitted Glasses." Max Heilbroner FUR MARKET INTHE CITY William Goldbloom Plans Establishing Auction Sale Hera For Pelts In h;i endeavor to establish a fur auction sale centre in Prince Hupert, on the same basis as the fur auction sales in eastern Canada, in order I hat fur buyers in t lie east can come to the city to trade in furs and thus furnish a more convenient nuirket for the trappers of northern Hritish Columbia, William Goldbloom, one of I he largest fur traders in the province will shortly journey to eastern Canada and the United States to interest the large fur buyers. Logical Market Mr. Goldbloom claims that as Prince Hupert Is the centre of one of the largest raw fur producing territories in the Dominion, producing annually thousands of dollars worlh of raw furs it would be 'o the direct advantage of fur trailers -and trappers to have a market right at their door in order that they may obtain and sell raw furs to the best advantage. The establishing of such a fur auction nuirket would mean that the trappers could send their furs In the local merchants or fur dealers with the full knowledge that thefc- were gelling the highest market price 'or their goods. Mr. Goldbloom claim's thai in this way a lot of money that, is now finding its way east would be distributed among local dealers and would be a big help to local business durin Hie quiel winter months. On his annual I rips lo the east Mr. Goldbloom has always allocated establishing this business ih Prince Hupert and the fur buyers have' expressed their willingness to iastal a representative on (he coast to attend the sales provided sufficient fur was on hand to make it worth thoir while In come west. Present Method Bad As Hie business is handled now Mr. Goldbloom. claims the trap-oer is shipping valuable furs east, where prices arc continually changing to the detriment of Hie shipper, and in addition the trapper is obliged to wait a YOUR SUMMER MILK SUPPLY Klim Whole Milk eHeotirely solves your ummcr milk supply problem because no matter how fnr you may bo from a dairy or form, a few tcaspoonsful mixed, with the right proportion of water witl give you pure fresh duiry milk tho moment you need it. It ia'n splendid friend In summer home and is unequalled for infants and children's use, CANADIAN MILK PRODUCTS LIMITED MONTREAL - TORONTO . WINNIPEG 7, Sold by RUPERT TABLE SUPPLY CO. Tried it? -not a new dance -not anew song -not a new game CHINESE CIVIL WAR POSTPONED FIGHTING SHANGHAI, Sept. 10 Renewed rainfall postpones fight on whole front in Chinese civil war hut positions being strengthened and both sides arc rushing in troops. PRIZE WINNERS'IN x FISH EXHIBITS AT FAIR ANNOUNCED The llacon Fisheries were declared winners of the first prize in the smoked fish exhibit at the Exhibition. The Canadian Fish & Cold Storage "Co. gels firs! prize for its cannery exhibit. ALLEGED GAMBLERS HALED INTO COURT City Police Visited Place on Third Avenue Suspectod of Being ' Qamlng House The city police paid a visit to an alleged gaming bouse on Third Avenue last nighl and as a rt'sull and Fong, Chinese, and Takebaysha and Kariyn, Japanese, appeared in the city pplice court this morning. Tho cases were adjourned until next Friday, SALMON JROUT WON ST. LEGER STAKES DONCASTKR, Kng., Sept. 10.- Salmon trout, owned by H. II. Agn Ihai, won the St. Ledger slakes of 1,000. Carclay Walker's Sanlorb 1I was second while Sol Joel's I'olyphontns came third, Seventeen horses ran. But the newest thing from Chocolate Land Neilson's Chelsea Roll, the very latest Neilson bar with the mysterious, delicious centre that no words can describe. Only one thing to do. Do it today. Tfbull never det n-tcU f Off f ai long time for his money. With 1 lie esiamisnmetu or a lur auction 1 market here the trapper j would be able to bring hts furs ill reel lo I lie city in competition with llm leading buyers of the continent. Uvf, atj?d fifteen years, wauls work. Phone Red 023. 210 x J. llalilauii Indian, was fined 910 in the city police court this morning for intoxication. Cash & Carry Specials FOR FAin WEEK ONLY. DEL MONTE CATSUP ' Iteg. 40c. Special, 2 for Mc NABOB or MALKIN'S BEST TEA 2 lbs H-H PURE LOGANBERRY or LOGAN RASPBERRY JAM i lb. Pails e FANCY COTTON COMFORTERS A well filled Collon Coinforler.-cnvered with Art Silkoline in Hose, III tic and Ye (low design. Sizes 00 x 72. Kxtra Special for one week only-each ... , ; J'5 j i BOYS' KNICKERS In Fancy Hrown mid Dark Grey Tweeds; also Navy Serge. Sizes 20 to 28. F.xlra Special, pair 8'c LADIES' OXFORDS Log Cabin Huck fiopdyear Welt on May fair I) width only. Sizes 3 to 7. Kxtra Special, pair 5. Universal Trading Co. BACK AGAIN! AND AT YOUR SERVICE. HIGH CLASS DENTISTRY AT MODERATE PRICES. Dr. J. F. Maguire Smith Block. phon 575. ADVERTISE AND WATCH YOUR BUSINESS CBOW 1