Wednesday, Seplcmher 10, 1921. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE Quality Above All Industrial Booths at Fair are This has been our policy with Indication of what can be Done WO AT Jin All Here: Fine Exhibit of Woodwork H409 Millions will now use no other blend. TheNqjiality never varies. Try it today. . f l ti v BOYS' BLACK WQOL j Hdse i - ' Special l'drchasc, sizes 7 to 10. . ( ... ' A good substantial Hose, 'full sites Ly 50c Pair M: S. Wallace Co. 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. Phone 9. We stock Pictorial Patterns. WILL IT RAIN TOMORROW? CONSULT THIS This Coupon arid 80c. Good Tor One $1.00 'Weather House Prophet vis.iirprisiiily reliable on lord weather conditions. Made on strictly scientific lines. YV h;rvc st'tured a special rice on a quantity, and ns fong as they lal wilf sell them for e.aUlj.whnl jf( costs lis to retail thfem, .only 80c if you bring tins coupon. Wljpij the weather is to be fine t lie two children will be out; when S-tormv weather is approaching the witch will come (in J fur 8 to 21 hours ahead of rain or J snow. Blue Ribbon BAKING POWDER Blue, Ribbon is the one baking powder you need for any purpose and the best for every purpose. Try It. rVnJ S5o. to Blue Ribbon M..Wnljefc lot tho lllu. nibbpo Cook Book te.my0? ir ooulc whito oiloloth the best cook every ly ne In Wertern hw i The'hoiisf is made or hardwood, in Swiss cottage style, andm,dnraled. ns im.lhc picture, with lliermometer, elk's head, bird's nest and birds, clc. It has four windows and twndonr. Advertised for$1.00 Our price on for. limited tlrrtp, with the Coupon OUC. livery home in villnge. city and country should liaye one. Come and get yours at once or mail your order. Mail orders 10c extra. For Hale at ORMES DRUG STORE SEE OUR DISPLAY OF .ELECTRIC OVEN , PRODUCTS AT THE FAIR. ELECTRIC WINDOW BAKERY The manufactured lumber exhibit of the Big Bay Lumber Cotnnanv. ISenriretiiwii Mills, situated on the mam floor near the entrance to the dog and poultry show, is one" of rare beauty and is the subject of much favorable comment. 'I he layout of the booth is most artistic and reflects great credit upTili those, .re sponsible for the magnificent display of the many .northern Hritish Columbia finished products. The walls and ceiling of the booth are Handled in cedar V joint and spruce V .joint , of various dimensions while hundreds of samples of manufactured lumber, cut in artistic sizes, line I lie shelves. In the centre of the stand is a beautiful model of Sir I'homas Upton's racing yacht Shamrock, built by Jock fSihson, a member of the. Georgetown Mill staff, who worked on Hip building nf the original Sham rock. The dimensions of the jnodel are length S feet, beam 12 inches, lead keel, bull of red cedar, deck and rail, spruce, spars yellow cedar, sails union silk. ine counier or the stand is built of various samples of fin ishod lumber, the product of the Georgetown Mill. The many pieces of mill dressed and hand dressed lumber displayed include standard mouldings, cedar cas ing, spruce fMfi hourd,. porch rail, cedar channel rustic, spruce rustic, cedar shiplap, hand rail, aeroplane spruce, rough cedar , V. joint partition,! edge grain spruce stepping, yeU low cedar in various sizes, sample fish boxes, I).l). hemlock, mill dressed V Joint, hand pressed '; joint, boat cedar, etc. Export Lumber Gne of the main features nf the exhibit are the samples of export lumber shipped all over the world hy Hie Georgetown Mill. These samples include aeroplane spruce of the finest quaiiiy, rough, clear spruce, rough clear cedar and rough coast hemlock. Sample Strut n mieresimg. piecfl or aero plane spruce is on exhibit it be ing a piece of the new strut made here in April last for Major Martin's aeroplane to replace I lie broken slrut damaged In landing at Seal Cove. The piece of spruce for the new slrui was supplied by the Ilig Kay Lumber Go. and the new strut for Hie aeroplane hy Dave Tay-, lor, who, with Hen Delgarnn, was responsible for the erection and placing of the excellent exhibit. ; The displa is splendidly light, ed with inverted electric lights; winch sliow the interior up to; great advantage, and Is one which; reflects great credit upon the xeculive and staff of the Georgetown Mill. KLKOTMC T1AKF.RY The fine art of the baker in imply displayed in the booth oc cupied by the Klecti ic , indow; Oakeries, on the main floor of the exhibition building. The lecoration lifts been carried out in red, while and blue drapery and the many tempting confec tions disoljycd testify to the, prowess ot the Electric Oakeries in their particular HneJ The many pretty loaves, cakes, buns and French pastries displayed would made the mouth of a wooden idol water. The. shelves contain fancy bread, wheal sheaves, old fashioned cheese twists, filberts, cottage loaves, linner rolls pf every description, Irish loaves, whole wheat bread. fancy gateaux, sponge cake trifle; seed cakes, Maderia and fruit cakes, slab cakes, currant bread, etc. The display is one f great credit. rtUPKllT URANDS The exhibit of the 'Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Company is a very unique one and is thoroughly representative of their business It takes the form of a ininature canhery building, in all lis detail, built with "flti- perl Brand" canned salmon tins The whole arrangement is well carried out even down to the water at. the wlvaVf in whicJi many small live trout disport themselves. This is jih exhibit which is well worth seeing ami is situated on the main floor to tho left tvf the main "entrance. Tho front of Hie dftplay is de corated hy a hot .containing VI,- 000 feel of twine made in Prince Rupert. n. VANCR V. T). Vance, ImVkcr, has i very pretty stand in the exhihi Hon hall, and one widen lends Plenty of color to the gay In terior tT the building. The dis play takes tho form T samples of most outstanding feature 'of the display is the many beautifully colored calendars, manufactured by Ilrown & Higelow, which adorn the walls, of the Booth. In addition there are.' displayed cases of McCorniick's biscuits, samples of products manufactured by the Norfolk Paper Co., Western Dry floods Co. and scales made by the International Machine Company nf Torohlo. Tife display is artistically arranged BARRIK'S FURNISHINGS A real homelike atmosphere has been created in the display arranged by Barrie's Home Furnishings at t heir-booth in the exhibition hall. Rolls of linoleum and Congoleum ' rugs adorn the sprureiwalls which have been panelled in many shades f of 3 ply fir veneer. Rugs and carpets adorn an open fireplace While the cen tie is set off with a beautiful dining worn suite of Mcl.aglan's Grandmaster old F.nglish fur niture. The flHr is laid down Willi various varielles oi rugs and linoleum. ThVwiiole display is remarkable' pretty. PHII.POTT, KVITT & CO Oorilla logging equipment is being featured ill1 the boolh oe- cuppied in the exhibition hall by Philpott, F.vil'& Cot, Ltd. In ad dition there are many samples of the products iiiariflfat'tured by various manufacturers, whom Ihev renreselil. pftVjitong oilier things displaded is Murray Made Asphalt paint, FibreueUl i-oofing Pyrene fire extjtigiijsliers, etc. JHOTTO'5cirtXll A new fealure in booths at the exhibition this ytar. is the stand occupied by . the. .Grotto Cigar Stores. This dismay." which is of a purely direct .advertising nature, makes a specially of was maded Tucket Is Orinoco tobacco and furrkingham smoking mixture F. G. DAWSON LTD. The F. G. Dawson,, Ltd., booth at the exhibition, situated on the right hand entrance to the midway, featuring Empress Brand poods and Pacific 'milk, is a de lightful one. The interior is the acme of neatness and isbeing much admired, ROYVK'S SHEET METALS Howe's Sheet Metal Works are well represented wili their exhibit in the fair building. The ethbit contains specimens of what can be done in sheet metal work and comprises chimney cowls, sinks and sheet metal work of all descriptions. SUPREME COFFEE A very dainty and. neat exhibit in the fair building is: that of Steawart & Mobley, Ltd., who are featurinc "SunVemo CoITee, a local made product. The booth is situated on the' main floor next to the mineral exhibit. Tlie stand is artistically arrayed with vari ous sized tins of "Supremo coffee and beautiful English china cups, and saucers, which are given away with coupons contained in the coffee tins. Ibis delicious table, coffee is made ai the stand and tasty samples are served. Those who, are fond of a gooil cup of coffee' should not fail 10 visit this booth. A of the exhibit is tho free daily drawing for three separate prizes consisting of china cups audi saucers. i SWIFT CANADIAN . One of the many outstanding booths at Iho exhibition this year is that of the Swift Canadian Co. situated on the. main floor next to the Indian exhibit. The splendid arrangement of the many products manufactured by this well known concern presents a pretty picture; ne iif the, interesting features of the display is. Swift's Prwnjum hams and bacon In N'Scmllito" gelaUno covers and are identically the same as supplied to the McMilian expedition to. XJree.nland. This products of the many firms which Maying the different the exhibitor represents. The The Little Re He n UGK, puck, puck, pucKAYah" cackles the little red hen, as she steps off the warm nest, broad casting to the barnyard that she has just laid a fine, fresh egg. She makes a product, that any "manufacturer" might be proud of, and doesn't hesitate to advertise the fact. A duck egg might be just as good, but the duck s evidently doesn't think so. She doesn't advertise, and duck eggs have no market. To be absolutely sure in buying ANY merchandise stick to the advertised brands. For their manufacturers believe in them and tell you about them daily in the advertising signatures. columns of this newspaper, over their The duck-egg brands might be "just as good, but you cannot be sure, if the manufacturers themselves will not admit it! Read the advertisements regularly. Buy from them. You will then know the source of the products, and whom to look to if they don't measure up. Advertising is the radio of commerce-broadcasting things you should know is situated on the main floor op posilo the Francois Lake District exhibit. The samples nf fish smoked including Ling cod, salmon, black cod, kippered salmon, salt cod, oolichans, etc. The stand js well arranged and is a credit to the local fish industry. ' PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED A fine exhibit featuring the natural ersources of Northern British Columbia is that of Pacific Mills Led., of Ocean Falls. This exhibit, is to Iho left, inside of the main entrance and presents a' very interesting appearance. The display of forest products includes rolls of paper, samples of sulphite used in the manufacture of newsprint and oilier papers, spruce chips, cedar chips, etc. VALENTIN'S DAIRY Valelin's Dairy is to the fore with an artistic exhibit display ing interior milk, lliis stand is feature next door to the Exhibition office, The layout is artistic and im presses iipon the public the natural richness of interior milk and dairy produce. USK MILL RUNNING USK. Sept. 10. The sawmill here formerly known under the title of the, llayward Lumber Co is now doing business under the name of Canada Products Ltd It is in full operalion with daily capacity of 25,000 feet. LAND ACT. Netlct of InUntlon to Apply to Imii Lnd, In Onccn Ch.nrloUc island l.aml District llAnnmlinv ,ttt.lit ll.ln.. linn nl II f . V. HI t.lll, IN.II II . II. I1III.T .1II,T-.. nil sllimt. imAf TriU! III1 . Idlanit i fiiL-Li MM.ft .., A ....... T n...' . . '. , i innr. nwiii.ri mat I. null KD . iuw- mode . of Covering keeps Hie Con-;iinj, or 3tJ CamlirlilM Street. Vancouver, tents ire mmi niouui ami is !ai)Iy ror p,.rmS,0rt. l0 ipim th follow imuif imiliul lil I li in ! Hi. nniull 'Inr (lesi'mifMl Ijtlils: CntnmpfirUiir at i !, T v" . port, PlantiMl near U foot or Tiw mil SMOKED FISH A very representativO'exhihit is that of tho llacon Fisheries tlis- fisb smoked locally: varieties of Tho display east side, mark mane 80 su thence northerly to tp marks thence westerly 'ollowlnt low ttater; rnaina; incnce gouineny three mree chains; thence easterly 80 chain to Jiolnt or ri'innii'ticeiiient ana contalnlnir 15 acre, more or tesa. OEOnQE W. toOWLlNO, Applicant. OAVE nUTTEN, Agent. Pate. June 0. 1094. Fair Week Specials Vacuum Bottles Keep Contents Hot or Cold - , to put Raby's Food in at nights. Splendid Value, 75c. EMULSIFIED COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO A shampoo that gives the hair tone and vigor antf. easily cleanses the scalp. Regular price 50c. SpeciaJ, 25c. ORMES LIMITED' THE REXALL STORE. Phones 82 and 200. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle September 3, 6, 16, 26 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway - September 1, 12, 22 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For BuUdale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11. a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Information from. W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C.