Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Blook, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, Phone 686. Open Evenings Only Fr Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading RestauranL A Bakery, Unsurpassed Third Avenue. M. S. SING Cleaning and Pressing. Special Suits Ready to Wear S18.00 Laundry Office, 820 Third Avenue, Prince KuperL H.C. i'honc 774. P.O. Box "58 EDSON COAL Received few cars of our Famous Edson Coal. From now on we can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. - Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel W Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered daily. Prompt Early Morning Delivery. VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 657. McBrlde Street. BASEBALL BOXINQ LACROSSE ANYOX MAKING TENNIS COURTS COSTLY Inclement Weather Cause of Loss of Income from Post Season Games ANYOX, Sept. 17. After the holiday interval the Community League Council met on its regu-i lar meeting night and transacted considerahle business. In the absence of the president, A. La- fortune occupied the chair. The secretary's report told of receipts and expenditures in connection with baehall and football activ ities under the agreement with the Mine and Elks clubs. After deducting costs of rolling and care of grounds for the games, payment of umpires and score keepers, suppying prizes, about four hundred dollars would be divided. The Community League's share of this "would not nearly lake care of the outlayfor (he season as the ball grounds had cost several hundred dollars to keep in shape ih .addition lo Owing to demands on the time of Oranby workmen, it had been impossible lo have Ihe Recreation Ilah painted, the library oflire completed or the by-laws printed. The Council agreed that Recrea tion Hall be painted by contract, if possible, and that a big dance be held by the League when ready A resolution of thanks was passed to Mr. Chamnion and I PACE FOUR THE DAILY -NEWS Wodn.v-.iay. . ,,,, Ul , BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM Money (l MOW- Mlbrb - t WANT -roo ro COOK I REAT HEAVENS VEUL- TrtAT1 THE OTHEt-t Twr A OlHNER FOROi OUST r)KC -) OCANP COOK AND VE "WllL TrVTb CORNED Orders tOU FOR. OOR Y MKVE. MELa OOtT UKE HERa BEEF AN' , HAD FIVE DAXb i Ca-56a;e :: On Norway, Sweden and Y Denmark at Current Rates yZrf?' f 1UPPOE I'LL BE EAT IN' of Exchange Pg'tE3 Make your reservations for that Christmas visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Rates' and Information, .see us. SPORT NEWS OF THE DAY WINTER PLANS Secretary Reported on Activities During Holiday -Season and Action Endorsed others who donated Dominion I Day Prizes. It was decided to HERE AND EVERYWHERE accept Hie Granby Company proposal with reference to hea'-' in? Hie gymnasium, and the Secretary was authorized to have tho 'cnn.ls V.n .. n . . ... .... ,....nl I i uauquri .13 uUill, VYlllll? the Secretary's action in renlirig the gymnasium to the School fioard was endorsed. Sport Chat J There will be no more trap- shooting meets this season. Jack Keefe, secretary of the Prince Hupert fiun Club, states. After a very successful series of shouts the local marksmen will now leT vote any spare time they have lo lb active pursuit of game. The summer's practice at Hie range has kept them in good form and any ducks or geese thai come in their way may just as "well call themselves "mud." .Now that the summer's outside sport season is over, plans for the basketball season will soon be under way. The most of the players who engaged in (he successful activities of last winter are still in the city ami the indication are that the forthcoming competitions will .equal rf mot exceed those of last -winter ih general interest. The sudden death of Harry what the. Oranbv Comnanv had ''"I"" wl" "c urnea " spent in the interest of sport. P".rling circles as deeply as by Mi.ai.im ii. u i.n-nr.niu "rnnii.ii. me general punnc. narry was ami eouiDine'iil had amounted to Vice-president oi the Prince Mlu a considerable sum. The tenuis I,cr' lacrosse asocial. on auo courts cost amounted lo 82. IC5 of n acllV(" Player, .-lie also took which $1,008.00 had been naid. greift inlerest in other lines of leaving a balance owing the rp0Pl aml was always VPry penJ r.pnnhv Pninnnnv nf i ion on erous when financial assislance The receipts from members ofwas required. the tennis club in dues amounted to $ I0l.no. The celebralions on Dominion Day had cost the lea gue a deficit of $137.00, the ac counts having been paid. Owing to the unfavorable weather conditions the Post Sea son sports, which were expected lo furnish enough money 1o lake Frank Chance, whose death was recorded .yesterday, was not only manager of the White Sox but was also .a former manager of the Cubs. He led the Cubs lo win four world serins. He was born in Fresno in 1877. care of Ihe Annual Sports' ban- Harry Martin, formerly of the quel fell down; and if this affair local provincial police force, was was to continue it would be a passenger returning south to necessary for the League to' Seattle on the Princess Alice donate the money.- In addition yesterday afternoon from W ran to what was already on handlgi'll about $ 1 25.00 would bo required.) Mr. Champion, manager of flran- by stores, had supplied a number! f prizes for the Dominion Day ele'bration and had been instru mental in securing others from outside firms. i tie gymnasium had neen re- quired by Ihe Oranby Hay School Hoard for school purposes until the new addition was ready. Two months was the time set, the rental lo be $50.00 per month. the school board lo supply the light and heat. In connection with the healing of Ihe gymnasium this winter. the Oranby Company otTeriid to change the system at present in stalled for steam heat supplied Urori power house No. 2, at 850 a month when used, the cost of the alteration to be borne by the company. This would elTect a saving to the League of $50 a month during Ihe winler. i FOOTBALL ENNIS SWIMMING AMERICANS WIN IN POLO MATCH AND RETAIN CUP NEW YOHK, Sept. 17. The Americans retain -the international polo cup defeating the liritisli team yesterday by a score of fourteen lo live. The first game was won -by a score of IG to 5. -Hi STAMPEDE TO DEASE LAKE Crew of River Steamer Staked Claims at Eagle Creek and Others Go AYR.YXGELL, Sept .17 Everyone who can possibly get away has gone to Dease Lake where claims are. being rapidly staked on Eagle Creek, following reports of the discovery of rich gold bearing sands there. The crew of the Stikine River boat all quit their jobs and rushed Oft to the diggings, according to Captain Sid Harrington of the Harrington I'ransportation Company. River boats and autos carry passengers lo within about twenty miles of the spot where the gold "Was found and frmn there it is easy to musli the res! of the way. RYE PRODUCES 900 FOLD VIHCIIOW, Pomerania. From a single seed of rye, planted this spring .by a village school teacher iiul nursed with fertilizers, 19 lalks were grown, and from these heads 1)00 grains were harvested. This Is said to be a re cord in Oermany. Agricultural experts consulted the school master as lo What kind of fertilizer lie used. Hugh Jlugden, local fisherman, Is leavingj on this pveniijg train for Halifax where lie will spend a holiday visiting his old home. 'FAMOUS AD SLOGANS THAT JUST FIT STfeOLLCftS Just Say- GIMME" '4 m a . v Slotan cf WHANT MOtOKS THE CIGAPETTE WITH THE ORIGINAL FLAVOR WANTED. Hox 205 - Small safe. Apply Daily News Otllce. 221 WANTED. Used Monarch range or one similar. Apply Hox 201. Daily News otllce. 220 GENERAL SERVANT AVanted. Mrs. O. Hetfner, 303 Fourth Avenue East. If WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phone G52. FOR RENT FOR RENT. Furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone Hlue 217 or ,18. 110 Sixth Avenue East. tf OFFICE FOR RENT with modern living quarters. Westenhavei. Hros. tf FOR RENT. Two large npart-nients down town near Post OITice. Apply Stork's Hardware, tf FOR RENTPalmp-r-House for cheap rales and home comforts tf FOR nENT Four room, modern, heated apartments. Apply Smith & Mallett, Ltd. tf BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and 'Room at tho Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Oftlce, 830 Second Aven. Phone. 137. tf AUCTION SALES. Goods Hought. Sold or Exchanged K. H. HEMMING8, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Black 13ft and Red 442. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night Stand: HOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Clock, Across from Emnress Ilotel. BOAT REPAIRS FISHERMEN. -The close season will soon be hern. You can get your boats overhauled by con tract or day work, at a moder ate price. We bfiild anything up lo 200 Ions. Marine ways. Call or write Eriksen Hros:, boat builders, North Vancouver, H.C. ?"o Positively the Hest that Money can buy I GOODYEAR TIRES FOR FORD8 $8.50 to $16.00 RIDE ON AIR Fit Your Ford -Willi BALLOON TIRES .and '-eliminate Hip rallies. MODERN WRECKING EQUIP. MENT Service U'j and Night KAIEN GARAGE 3-27 im T Iwt-l FtATuwt Swct. Inc. li!!- Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Lea. than BOc WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe. FOR SALE. Oas launch "Na-dino" 23 ft. x G. Easlhope I. Price $125. Cash $100. balance $50 per month. Apply O. llorie, 21!) Second Ave. Phone 387 or Red 513. Can be seen at Yacht Club. 210 FOR SALE, furnished. Ave'nue. Rooming house, Apply 921) Ambrose tf FOR SALE. Electric mixer for ice cream parlor. Apply, office, Table Supply. 220 FOR SALE. Pleasure boat Kclifl. Length 28 feet, beam 5 feet, powered with 18 ll.P. YVinlon Six engine. Hosch ignition, storage bnllery. Windshield, canopy top and curtains, 2 aulo seals. Seating capacity for eight or ten persons. Price $350.00. C. L. llein.lel, Cold Storage. , If FOR SALE. Old papers by the bundle. Daily News oftlce. tf ROOMINO HOUSE for Sale; central location; steam heat; cheap rent; rooms always full; Owner. Write J'.x 202 Daily News. tf FOR SALE. New and used Machinery, Hoats and Engines. Northern Exchange tf BUSINESS CHANCE t 0001) opportunity for man and wife. Small country hotel, furnished, located In good town. Ouaranlced money maker. For particulars, apply Table Supply. 211) FOR SALE HOUSES rooms and bath, two lots, fine harbor view, $3,000.00. rooms and $2100.00. bath, close in rooms and bath, good garden, $2200.00. rooms, high ground, $750.00, Terms arranged for nil. McCafTery & Gibbons, Lid; FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Buy, Sell and Exchange New and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone $40. CHIROPRACTOR ft E. EYOLFSON Oradunte of the National College of Chiropractic, Chicago., Smith Block Room 1S. Hours: 10 to 12: 2 to 5: 7 to 8 Saturday afternoons nnd Sundays by ppnintmcnt. Plione JHuo 85. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert E. Horn. O. Mygard. herald Oaksmith. George Horn, II. Veneina and M. Dunpliy, Ketchikan; F. Anderson, Shames; II. S. Andrews and Hazel McEaehern, Minneapolis; C. L. Jensen, Seal-lie; W. J. JelTerson, Someryillu; W. .1. Chlnnick, Montreal; .1. 11. Hamilton, J. P. Hradford, Norman Harger, J. Mcllae, L. Jessen, W. Goetz and 1. S. Mnnsell, Vancouver: C. W. Smllh, Eilmon- Mrs. T. M. Spencer J'ef I on last Ion: E. Macmlllan, Arrandale; night's train for Walerbury, John II. Harvey, George 11. Vermont, where she will visit her Meagher and II. F. Dunning, old home. On her return lo Prince Rupert, Mrs. fipencer will be accompanied by her mother and father. ' Huckley Hay. Central J. A. Oillis, Calgary; II. Wright and W. R, Rights, Anchorage MAIL SCHEDULE For the East .Mondays, Wednesdays and FrL days, closes at 3.15 pjn. From thb East Mondays, Thursdayg and Sal-urdays, 4 p.m. To Vancouver Mondays, mail .dosftj attOPJl Tuesdays, Mail clogatj Thursdays jj pj Saturdays Saturdays io x C.P.R. Sept. ... G ami 18 From Vancouver-Sundays . p. j(. Mondays 3 fx Wednesdays j p.jt l'ridays . AJL r riuays . 3 PJ. C.P.R. Sept. I a; J I. To Anyox, Alice Arm-Wednesdays .9 P.1 Sundays 7 PJL From Anyox, Alice Arm-Tuesdays . P.i Thursdays ' P. To Stewart and Premier-Sundays .7 P.Jf. Fridays 0 From Stewart and Prtmler Saturdays P Tuesdays M- To Port Slmpaoa Sundays Thursdays From Port Slmpaon Tuesdays Saturdays To Alaska Polnta- To Sepl. 1 and I ' From Alaska Point Sep 3, G and 16 To- Massett, Port wen-. Buckley Bay Monday mail r!o" 1flPJ, From Massett, Port t."- Buckley Bay Wednesday mail dn x To Skldegate, Q. c. wij - South Island Point- Wednesdays, mail clows n.m. 1 From Skldegate, Q. C City South Island Point Simpson Thursdays From Naas River P" Saturdays " .7 PI IOP.lt JX XX Saturdays, mail due i.n. .. Binti tnt rw raaas mver - BOX COLLEOTIO .11 ili nu...im .At Atlin AY". ' .to . a 0A 1st Ave. Si Eigblli M- J; ftlh Ave. A Fulton su 8th Ave. -A. Thompson 8t llth Ave. it Shcrbrooke Ave , '9 11 I lhlAvo.it Conrad SU 0th Ave, & Hnys Cove Ave Olli Ave. Si Hays Cove Circle Rlli AvcA Cotton St.-Slli Avo. AMcHrideSt. Pro. Gov. Hldgs. -Prov. Gov. Wharf G.T.P. Wharf On, I Avn A: 2nd St. 3rd Ave. & Fujlon St 3rd Ave. Si Olli 2.5 2.5S 3.00 "3.5 3.10 3.15 3.20 3.25 3i 0 0 IS HI IIS If 1.55 .0 MS NOTICE ( Advertisers are cd Hint copy fr 8. lhe Usemcnts s'10"'6; I)ally News olIW J to ensur today 4 p.m. 1 A.i I., tomorrows Pl'l K' ki sue. Advertise In Iho Dally . .1