...,l.r, Sovemhcr 25, 1021. MI8S GUDMUNDSON, DENNI0ON ART CnAFT INSTRUCTOR tJoniineiuiinj Monday HEAD and HRONCl'IAL COLDS li Snolt Ra Sjtiji Ki Snolf Jut twillewa RAZ-UAH Cipwle lttori normal breathing. Oi trkly Rsm all choking, fatpitg and mucua Clrrinft In bronchial tut. Giv I nlfht of reatful aleep. ConUir i M injurious or habit formlnc droit. I'.flO par bo t at druf atorra. Send Sc. for faaroua trial Ttmplctona, Toronto RAZ-M All GUARANTEED RELIEF mmam 'iiiiiik nv v u.in., is prepared In gjve IT IKK instruction to nil apli-cunts for 1 days Moii-day, Tuesday, Wednes. lay iiml Thursday this week. This l-t a rare op. porliiiuty for the people or Prince llnpert. A chance to get the nte.l ideas Make up your Xmas Gifts. Tlie gift made with your own hands is the gift appreciated, and the cost a mere trifle. DON'T j;ff your visil. Uiiiic Monday and stop there if you wish. Hot ,-i)ic Monday and wee what the Demonstrator has to ; it? you. Make n start Monday and take home. Dune I k T af iay Tor further inslruHion, etc.. He. Come Mou-uy Have a look. For further information Phone fl, EDWARDSBURG mi CROWN BRAND f corn Syrup Known throughout Gtnada for its purity, iu diestibility and delightful flavor. H'nf for the EDH'ARDSBURG Rttipr Bool. nt t- THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED . MONTREAL ASTHMA' Freedom from Pain NourWis Neuralgia Tk f Cara&ua fMi4 taal T K.C qalckt 4 ai. rt rlif fnm Pia. T P I' art Hirrtl thtl .-... IK. t. TK rmr lata t ar ,brt f- -ri V i. Twr 4i: rM-lSm. Sr4 We far iwmi lr.L tnUd!, Tannita. Xl ,,W Ort Ril.m 0UC 50e. Nw'll. N-ir.liL SIZE UimlMfa SIZE ' TRCs FOR SALE BY ORMES LIMITED TCMPLSTON'S R M CLIMATIC CAPSULES II (Knitted) Underclothing The New Fashions jw prevailirg.fMturinc the itraight line, hip-fitt'ine mode in drew, ne-ccuitatein underclothing, the weir, ing of cembinatieni more than ever at the neceanary foundation to prevent bulkineu at the hip. 'uncj it k truly Canadiin product of over 60 year reputation of a quality unexcelled by even the best imparted If you wear Tumbull'i. you are lureil of combinations that will fit-made with low neck, without aleevei or V neck and Kort ileevea also in knee and ankle lengths: Wnr tkem -atvl rniojr COMFORT in Underclothing. Ut fV.J, SnU Maktrt ItWa If rt. fr mm Mrt AuHmiw rtwirafcTtW it vtkfin will nn tin" M iSrini 1 I Local and Personal Jt.C. Umleilakciti. l'lione 41. Ilayner, UaaertaiierH, I'liono 351 You'll like our coal! Consum ers Coal Co. Phone 7. tf Nomina Letter" SUI'HKMH " Cotlee. Save the coujioiih. If V.. i. AylilTe of Tcrraco l luil-iuy tunlifht on the Cardeua fin Vancouver. Ir. V. T. Kerala relumed on the Cai'ileua tliit morning from a trip lo Slewart. Jo (iret-r returned on the Car- detia this morning from a hu.ni ness trii to Htewart and Anyos. Once more wc can supply the famous Kdon coal in any ijuan titles. Phone 58. Prince Ilupert Feed Co. If John Dure, ditlncl superin- leiiilent of (iuvermnenl Tele ,Maili, left on lat night's train for Iluzeltou on liulue. KverylMidy please Mipport I (T1 Klk' Xuia Cheer Candle ue-iiik eonleil. A wortny eaiist Ak any llrollier Hill. It Morley Shier, who ha Ix-en on a iuiiie4 trip to Sir wart am iiyox, i in I he cit on the Car deua today relurniiiy couth (o Vaiieuuver. It. F. McXauahtoii. C.N. II. riel (iiiKiteuser auenl, left on lat night a train for rnillher! on litimiie. He will he hack on riiurilay afleniooii. C. K. Ilaiuler. who liu been on a -a-hmil trip down the eoat ha returned to the rily and will leave on the nl earner Canlena to mulil on hU return Ui I .out,' .(arli. California, where he now reKlden. llriHdier t'.. Sim, Kiti?n T Merrill ami Cmu. Frd lorin of Die S.ilMitioo Army are tuilin Hn aflenxHiti on the Canlwmi for Vuiieouyer after liavin? Iia inK hmI m cuite of la In inrily with the parly of ollicer i hat liae heen here. Afl'-r liavnifc- comideltnJ atuiual oerliHiil al the loeal ilry Hock. I lie I uilwl Stiile. IU'hllnii-e leii-ler lilar liok on More al the government wharf and ailel ui II o'eloek Ihi- morning for Kel-liikan to rtutue her iliilh'. A lev Melt. Young, who wa liere MipeariH3 n eouusrl al Ihe Supreme tlourl assiies, rlurneil (i Prince (corgi' on lal ulghl's train. He plans leaving shortly for New York where he will spend Chrltma, Mrs. Young having already gone east. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. A. H. Dickon. arrived al 10.15 i his morning from Slevvarl, Any ox and Alice Arm and will Mill al 5 o'clock litis afternoon for Vancouver Mini wayporls. The vessel will lake 5?0 eae of nlauis from Ihe Millerd Cannery for Vmicouver. It. Huriueisler, who has been engineer ill charge of development work on Ihe Hoiueslake mine at Alice Arm, is passing through on the Cai-ilcua this af ternoon bound for Vancouver. Capt. A. C. II. tierhardi, who went north this week, is now in clutr?e at Ihe Homeslake mine. Mrs. Huriueisler went south last week. Introductory consideration of Hie amended liuihling lly-lavv, which was scheduled lo come up-; la "I nighls' council nicellng, was deferred on account of Ihe j absence of Aid. Casey, chairman of Ihe building commission, and, also lo give the aldermen oppor-i (unity of going through the hy-: law which is a leuglhy one. I Mayor Newton asked that, when, Ihe mailer did come up, the con-si ruction of chimneys he kepi iu mind. ANNOUNCEMENTS Lutheran llazuar, Hccemher 2, MelropoU Hall. Ilehekah Itaanr, SI. Andrew's Hoonis, December 6, .Methodist Church Hazaar, Uoc-endnr 11. T TIIK DAILY MKW8 mud mitEio FRUIT TREATMENT HEALS KIDNEYS Concentrated Fruit Juices Give Astonishing Results Anyone who has suffered with Weak or Irritated Kidneys with the accompanying miseries of pain in the hack, splitting headaches, swollen liamlj and feet, rheumatism and constipation ought to try the Fruit Treatment for their trouble. To tliote who use intensified fruit Juices "Fruit a tWes" for the first timr, it seems almost impossible that the juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunrs combined with tonics, could relieve Kidney Trouble. Hut a short treatment of " l'niit-a tires" gives quick relief and the regu lar use of these Intensified fruit juices or " Fruit LiverTablets" prore their marvellous virtues, (iet "Fruit a tives" today and begin theFruitTreatment. At all dealers: 20c. and 50c. a box ; or sent postpaid by Fruit a tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. TICKETS GOING FAST . FOR THE BEAUTY SHOP Seats for "The llemily Shop" beiiif: ixil on by a local troupe of nlxly peioii are bciiijr luken rapidly. The theatre is very nearly sold oul for tomorrow al though a few side eals ar sllll lo he had. Thursday is not a learly cleaned up hut for that lay more than three parts of the 'ioue is biKki and it is expected thai directly the first tiiichl cloe- there will not be a seat left foi Ihe morrow. Kxecllenl reports arc heard of i lie training of I lie performers who are ilooig wonders. GENERAL MEETING OF REGIMENT WAS HELD LAST NIGHT Arrangements Ceir.o Made for Social and Athletic Afflalrs Disposition of Cross to Discussed A general meeting of Ihe mem ber- of tli, Kirt North H.C. Kegimeni wa liehi in the bar-raeks lal uighl following par ade!. Col. J. W. NTehols presided Plans were advajii'if for a whisl drive and dance that is lo be held on Friday week, a lioxing lourna meiit lo lake place about the middle of leeeniler and Ihe regi mental hall, Ihe date of which is el for January tH. II wa also decided lo call a meeting of committees representing Hie ttreal War Veterans' As-oeialioii. eily council, ev-mem-brs of the in2od regiment and the evistins regiment itself lo dis cus- way and uieaHV of properly ereeliiiw Ihe cross that arrived from France. II is felt by' Ihe regiment Ihe ero. coiiiinemor-aling as it does men from Northern H.C. who died In the war, Is the properly of the cilitens as a whole and should he disposed nf in a manner suitable to their wishes. Two crosses arrived herv but one was snt to Vancouver. There was a good attendance at the meeting last night, some 10 members of i im regiment being in attendance. Do You Know? THAT 11 you ilkIti th minor lr? of tnina'li ili-tres Mich u- rum iwlns. smir I'ui n(t inniHi'h. Iiliwi-Inc. Uli'lilhg. .mi :i(icr-MiiiiK "0-vry. m nri tlfntnnif yum ImwI-lo veaiM of -lniin'. 'lomarli iru'iWIe Jo-To ll li' ilriiKKlntM vrr w h. r-will nulrklv r.-n' a ont-li mlry. Vesting Fimst ipialily Tubular Lingerie TIIICOl.KTTF. Tor Vests, etc., in Mauve, Flesh. While, Cardinal, Orchid. Ilulleieup, Hcg, l.:i5. IVr Vest Length, r. 90c .Mail Orders lleceive Prompt Allenlloii. West of England Store SMITH BLOCK. T. J. Shenton, inspector of liiuii'M, returned on the Canlena tin morning from a trip tto Stewart. The Whaler Oray, recently turned hack to her owner, Ihe Consolidated Whaling Co. by the C.ii.M.M., is in dry dock at Ks- (uirnall uuderxoiu;.' repairs lo her propeller and lailshaft. It is now considered unlikely thai Ihe Gray will go lo Ihe west coast of (iraliaui Island to pick up the alvsiKt'd ore from the wrecked molorship Kennecolt as had been originally planned. SEX TEACHING IN SCHOOLS Editorial , Article In Vancouver Paper Deals With Subject Vancouver .Star The average hoy of from to sixteen knows all there is lo know about a molor car. If. need he he could to all intents and purposes, take it to pieces and put it together again. If he knew one quarter as much bout Hie why and wherefore of his body and its different functions lie would be able to guard against far greater dangers than an automobile is every likely to meet with. Hut he does not, nor lues Ihe average girl, and the re- ull is loo often disastrous. That is why, here and else-.vhere, Ihe question of the teaching of sex-hygiene in t lie school s every now ami again cropping ip and receiving serious consid eration. That is why the Vancouver School Hoard is just about lo consider the advisability, or uadvisanilily, of introducing the -object into the schools. And hal is why a company of lead ing citizens and medical men of his rily foregathered at luncheon m Wednesday to hear the mater not before them by an expert With few exceptions it is realised that the matter is one demanding solution in a greater degree today lhan ever before. becailse the moral code is looser in Ihe reaction that has followed the war than it has been for many years. It i no reply lo those who vrgue for school instruction in the mailer to point oul thai the men? youngsters of today know- more about Ihe subject (ban 'heir narenls knew when Ihev hart I reached Hie twenties. They do, but what self-respect have many if lliese youngsters ol iu gaining the knowledge which their larenls should have (aught them. II U U prevent Ibis backslairs and harmful way of acquiring knowledge of a subject which i the mos vital subject in life that some form of sex teaching is necessary in (he schools. Convey Knowledge The point is. how is such a subject lo lie (aught in a manner jhal, while minimising sex-con-.ciouMiess. will convey the necessary knowledge? It must be tauuht by doctors and nurses ami it mii'l be taught, as Dr. Hurnetl mi ably pointed out in his address, by a course com mencing with Ihe simvlest forms of plant and flower life and working up through fih and bird life until, in the High School, the facts of life in relation lo the sex functioning of mammals, including human beings, are reached. This can only he laughl if the sexes are segregated during the High School period. The subject should, never be known in (he eurriulum as sex. hygiene, lis teaching at Ihe fin- isb won M )ia siicb a ii.itiir.il nnri logical result" of what had gone) tie Tore that it would, by thai time, have ceased lo excite" the! j curiosity of the student. II would , I be looked upon as a mailer of course which is the correal: angle from which to ytcw it. j TAKE UP MOTORCYCLES im.'iii t v x i iii.:i. it.. I ii.iii.i.. ,iui, i. n ihii; uic automobiles in Germany falls very far short of the per capital of population number registered i in Ihe Foiled Elates, Ihe 'motorcycle is popular and increasing! numerically rapidly. The total! doubled between toil and 1023. There are now more than 50,000 such machines of 2Vj horse i power, nnu ioo.ouo cquippeu wun i lower powered engines. ROUGH WAVES Purser Wilson "Don't you like the sea?" i Tourist at home a hair dres- '- - "X.-i when .fa. mai-.-elb-d." ffieef jVourislimefa When you add OXO Cubes to your soups, stews and other dishes you are adding more beef the rich goodness of prime Deef, which makes them tastier and more wholesome. OXO Cubes are so handy and convenient, too, that they make cooking easy. Tins of 4 Cubes - 15c 10 " - 30c. OK0 Tbe Great Beef Economy You Old Dear It's Just Adorable lie had just given her a wrist wuli-h in one of Ihe new patterns. The pride in her new possession is unrestrained for he surely showed good lasle in the choosing; and we guaranteed the movement to give every satisfaction. The prices this year are lower than ever before because the Swiss wntch faclor-ies have till started mitkiug small witches, and their market in Hussiu ami Germany is not the best so they have to offer us low prices. Ton should ee some of the little beauties from S20.00 to $75.00 BULGER & CAMERON LIMITED. Guess who wrote this ad? Can you wrile a better one? "The time is extended to November 30. mm fttlEN WATCH ESiiaaai m TCVBES "The Family Shoe Store" Men's Special This Week Slater's Invictus Shoe, best calf stock THERE'S NOTHING TO EQUAL M .WHraaMMiaw 4raHllllllllllHrPKK to Quickly Soothe and Heal CHAPPED HANDS, CHILBLAINS, COLD-SORSS, CUTS. BURNS, SCALDS, VCZEMA, ULCERS, PILES, POISONED WOUNDS, Etc. $9.50 Special Assortment of Discontinued Lines iu Men's Shoes, lilt at S5.75 Small sizes only, Knglish Shoes, cost price $15.50. Phone 357. WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVICE Effective November 17th. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Mils rrom I'rlm-e lurl FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, luteriuruuie jlnl rarh Friday 9.00 a.m. For STEWART ami ANY0X WfUwsUay. II.M pju. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Vancouver via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, .Nov. XV. litre. 13, T. jail. 10. l. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, VII0 i.m. fur l'rlm-r Uvurire. EDMONTON, WINNIPEQ, all iHjlnu Ealeru Canada, I'ultrd SUlm. AQENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cltj Tlcktl Offka, SZS Third A, Prlnc Rgprt. Phon 260.