25 TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th 8U MATT VIDECK, Prop. UeaMaajMaaajaajajajaaM ; .. ( " VOI MV NO, 277 1 h 1 ,- 1,-. Refute to Continue to Work Homes Where Orientals Employed 'it Tmi. .i .r In when while fflrU are' tt I Sun' h - "he till Ihej ; :h khU who Ifli ihein -i f . . : i 1 1 1 y tin' imiidi'i "I Su) Mi STEWART MAN ! HAS INVENTION, Ntw Differential Gear Pro Great Success and Will be in: h Marketed ni"ltle hisliiry has been per- il by HiiKK Slralfonl who. ' VVilinini Noble, is financing in i otii.ii. left last week for I ;il to put it on Ihe market. 'In ii'M'iiiion couslsls of a i'lrnal gear capable of vsmg the power on to any one ;vl separately. With ears as i i'l'd id present. If one wheel ' 'he ground or does mil lake I action, the car will not ' r If eipilpped with Ihe Slral- nn yeiir. Ihe ear will run on On r wheels - In fuel, Mr. Slrat- il il; ive lliroit((h town wilh one lni l in llic rear of Ihe car and pule holding up the axle. Ihr rielij Is said to be lllilim-lleil for Ihe Invention us Ihe new -''iit run be mlapled lo any car imiil Iheif nee millions in uperii-t-'i) iii inlilillou lo those being "inicd out dally. SIXTY TALENTED ARTISTS Special Cost nines "THE BEAUTY SHOP" Wednesday and Thursday Novomber 26 A 27 al H p.m. sharp Westholmo Theatre i:,MIIII. No. 25. I icli Mar-, dial Viscount Allenby visited the i i.i . .ui...u., ,.M.,.i .. j ii-l'iim J"iri nmj lu rr-1 1 1 , jlhoinuiiid pound reward to Ihe .policeman who wan woumtal in lalfeinoling to catch the morHwer No s. liirK f be late Mrlr, r l Stwfc, . l.i-lliT el- liwiiew of WM, WHpi ,ht,( ,imii here few) where OrieolMl. are ,u) Hjto. Inl Allenby loM Ihe an- Icavinir thetr em- iMiliceman he hod iterfnriued a 1 in large iiiiimImtk. de- ,Hiimuilied action ami the re- Mhv l.llcn Sioilli. who i ward lu'lnki I (lie apprci-Mlioii i "ix I" x'l a hill throiivh of ImiIIi I he I till t . It ami Snuilan- Xiliilioe lo reenl Ihe rM. xiimtmiiichI - OnenluU in, - - - COUNCIL DISCUSSES WATER RATE REPORT Tabulation of Results of Survey Not Yet Completed and Complaint Made Aid. Perry like lo see Ihe ileull wilh before Ho year, even if it wa ueccsarv obtain extra help. Aid. Collarl fell thai the work shonhl have l already pleled. A man had been engaged! Ihrac moiilhs taking Ihe canvass.) Aid. Macdonabl replied Hint I Mr. Hampton had b t exacllyj two imoiiI It - on Ihe job. just mi the ulililies coniliiiltee had fore-1 ciisled. He would lake Ihe mailer! no wilh n view lo having a re-j . . . r ... II... I null pol l nciore inn "i" " " Monday. Aid. Collarl alo asked if Ihe Inspection of I lie Woodworlh Lake dam by Ihe cily engineer! and superintendent of ulililles as ordered by Ihe council on reipiesl of Aid. Maedonald bad been eoiu-pleled. Aid. Macdnnald replied i.lhal the unperliilemlenl had been (uiiuble'ln get al this, having been jbusy coiilinuously for Ihe past .few weeks at Ihe sub-station. I'l'he superliileiiilenl had given as- sunpice 1 1i tt I there was no danger 'with respect to Hie dam nndfcH was of first importance' K'"' the sub-station in oocration. II. 'was expected thai the" dam in spection week. would be maile thi' i AM. Perry inquired "f Aid ! Macihmabl. chairman f the 11I1I-1 it oiiiiiiillcc, lanl mailt whai; had lieeu dune n'KMnlinx the prn- poseil revision of water rales iii , iii.. eiiv fiilliiwiiiir the survey lliall Proye,had been taken by house lohom.e canvas. . j Aid. Maedouahl replied thai. nwinit lo the larxe amount of . . . . . . ... .... .; ... Sll WMtr. Nov. 25. - An in-'clerical work invoiveu. iMiiuiain.H j wl.ii ti inuv revo III I oiiliu.nl Hie imorioaiHui mi- riifirur iii an uee.oiiut ooulain-mx ii laUf ami deceptive slale- IIM'llt. I'ariiiird will mini- up for sen- ll'IICl- Oil I llVI'lllllIT 31. ACQUITTED ON ! . MURDER CHARGE Mary Seraflnl Not Guilty or Death of Henri Cleroux MON'I lli:.L. Nov. 30. - Mary .rafini. whe husband wa hauffed recently with three oilier for Ihe miirih-r of Henri Cleroux. hank chaffiMir. wa aciuilled Inlay after I In- jury had deliberated a few minute. Slje vn charxeil with the fame crime for winch her hiihaiid wa hanged. INTERNATIONALE IS AGAINST BRITIST ACTION IN EGYPT LONDON. Xov. 25. - A lleuter desiuilch from llij-'a says the I'hiiil lulerna-tiouale in Moscow ha writ ten (heir "dear comrades in 1'. pi and the Soudan' uririnx them to continue their struggle against I lie Imperialists. ,.. """i mdc WAnc caii c pnn vi ! ciooo e ei . l ie now. "n ui.iii utilities committee wa awaiting; this before mnfelng a report. j staled thai he would liiV1i.vv , ,,,...... "a nnallyi : ". end of the! wiunw "i r. ...... t,.; agent general lor i.auaua m London, accompanied by her. daughter, will sail for Camilla on ')''r- 3- "r '",( "v- com-1 W ade will remain Here lor me present. MEMBERS AGREE TO PAY $400 EACH TO CHILDREN'S SOCIETY Unemployment Relief to be Given Consideration In Connection With Government's Loan Bill VICTOHIA. Nov.' 25. As a re sult of the cross fire in Hie Leg (Mature yesterday. O. A. WVilkctn. member for llielimoiul and ('.lias. Wooihvnrd. member for Vancou ver, eacti agreed to pay ?mu lo the Children's Aid Society, that amount representing the amount of the increase Iwo years ago oT the sessional Indemnity. Minister of Finance McLean announced Unit unemployment relief would be gicn consideration under authority of this session's lb ree and a half million dollar loan bill. , ! i ti i HOME ON DECEMBER 3 11 i niuj I IHII5J.IIIJ ii i.i.. r..M 4-. ....... rim . lease rem wiiv im -ji-m.-. ... Only other negotiations were wilh .the cily and a concurrent agree- . inent with respicllo taxes, water . ami power was oesnni. Pointing out thai il was to. I allogelher desirable lo have a mill within the oily limits and that a location nl l'orl Kdward would have been just as suitable. Mr. Buckley made it understood that il was not expected Ihe plan! would be taxed or levied wilh charges oilier I ban taxe of bein- ocaled' n the cily or doing business here. II whs ex pected thai il would be allowed lo ooerale as If it was outside the city. I Mr. Buckley asks that Ihe! ii i-ri-tniiiHiil jih Iii ilfltin it w In r;il i - I BATTLE FLEET OF UNITED STATES TO VISIT AUSTRALIA WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. The battle fleet of the United Stales navy will visit Australia next summer it it is is an nouneed ' ere SStata PRINCE RUPERT I' Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper IMtlXCI", III PKHT. B.C., TIKHDAY. NOYl'MBKlt 2T. Iir.it v.ti-d.ft c.rtui.iioo 1,709 Jill US 'lie hetped l- i ' . i i, 1 1 : t run 10 ilownilg Stro-I. Mi lilibel Mil' Donald, daughter Hi Hritiiin' Labor prime minister, niiled him in hi- election campaign in a 1UU-spcech lour. She is shown here at .Sterling. Buckley Asks City for Somz Concessions for Mill Which it is Proposed to Again Open In connection with hi project of re-openiug the Seal dive mill here, Frank L. Hockley i .seeking a 25-year agreement willi the cily on laxe, wirier and power. Mr. Buckley's propoilion whs received at lasl night's council meeling and wa referred to the fiiiMnce com'niiltee for rejMirt. There was no discussion. Mr. Buckley ieks for an Msse-nienl not execeeding n,(i0O with a maximum lx rate of HI mill, lie is willing to y a mouth water rale and ak for a power contrai l similar lo Ihe one formerly given Ihe mill with a maximum charge of :l-ic eller, Mr. Buckley-' gCMeO IIUII ll U- lirrrjum 3 iimi . everyone should give supinirl and co-operation with a view to gel- ling the idle plant in operation again, lie was not asking, lie thought, for anyinuu Jrce or unreasonable. Negotiations, w hich gave promise of beins satisfactory, were under way with the iui for a 2a-year TRYING TO ARRANGE GERMAN-BRITISH TRADE AGREEMENT LONDON. Xov. 25. British and liermau trade experts are here negotiating with a view lo arranging conditions of a commercial agreement between the Iwo GOOD PROGRESS ON water 'i,',''"s ,s '""li: """" ! won i. e .vipr(l ,e Lsquimall IIIMI (MlWrr HT -"I VIM IV --- i . . . . . 4 I I I... II. m II H II I ' in I ii vni"i vi hm - ONE SESSION ONLY OF BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Members Expect to Arrive Thursday Afternoon and Leave for South Following Morn Word was received this morning by J. M. Campbell, of the l-.inployinent Bureau, that only one session of the adjustment board under the Fight Hour Day law would be held here and that no Thursday evening. The mem bers of the board will arrive from; Hie Fast on the train on Thurs- ! ilny. will hold Ihe session that New Zealand and! evening and will leave for Ihn an- south the followinc morn in sr on. II): t tir Prie.c Rupurt. llritt !, 472. terlor ?cef Will be Made In January it Is Expected The Prince Ituoerl built Can adian ov eminent Merchant Mar ine leanicr Canadian aim meiit of live cattle from the llolkley Valley lo the Orient it i now expected. It had been at. first intended to make the ship- FOUR CANDIDATES MAYOR OF NANAIMO Vli'.TMIUv Niiv 25. Mainr- ESQUIMAU DRYDOCK j. h. McBhe,.. cum otj 8 a.m. Did BY ISLAND. Cloudy, barometer. 30.28; lempvralure, 1 18: sea .smooth. i I DKAD TIIKK POINT. Cloudy. ;calm; barometer, 30.12; temper-: .at ure, 32; sea smuolh. ; I BULL HAHBOIl. Clear. ealm; I barometer. 3(1.20; temperature, 32: moderate swell; 11:15 p.m. spoke steamer Cnmosun al Wail-' bams' Cannery southbound. Noon DKiBY ISLAND. Cloudy. Ii alure, 39; sea smoolh BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wedding parlies. For rales, apply to Boston Grill, Third Ave. Phone 457. PRICE FIVE CENTS. SCAPE OF CANADIANS FROM FIRE CONCESSIONS ASKED FROM CITY FOR OPENING OF MILL AT SEAL COVE Canadians had a. Call When Fire Close Broke Out in Picadilly Club LONDON. Nov. 2'. A Su:wii il uinoiuer; . I mlndler Irnllrr, Tunic pal'ly of Canadian, including II. II. Thumpoii, former Ouuuiliai and u one lime resident of Victoria and maunder er BreUni Oi.. mill Herbert O. Friend of Vancouver, le ii thrilling wape frniii being burned In dealh this morning lirt' in tin; annex In lln- British I'mpirr Club, I'icrudilfy vrf winch wus II f I'll as residential quarters lor ovrrens '!. The woman hoifekrepcr losl her lil' 1ml all Hie m-Hoi- c-J unharmed through the v- Iiy I lit alii of the ftrc- M S e . wn. awakened liy g flame-- au'l oner ' i' i t It minutes. GIRLS LEAVE , EMPLOYMENTl GOOD REWARD FOR POLICEMAN Who Tried to Catch Murderer of Sir Le Stack Geta Thousand Pounds DIRECTOR OF ! HOME BANK IS FOUND GUILTY .VIII be Sentenced on December 31 on Three Counts Under Bank Act I'OIIONTO. Xov. 25. (, A. Barnard, K.C., of Montreal, one 'if IIh- director of Hit' ilcfuiirl llmiii' lla:ik was I lii" morning found guilfy mi three counts tinder Hip Canadian Hank Art aris-inn out of (lie collapse of thai ' institution. The three charge' are: Thai lie ilid make wilfully fa We r deceptive statements, j I'ulawfiiHv lifting a false or lie- j cepli' statement. Ni-KliKi'iilly did fiirn or approve. New Egyptian Cabinet Consider B) itish Demands and all Further Action is Delayed by This Country LONDON, No. T. The British Oovertiment is going to wi'lmid furth'-r artion in Kgypt lo allow the new cabinet time to n onsider the British demands, only pari of which ttie Zagloul ministry agreed to, and to communicate officially with Loudon . egardiug them. 11 is hoped here thai Hie new cabinet will be able lo agree o Ihe ileuiuiids in which ease Ihe British Coverutneiil will consider the iiicideiil of the assassination closed so far as cli jilumutiu relation wflh Kgypt are concerned. ' SCOTTISH TO EMPIRE FAIR : TAKE CATTLE, WILLREOPEN ! First Shipment to Orient of In-! Wembley Exhibition Council De- cides to Carry on Another Year for LONDON. Nov. 25. The Empire exhibition at Weiub-- Sco'lIisli''l-V ' ',e carr'e'' 011 fr another ,, ii, i jeur. i ii at was toe uecisiuu ar- will come here between January; . , III to lo to load loau l the lie first nrsi ship- snip-' ";.. ' ? . I-"u"-" oi i exiiiuiiiou. .iusi now me exhibition is closed and it will remain closed all winter, opening at a dale to be set in the spring . ..1 .- ........... Ml... . I .... I 1 .... I . ii - , , 'I ' , puiiiiiii. i iic tirnitiu . iineiil iliBUaibidiau Miller on , , ., .. ,, lecemler uul llial vessel Had a full car?o from the south. II is expected that a rale of 37.50 or better per head will he obtained for (his shipment which will include about CO cattle. all the Dominions and colonies had asreed lo do their pari lo- ward making it successful. Last year there was a considerable loss to the guarantors, the total running into several millions. That included the cost of election of buildings and equipment, which next year will not have to be renewed. OTTAWA. Nov. 25. No olll- cial announcement has been NANAIMO, Nov. 2a.-1 here . ,,,,, bv (j0Ver,,ment as to to be a lively civic contest t In wbwlicp it wi reta, , Cana-year willi Tour aspirants for the ijan pxjlij( a( u11,,,,ey nMl position or Mayor, lliey arejy.a. ,lU, Iirac,jeav certaili Aldermen ictor Harrison. Ihos. ,. wm bp I( js un(er. Smith. Barsby and Handle, there fUwd h(. poun(.n ((f U(c px areanu.nueroiier...Kiue,.,.,c,(lljlijjon W(TulJ MJ have dcciJed as aldermen and for the positions of police commissioner and school ll-ustre. I ATTENDED JAPANESE MILITARY MANOEUVRES o reopen next year except with J he co-operation of Canada. FURS SCARE AND 1 PRICES ARE HIGH i William Goldbloom Finds In- dlans Well Heeled With Cash and Many Not Trapping This Winter iSIUO Ol me vj.iiiuuian niiiiiiii. hi -; 'rived Unlay on the steamer Km- Furs are YICTOIUA. Nov. 25 Hood pro-1 ..rCanaila from Jaoan. Hiis winter Canadian Covernment lo be used f by the council and submitledj"""1'"'''' ",,xl to the electors al the January election. ' f Staling thai the commuuica-lion had already been before Ihe utilities coin mi Lice regarding Ihe power clause and thai there would likely be difference of opinion as far us il al least was concerned, Mayor Newton referred Ihe letter lo the finance con-mil lee for report. was sent to attend Ihe, high stale sOIII and lo be scarce prices will be William (ioldbloom. Japanese military manoeuvres. i the local dealer who is just back He said he had sained valuable, from a trip down the coast in the iexi.erience which he Irusted to bo'.course of which he visited sev- . . . in connection willi me iraval nasc ; ull(, ,0 j,a!s ol ,0 lm. i:Unuiiian al thai harbor. II is expected , ,jjiarv forces, thai I lie concrete work will be so. " far advanced that it will be possible to commence installing', pring. WIRELESS REPORT era! of the fur producing points. There have been comparatively few marlen taken so far. The Indians are pretty well heeled with cash and many oT them are not bothering wilh trapping thin season. lit, southeast wind; barometer. 30.- 31; temperature. Hi; sea .smooth. DKAD THKK POINT. Cloudy,! calm; barometer, 30.18; temper-! HULL" HAHBOIl.- Misty, light southeast wind: barometer. 30.- ;wi: temperature, 12: inoderate MEETING TO PLAN FOR A MUSEUM IN PRINCE RUPERT Touighl Father Kashe-varolf will meet a Tew interested local people iu the rooms over Ihe Daily News for Ihe purpose of discussing wilh Iheni Hie possibility of forming an organization lo gel together the nucleus of a museum here. Anyone inleresled in the mailer and willing to help is invited lo attend the meet fug. N