I WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 9 p.m. TOM MIX AND TONY, THE WONDER HORSE, IN "THE TROUBLE SHOOTER." A tornado of stirring adventures und thrills in the wild und woolly. . SPECIAL NOTICE JACK DEMPSEY, THE WORLD'S GREATEST FIGHTER, In the "FIGHT AND WIN" Series of Pictures No. 1 "Winning His Way." Now is your chance! More is Ketnpsey himseir in motion-pictures in which ho docs everything lie did in the ring and more loo. You'll see him fight fight in the way that won him fame and you'll also see him make love, make daring rescues, seek romance in it's most hazardous sources in this series of pictures of the kind that everybody likes. Kiirh number is n complete story. Supporting cast includes Ksther Ralslon, llayden Stevenson, Chuck Heisiier and Carmelita (leraghty. International News. Admission 35c and 10c. PUBLIC TAKE NOTICE. e are in a position to ipiote you the lowest market prices on Veal, Lamb and Hoof. Hoilinm Heef. per lb. .. Pot Roast, per lb. . . . Choice Ito.isl, per lb. -. Leszs of Lamb, per lb. Shoulder Lamb, per lb. Veal Slew, iier lb. . . . WATER NOTICE (Dliraralon and U) 5o 8c 15c 35o 20c 7c Choice Veal Hoasl, per lb. 15c Home Mad" Headcheese, per lb 20o Sausage, per Hi 15o Dripping, per lb 15c ltoloxna. per lb 20c Come in and talk to us on a fine price on quantities. Lowest in town. Our new stock of ltaisius, Peels. Nuts, Cherries, Jii;s and Hales has arrived. Heller Quality and Lower I'rices. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428 Orders of $3.00 delivered TAKE .MjTICE that Andrew SoMarl, Alft'lil fur Enalwer Gold Mint Ltd., Inc., uIiiwr Kfilrftga Is 818-120 II road wiv. .New Vurk, '.V.. will apply for a llceiire to take; and Uof SO rubir fert xr second of! waler out (he W'ann lllver, which rlows. Westerly and drains Into Taku Arm about I wo ami a hair mile south of Enjlnw Minn. The water will be diverted Iron) the Mr-earn at a point about one mile up-. I Mr-cam from Taku Arm. and will be used, for Niwer purpose upon the "Engineer Mine," described art Eleven Cruwn-ffrantedj Mineral Claims, rurveyed as l.ota No. 19,1 JO, I (If.. S07, SOD. 918. 7; 968; 070; I 07?, and ln4 (Iroup I, i:alar DUtrtrt.' This nntlrf was pouted on the around on Ihe tun day or June. t?4." A copy of tliln iKitlee and an application pursuant! thereto and to the "Water Art. I8l,"i will be filed In the ofriee or the Water li Ileeorder at Atlln. B.C. Objections to the; application may be rued with the said Water Iterorder or with the Comptroller ' or Waler nights. Parliament nulldlnr. Victoria, P.r,., within thirty days arter the first appearance of ihia notlre In a local newspaper. The dale or Ihe rirst pub- i P'-atlon or tbl notice Is October 30th. 194. ENOINFEII OOl.n MIXES. LIMITED. I.NC.J Applicant. ! Bv Andrew Soslad. Arent CONRAD STREET AND ELEVENTH AVENUE E. IS NOW TO Bfi PAYED An initiative local improvement bylaw to authorize I lie construction of a 15 root mattress pavement on Conrad street from Hays Cove Avenue to Eleventh Avenue We have just received a shipment of FRESH NUTS We are now in u position to quote you the lowest prices: Hrazil Nuts, per lb. 25o Almond-', per II 25c Filberts, per lb 25c Manrhurlun Walnuts, per lb 25c California Soft Shell Walnuts, per lb 40c Chestnuts, per lb 30c Huy your requirements now I'rices will never he lower, Fresh Meat Always In Stock ECONOMY STORE 417 Fifth Ave. West Phone 84 Prince Rupert, B.C. TIME For Sale Time is the measure of lire . That's what our salesmen offer you. They are selling a real service, giving you time for more important duties than washing. Will You Buy? Phone 8. PHONE 8 && 60X392 and Ihence along Eleventh Ave. to a point IHI feet east of Hie w est boundary of Frederick SI reel was introduced ami put Ihrnutch its rirst readings al last night's council meeting. The construction bylaw for the paving of Ninth Avenue Easl from Mcllride Street to the in lersectiou with Eighth Avenue was finally reconsidered and adopted. n i.i ntmmntMi m m km tMmxmmamswmxt OUR a ft m n w n n w s H u kt 3 n B H M M H STOCK REDUCING SALE CONTINUES TO THE END OF THE MONTH The Samo Bargains are Still Obtainable at Stock Reducing Sale Prices SHOE DEPARTMENT SPECIALS Men's Fell .'Slippers, with leather soles, for $1.50 Ladies' Itubhers, medium heel, sizes from for 75c Ladies' Hubbers. fell lops, medium heel, for 50c Ladies' Plain und Strap Pumps, high and medium heel, for , $2.50 47 Pairs of Ladies' Slippers, low und medium heel, one und two strap, regular $7.00 to $8.50. Sale . . $4.50 V: , Jabour Bros. Ltd. I M j Cor. 3rd Ave. and 7th St. Phone 045 5 h . iuwmmjm m Bv, au k, m bxej b;ji bi h j wxmmm wamawa m mumra WEEK END SPECIALS SWIFTS' PREMIUM BACON 35c lb. (by the side) Average Weight, I to 0 lbs. each Swift I Swir Mince Meat, packed in pails, 1 2 Mi lb. each. Extra special, pail $1.95 Roquefort or' (iorgonzola Cheese, new stock per 75o i lb. lots or over at 10c a lb. less. McLaren Cheese in Jars, small sue 45c large 85c Holland Herrings, new stock this week $1.65 J Brand PURE NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES Small size special tin . . 10c Olacier Sardines in Olive Oil, special 2 for ... 25c 9 for $1.00 Cove Oysters, per liu.. 25c Preserved, (iinger in syrup, small jars 45c large jars 85c Crosse & Ulackwell's pickal-lily Pickles, jar .. ..45c Shelled Pecan Nuts. 8 o.. vacuum pack tins.. $1.00 Class jars. 3WOL .. 50c Crystallized Assld. Fruits, 1 lb. wood boxes .. $1.50 Fard Dales, new slock, lb. .. . 40o Hlack Figs. 2 lb 45c BEANS M TOMATO SAUd Campbell's Pork & Heaiis. extra special, 2 for .. 25c Sunshine Itraml Peaches, 2 Vs. reg. 10c tin, special, 2 for ... .. . G5o II. K. Ilolled Oats, 7 lb. sacks, special, each.. 50o Lard, in hulk, lb 20c 5 lbs. for 95c Extra Special Xnias Pail Candy, special, 500 lbs. Hock Mixed, 2 lbs for 45c Suukisl Oranges, 17 Tor 25c Jap Oranges arriving Friday , per box 90c llip llanauas, 2 lbs. for 356 Mexican Outdoor Toinalos, lb ....40o 'Extra fancy slock for slicing.' . California Head Lettuce 20 o California Ilrussel Sprouls, lb 30o li.C. Ilrussel Sprouls, lb. 20o Cauliflower .. . . 35c to 50c Celery, 2 for 25c Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs, for 25o Rupert Table Supply P.O. DRAWER 1712, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 3 Phones, 210, 211, 212 1 All That A Gift Should Be Useful, Ornamental, and a lasting token of friendship. A visit to our store will convince you that our stock Is up to date, well selected, and marked In plain figures to compete with the keenest competition In Canada. DIAMONDS In the latest settings. WATCHES, all kinds, hundreds to choose from. CLOCKS with 12 day movements. STERLING SILVER and HOLLOW-WARE In pleasing designs. COMMUNITY and 1847 ROGERS In several patterns. CUT GLASS, the finest assortment In Canada. CHINA, English and French, In beautiful designs. UMBRELLAS We specially Invite you to see this line It will save you money. BRASSWARE and NOVELTIES, etc. OUR OPTICIAN AND OPTOMETRIST will test your eyes and fit your glasses properly. OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Max Heilbroner JEWELER. "HOURS OF WORK" ACT, 1923. Pursuant to the proisions of Chapter 22 of the Statutes of 1K23 being the "Hours of Work Act A negro named Sam had for his master for five years. His friend, Iteu, said to him one tla': . "Now. Sam, yiu have worked 1111 there and make your cmnloyer 'rich. You ought to ask for morn 1 money. You jus tell him: "Look here, guv'nor, you pay me more ; money or 'clsej" ! Sam tried his friend's advice next morning. 1le began: "Say. boss, you hah lo gib me mo' I money fo' dis job."' "Well, Sam, I'll see about It," ;was Ihe reply. I "See about, iiolhin'. You pay !nio' or else "Pay more tir else, else whal 1" The employer's eyes flushed and his (one was sharp. Sum's eyes blinked as he delected his master's anger, and in u sofe voice he replied: "Else I wuck for de same money." DIAMOND SPECIALIST. PROPOSAL TO LIGHT CITIES FROM MILL Duncan and Ladysmllh Talking i of Buylno Power from Chemalnus CIIEMAIMS. Nov. 25. There is a scheme afoot for lie new mill now in course of creel ion tilicre. lo supply electric current in uolice is hereby given that the n,,. jw rjiie of l.udysmilh and lloaM or Adjustment apponiic.i i"()Uncaii, one seven miles dlslanl administer the said Act will hold-amj ,j. oIjl(.r (W,.ve ln,vr lUr a Public Meeting for Hie purpose sa!,,..,l(.,j ,,all ,lt, L.mv!t wul,,j or obtaining information, at the ,.u,., ji.j iu 0W, iraiistniss.ou Court House. Prince lluperl, oniti,,,; ,.mi i.v Ml ,,,,v,0r , Thursday r. NovcnUier 27, at 7.30'.,. al " oiicinainu. They p.m. All persons interested are cordially invited In be-prrscnl. 4t-l. -MrXIVEX M'.li!iirn;m T. F. PA'l-ll'.llSON, F. V. FOS I'I'.lt, Members Hoard of Adjustment. November 15. t'J2L 279 LJ2. THE RUSSIAN LOAN There is not a trade union in the coiiiilry lhat would lend 10 lo the Soviet government. Sir John Simon. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert E. C. Nevi-on, ll. M. Iliirritl, M. M. Waterman and J. M. Cal- lisler, Vancouver. Central Krling Locke, Stewart. AN ALTERNATIVE would then havp Ihe option of selling power und light to funnel's or others along Ihe route of the power line: The current would be generated by steam turbines, the furl being the waste from the The scheme wit! have lo be ap proved by Ihe councils and rale-t payers of each city before being adopted. lo JJI.OD yard STEWART I The llydep Chamber of Com- meree has passed a reouliou endorsing the . movement lo retire Ihe construction of a 'transcontinental railway having lis terminus at Hie head of Portland Canal. The resolution will be forwarded to railway otlicials and chambers of commerce al Edmonton, Minneapolis, St. Paul and Dululh. James Nesbill, pioneer mining man ami locator of the Prince .loli 11 group, has gone south lo spend the winter. School Inspector II. C. Eraser of Prince lluperl was 11 visitor here last week on departmental business. The new power hou-e of the Public Utilities Lid. to replace the one that was destroyed by Hie recently is practically com plelcd. William Noble, liquor vendor, has gone on a lliree months' leave of absence and Will Jan-cowskl, assistant, lias been appointed relieving vendor. Advertise in Hiq Daily News j Special Wednesday COTTON VOILES 'lit iin'l ttijfi in linL VltiivL AihiIm liiiv PpLIii. 1 1 tr vnlni' S Wednesday Only, 2 yards for $1.00 H. S. Wallace Co. 3rd Ave. and Fulton SL We v C stock siuuis. I'luiui Pictorial iui 1 Patterns. unci no. Phone 9. g p 1 iaBiiHl jiii:B.:ii .H:jM;;jBJw:,ii1i:'B.iiiBi;!.i!i,iBiil.lii,BiiBJii;,M,:.;,(' SPECIALS Box 123 LADIES! LADIES JUST AnniVEO Latest cut in the L111101 1 DUCIIKSHK" Shoes 1 1 Mi:ippv signs to chtiosc front- short hin:, viimp Mali Jong heels. Pup;it' Salius and new Fancy Oxford. Prices rnnge from $0.00 to $7.50. These lusiiiliful shoe-: v: ii ( $ll.r0 ill ny enslcrn slore MEN Large shipment of "HLVTKU" allocs. 15 new designs Latest stvlcs. Prices $7.50 to $12.00 GROCER "COIITKCILU s Dress Velvet, W w..::- (X ipnsilc ipialilv s V.'W. Tnupc nii t ,: Heg. r.&0. Spc III fk DICIMvSS' s i. hcKvy tpi.iiin wide. Heg. :i,3u. SM-cinl . See our di-phiv : K Towels for Xnuis : T ti tie winil' W $.50 $2.50 Universal Trading Co. "Rupert Fish" Fresh Frozen All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties In season. Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brand." Finnan Haddle "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotlans. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Grey Cod Shell Fish Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prlryj Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OFB.ClTU. Sallliiti frutn rrutra Buprt; or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swam Utj, tn4 Al.n r. Tur. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Al.d ,, ana Santn Sar, Saturan, 10 A" far ANVOX, ALICt ARM, STIWART, Iun4tr, t P.M. For ARYOX, PORT SIMPSON antf Hut Rlitr Caitnarlai, tt4n A.M. 121 2nd Aitnut. 4. BarnaitF, At.nl. rmc Rual, l 50 Boxes EXTRA FANCY JONATHAN, GRIMES GOLDEN and WAGNER APPLES $2.65 Per Box WE DELIVER. F. W. M0ERSCH Phone 13 GET IT ATlssf I HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 586 OUR FRESH GROUND COFFEE AT 40c and 50c LB.