Pre-Christmas SALE Specials For Tuesday & Wednesday Udle' Pure Silk Pointy Hosiery ,,,k. and hm-d. Il-K. ...,. ,.. 1U T..cduv am Wcd- ' "r 1,,y . . . . $1.75 Ladles' Kayser Italian Silk Hosiery Meg. ,',.7;,, SuN. $350 Lsdles' Kid Cloves- lb..,,, iirey. Mv nM(J , k , ; :,. :l.O(i. and :i.;t,. sale Prne . . . ... 52.00 Children's Brown Kid Cloves All Mzc. rlir $150 French Sleeping Dolls $125 ALL TOYS FOR TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY AT 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT JABOUR BROS. LTD. Cor. 3rd Ave. and 7th, St. Phone 645 CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Shop dlscriinli.ately, obtaining the highest values, yet escaping upwarranted prices. Carry this list to the Government Liquor Stores and accept no substitutes. BOOTH'S LvflDON DRY CINS II id t .i ... Ilotllc. y. 73. Ihllh uo'l Ur. .'i IhiHh, ?; BLANK EN HEYM & NOLETS KEY BRAND HOLLAND GINS lie 1 Jmiu'i 1 ,1 1 , u 'i.?.. : itiTii llrpuled (Jiiutt, Vy"; VimIii n ,n lie dir. i. :..". DENIS IY10UNIE GOLD LEAF COGNAC, 12 Years Old (ji in:!.;:,: PimI-. .mo. ESCHENAUER CLARET8 AND SAUTERNS sr Jul. ..... .! .i" .1, .1 M.ti'K.m CUrcl. VJiiurU, '.": Pioli. I ".' . II jf S11 1 - H...I-. l. Pints. 70c. OlUV- Si 1 1 1 i- 1 1 . . ( ti;iiil. S.'ir. CONZALEZ'BYASS SHERRY AND PORTS 1-rirt' Ohl. I.jHiI i-.i.l-ii. I..Vi. Ilrd l.ttti.l. I . : llltn- Label, 2.Ufl. One l..iftl'' P'ni. l.:.u; Three Hugh I Sm-I, $.I0. HEERINC'S CHERRY BRANDY ?1.75 mr WAti. LEMON HART RUM tUn .l J.iiii.ii. . 1. t (i.p., Itrputed .Qitiirt, ifi.Ou: I 1 ) ...I (.liMl'K II lo. i.r." :!.". o.P.. HI , Itlle. $L.50; lleputcil On .n- i mi; Imp. rial Quarts f O.IMI. iMiif-.i' Pro.. 1. Hi l(Z Holtlc. ?.yO; ItiHileil ,Ik, im.. i.iiiaii, ..fiO. NUYEN8 LIQUEURS - (.t't'iLA (J. M. .1 ' i ."" "i liolllr. MITCHELJlvS HEATHERDEW SCOTCH WHISKEY Ilfjriic l u ...11- ,."; 1 1 1 lal Onorl. .5.ri0. MITCHELL'S FINE OLD IRISH WHISKEY II puled l.tii.irl- si "' ; Imperial Ojlnrts, fl.Of. I: 1 u'hn'liM'Mii'iii '- ii"l i-iiLi'-lii'il or displayed iy Hit l.liputr tlOMt r.i II... in! ' bv III'' l.uMIIIIIICIlt or Itntl'll O.lllllll.KI. "Rupert Fish" Fresh Trozcn -All varieties. Fresh ,FIh All varieties In season. f Smoked Fish Our well known "Rupert Brands." FhinariHaddle "Thistle Brand" Nova Scotlans. Canned Salmon- Pinks, Skeena Sockeye, etc. 8alt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Crey Cod Sheil"Flsh -Crabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prir"a Rupert. B.C. Canadian National Railways no. Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers,, MacnlnlsU. Boilermaker, Blacksmiths, Pattern Jmakers, Fcundirs, Woodworkers, Eto. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Oir plant is equipped l !imiIIc hII kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. , PHONES 43 and 38F CASEY CHARGES ARE THROWN OUT City Council Last Night Adopted FUport that they were Without Foundation r;iiiiiw. iy AM. CiKcy af.'!iiiiHl Hu: rily ciiKiiu-rr uinJ IJSily Fnrf-(iian Mrlliii' vm'I'i' ili!;iii.'",il ljy I lie rily roiincil lal iihiliL when a icijii ft-i f ti the board of wurkx cizncl l.y Aid. perry and AM. McMonii,. fin, Hi, K thai (In-rlia rfi- were willnml foijinlalion wa ailoj.ieil. A ininorily 'ri-porl from AM. Ca.i'y, nUn a, iiR-inhcr of Hip l.o.inl of uork., iIUkimiIIiik 'rum I In fni.liiit,' ami ilctViulini; Uii' fliarjt.'s wiim alo uliiiiillcil. Tin' ailuplion of llii.H niiiioiity rc)iiil a. mnvcl liy AM. Caey nmj M-rotiiJcJ fy AM. MiiriloiiaM. Tlif ilivHion of I ln couhfil on Mic two rc'iorU wa a follow.s: for Hoiinl of Works itihiiI AM. v.i'i'riy. ,M.i. .Me .Mo rd if, AM. :iann. AM. Sliiiih, AM. HviH and Aid. Collar'; for ininorily rcjtorl Aid. Caxi'y ami AM. MardonaM. .Mayor Ni-wlon pxprei.,d lilnifflf a licinjj in favor of tin ininorily i-' l.orl wlii'ii Im a lali'im'nt lioMin 1 In. rily engineer re.s-!miioiIiIi Tor I he matter Ihal had led up lo AM. I,a.ey' eoiiiilainl an. Hie Mil..'iiii'iil liie.liulion ' 011 Deceniher 10. The hoard of; work rejorl win hae.l on llu ine-l u'alion u wn. also AM. i minority rcfiorl. I After I he Iwo rporls had Ik j i'eii.1. AM. Collarl ak'.l Mayor' New Ion for hi oiinion on the I mailer. Tin- mayor thereupon a.'Keil Aid. I.ollarl ror hi. Nflllier .'.'iiii'.l ii'eiartil at Ihu jiineture to make a -ialemeiil. Inquiry a Joke . AM. Miic.IoiihM then M?e lo , 'Xirei'i:i4 eoiieurrenec wilh Hie miiioriiy ri'i.orl. 'Iie inveli'ca-I n.ii. he fell, had il'Velone.l into, a joke and had Iteen lillte more : a paiilomime. Aid. Cay I. a. I lieen K'en no oiHirlmiily lo .roe hi ehanre. The fore-' man Inn I obtained l.-'al lal. Mil . ami wlo'iiier AM. Ouey had en-l diMvore.l lo i'mIuIiIIhIi a iM'inl at tin- oniuiry he had been bloeked. The mailer, he fell. ltoul have I n .l.-all wilb by Ihe hoard of. work. In ile of the dilTieull ten Iiosm'mt. AM. Maedonahl ileclar-r.l Dial Aid. !:) hail lied up Mi'llio' with iueilioii4 which he Mellae had eillier re'lle.! to aiiw'r .r had evaded, lie knew of al leni two eae where mar-ii. -.I men had iteeti turned down ulieii eekim: emulovmcnl from luke In ule. Men who were iio.'im.f l.on lout lieen :i Tru i. I lo SOII1 submit ttieir evnl.-iice. AM Christmas Suggestions Plum Puddings, in .' ami :t lb. bowls. Christmas Cakes Christmas Crackors Christmas Stockings Mlrod Nuts Mlvod Candles FRUIT DEPARTMENT .lap Oranges Apple, all varieties. irape. Hamtiia iraiierrull. ("lUiliflowrr, Celery. Ketliice. 'romaloes, tproiils. Parsley. Cranberries ami Sweet Spud. MEAT DEPArtTMENT Turkeys, Qeosn, Ducks, ChlcVen and Fowl It Lowest Market Prices. Rupert Table Supply 3 Phones, 210, 211, 212 THE DAILT NEWS LAST THR .Sizi'j llie-c for ever heron, fhow yon our CHESTERFIELD SETS (Joii'lrin lion (iuaraiiled. Tnn'fiy Set--. Mn-liair Plush Sets and Cut Mulmir Set al priee. pt-r -el $215.00, $240.00, $250X0 and $275.00. Tln'M' M'ls are new in design and Ihe very lat word' hi durahle wear. SHOO la: FLY ROCKERS l sporiul nii,' Third Avenue. Hie .11 . However. Ihey had been "lay. neither wa Hie rily inke., on when he Aid. M anion- -'"leer who wa. reH.iiiMe jlil l!t illt lMli Wlll III vi,i. Iii work. Uollai'l and in another lo AM.' Mi'Mordie. The foremau had Inouifht men lo the iniuiry for Hie wee one ni'.'niziuil liiai iniiis nan oevii jiu.'-i an..-.-. while Ihey . . . . $2.00 FRENCH IVORY, 20 per cent reduction. Long Handled Mirror. Puff Ihixe. Puffer-, Jewel Moves and Tray. Scenl Mottle. Mrnlie, (loinli-, Muni-riire Set. Photo Frame, ele. COMMUNITY SILVER PLATE FANCY CHINA AND DINNER SETS (iel our Special PHc and ;ve liy elo-e huyiiig. as they were, n mis wsis n'm."(i.i..-iru ul. t-...n,i vi..,. drawn lo his attention he fell ; Had na.i donal.l expee.',! Hie ldief that eerlain thai lie line it ,..i i.....n .iierli.iin. siueer) would see Ibat iite.l attains! and thai Hie scale ,,r .,....- i.v Ho. of aiiieers record, be was W.irks bud leii devialed from, pareil to call (e fell thai Ihi mucli, at b-asl. had been iroen. 0...1 il ii i.Uirecouniiioii in i in i' oriuiiial uiolion. Would Remove McRae Aid Mai'.lonaM reulie.l that, as i eromler of the minority lie was :iot tirepni'ed lo call for (be ceis;nal ion of Hie city engineer bill, i' Hie occasion a ruse, ri ami resiiieuis rerenre lo the action taken bad a set down by Ihe Hoard of Works in connection with Ihe birin? of men, namely, thai inainen men be given I be pre- rioalers. Vc fell that Ibat had been already already done a jrood deal towards bi'iiisin? about a belter compliance wilb the rules set down. Thai was all he wauled ami be was nol afler Mcllae' scalp. He was prepared lo add lo his minority report, that the foreman be retained be filled the position to Hie sat isfaction or the city ensiiieer and ,luln pain aiiemioii 10 me run-. sm down by the board of "works. .Mayor Newton .laled thai hi view on Ihe iuelion were well known lo the board of work. All summer numerous complaints i bad been brought to bis at (cull Ion and these be bad placed before the board of works. II bad been the policy of Jbe board of works to Hive preference in employment lo residents of Ihe eily and married men. however. ! bad become apparent that this; policy was not beint" fully lived up lo and notice bad been uiveu thai Ihe board of work would lolcrale no balfWay measures. Finally a ilefinlle, uHloislaiulin; bad been reached Hi the board of! winks that tjictielly engineer should receive pplical ion audi seleel I lie men who were lo ho a tremendous load with city en- mi much work yonifr on during I bey were Ihe ummer and si ill in jirosress reelified. In view of the en- nol pre- for his resipnal ion. lie, however, did not want to see Mcllae kept on a general fore- Abl. MeMoiilie imiiiired from man. AM. C.aev ir il was hi intention. t. Casey's Stand in the ease or Ihe minority re-' Aid. Casey declared thai, in ,...n t.einu : Med. lo still call taking the action he bad. H had for the dismissal or Hie roreinau .m-en hi sole desire lo foire . .... . ...lit r it. I aud, in view of Ihi. he mi'lil be excused. The Iwo reports were then put lo Ihe vole. Hie division being' a I above recorded. EDMONTON PLEASED WITH COAST ELECTION KDMONTOX. Iec. I'J. Keen alisfaction. over Hie election of 'wo lypieal westerners as mayors of Victoria and Vancouver is expressed by Mayor IMatehford. P I fell that Ihe development of Hie western route, and trade up-building thai will be of ureal benefit to Kilmonlon, will result from the recent conlets in tlio ' coast cities. I The mayor said that J. C.I Pcinlray. who was elected mayor of Yielfiri:i lt:i I. nil! on nf prmiditm ,,( hirir,.sl ilUmesses in Hie dominion, ami, beim; a fre-i visitor to I'.ilmonloii. is ,nalurally inlereled in any) movement linked up with wesl-j ern exians.'iin. I Mayor-elect I.. I. Taylor of ancouver. i nlo bound lo prove to be a friend to Kduioulon I a be lias Ions been a douKhly rifrlilcr for western inlerOsts. 'Willi both of Hie coal inaVufi of Ihe progressive type, there IsbouM be great lhin;is ahead for IHL'5. .le.i. m Hip Half- New. Dr. Martel's Female Pills H Utd aitur thouiuida rtmtaithalf century, correct inc tiuH, buildmr up n4 trorthninir orn rvlievlnr DKLAYKD. tnd PAINKUI MENSTRUATION. NEIU VOUSNKSS. BACK ACHE. DIZZINESS, etc. nod&nirrmitdrufft. Suljontyia Sealed Uinc. Cover TIN bOX with our ig-oatur. Druttnt. vrrwlir,or direct br mul, tlala packata 11 00 I.kWk., Ktawav C. . 71 E. Sl. Twoala,C. Clnalti auiUa a ihmI F.F. of Holiday Buying page rim DAYS Specials in our Toy and Fancy Goods Department at staggering prices. We are determined to clear our stock and give our many patrons the benefit of Cash Prices. All we ask is that you inspect our stock. Prices are convincing facts. Carpet Squares in Axmin-ster and Wiltons .(! feel !I by '., O I.y.y, ami 0 l.y ID ijualily and (k'sifMi. Our prir AX for our Iiel valiH.') in pedal tock. feel . See loweV llid'n salehniaii who will' Horseman Dolls Spceial prire- lor Ihe I; l three days for Ihe cele-hraled llor-.'ina.i iioll-. Thi doll Hit bet constructed doll made in tin- wide world. GENTLEMEN'S SMOKING OUTFITS MILITARY BRUSHES at Special Prices Until Xmas DINING ROOM AND BEDROOM FURNITURE rtur eoni?ele loek is of Ihe very latest in 'lyle a'nl oiilrnHioii and the ajipreciated gifl for the benefit of llo hoiiehold. Prices for eorn-plete set- from $1 1 5.00 to $300.00 LADIES' HANDKEfiCHIEFS Fancy colored and while al Hie pecial three day values. SANTA CLAUS has just arrived He will be at Tite's Store for one hour, between three o'clock and four on Wednesday Afternoon. All Boys and Girls arc invited to come to the Store . and visit him. He vill probably have something for you. SHOOTERS, WAGONS, and 20 PER CENT KIDDY CARS SPECIAL REDUCTION TITE'S STORE ENDEAVORS TO GIVE THE VALUES TO MERIT YOUR PATRONAGE GEORGE D. THE he would be in favor of the removal of Mellae. AM. Perry look the view that, if Hie foreman wa nol fit to: THE QUALITY HOME FURNISHER. Phone 20. employed. The board or w rk had believed dial Hie city engineer intended lu follow Ihn i tiling. If be bud not done . en-ibe had erred lo Ihal extent. He; for: i Hie mayor", fell Ihal w hen the ! mailer bad been brought In Hie Aid. .Macdoiiald replied to tltis:p,a they bad. Hie engineer that Ihe city engineer had been mi;:hl have exerted himolfi to h, overworked and was perhaps not slave ofT the dillieullies that i . I ! I. ...... - II. il I l.n P.O. Box 1647. USEFUL GinS for Christmas DRESSES NIGHTGOWNS CLOVES BOUDOIR CAPS SCARVES SWEATERS "DE P.O. Box 327 CAMISOLES HOSIERY BRASSIERES VEILS HANDKERCHIEFS UNDERWEAR MERS" Phone 27 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 8.1. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle Nov. 7, 21 ; Dec. 5, 19 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway Nov. 3, 17; Dec. 1, 15, 29 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. f't- Butedale, Swan son Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceat Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Ltr. roll information frum ' u W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent C-.rr- r of 4 reel and 3rd Avenue, Prince Ru&aH. GIVE USEFUL GIFTS Hoover SmcIi.iii Sw epcr Savajfe Kleclric Wiisliers . Holpiiiul Kleclric Irons . . . tlolnoint F.leclric 'l'..i'lers $62.00, S75.00 S1 85.00 $7.00 S7.00 Hotpoint Klecllrtc tiullee Percolators $12.90 LibeHv F.'e. trie 1lol Plates $3.85, $6.25 Kvere.i-lv H.hliirh' S1.65 to $5.35 Tools, Clocks, Knives, Aluminum Ware KAIEN HARDWARE CO. i i It if u 4 0 if I t it I w ii !i H :: H it it it ii il ii i I :t !t . c . ti !5 ! :i it