PAGE TWO direction. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT r BRITISH COLOMBIA. Contract Rates on Application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Qty Delivery. by mail or carrier, per month . i . By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance,, per year To all other countries, in "advance, per year . . . Member or Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION Fight Going On Among Conservatives. ' All Wool and Silk and Wool Underwear Two Piece and Combination English All Wool and "Venus" Silk and Wool STOCKINQS 'DEMERS' Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 ; store - A i Published Ever)' Afternoon, excspt Sunday, Ihe Prince Ruperh Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone ... 93 86 . $1.00 $6.00 $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .SI. 40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Prout Page...l $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per Insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion... ,...2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion ......15c per agate line AH advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day prs-ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Monday. Sept. 29. 1921. Importance Of Radio fn Scattered District. In the mattered districts of this north country radio may be, made to play a most important part. The list of licenses taken out locally gives some ideal of the number of places represented, but it is said that a good many have Dominion licenses obtained at Ottawa and they are not obtainable locally. Every day sees sets being installed and many are getting splendid results. Clam Cannery Is Latest Industry. We are always glad to tell about the establishment of a new industry in Prince Rupert. The Millerd cannery is the latesL It has just commenced operations and it is announced that it will pack clams throughout the winter. There is a wide scope for a cannery here that will put up clams and crabs as well as handling salmon and other kinds of fish. The time is coming when salmon and halibut will not hofd the predominant position ildoes today. Then people will devote themselves more to the other vareties. . . Accidental Shooting . ... . Is Common Occurrence. Prince Rupert has so far been free this year from fatal ac cidents as a result of the careless handling of firearms, but the season is not over and the large number of accidents at. other places draws attention to the danger. The warning cannot be too often given. Firearms are not meant to be played with and when handling them it is well to always have in mind the danger of their going off at the wrong time or when pointed in the wrong Among Conservatives in the East there isajight going on over the leadership of the federal party. Hon. Arthur Meigheri is the present leader and as such has the whip hand for the pre SAnL There is, however, a strong movement afoot to unseat him and put someone in hi place .that would be more popular and who would be more likely to win the next election. 11 is argued that the present leader is not sufficiently human in his instincts or in other words is not a good mixer. He also does hot appeal to the Quebec Conservatives, which is a fatal defect as it is from Quebec that the party should look for support in future. Those who are trying to analyze the situation say that Pre mier Mackenzie King will find it increasingly difficult to keep Quebec lined up and at the same time cater to the Progressive element on the weslern prairies. He is a clever statesman and handles the situation well, but there is doubt always when op posing elements are united under one flag. The break ip the Con servauve ranks makes his work easier. Whether Mr. Meighenwill be able to sit tight and still lead the oartv is not known, but the general oninion is that he , . .. ... has the position on ice and cannot be moved by the element at present working against him. Railway Rates Are Much Discussed. It may be laid down as one of the first axioms that the rail way rates must be sufficiently high to make Ihe business pay well managed. The next point' of view is that the railway is public service and must be administered so as to cater to th ' needs of Ihe community. . . When rates have been laid down it is difficult! to mak cha ntres that seem to be needed. When a large section of the? country such as the province of Alberta is trying to get a- cheap rate for coal to Ontario to enable it to supply that province with fuel and- is demanding that the rate Ik; set at lower than cost. is seen how difficult is the business. Here we are asking that rales on grain from prairie points to the Pacific coast be made equal for similar distances as from the prairies eastward. At present the rale east is lower than west. This seems to us In be unfair and we shall keep on urging a change until such time as if is obtained. We are asking for no favors but only for emiit. able treatment. Sterling Furnace COIL Otllftrad In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. Tbti U my mptrior furotre cod. It rives cltin bol fire iikJ Ii entirely rree from sool, cltnkrrs lark ind dirt. Some of the Urrcit beallnt plinta In the city are now uslnr it wdb rotlrelr tt1sfntorr rfult. 8TERLINQ 8TOVC COAL, Dellfr(J In Sack. At $12.60 per ton. We are alio A rents for the Famoua LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Orrioei Motel OentreJ. ntmt 1 WEEK AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday "The Sirl I loved The new Leather Pushers "A Tough Tenderfoot." Wednesday and Thursday "Wandering Daughters." Comedy. Vox News-Gaiette. Friday and Saturday -Lit lie Old- New York." Topics of Ihe Day. V THE GIRL I LOYED IS SEEN AT MOVIES Famous Play Shown In Picture Tonight at Westholme Theatre In The Girl I Loved"" at the Westholme tonight. Mr. Ray portrays a lover impelled by an ardor that amounts to fierceness. The appearance of a rival in his path creates situations that compose one of Ihe most powerful dramas ever filmed, with highly exciting incidents when the two suitors hand of a beautiful girl confront one another. To many the acting of Mr. Itay in this triangular conflict will unfold ..unsuspected powers. The picture takes on added iesl from the facl that it is the personal experience in love of the beloved poet James WJiitcomb Riley The production is based on bis poem of the same title hich is omitted frorrv many of is compiled works. i rami ion as it that when it became known that Riley had written of fils own romance, the sensitive poet with drew it from circulation as far s he could do so. Events to which Riley mly re ferred have been given graphic and vivid reality for Ihe eye in the Ray version, demonstrate anew the superior power of the creen over the printed page. Bu while "The (iirl I. I.ove.1 is a triangle"' plaj it is clean; as all Ray pictures are. and it is gay and bright as well as powerfully dramatic. The events take place in rural Indiana of 1810.60, and the life of the happy, care-free Ameri cans of that period, now highly picturesque because time has so swiftly changed the compleiion of our national habits, forms one of the most engaging fea tures of the picture. MARION DAYIES TOOK LASHES IN THE PLAY TO BE SHOWN AT WEEK END Little Old New York has Spec taculae Scenes One of Which s Whipping Post One of the most spectacular scenes ever Aimed in motion pic- lures is the big mon scene m "I.iltl Old New York." staring Marion Iavies, which opens here. Friday. Mis Davies, swung on Ihe shoulder of big Louis Wolheim is rushed through a mob of thousand, howling; men to (Ii . . 1. ! y 1. . n . I i ' : . . . mi. twhipping' post to receive th punhmenl which the crowd de mands because she rang the fire bell and stopped Ihe prizefight. The scene occurs in the street surrounding Rowling Green an I lie Ratlery of New York as they appeared a century ago. Ove sixty thousand feel of floor space was covered by Ihe pounding feet of the rtiob and forty-five im mense sunlight arc lights shot I down a brilliance which rivaled F. Champion of the Oranby ,e sun and made it 'appear as passed through on the .though" it were really out doors. Cardena yesterday afternoon bound from Vancouver to Anyox. Director Sidney Olcoll and his assistant, Saul Harrison, shouted themselves hoarse directing the ! great mob which followed Wol heim down Ihe streets. The slender HI tie figure of Miss Davies, perched on Ihe shoulder of Wolheim as she is hurried to her doom is silhouetted against the sky above the heads of the crowds. Cranked Madly Cameramen cranked madly as th mob swirled around Ihe platform upon which the whipping post was slationed. The cruel, avenging faces of the mob; the huge, brutal appearance of Wolheim is contrasted with Ihe fair, fragile delicacy of Miss Davies as she' is lashed lo Ihe whipping post al combine to make Ihe scene a most thrilling one. Refusing to employ a "double," Miss Davies insisted on taking the lathes inflicted by the cruel TEE DAILY NEWS Monday, Sfil.n.!.. mm II in mm i impossible to spare i lie uainiy 'ground. little star entirely The Man in the Moon SAYS: " WAXDERIXG Daughters ought to- have a wide appeal here. There are so many of them. IF Npah were" to slep out of the ark into this country about .all he would recognize would be the jokes. THF.RK are said lo be still a few people who play mah jongh but not fn Prince Rupert. People here would not be so old THE difference between a cultured and an' uncultured person is thai while, one perspires Ihe other sweats. ; j . j. evr-v- MMl&NVnioiieyll.alk there; Ir a ronr!teej: 1 eipfclani.slfence. ' -Kit IF you get tired of the movie show try Ihe city council. ONE way lo get a head is drink a lot of bootleg over night XOW lhal they find what kind of -a class they have lo. leach, some of them are wondering whether i would not have been belter to have, accepted the poor boob. I TOOK Die advice of some of my friends one day and set out to make hay while Ihe sun shines. Then I got hay fever. CLAMS are gelling canned here. Well, they ought lo he. 4 IT seems a long', long wail lo November tenth before I can give thanks. I suppose I. hall have to wail, though. . i- ' TALKING about radio reminds nie that a lot of people broadcast from station II.U.N.K. Advertise In the Daily News. in "mi I 1 : i ill IKi UlU It Hi i J h There was a hot discussion In Ihe city council last night on the point of whether or not Ihe city market should pay a license. It was finally decided that none would be imposed Two British Columbia lacrosse teams have been invited to- play at the Panama-Pacific Faposl-tion at San Francisco next year. SMITHERS hmimerR during Ihe present it n.,i.i . .. -S " " . .( '"iwfrt, and one who was impress ii I .-l II " " Z Zr"' " of .hf Ru.k.ey are not as may of lliem. E. D&.S, chief ertginner of Ihe Water Rights Itranch of the Department of Lands, Victoria, i on an official visit in connection with ilisputed application for water rights, chief of which is the application of the Corra-lion of Ihe. Village of Smithers for water righls for town purposes, but which is oh joe led to by farmers in Ihe district through whose land the water Hows V An Inferesling visitor lo , " ,,i7-T V r.Z 'iValley, was Rev. J. Hale, secre l0?m fAhe.?mrry of the Colonial and Conlin ..y....lF, .uu,i want nniu mure mere pi,,,, m ;,:.. cii.. of London, England, who, is louring Canada in the interests of hU society, inspectingMjssion-afy Dioceses which have beeVt established in Canaila Whiu , he was Ihe guest of the Rev. R. K. W. and .Mrs. Hiddell. at the St. .James Anglican During Ihe current week the W. S. Henry Realty Exchange reported Ihe sale lo C. Wilson, of i.akc halhlyn, of 108 acres on Ihe wesl side of the lake, and comprising J he foreshore back of Ihe railway station al that point. Chas. Kelly has purchased a lot in Rlock 57, on Alfred Street, immediately west of Main Street and will move his butcher store from its present location' ar the corner of Main and Broadway lo his new holding. , Mr. and Mrs. D. McDougall, ami Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Howling, have returned from Winnipeg lo again make their homes here. Both genilemeji are trainmen on the Canadian National Railways. Mrs. Maxwell, of Houston, B.C. I I! founJeJshcel850 L h In An Annelebml Kink Kkf . W. " I I Ir-fl I Jl I IAII I.TKTllIlL I Jill 11 V.I UUlll Evl 4S Xf n-4w ISroSsl 1 u ii i ; v u.,' :,iiii v rcnpniA i tit LuM !i y M Hi for the Sg II fl i li iiii ihl.i , " nil f i tf,VHYK "iTiil , -ii I H.;,m . ! i'! nl whip herself. The star insisted!" it would make the picture much ( belter if she look the lashing herself. As a result her beautiful houlders which have been painted by some of the most famous artists in the land, si ill bear the marks of the cruel blacksnake whip. Although Wol- ii .1,... ,.' it in i hi r i itit lititif yii "iKi'.'ii iv.i .i: iVpimimiHii:!!iii! iiim!!!iii!iii:;;'iiii!tiiyi!iij' wnimonmpvernmemsupewision ll!!i!H!il!;!'.:;;iif,!!l M lllllllllllltll!lllllliI!:iiillhi!!l'l!ll:'"l!H!'!i: 1 1 ih iitut ii rut.' : : mn'ti i itiir M' it minimi 'iMiiiuifiimit ; in i i tit ii . t u ,,it wtiiinitf iiiinii iiiini un iiiimi huh i n i n; u UMIHMMl lU''i'H'H.i t(it' i hi: 'IM ?'M"i i'f Hilt t 'Ii I Mt' w.mim- n i in m: ii-i lh i IM n irnii i in uiil' t !' ' n it m ii I Wi V, Hi aTaa7i T ! 1 !, j ' BjBj 1 " 1 U iiilAil A 1 111 1 A At tl j j 11 A 11 1 1 1 ill ill t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 All i 11 1 LI I III 1 1 1 11 11 a A 1 1 a 1 11 1 11 I 1 lllLl 1 H Wt 1 , M t J j This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government d II; Columbia. j Ten Ye2us Ago j 1 fn Prince Rupert September 29, 1914. For two weeks artillery duel has a tremendous liffton in rivh ' heim trie! to lay on Ihe lashes gress on the western front be-1 as liglTtly as he could and slillf?ween Ihe Germans and the AI-! register the proper effect it wasm?. Neither side has gained anyj e23 UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C. LTD. i Stilinr from pnt Ruiri. of Vancouver, victoria. sna ;, 14 Aitr ui, Titf, s rm. Tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alrt Bay, llno Br, ttr, 10 AM. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM. ITIWART, WtlM Hlaittf, vtf, t r.. for PORT SIMPSON NM Rlir CnnflM, fH4tj A.M. 123 2n4 tiMut. t. EUr!, AMt. rrlst fpn, I C. FALL STEAMSHIP SERVICE liiiiaaiMaaiMaaHHVHBaMaMBaaaHHBBaaiiiaiiWHaaviHHiiiiiiMaBiaMaiiaawiiiiiia S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Sailings From Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCE RUPERT or PRINCE GEORGE for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, ea. h WEDNESDAY, each SATURDAY 12.00 mi.lmglc Calls Swanson llav. Orean Falls, pi.wi: P. , S.S. PRINCE JOHN ror ANYOX and STEWART, W&ms- day, 10.00 p.m. For all (Ktrls QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, nighl, Oct Mh, 181b. Nov. 1st. IXlh. PASSENQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNOftY. Lure Prlnre Rupert 1.00 Dm. tor PR PICK OEoRcr. tr'i X nireo. ail pclau Ewiern Cacn.1t. Unite state. MEHOr ALL OCt AH ,ITAiHle UfttS. oitr Ticket orrte, exs tih At enc Ha ml is the guesi or Mrs. firillln, Railway Avenue. Mrs. Maxwell recently suffered a painful injury to her knee, caused by a fall from a horse. TERRACE NOTES Mrs. Chas. R. Gilbert ylio has spml Ihe past two months in San Jose. Cal. returned to Terrace Wednesday evening. n Miss Agnes Donaldson. Miss Lorraine CSranl ap. ilus Etanda1 Marsh spent the week end with Rural Dean and Mrs. Marsh. . Mr. Mitchell of Sorrento" i spendinga few days in TerruVe looking over the district. - t - The Ladies fiuild of the Presbyterian Church met this week al the homo of Mrs. A. C. Fowler - The Mountain View Rebecca Lodge herd its first regular meeting Wednesday evening. Mr. Bishop celebrated the occasion hy giving them a moving picliire show at lheclose of the regular session. Dr. and Mrs. Tremayne and Dr. West are Ihe guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mcintosh. Mr. and Mrs. Wall of Prince Rupert spent the week end here. Mrs. Charlie Raven has come rrom I.nkelse lor a rev days. Miss Rose Raven is Visiting her sister Mrs. II. S. Creelman. RADIO PROGRAM Al KCO stai' tonight. Mms M. Seer.-fexsor of Agrii ul Work, t'niversiiy will speak on hon THOMAS PRIEST HAS .s A Hock Reviews y Ja'ckMt, ' literary c set Magazine, ai t English, 'Keonomn. " culture are also . scheilule. Irt:rt0 p.m. to I m irtft-41" music program. BEST GARDw Becomes Permanent. rfwW of Collart CupUuajljJ Was Done at W Week The Collarl Hup year by Aid. Ttn- viil " V'"" Kalr Boanl lo he awr Owher or the Ihs1 uHf.- .l.n' 1,. lrlio lllll.l I'S ll3K I". I af 1 III I I III' ' .--- . , won milrtirlil liV Tl' (!rahaiii.Avenue. M". Ihe ,cnn lor Hie f'1 ' year and now hemnfi-possessor r it, Ii' Ing.lhis year been beslT in the city. T Wll j .lAno nl Ihe einl bv R. M. Winslow ftaAlel. There v,,e , tries in Ihe compel" warden bt W. J. Ki-k Fifth Avenue Wesl ed ifeeond best. mai ?l ar-i t- srv' Advertise in "The Daily News THE PAPER THAT GETS QUICK r.fcsuu