PACE FOUR Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange Make your reservations' for that Christmas visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Rates and Information. see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes, FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch Wood FOR SMALL HEATERS, 50c Per Sack HydeTransfer 139 Second Avanue. Phone 5S0. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, 1. a orflce Hours, iUI. Phone CSC Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading RestauranL A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. M. S. SING Cleaning and Pressing. Special Suits Ready to Wear S1S.0 Laundry Office. 820 Third AvenfJe, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 771. P.O. .Box 958 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone . Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.0. Any quantity delivered daily Prompt Early Morning Do-livery, VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 657. McBrldc -itraet THAT DREADFUL CHILD The litlle son of Hie ,houspwa$ very quiel daring he 'first part of Ihe dinner.- and every 'one forgot that he was there, As desert was being served Hi host told a slory. When he had llnishrif, and laughler .had ceas ed, his tittle, Aon explained glee- fully: "Now. fnlher, tell the other one." Yorkshire Post. 'THDAILT XZWT BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMj,. T1 1 fM CO'C TO DrtONE FlN-IT VsOUUD TE.'OAN uTllfVlH AND CELT A, TOUR MOMETM COtfTABOOT FwE ,WHN I DO TO HANQ THAT LARGE PICTURE. UP UP IN IN THE. THE. MLL WALL BASEBALL BOXINO LACROSSE NEW YORK WINS Pennant Goes to Same Team for Four Consecutive Years, Making Record New York is he winner of the National Xeague pennant and thus ha;i (lie honor for Ihe fourth consecutive time in Ihe final world series. Saturday I hat lea in won against Philadelphia, thus making it.- position sure. The winning four ronseeulive- times constitutes a record. The week enu results were as follows: Saturday Games' National League Philadelphia 1, New York 5-Boston 3. Brooklyn 2. Chicago 2. Pittsburg 3. St..Louis t, Cinelnnalti 10. American League New York 3. Philadelphia I. St. Louis I, Cleveland 12. Washington 7. Boston 5 j ' Detroit Itr, Chlca'JTTI. Sunday Games- w National League Pitlsftirg 2, Chicago"? Boston 1. Brooklyn Philadelphia II, NwTrtT. Cincinnati 3-8, 51. Loui?;92. American League I VI roil 10, Chicago 10, ten in. mngs. game he replayed. St. Louis-Cleveland, rain. Monday two games scheduled. PARISIAN BASKETBALL EDMONTON. Sept 29. When he Edmonton Commercial (irads came back from their victories in basketball abroad, they slipped back a once into the local business life. One of the champions tooK time however, lo give some of her views on Ihe trip: "Int Slrassburg, when Ihey won the European title Ihey came up against the best team of any. The general feeling among the (irads was lhal "the .Parisian learns ditin'l know how to shoof. and while, as Eleanor Mounti- field, explained, the girls wen all wonderful athletes, they 'had no organization ami had not spee-ialize,j in anything "You should have een the French referee in the game. He couldn't speak English and every time he had fouled one of us he explained by icting .vliat had happened. He wenl lo call a foul on me for pushing and went over and near ly knocked the girl over trying to explain to mc." Pefe Nornan, charged with in toxication, latien to put in an appearance at Ihe cvily police court this morning and his bail of $25 was estreated. I'LL HTiC DOLLAR TO CET ee JOMfa VELL IT? t M DONE coMEovt: OOn RJCHT RluHT J 3&S2S T SPORT NEWS OF THE DAY THE NATIONAL TEAM COULDN'T SHOOT HERE AND EVERYWHERE Sport Chat About the only thing seems to worry Doug Frizzell, as be goes around with hi arm in a sling following the accidental explosion of his gun up' Ihe line la..! week, is that the losing of two or three seasons. loug has been an active athlete and his friends hope wilh him that his rresent fears will come to! naught. Whist players are now looking forward to the resumption of activities of the Fraternal Whisl eagu1. It is expected that the competition? for the Dybbavn d Newton eups will be just as seen tins winter as ever before an, that Uiere will be as many leams-i-raen's and women's in Ihe running as in rTor the Cocktail Delicious BRIER rl FOOTBALL "ENNIS SWIMMING cliampii'iisliVP. HAD SUNDAY HIKE 9Rv M !vt-Ri wlHlii9Krl m HILLS&UNDERWOOD London Dry Gin .25 A BOTTLE This advertisement is not published or displayed Liquor Control Board or liy the Government British Columbia. TRADE MARK 5.VW RIGISTIRED by uf the a and central iJans mad, for tl. Johnstone promises to be a very active sea. j Decide Miss Mills, the son. The organization uf an in- ,-j M-rtiHrdiate league ' to he pro- thai' posed at the met ling in addition :o the Senior i,eague. Tliere are a large number of players and i'ans awaiting the opening of the! ouipelition for the Bulger & hunting from Port Edward. ameron Cup emblematic 4f city I half his thumb may interfere joilliarU team with future baseball and basket- ball playing. During ihe past 1 PACITTD All ttDI C C. McKwiwn .. R. Wilson .... Brass M. Brown A. Squire S. B. Jones The big prtze ' parly Myra Harvey. Miss Laura Stephens, Miss Aileen Stephens and Miss Dorothy Mardohald. Mr .Stephen and FJgnod wen". BOB CAMERON WON SPOON YESTERDAY - ; Big Shoot of Season of North Mi, miii. ooH p,-w Mrf.Rn...H B.C. Reolment Rifle As&ocia- ... Trip on Ties from Port ! Edward to North Pacific and Back, Miss S A. Mills, principal of Borden Street school, and the members' of he Maplf Leaf basketball leant, had a ten mile hike yesterday from Port Edward to North Pacific Cannery and back. The parly left early in the past seasons, jumrning on M M, Stephens gas A merlins is Called to take place boat "Vira S Frye" and disem-m the Mayor's office on Saturday Ibarked at I'ort Edward. Then o reorganize the league ami t bey took in he ies for the hike, make plans for the season. jHelurnjng, l Prt Btlward, Ihey ' jlmarded tM train and rode home. Billiard halls will be set roll-jAn interesting feature of the trip'W ing at the general meeting of; was a visit to Inverness cannery V 'he Prinre Itnnert Billiard I.a- 'where Ihe girls saw th operation gue which is ealb-d fur this .f i-i(hoe i-annuig. being i-'mduct--ening. Hflircrs w ff be ele red ed through the plant by manager tlon Takes Place Next Sunday R. W. Cameron was tfie winner of the spoon for the day at the shoot of the North B.C. Regiment Hide Association at the Me-Nicholl Creek range yesterday afternoon. Tlie scores were as follows: 200 500 600 Til. Floyd W. Cameron ITarrobin . . M. Lamb .... 27 32 30 89 30 25 21 79 30 .10 17 77 27 30 17 74 25 27 20 72 26 25 20 7T 23 16 28 rt7 22 15 28 67 15 18 15 18 17 17 13 17 shoot of the season will lake place next Sunday when gold, silver and bronze medal as well as a turkey will be up for competition. MOUNTAIN CLIMBING SEASON IS NOW ON Two Parties Scaled Mount Mors During the Past Few Days: Ladles at Top Yesterday The hiking season seems to be on. At the week end a local parly went lo Ihe top of Mount Morse and yesterday a parly con sisting of four ladies and three 'men scrambled to (he topmost loiitr. For the average climber il it an all day jaunt lo Ihe lop of the mountain. The parly, jester. 'day left tie PririeoVlluperl cart. nery al half past nine and reached the summit al half past one. keeping to Ihe righl of the stream, all the way up. Each on canted lunch and a kettle was taken along to make roflVe, a supply of good water being found right a Ihe summit. After an hour and a half spent boiling the kettle, eating lunch ami enjoying the wonderful outlook Ihe return was accomplished in a leisurely manner, the cannery being reached about half past five. DID HIS BEST "No, Reginald," averred girl," "your blossom made great hit with me." Ihe no "I was merely Irying lo say it with lowers, as we are con slanlly advised lo do by astule commercial men." "You sent only daisies." "Well, daisies mean 'I love you: " "Thai's al rfghj, bt- Tpm senl orchids. Orchids mean wenl broke for you.' "' THAT WAS THE PLAN , . - . . jii'ip- i m stirprneii at your gning In law over a pig. Why don't yotr selllc il out of court?" -We was going to sellle if out of court,, yer honor,, only a cop come and. pulled us apart Team Work. Awv II' 1 1. II MM FREE TRIP-VANCOUVER consisteil of Mis Louie Fisher. A FHEF trip to Vancouver and a Miss Margaret Uraham. Mis small remuneration. A 42" foot gashoal to be taken to Vaq. couver in the near future. Only competent men need apply. Phone 30 f. . 231 WANTKB WANTED, Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange. Auctioneers. Phone 652. SITUATION WANTED - EXPERIENCED stenographer and book-keeper wants work.Nov-ember I. Write Box 206 Daily News. . tf FOR RENT FOR . RKXT .--Furnished hduse- keepmg room. Phone Blun 217 or 18. HO Sixth Avnuo ' Ka$t. If OFFICE FOIl RRNT with modern living quarlers. Weslenhavet Bros. If pR RENT. Palmer House for cheap rales and home com-forts. tf KQR RENT Four room, modern. healed apartments. Apply Smittf k MailetL Ltd. tf AUCTION SALtS. Goods BoughL Sold TAXI or Exchanged H. H. HEHM1NOS, Auctlonssr. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. I'bonef Black 136 and Rd 442. Tail 67 Phon (Gal! Ceorge, Paul or Oust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Nkhl Stand: HOIS BROS. POOL ROOM Mseker Clock, Acirsn from Emnresa Hotel BOAT REPAIRS FISHERMEN. Th close season will soon be here. You can gel your boals overhauled by contract or day work, at a moderate price. We build anything up to 200 tons. Marine ways. Call or wrilo Eriksen Bros:, boat builders, Norlh Vancouver, B.C. tf AUCTION SALE ALL the Household Furniture at 1001 Hays Cove' Avenue will be sold by Public Auction without reserve on Thursday, October 2 al 2.30 p.m. consisting as follows: 2 leather upholstert'l easy chairs; .father upholstered Dlvatieffe: oak bookcase, five sections; -o'dk table; Wilton . carpel and rugs; dining table and chairs: beautiful solid oak buffet; Victor grama phone; brick lined healer; malleable range; kilclien cab inet: Simons bed: solid cak dressers; Singer sewing ine; linoleum; kitchen uten-.sils and numerous, oilier ar ticles. Prince Rupert Ex change. Auctioneers. 231 HOARD and llooui in private home-; central. Every comfort Iteasonable rales. Phone Ited 218. 234 MfMCfc RUPERT TIDC4 Monrfsr, September 29 High a,m, 21.2 ft. 13:48 p.m. 21.6 ' Low 7:12 a.m. 3.4 ' 20:06 p.m. 2.7 I'tfR PA1ER AK PWVTERCR TOOluhane m, i i rvr ivj CIT A NEvv lie- Fc rwifur , Daily News Classified Ads. ; 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdnrtlMmml Takan for th.n FOR SALE FOR SALE or l.r.. FOR SALF yi"r phongra,ii u Seventh Ave j, it FOR SALE, furnished. Avenue. R Ail FOR SALE 4.n.) , bundle. I;,y X wj . ROOMINli Hursfc tral loi-ati .rt,-. jfaBi cheap rem j ai. Owner. Vi , ;' i News. 3A1.E. AW aod ml Machinery. an Eifaj r"rtnern tji hingf FOR SALE HOUSES Yooms au.1 iwiffL, r j. ki harbor Mew, rooms $21OO.f0 rooms ami n'.t, $w-i ?22(M.imi. .room, bigti jtf'imid, I73.w, Terms arrr.gfil for all MeCafferr - ii-Ua. LUL FURNITURE. new ano .iihjubu n. lure SUire. WeBvySell in4 u- chane New ana ectiunii Ood. OEO. PAaOOPUUS, 839 Third Ave. ?tontv CHtROPRACTOI B. E. EYOLF80 Graduate of 'hf Ns; 11 ,JH Smith BlofV R6om IS. Hour: 10 to f ?r " 9tnn1r sifter 3r ISdSW by upfi" tr.enr Fiione .Blue 85' on inn nl Rntini - - IIUillll' . centrally loatel. block from Po J. B, Phone Ore-n xLow tb uar 1 DONT BE SHOCKD Tli ile t: GOODYEAR BALL00" TD Ftr Ford Tires. $8.M Fit Goodyear- Tirts Avoid thi V)kt M0DERN-WEIKfl EQUrPMENT Day and piflKSw,,lefc phone 52. " KA1EN AfU-E. BOARD AND R00 - . . -W n " one Qt&ct, Second Aven,-PAP1 IJ7. PIANOS TUNED- MUSICAL IN'FS Af-U-Tt" PAIRED AND Tuelayfs?pUfn3 a:16 aj. Advertise in th-" t!" Hi 1.1