-CoruvtU'r I r or r lavor r i insist on YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED 8ALM0N Mrs. L, M. DeOex, .forlucrly of .:i ...olt ........ ,.r V ...... Il-VLIIF .. .. ... . V 1 Will. I, US. jieen visiims iii L.iunarj; wiiu rs.. J. M. Clancy, also a former dtlent if Prince Huiit'i'i. Mrs. (icx bus been much feled i.ti . i ii... i .. ..it.. The locafi JJeliekah Lodge o!i- I ' it... Rill I 1 ! 1 lie founding Of the order by aj-riiiling the Haptist Church last ft II UL "Savage" Electric Washers 'Hoover" Suction Cleaners "Monarch'' Malleable Ranges "Hotpolnt" Electrical Goods "Valspar"Varnlsh and Enamals "Martln-Senour" 100 Paint "Sanola' tat h room Ware "Kyanlxe" Floor Enamel "Sunoco" Motor Oils It III ! II. McKay, Hazelton; W. J. Jef. ei-suii, Soinervile; Mr. and Mr fi-i ' ... y tt. . E.-'L.' 'J ifiis Sa and Mr II SALAD A1 HA60 Always fresh and pure. Sold only in sealed aluminum packets.. "Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeve For picnics, choose "Rupert Hrand" Salmon. A few tias in Hie pantry arp allvays handy. Stock ai-jupply on your boqt hat's a good idea, . SOLD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert,: ,B.C. ' HOTEL ARRIVALS i Prince Rupert loifon,, i'ort Simpson lie., .McKay, Terrace: Mr . S. IS- Hiddlr M.itlm.rl Cai.;1 Addison A. Pegg, Toronto: a. . Jlilynii's, U. C. Harrison, F, V. DclrtWl, F. T. Fleming. 0 'nslcrieksOn, Jl, J. W'elch, W. A. 5(1 members iii atteiidafieo '"". 'J. -"urciue ami I). F .. -ii - i ... M.i 1...1 I l.'lVlilsfili. nriPiinvKi' li-w I ll M-f'.'IfMlfM HI1 11 IIII rllllPJ .1 1 1 NI'I'IIHIIILI ....o.-. ...utlvl , ,,, ... , , . I I . ..ii v.. ... ... ... i-ii-ury. uiiu i. n . uuivan, liiurs- lon Harbor; Herl F.I Smith and 11. Ii. Jackson, Premier;-' J: 'Jl Mcllliani?.'uiidi 11. Ff dimming; ltucktrr-llay,- Mrs: l (J Mavt tnlyre. hkidegate; S.J lloblaspm 1 1 ii ii in i fiii n i 'in. ...... t,,!.. ij'il.ile; James jVV. Palmer, Prince ! Hieorxe; .1. Ii -Scott, cilv. Central W. S. Mitchell, Sorrento;-J. J. llowiy, A. Purcetl, J. (J. Peeves and Charles II. He, C...ll.; . W, (!. Harris, ancouver. Jiert S'niilh, assistant manager of I lie Premier mine, spent the week-end in town arriving from siewai'f m the Prince George Saturday night, and returning iiorlli on (lie Cardena last evening. r- Miss Muriel Penny arrived from Thurston Harbor on the Princ(. John Saturday night In attend school in the city. She was accompanied by Mrs. Jeary who is visiting here. II. F. Dunning, manager of the Htiokley Hay sawmill, returned Void Hie south on the Cardena yesterday afternoon and proceed in the Islands on the next lutai lie is registered at the Prince llupert Hotel. ! Local and Personal ( Hayners, Undertakers, Phone 351 - B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. - TAXI and Messenger Service. Phone 078. tf - Mrs. Field, Art Needlework. Agent for real silk hosiery, 213 Second Ave. Phone 23. tf Towing and freighting. Tun Towena, 50 h.p., Capt. M. Clifton Phone Uluc 400. Night phono 23. tf H. K. Henson left on the Car- dena last evening on a business trip to Anyox. Mrs. 0. C. Macintyre, who has been spending the summer at Skidegate, arrived from the Is-! lands on the Prince John Salur day night and sailed last even ing on the Cardena for Anyox. Mrs. J Til. Oillatl and her son, Master Jack Oillatt, arrived from Sandspi't on the Priucr' John Sat urday night and will spend a week here; They are registered, at the Princejlupert Hr'1. Mrs. S. I). Johnstone, firaham vcnue, sailed Saturday night on the Prince (iebrgo for iCrloria wliere she '.wil'l. pay an extended visit to her mother, Mrs. Joshua Kingbam. Parent Teachers Association will give a Hridgo and Whist Drive next Friday evening at 8 o'clock in the Metrooole Hall. Admission 50c. A. St. Claire Urindle, the .Vie iona ininliig engineer, was i passenger going inrougn io Stewart on t)ie Cardena yestehhiy afternoon. This is Mr. Hrfndle's second visit lo the camp within Hie past month. Henry Fry Mcleod, has been appointed clerk of the peace in the county of Prince Rupert for the -month of September and will exercise the jurisdiction ,eii f erred by the Small Debts Court net, according to tliP1l.C. Gazet te. , Mrs. 1). J. Matlieson sailed Sat unlay night on die Prince George for Victoria where she will, at tend the funeral of her fatln die late William Noble, which takes place on Tuesday after noon. Mrs. Matlieson expects to be away about a fortnight. Messrs. Gillespie and Wilson. mining contractors, of Telkwa, wlio last year operated the Hetty Mine and who are interested in properties on -Hudson Hay Mountain, arrived in town Saturday and went south tliaj evening. They expect to be away some time. r- t- J ANNOUNCEMENTS ' 4 Hospital Annual Hall, OcJ. 31. Lutheran Hazaar. December 2. willjMelropoic Hall. lloyal purple Hazaar, Wednes. day, December 3, Elks' Home. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE JL hlllll .'MtuT Kraft CAeesdJalad Simply delicious you'll say, and your lolks will all agree. You will be astonished to learn how many tempting dishes you can make with Kraft Cheese. This recipe and nearly a hundred others in the free Kraft booklet "Cheese arid Ways to' Serve it". Write lor a copy to-day. Krift-MwLtrt Ck C Liaiuj M0NTBTAI ADVANCE NOTICE Auction sale of Household, Furni lure will be held on Thursday, of this city and now living in Vancouver with ber.parenjs, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Knight, left A'an- couver last week DP a trip to i Winnipeg and other Kastern cities. . .- A. J. T. Taylor well known in the north as the former presi dent fcf the Taylor Engineering Co., is on a visit' JoJjweden as a member of an in5lO-Jananese commission, apporiifeo' in London lo investigate new electrical, heating and power developments in the Scandinavian ' peninsula. Other members of tho conimis sion arc a Swedish invpntor and a Japaneseuyjllege professor. Union steamer Cardena. Capl. A. E. Dickson, arrived from Van couvcr at l o clock yesterday afternoon and sailed, at 8 for Anyox, Stewart and Alice Arm Included in the vessel's passen ger list were the following: for Prince llupert H. F. Dunning N. Murcliie and J. F. , Davidson fn,r Stewart 11. Cross F. Duclos M. T. SabovieJi. A. .St. Claire Urindle, W. Dann ..ml A. H Triles; for Maple Hay P, J Cook: for Alice" Ann, Frank Clark: for Anyox L. J;'. Champ ion and Mrs. Jones; ruund tri Dr and Mrs. May ainr Mrs. IRISH TROUBLE LONDON1. Sept. 29. As the time approaches fur parliament !o reassemble to deal Willi the Irish boundary dispute, powerful influences appear to be at work in northern ('and southern Ireland and in Englaifil.til1 brin;? -ibout a settlement of Uu? ftui- troversy by mutual consent-. of 1 lie two Irish eom'miinitiesY 1 ' ' UNIQUE HONEYMOON SMITHERS COUPLE Miss Emma Catherine Loveless Becomes Bride of Stuart Fleming Campbell: Leave for Mountains. 'Special, lo Daily News) SMITIIKllS, Sept. 29. - The Manse of the Union Church, inilliers, was the scene of a ipiiel wedding, on .Thursday.! Sept. ','5 when al the hour of ".00 a.m., Willi the ltev. M. W. f.ees iiffifinlintr .. Kmniii "!nl lui- no Loveless, daughter of Mr.' nut Mrs. (1. Loveless of SmitlicrsJ lecanie the bride of Stuart Flem ing Campbell, also of Sinithers. Mrs. M'. W. Lees and A. 'Dick son witnessed the, ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell dis-tenseil with I lie conventional mode of honeymooning Jhat of. 'ravelling Jiy distant fields by "ruin or steamer, but itnniedinle- y after the ceremony mounted heir ponies and started off for h secret rendezvous iii. the Hud-sun Hay Mountain, n rendezvous known only to I he ..happy bride-'iroom wlio had previously made full provision for Ihe venture. They will return to town in a week, taking up residence on Main Street. ' Holh Mr.- and Mrs", Campbell are well kninyn. Mr. Campbell has curried on the business of general storekeeper' lieVe ir the pas I two years. Ex-Ald. John Currie sailed on (he Prince lluncrt Saturday night for Vancouver on a busi ness trip. , HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICES SUNDAY Salvation Army Citadel Tastefully Decorated Goods to be Auctioned This i Evening There were special Harvest Festival services at the Salvation Army barracks yesterday in the morning, afternoon and evening. All were well attended. Capt Ilea presided and among those contrihutirtg io the. programs were Lieut. Gardner with a vocal solo and Sister Mum ford with pianoforte solos. Members of the . '-j j congregation gave anaresses. The hall was tastefully for the occasion. A church and collage recalled pioneer memories ana on taoies tinder Hie large evergreen arch October 2, at lOOt-'TIays Covcviie disiTlayed the many gifts of Avenue ilfays Cove Grocery). fruit, vegetables and donations Prince llupert- Exchange, of goods froiif the various storc- V TiVucli'oneers. keepers of the city. There wa9 a '- - iKiiecial table for decorated bas- Miss Tlielma Knight", formerly kets of fruit or candies given by the Juniors cf the local corps These were judged this morning and prizes will be awarded to night when tip; auction of goods will lake place. The prize win ners were: First, Edith Leek, $3 cash. Murray Ilea, $1.50 cash. Third, Adelaide Piper, box of chocolates. An additional prize will be given to the'basket get ting the highest price at the auc tion tonight". DETECT REEFS BY WATER TELEPHONY Dr. Bovle of Alberta University Has Been Successful With Experiments EDMONTON, Sept. 29. (Can-j adian Press) Successful experi ments oil the Atlantic coast duiv ing the summer months for the detection of icehergs,s hidden reef and nearhv ships, as well as in the development of deep water telegraphy and telephony have been conducted by Dr. Robert W. HoyIe professor of Physics at Hie University of Alberta who has returned to the city from the east. Dr. Hoyle was acCoinpanico by Charles Held, a former stu dent at th( university, who will continue his work at Harvard. 'flu' experiments have been in progress since t lie middle of April last and were conducted on the ice breaker Montcalm. The scene of the operations was off the coasts of Labrador, New-f foundland, Cape Hrelon and the Straits of Belle Isle. A measure of secrecy attached to the nautical research work of Dr. Hoyle' which has been carried on for. several years and which is a continuation of thai done by him during the Great War, but IJie Alberta phvsicisl just the other day indicated in a general way what had been accomplished 5 DAY SALE OF MISSES and Ladies'Coats - at BENT'S On Tuesday we will put on sale our fine selection of Girl's and Women's COATS in the very latesl styles and fabrics. Plain and fur trimmed, DOZENS TO CHOOSE FROM In sizes: Girls' from 12 to 10, Women's from 3(5 lo 10. 5 Day Sale commencing Tuesday until Saturday. Noli' The idea of this 5, Day Sale is to' give Hie ladies living out-of-town an opportunity to get a good coat al an exceptionally low-price. "BENT'S" Ladles' Ready-to-Wear Third Avenue THE QUIET 12 PRICE $155 Hpeaks only in a whisper but is being heard around the world. Unexcelled for good work, and lots of it and that's; important in il-s o 1 f. Furthermore, its hushed anil whispering voice brings welcome relief from office clalter, and creates belter and more efficient working conditions for everybody. You are invited to call and see its many remarkable advantages. THE REMINGTON PORTABLE Tlio Remington Portable, too standard keyboard light and compact, $85.00. x ''''KSBBiBIIBBIIIBIBiBBBIIBBBBilSBBiBIBBIH Kellogg's delivers health and wondrous flavor in every crisp, golden -brown flake. Nourishing and delicious with milk or cream, or the fruit you like best CORN FLAKES Ovin-frtih always also be' carried on'belween ships' and reefs within three miles, and lo telegraph "or 'telephone secretly for distances of ' five miles orj even more. "In I In- present' experiments with a small scale, ''model "ap-J parajus some of these old ex- I.erliH'eiilVro'';.(repentPd undi Checked to1 obtain ii basis." ' r , j-. ',: : v. . . FB.?E5 '-URN If a? Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F in new methods of sounding for depths, delecting ice and shores, j preventing wrecks and avoiding Collisions between ships and ice- i bergs. "We joined Ihe Montcalm at North Sydney about the middle of April and installed the: equip- t menl that we had been Using Jul the University and which had been brought east for the pruc-llual . exiipi-iiiioiil. Previous ex. pcrinienls elsewhere had shown' that the presence of ships,! snores, reeis, eic, count I'e ue-I eel ed and distance and bearing ; given by this new method. Secret telephony and lelesiranhv could JT Jb 1LB JL IMi 1 Mm 8 ei. M Mot.$U5 16o..7J I28oi. 4 00 Trlil Sprtjrrr Wrt HanlSpojror .60 MOTHS In Bottle Only Faa 11 M Mosquitoes Al Grant! 4 Drucit n L. A 1 u.nuf.i,, KOQcnesAnls Ret Sprtj Conptajr . n jn vc..m,B.c Beduus ttc. t i .)