PAGE SIX WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 9 p.m. CHARLES RAY In "The Girl I Loved" The heart story of a great poet visualized on the screen by u great actor. James, Whitcomb Riley's youthful romance piclurized by Charles Hay at his very best. A soul-gripping story of real life ami real people who loved much, suffered, forgave. A picture replete with tremendous emotion, quaint comedy, rare beauty and exceptional acting. The most impetuous love scenes ever filmed with Charles Hay as the supreme lover. Delightful settings. Charming natural surroundings. Great cast. Patsy Ruth Miller, Ramsey Wallace, William Courtwright, Gus Leonard, Kdyth Chapman and many others. "The New Leather Pushers" No. 4, "A Tough Tender Foot." Admission 35c and 10c. Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practical knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will bo found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES. Diamonds, watohes, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuino leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invltsd. 9 Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist MAIL SCHEDULE For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, closes at 3.45 p.m. From the East Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 4 p.m. To Vancouver Moridays, mail closes at 10 P.M. Tuesdays, Mail closes at 4 P.M ', Thursdays 10 P.M Saturdays ........... . A.M Saturdays 10 P.M. G.P.H. Sept. 3, C and 1G. From Vancouver-Sundays P. M. Mondays 3 P.M. Wednesdays 3 P.M Fridays ... . A.M Fridays 3 P.M C.P.Il. Sept. 1 and 12. To Anyox, Allco Arm Wednesdays 0 P.M Sundays 7 P.M From Anyox, Alice Arm-Tuesdays P.M Thursdays P.M To Stewart and Premier Sundays -7 P.M Fridays ...0 P.M EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS IN SOUTH WALES SWANSEA, South Wales. Sept. 29. An earthquake shock was 'experienced in the Ilhymney Val-' ley early on Saturday. Coal miners were alarmed by the ominous rumblings and loud reports and falling roofs. PRIME MINISTER IS LEAVING FOR WEST Holding . Final Cabinet Meeting This Afternoon: Bank Inspector to bo Appointed OTTAWA, Sriit. 29. Premier Mackenzie Kins will leave lo-niglil on a tour of Hie west no, companied by Hon. P. J. Cardin, Hon. Hal McOivem. and Senator j unconscious of the cloud darken-Andrew llayden. Al a cabinet 1 ing Ihe horizon of their, happy council meeling this afternoon.' : .. . ' II. II. .MGIM'IIKIU, lllilllilKI I "I U"1 Hnyal Trust Co. is likely lo be appointed govi'iiinienl inspector of banks. r Strawberries Canned Strawberries are going lo cost 35c to 40c a tin this winter We would advise your buying the winter supply now. Huy six or a dozen tins at Our Special Price per tin 20c G for $1.25. 12 for $2.25- Strawberries sold only with meal Riders. Our Meat Dept. can save you money. Money returned if not satisfied. Orders over $3.00 delivered. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428 This Week's Specials Apples, Mcintosh Reds No. 1; per box .... $2.75 No 2, per box . $2.35 Oranges, 3 iloz. . , $1.00 Preserving Pears, per box $2.75 Tomatoes, pep basket 50c Largo Head Celery, 2 for 25c Pickling Onions, 3 lbs. for 25o Green Tomatoes, 0 lbs.' for 25c Small Pickling Cucumbers. per lb', 15c Oreen Peppers, per lb. 20c lied Cabbage, per lb. .. B'io Heinz Pickling Vinegar, per quart 25c per gallon 90o We have all Pickling Assortments. Order now. ECONOMr STORE 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84. DIFFICULTY WITH IMMIGRATION LAWS TO UNITED STATES Man's Wire Not Allowed to 90 Home With Him From Winnipeg WINNIPEO, Sept. 21). Miss Nance J. Lord, of Manchester, England, a former lied Cross nurse, met during the war, in Edinburgh, an American rancher, Virgil Negranli, on leave, and became eugeged lo him. Miss Lord sailed for Canada this summer and reaching this city was married July 8? Knowing (hat owing lo the quota law of the United States an English girl could not arrive in an American port other than a visitor tor a period or six months, it was lltoughl by the ar rangements carried out all difficulties would be overcome, and so Ihcy travelled to Pembina, all venture into I lie world of matri mony. Al Pembina Ihcy wcrei turned back on July 10, under a pew clause of Ihe Unifed stales immigration laws, .namely that a WALK DOWNSTAIRS AND Save Money llallow'cen Dales in bulk, 3 lbs. for 25c Evaporated Prunes, size 40-. 50, special, 2 lbs. .-. . 25c New Season's Pack Lobslcr, small tins . . ...... 25c Medium size-(ins ... 45o We Buy and Sell LIVE CHICKENS OR FOWL. Wrile us for prices. Wo can handle from 200 to 300 chickens weekly. RupertTableSupply Three Phones2io,aii.2i2' Dainty Dorothy Would mention Our real courteous attention lleliable work, fair profits and pronipt service is what you may expeel lo get at this shop. We are experienced and properly equipped. Phone us lo call for your garments. It you want to confer with us about cleaning our advice is always at your command. Our rapid cleaning and pressing for men is popular priced. PHONES B0X392 PRINCE RUPERT wile did not assume the nation ality or her husband until aHcr a period or 12 months. So back to Winnipeg, where every possible means was taken to overcome the. djjlieulty. Error! s were even made to obtain admittance wr Mrs. Negranli as a visitor, but under Ihe circumstances, tins Was also refused. Mr. Negranli, under pressure of business, was forced lo re turn lp the United States, where every possible aclion is being taken l.o allow his bride lo join him. Mrs. Negranli is in the meantime a victim ot cruel cir cumslance, forced lo enjoy (he hospitality of friends in Winni peg. MISSION WEEK AT- CATHOLIC CHURCH Father Morlarlty of Vancouver Is Here Conducting Services . Two Lectures Dally A mission week Is in progress a( the local Catholic Church with Father Moriarily of Vancouver in charge. The special services started yesterday and will bo in progress until next Sunday. Daily there will be lectures in the church. at 8 iu the morning and 7.30 In- Ihe evening. The annual meeting of Ihe priests or the diocese lias also jbeen going on and will close tomorrow. Most or the priests or JJie district have been here at tending II. .lames Palmer arrived on last night's train from Prince fieorge to join Hie local stall' of Ihe Hank of Montreal in place of J, p. Davles who is transferred to l'l mro ;norgc. THE DAILY NEWS Monday, September 29, jg,, HALIBUT FISHERMAN DIED AT HOSPITAL Alexander McKay Was 43 Ye of Age a Native of Scotland Alexander McKay, u well known local halibut fisherman, died in the General Hospital at 8 o'clock last night after a pro. longed illness. Deceased, who was 43 years of age and u native iu Scotland, had fished out of lliis port for the past five years. He was a single man and as far as is known has no relatives in lids countr. The funeral arrangements are in the hands or the 1 1.0. Undertakers. Mr. McKay has been ill for about a year. PRINCE COMING WEST OAI.OAHY, Sept. 21). The Prince of Wales will leave Id's ranch Wednesday evening for Jasper Park en Touto to Vancouver and Victoria. PRINCE RUPERT IN DRY DOCK TUESDAY The Prince. Jluperl is due to arrive from I lie south on lime at 3 o'clock this afternoon. There i iwill be no sailing for the south i tonight. C.N.H, sleanier Prince Huperl will be taken up on the dry dock tomorrow' morning for annual overhaul. She will remain there for a week when she will resume coast servieo in place of the Prince fieorge which will go inlo dock. Auditorium 215 Sixth Avenuo Open every day for Skating. From 2 lo 4 p.m. Evenings 8 to 10. Tuesday Night, Hand Night. Friday Night, Moonlight "J Skating. Competent Instructors to Jewell beginners. Phone Hlack 449. L. F. Marren, Proi iilor. GET IT AT I PHONE 586. WILTSHIRE BACON. PRICE OF HALIBUT WAS LOWER TODAY Cold Storage Company Not Buy Ing Owing to strike or risn Packers There The price of halibut was down a little at the exchange Ibis morning, prices being aboid rourleeu Tor Canadian and sixteen Tor American. The -Cold Storage Company was not buying owing lo their rish packers being on strike. Following were the sales: American -Seattle, 12,000, at 15c and 8c to the Pacific Fisheries. Daley, 15,000, at luc and 8o to Allin Fisheries. Ileliance 10.000, and Wabash, 1,000, at lc and 8c lo llpyal Fish Co. Canadian Kaien, 8,000, Tramp, 5,000, and Fannie F., 3,500, al 14c and Gc to Ibioth Fisheries. Volunteer, 7,000, -Mali, 700, Mi line V.. 3,000 at '1 lc and Gc In Allin Fisheries. Annie May. 3.000. at 1 lo and'i lie to lloyal Fish Co. The New .England came in wit li 35,000 pounds which was taken care of by the Allin Fisheries. IMMIGRATION TO THIS COUNTRY W. D. Robb, Vice-president of C.N.R. Says Scotland and Holland Offer Best Field For Canada MUCH UNEMPLOYMENT MONTREAL, Sept. 29. "I am more than ever convinced thai Canada) ofDers Jiher prospects than any other country in Hie world tor industrious and thrifty people who are looking for a place lo establish homes and make a living." These were the words of W. D. Ilobb, vice-president of. Ihe Can-nailian National Hallways, when ho arrived from England by Ihe Meganlie of (lie While Sliir Do minion Line, wl'iich docked heiej Saturday night. Mr. Ilobb, in ad-! dilion to his other departments in Canada has charge or the do- HIGH CLASS -GROCERS P.O. BOX 133. SMOKED HAM a m fHk If Mi the Jff PORK PIES SCOTCH OAT CAKES OLD CROW BOURBON WHISKEY fin its Field Superlatively the Best Noted for its great ago and mellow maturity. "Awaken old memories." 26 oz, bottle No. so 32 or, bottlo This advertisement is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Hoard or by the Oovornment of :- . British Columbia. . Cash & Carry rip! 4 JA'APORATED, Specials ROYS' FLEECED LINED UNDERWEAR Shirls und Drawers. Sizes 22 to 32. Special per garment 75, MEN'S SOCKS 100 per cent Pure Wool Median Weight, ltihbed, colors Hlack, flrey and Heather. . Sizes 10 lo 11. Meg. 75c pair Spi ial, 2 pair Tor 95, ENGLISH FLANNELETTES Extra good quality in six. different designs, 30 inch'- wide. Special, per yard 45, BOYS' JERSEYS, RAMESES Made in England. Colors Navy and llrown. Sizes 18 to :I2. Special, each j tg KEWSON RED LABEL UNDERWEAR All Wool. Made by Slanfields. Sizes 31 to , Shirts aud Drawers, gumeiil jjq Combinations, suit $3 oq LADIES' ALL WOOL HOSE 1'ainy Hibbed, assorted colors. Sizes II, IU,, 10, Special, pair $1.35 Universal TEETH! TEETH! Willi the Cold Weather mining 011 now is the lime (j l.v-s those faulty teeth fixed. MODERN DENTISTRY LOWEST PRICES. Dr. J. F. Smith Block. partunnt f colonization and development and he has just .ro-Muui'd from a lour of England, Scotland. Helgiutn, Holland and part-. f Fiance, where be has DoiMi H-Mcwinp the possibilities of obtaining settlers. British Unemployed Mr. Uolib is firmly of the opin ion,, that Hi" North of England ami Sroiluiid, especially Scot-' f nml. having a largt) number' of potential einmigraiits of the right' type for Canada, there has been no real diminution in Ihe number of unemployed in Britain, and it is in the northern cities (jspeci-ally thai unemployment is most rife. Estimates show that the number or unemployed is slill uiicoinJorlnbly near the 1 i-2 million mark and only two or three . days before Mr. Ilobb sailed, Karl Haig made an. appeal on behalf of 80.000 unemployed cx-i soldiers. Thero were men, the Earl said, who wanled work, not doles, and il is the men who want Work that Canada is looking for. Canada offers the natural solution therefore,, the problems facing literally thousands or men having Ihe energy and intelligence lo succnul as settlers on our broad agricultural lands. Vlsltod Holland Holland, M!r. Ilobb believes, otters another good field . While there he visited Hie immigration office of the dutch govern-1 menl. lie inspected II10 farmers'; markets, went into Iho country mid was Invited inlo .Dutch farm homes. Farm lands In Holland nre subdivided to the limit aud the surplus farm population has no alternative but lo drill inlo tbo cities, where lliere Is great unemployment. So impressed was Mr. Ilobb with the possibilities ot gaining settlers of Ihe most desirable type, that' Ihe Canadian National Ilnilway Is opening a branch office or colonialloii and development In llollerdnm. The position ot Helgitim, Mr. Ilobb declares, is 'altogether different. There Is. ljllle unemployment, nnd "industrial conditions iiic generally satisfactory. France Needs Immigration Trillin'" actually needs inuni. gallo, not emigralion. She is di'i't f man power, and. on this PACIFIC MILK, 10o Per Tin Limit (I tins, to each customer Toilet Paper, 7 for Corn Flakes, U for '. Limit 12 lo each customer 25c 25c Trading Co. Maguire Phon 575. account will not iiernni minus, a-lion projiagandu. Mr. Ilobb, alllmn-li haw ? 1 a few weeks at lu ii' ui 1 :i thoroughly coven1'! 1 iu which Hie depai'mr onlzation and dcvi"wa most inleresled ami t tz that in the countiiis nati; lh( except ion of Kranr-1 ai H giuin. .(here is a laru" ' m-people eminently s al! 1 available for seMJcmc land in Canada. H :4'oo w Kept iyiEg. boing Last year each c'ii: prnlnce pajd 110 of ! . ing expenses for go(! outside Hrilish Columli; ' Ihe same Ibings of r(! 31 0 better (pialily nre ma!' ' H.C. will 'always have " " employment problem a J"1' as wo fail lo help 7 within our own horde:'. u-000 1 " people were Kept nykjiig the goods mention"-' only Ihcy were not iU Pl'l" Pacific Milk Co. Limited 328 DRAKE STIlEET, VANCOUVER. Factories at Ladner and Abbolsfcrd, B"- .Notlrr II I..WW..V WlVfli Ui will lB liiKle l II'" l;, ': I'LhUil, " r III" ITt.vlnr of HrlllKll U'l." M,li.l iieM Seml1.11 lliTf. fr fn.; JT, in. Hip MfllioilK thuii H , , M v.lmrrtw ' I"J J h l"'!,.i L'nlliMl Church nf ( "'l;n ' ' vrZ nt IM w nun and ncliiiliili-lriiU'M ;t' ftf Mill rhiirrhpn In form ), ,f i . aim.l'i. "Mil f", 'Jv in n"l ronrur ihfivliu ' r,,riVw.niil rr"l,i',v , m to