PAOK'TWO. For One Cent you may obtain 3 cups of DAILY EDITION PARKERHEADS LP JES J3k. SCHOOL BOARD Chosen Chairman at First Meeting Last Night Coal Orders Given COMMITTEES NAMED jweilingt lington H403 AsK for a trial pacKage today. Delicious 1 Economical ! The Daily News piunok mipf.ut - immsii colu.mwa. Published Every .Afternoon, exc.spt Sunday, Hie ' Prince Hiipcrl Kaily News, Limiled, Third Avenue. ' II. 1 PULLBN, Managing Kdflor. v SUBSCRIPTION 'RATES: City Delivery, ly mail or carrier, per mnnlh $1.00 Hy ninil to nil papls of (he Hrilisi Empire, and the United Stoles, in .advance, per ysar an.nn 2."c per line 2c ner word lump, 12.21; mine run. Slt.yO; screening, at). 10; 'IVILu-m liiinn yll lit- i.i.i.. .nt. VIU.IiU. , Order Placed There was a lengthy discussion on Ihe respective merits -of the various varieties which -resulted :iu (he decision to order CO Ions Jot Tf'Lkwa coal from Philpoll, jh'vilt A Co. at l0.i0 and. 30 tons ;of Kdsou from the I'rince Rupert ll'ee.l Co. at 10.75. In the event -k 'of the former firm being uniihlc Salary Revision Will be Discussed to-accept the order, on ceount at Special Meeting on Estl- iot Mr. Kvitt being an alderman, mates the tirder will 'go to the I'rince S. H. Parker was chosen chairman nf the. school hoard for 102 1 Rev. Dr. Grant Given Vote of Con- i fldence at Close of Meet-I Ing Last Night To all oilier countries, in advance, per vear ...... " " $7 ' Til) ' Mie kink of !).: ft willi " '. all debts paid. Transient Display Advertising. ; , .$1,10 per inch' per insertion Mr- s,asey on behalf of the Transient Advertising on Trout Page.;...-: JJS.SO per irih i,a,l'' r.i'l society al.l they had Local Headers, per insertion,.. . Classified Advertising, per insertion.... Legal Notices, each insertion. (lonlraet Pales on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone ... Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations 17 members and had held regu lar nreclirigs a well as a good .trie per agnte j,irj'any social events ggg9Thui day, January 2t, VJ2 Mrs. ISorio, Irensurer for the ladies' aid, reported 2,20 on 93 lliaml inl thai iluriug Ihe year -86 tlhey had cleared 4oo!i.i:i. .Mrs. I ay lor read Ihe report or Mrs. Siimlisoii on the cradle' roll showinir (here were now (51 -on in... lid NY. F. Duncan for the Sunday Ihe social columns. OUI I h a number of people nave already broken dial New Near resolution about coriimenc- ing lo save regularly every week A PF.HSO.V who spends every- thing he has is a spendthrift but a person that runs heavily in debt noil never pays, i, an arlisl. A YYO.MA.V sued for divorce because her husband made such an awiui noise eallncr Krane- fruil. If Canadian judges would only listen (o that, kind 'of reason I know whore there could be a big crop of divorces hiised, - DIN'OItCH Is Ihe bridge that leads from one matrimonial venture lo another. . PHINCK Ililpert Is full of ice. bergs, according lo pne no i.-Inercial man who tried to gei rresh with tjome of Ihe girls in this cily. He was frozen lo suu'i an exlenl that people now call him 'a big IHT." ! TIIKIt M is lalk nf importing a number of 'osteopath to loosen up some of the bonebeaih around (own. I might take a dollar's worth of treatment my self If I can gel press ruin. Subscribe for the Daily News. THE DAILY NEWS. TTmr.oilwy .Twimary , lf : I, ORGANIZATIONS OF HAD A WEAK HEART CHURCH REPORTED, WAS VERY NERVOUS FOR THREE YEARS MUs .;! riiruin, 7i-laii.tia, Sank.." urlten:-- -I ,h t j.0 kn,,w ,W SIMmI Miltilifn IIabM n.l V..r. mil. Reports submitted ul lln meet- Iwv Mr m ' ing of I ho congregation of I hot ,. Presbyterian Church yMMy JST rai XuZ showed nil the subsidiary organ. ,wa ihtvoik umMiiiH i wouki izalimis in a healthy Minlition. " rint'y. The Moderator nil Mmir .f lhcj tw.rrt .f many wis, had-recm- iscsinn explained that the slight mended your lli-art ami .-rv pills, wi I 'decrease ill membership was lue,,l,','1',,, 10 rtv U in a.irlal. After I h.l j.n Wide moving. A Hiun-I, a. n wesiern town wan largely a.wa nwiph-iiy riiveii. 'procession. People were nil Hie) limn nmiiiL. ml W -"iirim rr nm rauain, congregation, litiwcM'p, was in splendid heart ami was vitally in. Icreslcil in Hi" cause for whirli lln' church stands. On In-half of I he hoard of num. agers NV. J McKiulcy said there had been but two ipielions be. fori I In-ill, tint annual one of fi-iianciiiL' and lh now one of church building. The treasurer reported a hal School reported an average at tendance of between 80 and 00 and H on hand after paving all expenses. For the rhoir, Mrs. Marlon .-poke briefly, and following vole of thanks, said it was good to know Ihe efforts hail been appreciated. She would compy Ihe vole nf I hanks to the choir. There were oles of thanks to all those who had worked in the various orvmnialiori and nl the close a lunching scene took place on Ihe pnsmg of a vole of con fidence in llev. Ilr. firanl. Tip Doctor was much moved and " " lit.;. i t.... i -t.. .i - . r.-. i nni lower !0sl , the church work. He had oiu.irr on iriKwa ai KiUl.Ud. Unmolime- foil II mM.I I... .ii; Chairman Parker iimnmppil':' i. i.r, . i ... .. .. . at the first meeli.itr of Hie hoar.l n. ....,. .u- ,lVi . J " " " "": " ' "nicr mai lerday afternoon. Mr. Parker's ' " , ; ? '' " "''1" , " name was i,,.,oe,l l,v Tr.,,le .i' , I .....1 ' . " is,r" ,,n,pr Uiir'1 circi.niHla.ife ,..... ' . . . r . ... ' ...i-jr..,. i...-ir oioies lojie pjvins un a cood nosilinn an. n minimis uiiu sri-onoeo ny.irus- nar Cn ar v wllli ri-vml w.inl it, , , .. . . .. . tn.reelinv (hat when his i io p. ii n ii. vv oiior i . . , wo.-k ended ..... .......... , iiiiiihii's ami ground: name was put forward by Mr. Hoot h School Trustees Casey Parker and Trustee Hrichestei4 juu Hochrspr. but he withdrew. On taking Ihe jrdeii Street Trustees NVil- cluiir, Mr. Parker Ihiinked the Jjams and Orme. , memheiK for the honor conferred King K(war.l 'sclioolTrulees upon, him and congratulated Jhe Omie and Casey, -t- new triislecs on their election. Seal Cove Trustees Hochesler The only business before. Ihe and Williams. board was the ordpring of 90 tons The chairman nsked the com. of coal ffir- the various schools, millees to give serial consi.ler-Tenders were 'opened. as follows: alion to the mailer of playground Prince lluperl Coal Co. Ster- reMuirernenls. lie also intimnle. ling egg, S'J;70 per ton; Telkwn Ihal-furllier work would be neces. iimp... 11.)5; I.adysmith.NVel- sary on Ihe llor.len Sti-pel school linglmi lump ..; mine run, this year probably kalsomln-SI2.(ii: M'imlieil iiivi u i-,n i..i.i ...i.t . . . screenings. kK.' all i m t : '"' "iio "iiniioiK ouisiue. Salary Revision . ... . ,-,,,''l,ry .r)aimo. Regular mi-elings, as lasl year, NNellinglpn jump. 12.25; Telkwa will. be on Ihe second Wcdncdaya lump. 11,05; . jn llvlth TUor( wj, ,io (tonsumers Coal Co.-Foolhills special niciinK. however, on pea slack,,;mine run, IO.'Jo;ij.vhruar.v r. lo K into the malle-M-reee. .nine run, ll.liO; Mnl- of Minnie. .t thai lime salary kan M-ie.Pie, mine run, 1 0.10;! revision will he discussed. It Ca.ln.nlii. HM.'i.r,; Telkwa screen-vas referred to last nighl, but no ' u ""I; T'u MV:'5, o .'n-mher,. of Ihe board gave any M'''''JI''''---nalkan fur- Indication of (heir inlenlions. In nace. tn.,(i; Nellowhead su.,the meanlime. (he present scbed-' ;,r, (:,'Vil '""road ules will be submitted i ih0m. gra. e, .75. TUw wdfl flll, uPmlanre nf Prim;, lluperl J-eed Co. Fdson the board nl Ihe meeting mine run. ni.7.r(; T.elkwa. l0.9f), Pliil)iotl. IMH A Co. Nanoose- . Rubcribe for Ihe Daily News Whcelev Oakman nlSam SeGrassa ia Slippy McGee" .MaMaaaHaHaaV: Sliowing Tonight at the Weslliolnie Theatre, he would haye nolhin?. lie was glad to tune this expression of confidence as if would ge him jheart to rarry on the work Jiere j The Man in the Moon J SAYS:- T1IK hoy who stole a ford and look jt one hundred miles from home carried Ihe joke loo far. SOMF. gfrls look like a million dollars at night' and In Ihe morning bear a close i resern bianco to ten cents. TIIK editor says some people unable over, themselves lo eel iulo print and others howl their heads off If even their hands relatives are menlioned in vimild alvlM aiiyiuio IkvIiik a wi-ak lH-rl or Irmililisl with niTriiimw k, llM-m." Mllliunra 11, N. 1'ilU arr trtr a U, it all tVli-r. nr. maiM illm-t mi nrolin f prlin liy Th T. Mlltmrn Cu.. I.lniUH, lnninin, ont. LABOR HAPPY OVER FUTURE Members of Parliament Olve Views on What May be Exoected from Party (SI.ASdOYV. Jan. 21. NV. II. Martin,1 one of Ihe new Clyde members of Parliiiiiieut. who is utsO" chairman of the Scottish Independent,. Labor Parly, speaking at Mllngavie, said I hey were going lo have a ery interesting time at YvVstminsler. The eyes of Ihe world were on Ihe British House of tiommons. Kuropc was looking to llrilon for a way out of her chaos, and Ihe thinking population of all countries were looking lo Ihe first Labor government, to direct them Into the right palhs. lie was going as a "live wire" lo YVeslininslor. W illi all the slrenglh and vigor in him be was going to fight on the floor of the House of Commons for the emancipation of the workers. Renounce Salaries 1 Johnstone, .M.P., continues to plead, in the Socialist journal Forward ,or a renunciation by the Labor Oovernment of Cabi-i net Ministers' salaries. He says that a l.ahjir Parly which lakes Ihe old spoils of olllce a fixed by Ihe capHulfsl parlies who have preceded. Ihi-iii is commuting a spiritual blunder, as It will discover when it again comes lo the country. If the Labor Parly attempted lo justify Ihe present scale of salaries it would be throwing away a great opportunity of showing Ihe na tion, and incidentally a hungry working class, thai It was aril- mated by a different spirit front that hilherlo exhibile.l hy its opponents, Hailie p. J. Dollan, chairman of Ihe Olaigow Independent Labor PaVly, discussing Ihe prospect of the Labor Oovprn-menl says: "A Labor Oovern-nipnl, pvpii although' In n' minority in Parliament, will be able lo do more for the workers and Ihe nation than Labor in op. position. Theoretically the bel- icr position for Labor would have Iippii fur Tories and Lib erals lo form a Coalition (iov-crunieni:- with Labor in npposi- lion as j i.oIpiiIIuI successor. Circumstance, however, modify I henries; und Socialists ennnot leave circumstances out of Outside Support A Labor (!overiiiiieiil,' whether whether we' like U or not, will require support from non-Labor M.P.'s, ami in Ihe first few months will have to lake Hint factor inlo consideration when shaping lis policy. Fortunately mere are a unrulier of M.P.V who are pleilged to support what may be fiilrly described as Minor .reform, affecting such promems as housing, rcnls, Uliemplnyiiipn . ci ucallonal urn. tires ami child.' tfffnre. Theme. Pledged M.P.V .are in honor bound lo support Labor reform Include lories as well as Lib. erals, who represent industrial :oiisliluoncies. Indeed, a Labor (iovernnienl should be ablu lo iiviue I he Liherals and Tories on many iiiPslions or, doiiiesllc lirgeyj-y." Andrew Young, M.P., another recruit of Win Olasgow group. speaking n I'alrick, said Iho bop Parly worn going Inlo Ibeir kingiloin. TJiey were go-ing o be Ihe master builders in Ihe. great temple of humanity, fn lha(, lempln men would dwell in happiness and peace, and In Ihe glorious certitude of having a good, life all jh Hum, a men and women ought to hovo. NEPTUNE TO VISIT WORLD CRUISERS The rrrllOra.e m4m will It ltt4 I all ...r. kr Ik i:ar ( Mk m hlr ., a 414 Ikaa aaar aa Ik ,: at r'raar lal ar, Mka ar ! la Mml mn4 X When to travel upon the sea waa to venture in treat danger it was usually thought wis by the voyagers o propitiate the god of the waters by making gift to him tefore setting sail, and oftentlmei, when Neptune dis-olayed his wrath at sea, human sacrifice were made to him. To our superstitious ancestors the son of Saturn tnd Ops had great power over the waves, especially tho f the sea, and had, therefore, in his hand the welfare of ill vessels and their human and other freight. The a-orship of Neptune was early introduced into Rome, tnd July 23rd, "Neptunalia," was his feast. Aa science reduced the terrors of the) sea, and education and higher civilization erased the sometimes terrible superstitions from the mind of the world, so the worship of and sacrifice to Neptune ceased, but even to this day he is venerated by many Latin and Scandinavian ailors and no ship- croase the equator without, some -ecognition being mad of him. Usually thl take the onn of a burlesque performance In which those w ho are aking the r firs grossing of the line" are initiated into j Ten Years Ago I In frince Itupert j h January 24, 1914. I tie 'Prince lluperl Hoard of Trade, at H annual meeting last night, elected the following olllcers: President, (icorgn It. Naden; vice-presidenl, D. 0. .Stewart; secretary treasurer, J. Lome .MarLarcn; Council: F. 0. Dawson, A.J. Morris, NV. M. Law, NV. p. Lynch, T. D. Pallullo, J. (i. McNab, A. Davidson, II. Jt. Rochester, Fred Slork, M. P. Mc-Caffery, NV. K. Williams, J. It. Thompson, fieorge D. 'file, j. NV. Palmare, M. .1. Ilohin and (f. NV. Nickerson. Retiring pre!-! tlenl, F. (I. Dawson submitted a: report which showed the .snlen-' did progress of the cily nnd dl-i I net in 191.1 ami aroused I ho. culhusiaiii of the member. -- The reorganized H.C. Fisheries are to build a large ice and cold storage plant on Porpoise. Harbor across from Port l-ldward. fieorge Clayldn has Just re. lurried from a series of meet ings of the shareholders In I'ng- lanii. About forty cftuple allended nn enjoyable dance given lasl nighl in SI. Andrew' Hall by Ihe Daughters of I Tie Umpire. Mr. Jarvis Me I, end was con vener of Ihe affair. ' Prosperous advertising mean eeirnlnr nnntinnon advertising. awaw fis ih reyiK-rU of th drp. Tht unlqua photofrifb rrprodurd ik mlui aboard th Canadian Panftr Kmprru f F , v iU. on a "Round tb YVorld" crola last yar Npai boarded th treat liner In th rtrly morninc :t xUty on which th "llnr" waa crd, and hHd )r fit wi attended by the Koyal UarUr ai d ' -r i offidaH who aMiated in tht initlativn tren:." ' Vat of the pajuenten were summoned to hi aut-tl pmm and ere tried for their mUdemeanour ru .bmtt t prain beini awarded without favor. Tho k y duced evidence of having; betn ' Initiated' &e;re n of rourte. exempt from trial. , ThU year, when Neptun board lit T -rmi Canada, which leave New York ok a Itouad rruit on January 30th. hi eeeretary will imu a. U who pau be I or th uod of th water, ten -mi that effect, which mill t cvunterelf aed by I t-'.jta' Hoblnion. K.N It . whbrommand lh vral,a: I beside befnr, valuable louvenir ol the trip. th holder from further trial. Be the 'Candy' Kid Sole NgeuN: , Phone 100. And Buy a Box of PURDY'S The Autocrat of the CANDY World Ideal for the Home, the Party or the Theatre. A TOOTH30ME DELIQHT IN A BEAUTIFUL BOX. - All Sizes All Prices. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUES. Helgerson Block. Dr. F. P. KENNY Dentist X-RAY 8ERVICE. Offico Hours? p, n,m, lo fl p.m. Open KveniiiH by jpecial Appolntineiil TELKWA COAL $11.00 BULK ON WHARF $12.50 BULK DELIVERED Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 118 and 504.