PAGI FOUR. Thursday, Jnima..v BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM ntii SPECIAL WELL-THE eOV I Ye K'HE tJD GResNO-WHAT 7 PROMOTCO HE THAT LOVELT HE. LIKED THE VrfST s NOUCOlNC TO ) ff t)0 HAPfW: I wORKCDAN'ur; DO NOW tM IN CHAsRCE wml vLmVT9 I For A FEW DAYS ONLY. Ladles' or Growing Girls' High Brown Boots. All sizes, low heel, $6.50 These are real value. Family SHOE Store Third Avenue, Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Hales and Information, seo us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Bread is your best food. more of if. Kept ly the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Av. Prince Rupert B.C. HydeTransfer Phone, 5S0. NIGHT OR DAY. Express Baggage Coal 139 2nd Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and dravel. We Specialize In' Piano and Furniture Moving, Loggers' Club Situate in the old F.mpress Hotel Building, Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll, - Proprietor. ST. ANDREW'S BEATS DHIf ADhDADIAD DV uiLLinrvu r n ivLun u i i VERY DECISIVE SCORE The SI. Andrew's Society made' w li if -fl- r f (lift f il m nn It n iiApl Billiard Parlor In last niphtV iPrincc Rupert (lily Billiard jLcapue Inurnament, losinp tmly one pame and winninp liy an ap- ares-nte score nf Olfi In "35.1. ! The scoring was as follows : ft. Davie (St. Andrew's., Kit; fienrpo Mcllmoyle ( , 200. .1, Andrews, 200; W. K. Hutchin son, 187. Moose Lepion ... 2 lleliekahf .. ... 2 I'ls. li 5 3 3 , Sport Chat lf a With thfee teams Moose, championship altlioupfi Ihe Sons of Canada and Kniphts of Columbus, at present sharinp the cellar, are under a rather severe handicap with three wins and seven deXeats chalked up apainsl lliem. A review of 1923 baseball re cords shows that Hie Cleveland Minors. J feel so good oyi I ' but what fR w'' ma'ce yu knocking out 5.i Iwo-hase hits. Harry Ileilnvtin and llahe Itulh were (lie only regulars to exceed Sjieaker's hallinp mark hul Ihe Cleveland leader drove in more runs than his Detroit rival and, playfnp in two less pames, drove in ju-l as many runs as Itulh 130. I'leeland hnlsnien drew C.33 bases on halls, had 381 strikeouts and made 1.50 1 hits. They scored 888 runs, 57 more than Detroit, and l5 more than Ihe champion Yankees, despite the laller's 105 home run.. Charley Jamie.on, the tribe's star left fielder,, led Ihe leiipue in lills.'pel tiriK 222. Speaker was second with 318. Major Leaptie famlmii has wit. iiessdl witli icprel the passim Klks and Sons of I'liplnnd lied from American . Leapue ranks of in' number of victories (seven "Kparkie" Mnllhews, niilfielder and makinp stronp bids for- lhe(senl by Ihe Athletics In Milwaii-Dybliavn Cup, emblematic of city kee in a deal brinpinp Al Slm-championship, jnlcresl is be-'nioim to. the Philadelphia club. cominp very keen in Ihe Fraternal WliKt Leapue competition. To-tiiphl each of these three teams will come into action and, need- .Malthew-s proved Ihe most colorful player in Connie Mack's line, up last season. He became a sens-ation overuiplit and his preat less to say. they will be llierei fieldinp and timely hilinp played with their stronpesl appregalions u prominent part in Ihe early sci an nol to lose Iheir positions ,aml mid-season spurt which car of advaiilape.'The Flks will play with Ihe Kniphts of Cidumbus; ried I lie Mnckmeu well up in (he first division and, for a lime Sons of Knpland Willi the Odd-jcauscd llieni In be Considered as iciiows, ami Moose with M. An- serious penani conlenders. A drews, Fach one of the ninelpenehanl for playlnp to Ihe crowd learns in Ihe competition this and (he resentment of his fellow winter still has a chance at the players over (hat custom is said o have been chiefly responsible for .Matthews' failure In cniiliniie Ills sensational wink. Ilepnrled ilisapreenienls wilh Connie Mack, Philadelphia manapcr, also were said lo have flpiued in con dlllons wiilch, coupled Willi a falling off in Mnllliews' form, re "suited In seudinp him to (lie MACDONALD'S Fine Git Tor those Smokers who like their tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own MACDONALD'S Rwtut y2tb. tin80 STEWART BOY MAKES OWN RADIO SET AND HEARS THE OUTSIDE Now With Modern Instrument Sits In at Concerts and Lectures at all Points il has remained for a I l-yoar-Jold Slewarl schoolboy, SI lively Mellor, In silence Ihe fireside (skeptics who, for several year past, have nrpucd Ihal owing; In I he high mnunlnin a wireless station rould never he oierated successfully in Hie town of Slewarl says Hie Portland Canal S. D Machinal,!, 200; H. F. lf,In(jans fts a lpam nnl m,y p( News. Such has l.een a favorite life a .... i i . : . ii 7, , inc American Leapne in baltihp i"'"1 ''r " niwuicr Joe Ilrown. nnn 200; S. J. Kvans, i. f, " various plowing vill, a average of .301 hut were;'"f" r,am- 'a'- "uul!. nilsr of pessimism, during Ihe season. The Teals r ...... w v v .. . 9,n S)8j ly expounded hy tin of SPVera of ie l(ay(,rs psped. nt.r,r. r' "I .1 niJ" a"' Manager Tris Speaker, and Made His " i"' Pitchers ieorpe Ulile and Stanley SlaVely.' without ', ' V """iCoveleskie, .stand out. L'hle writi M his parcnls, or " '.' 7 " . 1 J-'ames, more than any i.tlurlhal matter, look a """II . ,(. . ;. , III fll LADIESWHIST Pythian Sisters Daughters of England and St. Andrew's Auxiliary Winners Last Night American League pitcher to allow less than three' earned runs to u panic. Hi average was 2.70. In nddilion to leadimr the team in hiflinjr with an acrai:e of .380. Results of panics in Ihe Ladies' ;Saker set a world's record hr Section of the Whisl League lasl niplit were as fullows: I'ylliiari Sisters, 8; Loyal Orange Ladies I. ' SI. Andrew s Auxiliary, 0; Moose- heart 1-xion. 3. Daughters of Knplaml, fi; ilchck- alis, 3. Slandinps to 'dale: i). or v.. .... c, Pylliian Sisters .. Ti Oranpe Ladies . , , 3 SI. Andrew's .... ;T sn confidenl-peudn-wtse. Own sayiny a word In nnyone. for Quaker Hnll- pitcher in Ihe circuit, and pitched M Oat container made of card-to the most halsmen, t3t3. Inibnard, around which he lightly ni'ilition he worked in 2D conw (wrapped 2 t-gaupc,, covered cop-plclc games, another season's re-Ipor wire, breaking Ihe covering cord. Coxeleskfe was the onlyievcry len Inrns. for Ihe purpose of ohlainlns connection in order In adJtMt his instrument "In the wave leupths; secured a specimen if pnlcna ore from the Sultan ' mininp'. claims on Miller creek: rippe'ii'jils-nerials over his father's lhre. Then, when everjlhinp wn. all set. he told his father what he had done. and asked him in- come and look at it. Topelher they went to Ihe instrument, Slavely adjusted his head phones, and wilh preal excitement clearly Jieard Ihe wireless station at llyder 2l,4 miles away, operalnp. I lie pleasure nf this discovery over, with his father's assistance he felt out further, and eventually picked up wireless from Juneau, Prince Huperl and other north 'oast points. Hears Many Points Since (hen Mr. Mcllor has pre sented hi snu with a radio re ceivinp set, manufactured by Ihe Northern F.leclrir Co., for ama teurs, and he has, as a result, durinp the pust few weeks listened in on a number of concerts, speeches and press news, broad casted from as far south fts Los Angeles and as far east as llepina, and often picks lip broadcast Imp from intermediary points such us Kdmonlon,, Cal-pary, Vancouver and Seattle. Recently he heard a man makinp u speech in Ilepina, and heard him as clearly as thniiph he were, in Ihe same room. To date he has nnl installed u loud speaker, but hopes lo do so as siidii as he lias completed certain experiment. MUSICAL CLUB STUDIES BRAHMS AND BROWNING Meeting was Held Yesterday Af ternoon at Home of Miss M. A, Way, Fifth Avenue West The Ladles' Musical Club, V Lb. l5t ax Or THE COKttT .L I 1J If Fcatu( SlftVlCf. Inc. ' 11 I MAXO for Ited 500. Daily News Classified Ads. CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. Nu AdvartlMmant Taken for L thn SOell Vtf ANTED Molkii haiihf.h W)llki: wanls men and women to learn Ihn Harber Trade. Paid while learning. This ijt your opporlunify In learn a Irado and pet Into steady employ, merit. Graduates earn from flo.00 (o 50.0ft per week. Write for free catalogue. 50 Hnsllnps K. Vancouver. -, WANTKI. Mnld for ireuerul housework. Apply Mrs. A. K. Vrihl, 115 l lflh Ave. K. 21 FOR SALE FOIt SAI.lV-fi II. P. Palmer wilh clinch, $250.11(1. (I H.p. Cana. ilian Imperial f 100.00. .Northern H.xchanire.- tf FOU SALlv Sixteen room board- inp house and store, furnished. Apply U29 Ambrose I'OIl SAM:. Steel ranire. nearly new. Phone lied fi?3. 21 Sale, Cheap. FOR RENT STKAM Heated Flat for rent. i tenner . a-partments. . M. M. Stephens. FtH.NISIIKfl Cabin Summit Avenue. 23. BOAT ARRIVALS Phone 21 for Henl. Phone lied 21 ineellnp yesterday nfleriiiMiii al Ihe home of Miss M. A. May. KiTI ti Avcliue West, studied Ihe lives and works of Johannes Bralims and Itoberl Hrowninp. coi)(empornneotis composer and poei oi i ne .ineieenui i.eniury. Mis Way read a paper on Brahms ami Mr. W, K. Williams one on Jlrnwninp. As pianofnrle duels, Miss Way and Mrs. Williams played Brahms' llunparlaii Dance , .Vo, 6 and waltzes for Iwo pianos by Ihe same composer. Mr. Williams sanp Brahms "Little iulman" and Miss Way recited Itrown- nps' "I'ocalta if (Jaluppis." 'I'hero was a pood nllcndnrice of members. Delayed al Ocean Falls where sne nad much rreipiil lo slis- cliarpe C..NMI. steamer Prince fluprrl, Capt. John McKernan, arrived in port from the south at J o'clock last eveninp six hours lale. The vessel brouphl the foiluwlup nassenper: For Prince Huperl F. O. Dawson, J. Ilinns, S. L, Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. K, II. Simpson, N. L. Lando. W. C. Brewer. Percy Davidson, Mrs. '.Men-ell, Mrs. Ilendle, J. W. Bell, I'.. A. Dapp, K. It. Tabruiii, A. A. Cox, O. P. Brown, V. Williams, II. M. Sealon, .1. L. Smith, A. VT. Mead, Charles Vivian. II, F.. James. W. F. Hryden, Mis Johnston, A. C, Sail, P, A. Muse, Frank S, Sheppard, A. V. Sprinpfnrd, Miss A. I. Millon (Sinillo-rs,, l B. I'IcwpIIIiik, Capt. John II Tiirncr, Mrs. Couliiie and daiipli. ler, Mr. Stark, 0. M. Ilellenllne, J. P. McMillan and Miss Bush. For Slewarl Mr. und Mr. C A. Banks, J. T, Sulir, Mn McDonald, Mr. Boyd, Mr. Myers, W. Sloan and J. H. Falk. For Anyox Mr. and Mrs, Mc-Qunrrle, Mrs. T. W. Falconei and dauphler, Mrs. McKaiiarliei and child, Mrs. Cralp and child J. A. Stephen, P. McMasler, Harvey, II, Boss, II, Kerr, and Mr. S. Jack, J. C, Mnrlin F.. I'. McDonald, Miss Fdrta (lor- dou, Berl (Ire-h and J. Klrkpalrick. Mr Mr W SSI BOARD. IiOAIU). The Second Avenue. BttA LHJ JVM Inlander, 830 Phone 137. tf FURS OOINQ UP. The l ur Ma kei m I'oimnp hark slronp. See ne first and I.Tl wilh your eaich you II make more money. W. COLDBL00M, The Trapper's Friend, Second Avenue. AUCTION SALES. flood lloiiphl. Sold F.xchntiKcd TAXI MISCELLANEOUS. From the East ' or H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furnlluru nnd Crockory. Thinl Ave. I'hone Illai 13rt nnd llert ll? Taxi 97 Phons. (Call fleorg? or fluit) Ross Brothers. Prompt Servico and Comfort Hay or Mplil Stand! Boston Orlll Third Avenue fl. ANPF.nSOX. Sailmnker Sli. and Tarpaulins made to order and repaired. Third Avenue, opposite Pioneer Laundry, Phone Orren 3l2. P.O. Ilns 723. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl. days, rloses at 5.30 p.m. Mondays, Thursday nnd Sal-unlays, l.3n p.m. From Vancouver- Sunday Wednodays , Fridays .. January 1 1 To Vancouver P. .M. 4 P.M. A M and 28. Tuesdays.'Mall close al I Fridays 8.15 Saturday CP, It. January 18. P.M. A.M. A.M. To Anyox, Alice Arm. Stewart. Premier-Wednesdays 10 P.M. From Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, Premier-Friday A.M. To Port Simpson. Alice Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier Sunday ...7 p.m. From Port. Simpson, Alio Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier-Tuesday .M. To Alaska Points January 1 1 and 28, From Alaska Points- January 18. To Queen Charlotte Island Points January 2. 10, 30. 0.30 p.m. From Queen Charloita Point January 1 1 and 28. To Naas River Point nrf swt Simpson-Thursday m p.m. From Naas Rl var Point Saturdays . A.M. PRmer ....-- . i Thursday. Januarv 24 Hfpli 3:10 n.m. ID.8 11:51 p.m. 21,3 l'w !);02 n.m. r.,5 21:31 p.m. -2.(1 Friday, January 25 3:10 n.m. 20.0 15:31 p.m. 20.7 ' II : fa u.iii. fi.3 22;00 p.m. 3.3 Saturday, January 28 Mlh :25 n.m. 19,0 I (1(22 li.ln, in.o I"w o:27 n.m. (1.3 22rMn,m, 4,3 fl fl ft. SCHEDULE OF DAClrTnn DttJIYLlDiLl January 21. Colls, Ileal , M.iiile .i, hnlen; Teachers. H.O.t 95. Ailnimrs Tfm.ll-. r .. .... lf, cnooi, liroiio; n.tx- 28. Coll, jlipt, y. Teachers, Mnple ;enf ; t . Tcacliers. . February l. knlnns. .liliinm r 1 (frnllo; Teaelr. S.t).C . flndtn. Co(h; Mar ia-?-, Adanacs; S.O.C.. Coll 8. Kalens, Teachers t : Uiuh School; Coll. . II. Colls. Uegl ; Maf..? l-v,, Kalens; Teachers. S.O.t 15. Adanae. Vl'eaelirf Ef School, (Indlo; H.(Uit I ? 18. tidl. High Teacher. Maple l.eafs U Teacher. 22.--Kalens, AdalfaM E; Orollo; Teacher, 23. -ilrollo. J,p Leafs, Adanac; R.O.l. MarW h I. -Kaieii. leainer-. nn II lull School: Colls. Tr ' I- Cll. licet ; Map.' Kalens: Teacher. Wkf ft. Adanac. Teachr " F if School, flrotln: S.O.t , ( . II CH. HIph-ScliAol Tftri ers. Maple Leafs: ( oils T - l 15 Kalcn. Adanaci tr, Orotto; Teachers, S.O.C WHISTLEAGUE Unit. 21 R. of (U vs. VM of Canada fs. (( W V Y K of Hnpland -yy I..0.O1 s Andrew'' v. Moose. l- It f a . I ... V tf wiui oi .i. .vnnrew s i " P.; L.O.O.F. ys 111 M'; v. n.w.v.A.: Son cf ada v. Son nf Knplat:!' Feb. 7 SI. Andrew v Tik' I.O.O.F. v. fl.W.V A Scr: ' Canada vs. K. ofp Mi K. of fl. t.l. l . r. . i . . I ... 1 rco. ii jon ni r.npiaiiu -..r n . ir' .f n i.ik yir.'M . i.O.O.F.; ClV.V v, W Andrew's. Feb, 21 Moose v. Son of f " n(n; SI. Andrevvi v K. of P. vs. K. "Af ( S ' Knpland vs. I.Ik. Feb. 28 K. of P."'s fl W VA Mnoso vs. Klkl;fon nf fav ada v. I.(.0.F.'J SI ,nilrc' v. K. nf fl. el"- March 0 K. of Pi .vs.. 1.0.0 J Snn nf Knpland V Mm Pons nf Canada' vsT'K of C March 43- Son ,r 1'nclailil fl.W.V. BILLIARD LE AGUE ISSUES:SCHEDIM lant 21. F.Ik v. fjAV V A. Jan, 23. SI. AmlrewV v f t Billiard Pnrlof. Jan. 25. Orollo Vs. S.O.I Jan. 28. fl.W.V.'A: v, S.O.F Jan. 30. Orotln. trow', !b. I. P.M. Billiard v. Klks. Foli. 1. P.H. Billat St An- prlr pnrlT V S.O.K. " l-'cli. rt. Klk vs." SI. Amlrfw''-Feb, .8, fl.lWv nroll1' r IVh. II.'' lli. 13. flrolld vs. Klks, I'oli. 15. P.H, Billiard Parlor vs. fl.W.V.A. When you buy dvf rlHn buy CIHCIJLATIOiV, mid see U" you gel. II. V