dar January ?l, 10M. Tliur THE DAILY NEWS. PAQE Tim EE. Now a bargain for menl Irull Tel.-3. 70 tfaue 50c Three famoun arllfles real romforta every man need; I'almolite Shaving Cream, I'almolite Soap, and the new ralmotirr Afler Shaving Talc to give that well-groomed look without showing on your fate. . . - Krgulir price 70c ORMES LIMITED 1st NORTH B. C. REGIMENT, 102nd Battalion C.E.F. Recruits Wanted . limit IK tn .". V'"nig fiini froniflO li IK can v i. If parent-' i nii-iMil. (-.Mitiieunng We,lncdn, January Mth, a i'U(itrelieii weeks' MMir ft military tfnittirir will be conducted r ,i rcgiit.i jiiny urtcir loaned In tlic Hegitneiil 'i - iurjKe. I'hv-K-nl Iruiiiing and boxing under iiitlifi?d iu-lruc- Recrults will be examined Mondays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Opcrallng'G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinist, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. ttyir l;iul i- i'iiriiM'd o li hi Mi' ill kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. HEATER BARGAIN VhVfJ i, L'l:t Snub". nil Heater, rrif. in n f i?.rio. V3v SiM-i vs.,,.. ml ml llii- tin- iii.iii uiiinlh I ( mil, titiU 14.00 'i.!.- No. -Mr- Sunbeam llealcr, leg. ii i :.'2.ii. S Si a al I tlii- mi. iilli iiulv $18.00 Buy now and save money. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. We Deliver. P.O. Drawer 1G46 COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sails f rum Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, . Jan. 2, 10, 30 ; Feb. 13, 27 J March 12, 26 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Jeare l-rlnre niiprrl S.4S p.m. Tor PHI?n:E OEOIIOE. EPMo.nto.n, wi.i. NII'ISO, all 'point EaMern Canada, I'lilwl SltiM AOINCV ALL OCIAN STIAMSHIf LINIS. Cllj Tlekti orriea, SZS Third At Pr'nee Ruprt, Phona MO. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salllnn From rrlnre Rupert. op VANOOUVIR, VICTORIA, Ocaan IU, Bd ,0B " Ttmdaj, S TJS. tot VANCOUVIR, VICTORIA, Atari Bar, and Swanton Ba, Saturda, Noon, or' ANYOX, ALIOS ARM, TIWART, WL Wand, Sundajf S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naao Rl' Oannorloa, Frldir A.M. 1 Ag.nt. Prlc. Buprt. B.C nrt Avcnua. i. Bam.lt,, ,. ,... J Local and Personal U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hayners. Undertaker. Puoue 361. if Arrived. A shipment of I lie famous Cable Shoes. McArthur's Shoe Store. 21 . llurns Harwtucl Klks' Hume. January 25. Get your tickets from the executive. 20 We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. If Frank S. SliVppatd, C.N'.lt travelling uuiJitor, arrived last evening by Hie l'rluco Hupert in Vancouver. lli mi! will he a meeting of tho l.o.l .K. at the Cily Hall on Frl- lay at 8 p.m. All member arc iiMjufli-iJ lo come. 20 W. S ii of (be Daly-Alaska nunc, oas-eil llirougli on (lie Piuiec HiijmtI last night bound imiIIi from Vancouver. C W. Dawson, llazellon holel man. wached the city on last niglil H I rain ami is registered at Hie I'rince Hupert hotel. 4. . N. I,. I.aiidu, fur dealer, ar rived frMii Vancouver on the I'rince lluperl lal' evening. Mr, I. a nib 1 was formerly in business here. C. A. Hanks, manager of the I I.C. Silver mine uf Stewart, pn-nesl through the fllly on the I'rince lluperl la-l night !ound north afler u business trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Hanks accom panieil him. J. A. Stephen, assistant dis Iricl engineer for the provincial department of public works pa m4 luruuzlt on the Ijrinet Itupert IhI night hound iHirth from Victoria to his heaihiuar rs in Alice Ann. Mr. T. W. Klcni-r and Imtglili-r. Mi Juanftu Falconer AMre Ann,. who hae ben spend nig a month's vacation in Van couver and New Welininster, iiasxeil through an the Prince ltiierl last night returning home. II. II. Tahrum, formerly in the I I and shoe huincs here aud now mi the mad for the firm if Sfvenon A Hoylatid, Vancouver, arrived by the I'rince ltiiert la I rvenin?. He is on UK of his rtiNioal business trips lo Hie ililriel. Mrs. S. Uoulure and daugher, Mi ltnh Uoulure, 735 Fifth Aveuui- West, rctunnil In the cily on I he I'rince Itupcrt lal night nfter having spent (lie past fip months visiting in Montreal, (JiicIm'c and ,S herb rook c, I'.Q. Mrs. Couluir's son, who aUo went IUil. is remaining in Shcr-IniMiko where he has been placed 111 srliool. - Six Imiirs Inle In arriving from tin' MUilli lai nig and till ruiiliiT ililaisl in discharging a heavy freight cargo here, C.N. It. -learner Prince Hupert. Cnpt. Inlin McKernnn, did not sail for Slewarl ami Anyov until 7 o'- rloi-k Ibis morning 8 hours lie- hiuil seliedule. The vesel will bo laic in returning from (he north and will not clear for Vancouver Ioiihiiiow until well towards noon. j FiveRoses FLOUR When lluyilig Flour ask your Grocer for "FIVE ROSES," The World's llest John L Agent. Christie llaskclball tonight, Elks Home, instead of Friday owing to Burn' Itanquct. Fresh shipment N'anoose-Wcl- lliigtou coal just arrived. I'hll-pott, Kvlll & Co. tf Archie Walt, district toaster mechanic, for the C.N'.lt., reached the city from the interior on last night's train. The "Fordor" Sedan and other new Ford models are now on display at Parker's salesrooms. Ask about the easy payment s piuu. I). Chiholm of Stewart, who has been in the city for the past few days on business, returned north on the I'rince Rupert this morning-. - Fred Weaver of the Unilcd Slales consulate, who has been on a holiday trip lo California, is expected back, at the end of Hie week. Hubert Ulanee, chief engineer at the Canadian Fish Si Cold Storage Co. plant, is sailing lo morrow morning by (he I'rince lluperl for .Seattle Capl. Hanson and two mem ber of the crew of the wrecked lug Francois Cutting are sailing by tho I'rince Hupert tomorrow morning for Vancouver. A. A. Cox, Vancouver architect arrived from Vancouver on the I'rince Hupert last night. He is here for a few days In connec linn with building projects un ler way and proposed in the cily. I'eler A. Meu-e, local halibut boat owner, returned lo the cily by the I'rince Hupert last night afler having spent Ibe winter visiting with his family at Mid die Belleville, Yarmouth County Nova Scotia. -- Mrs. Thomp-on, formerly Miss Winona Mrlntrwh. who has leen visiting here with her sis ler, Mrs. W. I. Vance, F'ourlh Avenue Kasl, is returning to her home in Vancouver on the I'rince Huiert tomorrow morning. Oapt. John It. Turner, en ciueer in charge of interior mm ing operations for J. F. Dutiiie of Seattle, arrived from the south on the Prince lluperl last even ing. He is spending a day in Ihe eily liefore proceeding lo Pom-en. It. A. l'rel. teller in Ihe local branch of the Hank of Montreal i back from Stewart where ho ha been relieving for the past month. J. W. Slewarl, who'has been here from Vancouver taking Mr. 1'restV place, will return south on the I'rince lluperl tomorrow morning. The- regular open luncheon of Hie I'rince Hupert Gyro Club look place Ial evening in Ihe SI. Ilegis Cafe. Vice-l'resldent S. K. Campbell occupying Ihe chair in Ihe absence of President tlo'n- iViilcs who is on a trip south. United Slates Con-ul K. A. Wakefield was lo have been the speaker but was prevented at the last minule from being pre-enl aud there w as an impromptu entertainment among the mem bers instead. Guests of tho evening were X. X. Murchic of Vancouver, an A. A. F,asson, Geitrxf 11. lite ami James II. Mitchell of I'rince lluperl. Fur ther arrangements for Ihe club ball lo be held in-1 he Auditorium next Wcdne-ilay evening were decided upon. INDIGESTION GAS ON STOMACH PAINS AFTER MEALS Many uiffer irrrllily fnmi ti and 'ln lu the iKsnarb aftrr rvrry in.-il, and ar krpt In nmttant mlfry. I'ur tlio at II yrart Bunlork Blood lilltrr bus bi-rii trlnin h.. aud joy to lhniiKl turrrrlnr rmui varlou furiiia of ttoiuarli truuhlr. belpliir Uirm la fit Ihrw quar msaU a dayi helplnr lhMn lu rat anjthliir thi'y lh, wltlxiul harlnf lo uffer fur it arirr. Mr. t'rrd MeUoii, Mmise Jaw. Sk.. wrllfa:- "All last sumtiirr I troubled with iiuiuarh tmublc and Indlarrlloii, and ilo sai ou th llnmarh. 1 ruuld not rat anyltunr ttrrpt aoino llarht food and even then I would be bothered with paint after earh meat. I could not ork a wtmle day without hWnt done out. I had tried oerythlnir; din-tora, inedlrlnea and lll, iiiiiii 1 read about uurdork' niKt tnitem. I have taken Tour iHitllei and II Imi nearly, If liol completely, restored 'ins to heallb araln." Manufavlurrd only by Tbv T. Mllburn eg , LtulU'd, Torulitu, Out. 1 Serve II. Murray of the C.N'.Il. audit ing liepartmeut is here from Ed monton. ' Simon Guu-a-Xoot. famous.1 interior native, wa in the cilyj la-t night enroule from llazellon lo Stewart. Gun-a-Nool has been trapping recently in the Stewart district. Pacific Salvage Co.'s steamer Tees, which came north lo salvage the Canadian .National car barge, returned south yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. William G. Jordan, chief engineer of Ihe Pacific Salvage Co, is remaining here lo examine (he barge. J. Y. Hoche.-ter. C.N'.Il. marine superintendent, is expected from Vancouver on the Camo-un tomorrow in the same connection. FISH ARRIVALS Three American schooner old 31.000 pounds of halibut 011 the I'i-h Kxrhange this morning. Prices jumped a few ponds for both first and second rlas. calrhe- over those prevailing! yesterday. Tho arrivals were: I.umeu, 9,000 pounds, al I0.lt aud l.5c to the Canadian Fish & Gobi Storage Co. West fjord, 13,000. pound-. i;.ie anil vc; aim rioneer 12.000 pounds at 1 5.3c and lo the lloyal Fish Company. INQUIRE IN BERLIN Of course you can serve it hot and it makes a satisfying, strengthening meal on which to start the day's work. Heat two Shredded Wheat Biscuits in the oven to restore crispness and then pour hot milk over them, adding a little cream and salt.. Nothing so delicious and satisfying as these crisp, flavory shreds of baked whole wheat. They are ready-cooked and ready-to-eat. at III. lie. LONDON', Jan. 21. Hoth branches of Ihe expert imjiiiry Inlo Germany's financial Condi lion will be transferred to Her ii 1 'text week. WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. DIGIIY lSl-AX'i). Overcast. strong southeast wind; barometer. 30.01; temperature, 31; sen moderate. , HULL HAHHOH. Clear, calm; barometer, 30.02; temperalure. 28; liulit swell; 0 p.m. spoke sleatuer Cardena arriving l'orl Hardy southbound. HKAl Til KB POINT. Cloudy. calm; barometer, 20.71; temper ature, 30; sea smooth. Noon DIOHY ISLAND. Overcast. strong southeast wind; barome ter, 30.08; temperature, 40; sea moderate. HULL HAIUIOIl. Cloudy, Cnlm; barometer, 20.09; temperature. 38; sea moderate 0:30 a.m. spoke steamer Tees in Mil-bank Sound southbound. DKAD THF.K POINT. Cloudy, calm; barohicter, 20.77; tent ler'ilurn 10; sea stnyoth. Th Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. NLf.ra Fill.. OaUrW Shredded Wheat BONDS Are the Best Investment We recommend the following as being safe, saleable and of fair return: t City of Vernon oVt'c due 13th June, IU1W, at 'J8.0i. Yield 5.70 City of Duncan Odue I8th May, IU.-.3, ill !0i.2U. Yield 5.70 City of Prince Rupert 0 due llHi lo it)r0,-at .lol.at. Yield 5.80 Orders may be wired at our expense, interest accrued to date of payment must b? added. We pay delivery charges. Gillespie, Hart & Todd. Ltd Head Office: VICTORIA, B.C. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Servicei Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, January 18; February 1, 15, 29. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, January 14, 28; February 11, 25. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Vancouver, etc., Sailing for January 26 Is cancelled. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to V Phone 575 Lady Assistant BARRIE'S Home Furnishings WE SELL FOR LESS. 11 will pay yuti lo consider this facl, when yuit or pluuniiig lo by Furniture for Your Home