When Ye Want A taxi no in a hurry ff Phone J 1 FIRM ATTITUDE INDIA MESSAGE Premier Macdonald Pleads For Goodwill Between Aslatlo Nation and Britain HOMIIAY, Jail. 21.- A Madia newspaper piinU n message from 'render Itanisav Mnrdunald ill hi. ii vi n NO CONFERENCE OYER BRITISH RY. STRIKE I.ONlKi.V Jan. SI. The pro. noM'd conference of railway mnn- nKers and cngiuvnien has fallen IhroiiKh. J. Hrumley, seerctary of the asMK'lateil sorielie. an nounced lhal he regretted tnc strike must coiilinue . Continued improvement Is shown today in the movement of trains. Nevertheless, llio strike is adversely alTecting Scottish and Welsh industries, Iron, steel and tin works nro running short of supplies. In houin Wales 80.000 coal miners have been rendered idle. Sonic blast furnaces, nro damped down be cause of the lack of coal, Liver- pool reports mm, uniess com and supplUVs arc uvniianic ni Mm end of the week, there is a danger of a partial hold-up of shipping. MAKE GOOD SHOWING EMPIRE EXHIBITION TOliONTO, - J.n. 21. Canadian . ..... . Plnidlng for goodwill between Industries w H make i n per rem India showing In the Industrial sec Ions and Hrllaln. He says no l-Hy will he cowed by Ihreats of of (h. rll Z? " The moderator outlined the position afler making his annual report and Thomas McClyumut repurled for the .managers who had hud I be matter of building under consideration at a number of meeiiugs. The congregation could have the church if they winded it. All they had to do wa to subscribe the money. They ('Miniated a church suitable for the congregation rould lie erivMed for $211,000-mid they could siMMirc a loan of $15,000 roudilimnil on the congregation raising $10,000. The extra $5,- 000 represented a margin of safely. If there were. 75 families in Hie congregation they would linve lo contribute an average id $100 each. Dr. (iraul told of having re eeUed n telephone message just before the Hireling promising support from one who did not go to church often if they went ahead with the building. Hi also received $25 in a teller, evidently from a lady who pre ferred to remain anonymous. Fred Stork said they had given lol of thought lo the matter of building and 11 was time they look action. The present build ing had outgrown, its usefulness. Dr. (Irani lead been a wonderful pastor. II was through his leadership and work that they now owed no man anyunng. They needed a belter building in order lo carry on I lie work of the church. He considered there were enough present to build a cathedral. Ho mentioned the llaplisls who had recently burn ed their motgage. If lliey put their shoulders to -"the wheel lliey could do anything they wished. There was lols of money in town. Ho fell they should take definite action. . There was some further dis'-cussiou and il was finally decided lo leave Iho selection of llio canvassing commltlco to the managers, HOCKEY SCORES' Vancouver I, Vlcloria 3, BBBBBBBBBm i. ' bT'2BB Jk mv BBBBBBrBnBBFaL ' BV' 3P8IbbbBI' Professor H. II. (fodilurd, of Clurk l ui-vsrsity, lia- been making investigations with . hi?h altitude rockets. He says a speed of six mile n second would free a projectile from! the earth's attraction, and once free it might go on until it hit the moon. Procession Carrying the Dead Russian Premier Marches Five . . . - uroiigiu ironi .Moscow jesicruay niicruuoii iroin nwivj, nunc sr0m, s,jnwc described by he uieo. me coum was carneu neanj ue mors mn.ugii oiCje jiiera ,,a,,erji as a 'lurbu- sireels Oil Hie snoillU"!" oi me mcmocrs oi ion rummi i. iruui-missurs guarded bv troops lo the bouse of unions where il will be in slule nulil Ihe funeral. As the casket wa coveren only ny a glass -s u puseu mfmnn fn a he Iraffio slopped nod every point of vanlag was filled by silent! I HKHr Ilr III onlookers. II, oi. ll OOO mitiilnr ni ti:irli!inifiil mill uf lli ruin- m "'" ' " mmw Will V ' , ' . . . V . . . . - J ". ....... ." - - - - - - - - munisl narly. delegations of de IMMENSE QUANTITY OF GRAIN IS MOVED 4 Line of Cars Winnipeg to Edmonton Required to Handle all Shipments I!. . M .1 partments and members of labor unions galliered al the railway tatiou with a liig caisson drawn i by six while horses wailing to 'lake Ihe body, hul the bearers ! Tided otherwise. l.eiiine's wife, sisler and brothers followed the leoffin. No tears were shed. II WINNIPKO; Jam -".ijit,!.'! in Led t ....I t..,f.ll ne o i IO.. .U., m... . . , ,..- , - s lUt, Kre wus, end lo cud and slretelilng frunij 1 Winnipeg to a point more Dian. ,,-m '!! "'"u ."inJMdM'r'lhr.oI!,! INSULIN TREATMENT ear loadings of the llandian Na- I FOR HARRY FLETCHER tional Hallways from Ihe openiu of the crop year on September t lo date, according to officials of the company here. During the period over 110,000 cars or grain were loaded al Canadian National poinl throughout the west, and with the allowance of 10 fret per car, including drawbar space, lids would make a line of cars stretching for l,U)n,(m feel or 837 miles, wilh over 10 ears aililillonai. inc uiMaiire from Winipeg to Kdmonton, nc cording to the company lime table Is 700 miles, leaving another It miles of grain cars to slrelch lo the foothills of the rocky mountains. .; Divided into (ruins with an average of 00 cars per train more than 1,800 locomotives were required to delixer this immense lonnage oT grain either lit bead of the lakes or lo Vancouver, where it was received into elevators for thuns-shlpmenl to the world markets. Afler 831 trains of GO curs eacli had boen made up there would still remain a number of ears lo be sandwiched In wllh other commodities to be moved either to storage elevators or lo Ihe .ports. The 110,000 cars loaded contains 111,150,000 bushels uf grain ns against a total of 118,031,000, bushels at .loaded in corresponding period of 1022-23, an increase in loadings of nearly 20,000,00(1 bushels in Iho period. Well Known Local Man Stricken Seriously With Dfabeles In Critical Condition Hurry Fletcher lies seriously ill in Ihe Prince llupert (Jeneral Hospital sulfering from diabetes. He lias not been in Ihe best of health for some lime but ap parently was not seriously stricken until the first of the week. An order has been placed by wire in Vancouver for insulin to use in the case and it is said to ha vi' been shipped already. It will have been the first time tlrtit this new treatment has ever been administered here. Mr. Fletcher is being allenJen by Dr. J. A. West. TORONTO SYNDICATE BUYS RAILWAY BONDS Wood Gundy Co. Yesterday Pur chased $50,000,000 Worth of Canadian Stook TOItONTO, Jan. 21. Wood fob The Latest In Restaurants. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Best of FoodGood Service. .t Cim and Best Service PRINCE RUPERT Private Hoxcs for Parly Use. in the City. Batea Reasonable Take Her. to The Boston." Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL XIV., NO, 20. PMNCi: HUPKRT, H.C., T.IIL'IUjDAY, JANUARY 21, 1021. VMMrdty'i Circulation 1,680. StrMl Sa-M 41 a. PRICE FIVE CENTS. IMPORS NT PORT DEVELOPMENT IS PENDING MACDONALD CONTEMPLATES EXPANSION OF SUPPORT TO LEAGUE OF NATIONS Coming Next Week to Select Site or Elevator at Prince Rupert; Sum in Estimates for Hotel here t t U. Cole, llu- biggest grain shipping man on tin- roast nEriCIfirVI M AM? tr- rrpreseulalue of Hie largest gruhi interest in III - west. ' IElIjiUil lllalE Ji: In urnvo nere I'uni'Miuy 10 mmcci u sue lor n locauou ior t:i elevator lo lie creeled here, lie will l; met by A. K. Warren, fffieiul manager of I lie C.N. 1 1., and the matter will lie taken up . .. . . i i .i - .11- i w Hi nun (lircci so a in sae nine nun iiiukc ii msmi5 io cuhi-i tneve construction very onn. This is Ihc word K. (i. Dawson1 britiK- from Vancouver following hi visit to that city, lie met Preibyterlan Congregation Mr tjolen there and lalked over the whole locol situation with STOCK OF GRAND ihirn. i Mr. Dawson says Ihc building jof an elevator here will probably mean (he etahlishmeid of a TDIIMi D APICIP : "end-monthly steamship sen ire lilUIm nLllL!HU, of lM 'orl ,u 11,0 iMml- , Mr. llawnon how further been assured that theiV ha been a London Eipects to Wake a Lot , (UrC(J jM Ut, esimales to of Money but Ottawa eome Mnrr parliament at the Skeptical About It. 'forthcoming esion to nil '"" errrllon i.f a hotel al l..)MK)X. Jan .'. Many pco- '' I'"1"1 lo ''V'1' 0 M u I t!- expecting to make a lol P'r ' n'K trom Ala.kan point Orand r ::r nexf month in T a Pacific four iht cent de-,l ' k v the financial editor of I'rince Hupcrl I" more than Yit K-;rc soya. They bac ever iooeu ui.ii hi wo- souui - r ''dure, Mr. R.iwon open on the prediction , I...A1! foe Interest "y Pcople'-alU nn rpwtiii ? . i r,.ti...n.inr . Mnroll I development Urns. The fuel BUILD CHURCH Annual Meeting Takes Preliminary Action CANVASS TO BE MADE at Ten Thousand Dollars Needed and Loan of $15,000 Can be Secured II u ripecled by lhoe concerned '" J- luthie would l,.e,l Hj( i a, an oc car,y H')iinrii lJap l U.e price of the - toek will ... ,,,c"13r II. i!,r,!K?"'!ml I.I""'" 11 I" expected ''."M the cauvHf.4 lo nixiy OTTAWA, Jan. ?t ' - doubt I f 1 1 1 Te (irand Tnmk' l ave niilllcleiil urplilt afler r.T :ijt fued charse lo pay in- I -fsi on Orand Trunk Pacific l;!jr "ureo. The filed charges ::: S be met out of operalinK fji ,." before the claim of the! Ji L'.":;'urc holder will be re-i gained, DEVELOPMENT OF GOLD MINE Work to Proceed on Thornhlll Mountain Near Terrace Visitor lo City Says lN'rtipICUt wink I to pro- - al Thorutiill Mountain near Ti'.'incc, heller known lo nMiiy '.upper Mountain. eeordin to O. P Drown of the C.hiro MiniiiK 'mpaiiy. I tint has been operal- . a mill on Mumon Mounlidn. Kaluni Lake. Hie company bu" nu option on I wo wold properties on Thornhill Mountain known n he llnlil mid OIen properlies. Tli'-y have decided to lake up the option on the Heater uroup and he other i lo be further tested by driving (he lunnel farther. The properly I reached by n govern ineut trail and I about ix or !eveu milen from Terrace. Mr llrown I on Id way to terrace, leaving east on the train oninht. He arrived on the boat last night. ATIIK.VS Jan. SI. - A ineaurc ' intriMluced into the National .Wentbly ileclares" the (llueksburK dyiundy. ithc reiitniiw lioiioe, Id hnve forfeileil it- right to I lie monarchy. Owing to turbulent m-eiic till net ion provoked, the llouen ad- Jounied until 1 rid.iy 4- without icacliiiiK a vole. At Ihc annual conKifVfll ional iiieetiu and diuiier held laxt night in the l'rel t-rian Church Hall, llev. II. 11. liraut prexidimr, it wao decided to erect a new church lliin year and in order to prepare for the etcnl a cativax uf llje ryembers oj (he congr'-ualion will be made and a eoon a Hie reouirol amount u uti- I & : I. I., t .i ciiuiiiiii u-c io . .... .- Hie present 'r . ...... .. . .v f fc , fnonediate- booud to Ik devrlopmenl here ItiL Ollieial ",c ",ar ,u,u,,: MEASURE TO STOP PRESENT DYNASTY KINGS OF GREECE Expect British Premier will Recognize Russia and Send Ambassador Another Member of Glasgow Group of Radicals Gets Place in Macdonald Government: Complimented by London Paper LONDON, Jun. 25. J. Ramsay Macdouuld's recent stulc-nrjiil regarding the "pompous role" of withholding recognition, to Soviet Russia suggests prompt action in this direction. James O'Urady, M.P., it is stated unofficially, is being considered for the position of ambassador tu Moscow. The prime mtiiisler contemplates the expansion of the League of Nations section of Ihc forign office in order lo use it for pacification purjoe. .The Daily Telegraph says Macdonald will devote every ef fort to include Itusnia and Ger- "TtV nowxepee"ed that Premier SENATORS AND Maciionaid win nil me appouu- menls to the Itoyal Household) from members of his own party. i II 1 roai.4l!v I- cftfiT-n iAl ilV4 .cleverness in dovetailing the var lious elemenls of bis following in V7Tntiue1nlvofninrie - ''fa'&''Xs6bv?EIi. Jan. The Tlamentary secretary, is regard- westward movement of grain ed an a further hostage to the MOSCOW, Jan. 21. The body of Premier Lenine was .. gooJ ,,chaxjor of tl,e Glas?ow f ri r lent, ruthlessly uncompromising personality." AT VANCOUVER Maltese Sailor Ran Amok Killing Two Before He Was Shot Down VANCOI YF.H, Jan. 21. Thin ning amok and 'iirmed with two double edged knives, Ren Raba, a Maltese sailor on Lie Spanish sleauisliip. Pilar do I.arrienaga, anchored in Hie stream, killed Chief Onircr .Alexander James and Anloiiio Anno, a seaman, and wounded three others before lie was shot down by a police posse loday. Armo died in a few minutes and James lived until he was brought ashore Doctors and nurses vere rushed lo Ihe scene and the injured were removed to the hospital. This morning Raba suddenly became demented and bis demon ical shriek was the first warn ing to his shipmates. Before they could flee from the forecastle, he was among them with eyes blazing, moulh frothing and carrying two long blad-ed knives in his hands. He struck at those nearest plungiug the knife Into Armo's. body. James ran to stop the maniac and received a knife to the hill in Ids lungs. Finally the police shot Raba down who, trussed up and still cursing and threatening,, was MEMBERS MEET the Times, that Mr. Ma"cdonahl! has shown the most successful 'Vancouver Harbor Commission- ers Hosts to Visitors from Prairie Provinces from Hie prairies, freight rales. construction of branch railway lines in Western Canada and larifT problems were discussed al a bani(uel tendered 31 members of the House of Commons and Ihc Senate who arc In the city the guests of the , Harbor Commission. They arc here to learn at first hand about the prgress and development of the port of Vancouver". The visitors indicated that there was necessity for a solid . western program. The interests of Western Canada, they declar ed, would best be served by united western action and a dispOisilioii lo work hund-in- liaud witli the government of the day. They were especially Interested In Ihc handling of araiu by the Pacific mute. Alfred Speakman, Progressive member for lied Ileer, declared that, before Pacific port development would bo permitted, plans must be made complete in every particular willi every unit conforming lo the whole. There should be no indiscrimute building and no private interests should be allowed to interfere with the plans. Access on equal terms must be granted tho Canadian National Railway. CITY BONDS SELL LOCALLY Last of Issue of $34,600 Disposed of This Morning Tenders for More Tonight Cily Treasurer 1. J. Mulhesou announce that $31,500 worth of city bonds covering tlm local 1m- swung aboard Iho police boat provcmenl street grading work on and brought ashore. Ho is not Hoiirlh and Fifth Avenues West, expected lo live. ' I 1 " . . , . first of the year, havo all been crrncTADVTA disposed or locally, the last salo f mv LADY otlKLlAKY 1U being made this morning. Tho UIUICTDV tV I ADHD debenture nro from I to 10 year milllJini ur .Lriuua riai 8PVcn per cents. They Oumly Co.. representing a Can- LONDON, Jan. 21. Miss Mar- Hids close today for $155,000 ndiun syndicate, yesterday pur- gund Roinlfield, tho new member worth of six per cent five year chased a $50,000,000 Issue of.of Ihe House of Commons for bonds covering down town slreet government railway five per cenlNorlhamptou, has'been appointed surfacing which was recently bonds at 07.813 in Canadian secretary lo the minister of Invalidated by the legislature. The funds. They are on sale today at.bor. She is tho first woman' to tender will be opened at. Ihe city a discount The yieW is 5.03. servo in such a capacity. council meeting tonight.