PA OK BIX. BLANKETS SPECIAL THIS WEEK All Wool Blankets-English Make, Pink and Blue Border. 7 lb. size. '.. $9.50 pair 8 lb. size $11.50 pair 0 lb. Whipped Singly ... . $13.00 pair Grey, All Wool Blankets Full, 7 lb. ize . . . . $8.75 pair Grey Union Wool Blankets 7 lb. size ...... ..... $4.75 pair Baby Crib Blankets All Wool, Jaeger make, reg. $1.00 $3.25 Baby Blankets All Wool, IW and 52, reg. 3.25. Sale Price, each $2.50 Baby's Colored Beacon Blankets Jut a few lcfL Special 95c each H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Cor. Third Ave. A Fulton St. Telephone Specials For Friday, January 25, only SHOP BY PHONE TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY. 30 Boxes (Irimc (ioMen Apple, No. I wrapped Mock, per box .... $2.85 Carnation Salmon. 3 tins for 25c White Hock fiinper Ale imported, each 25c Per doz $2.75 Telfer'n Puff Cream Uis-cuits, res. 50e. Special Friday only 0c CoM Spring Dairy Butler. Special. 2 lb 75c Shamrock Bacon, machine sliced, per 111 45c I.owney'tt Cocoa, per lb. 45c 3 lbs. for $1.25 Junket Tablet. 2 for . . 25o Baby' Own Soap. 3 for 35c Spring Clothes Pins. 3 doz. for 20c Large Size Navel Orange. reg. 75c doz. Special 50c California Small Sized Lemons. Special doz. 20c Watch this space Tomorrow Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 Phone 84 Cash & Carry B.C. Fresh Kggs, doz. 45c Creamery Butter, per lb. 45c Sugar, per lb 11c Sugar, per 2) lb. sack ,82.30 Sugar, 100 lb. sack $10.50 Telfer Biscuils. per 2 lb. I ins . . 45c Kelt-hup, uer bottle .... 25c We also carry a supply of Fresh Meat. All orders of $10.00 and over delivered. Economy Store 417 Fifth Ave. East. CLEARANCE SALE HATS HALF PRICE. CLOTH COATS RAINCOATS ONE THIRD OFF. UNDERWEAR WOOL HOSIERY ONE FOURTH OFF. SWEATERS, DRESSES, SKIRTS, BLOUSES, CAMISOLES, CORSETS, BRASSIERIES, ONE FIFTH OFF. 8ILK HOSIERY, Q LOVES, ONE TENTH OFF "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. TIMBER SALE X 5787. braird Tender Will hr recelied tiy tlx Mlnl-ier of Land at victoria not later than noun on lor Slit day or February, tut. fur the purchase r Licence X JJ67. to cut l.liv.ouu feet of spruce. Balaam. Hemlock and Cedar, on an area situated on Channel Island, Gardner Canal. Range I, Coat Mstrtct. Three tJI Yean will be allowed fur re. moral or timber. Further particular or the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C. or Ul-irlct Foroler, I'rtnre Rupert. B.C. m TIMBER SALE X 5851. Sealrd Tender will be received or the Minister or Land at Victoria not later than noon on the Jlh day or February, lfl. for the purrbaoe or Licence to cut JO.OUD lineal reel or Pole and Plllnr. on an area eltuated three mile S.K. or kltwanita. calar DIMrirt. Two (fi year will be allowed ror or Umber, runner particular or the Chler Forester. Victoria. B.C.. or tiuirlrt ForeMer, Prlnre Biiperl, R.i:. TIMBER SALE X 5783. Sealed Tender will be received by t!e Minister or Land at Victoria not later than iHion on the let day or February, ivji, ior hit iumMe 01 Licence iim. to rut 1.11 7.oi reek or Spruce, Cedar. Hemlock and tjilnm. rrom an area lluatrd at the head or Turk Inlet. .V. or Prince iiuperi. nanre a. uaM intrlrt. Two !) year will be allowed ror removal of timber. Further particular of the Chler Tore-ter. Victoria. B.C.. or DUlrkcl riirnirr . I'nnce iiuperi, n.u, 1 I LAND ACT. Nolle or Intention to Apply to Laaa Land. In Skeena Land DIMrlct, llrrordinr Dl-Irlrt or Coat, and situate on Zaya Wand. Take Antlce that Georre kerr, occupation butcher, or Prince Rupert, B.C. Intend to apply ror pennllon to leaie Hie rollowlnr derrrlbrd land: Commenclnr at a pol planted about four chain north or Jacinto. Point on Zaya IMand; tlienre fol lowing tne inuoltie or the fhore line r.l hlrh waler mark around the Uland and retumlnr to point or commencement, and containing; 1,000 acre. nmre or leas. UM'MUK a Mill. ame or applicant. HOOMES K. FHEEMA.N, Agent. Is your time worth 250 anhour? It It la, th prlca you ar paylnf In doing j oar own laundry it ttra rag-ant. For ou r Wat Waah errict will tak all thla worry and work oat of th bout and ratura your family bundl awu t jr cln, ready to aurch and Iron or hang on lb tin. Jait phono our rptanutiT I call. Wet Wash gc a pound Minimum Charge, 75c. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. BEN SELF AT HEAD OF ELKS Officers Elected Last Night at nnuai ueneral Meeting of Order Al the annual general nieeline of the Elks In their home, Third Avenue, oflicers were elected for the coining year with Hen Self as Kxalled Huler. The Tull list chosen was as Jollows: Kxalted Huler, Ben Self. Ksteemed I.eadipjr Knight, L. M. Fuller. Ksteemed Lojar Knight, A. Easson. Esteemed I.ecluring Knight, W. H. berry Secretary, V. E. Williscrori. Treasurer, II. A. Breen. Trustee, John Dybliavn (three year term). Tyler, John Hawthorn. Inner Guard, George Waddell. Iteporls showing flic lodge now out of debt and with a balance in the bank were pre- sentcd. II was decided to hold a whist drive and dance for the depend ents of a former member of the lodge who died in the south and who leave a widow. BOWSER INTIMATES WILL COME BACK AT NEW PARTY LEADERS Leader of Conservatives States His "position In Regard to Inquiry VICTORIA, Jan. 2L W. J. How.-er intimati'tl" that when the cumin;: . proposed lloyul Commission i through and the charges against him found false as be is confident will be Ihf result be will have something to say to those imliviiluals who signed t lie petition in which he and Hon. William Sloan are directly charged with crime. It was alleged, Mr. Mowsrr was paid $50,000 of the money of jthe IMS.K. Ilailway, or. its con tractors or persons associated or interested with them, and that amount was drawn from the Union Hank and paid to Mr. Howser, tbert a , minister of the Crown and now leader of the Conservative opposition in Hie Legislature: thai an approximately equal amount was paid to William Sloan by the same interests, Mr. .Sloan belli? then a candidate of the Liberal parly and now Minister of Mines for the Province; and thai as a re sult of these two payments the promoters of 1 he Pacific Great Eastern Ilailway "were assured of protection in any event of the ensuing general election, and as a result of such contributions, protection and favorable treatment have been fully secur ed. Asks Judicial Inquiry "I waul the most searching iniiuiry into that charge," declared Mr. Howser. "I expect the Government is carefully working out, not alone the per- CSTATI OF ALFRED WVNDHAM CARTER I DECEASED. TAKE .NOTICE that Probate or Hie lat will or the above named dt-reaeed wa duly U.ued out or the Victoria lleglilry or tlie Supreme Court or Brlll.h Columbia on the 3rd day or January. 101. Pi i:HOM.E AONKS IIKI'I'EL CAHTKIl or Victoria, the F.ierutrli therein named: All. I'F.nso.XS. havlna rlalm aralnit till etlale are requested to wild In uh claim In writing duly verified to the liiidernljnied: SM Fl'HTIIER TAKE .OTICE that on and after the Hrt day or March, toil, the Eierulrlf will priM-eed to distribute thi elte havlnr reirard only to those claim or which the lhall have been duly notiried: DAT Mi thi Jlh day or January. 1911. CltEASE k CHEASE. Solicitor ror the EnecutrU. 410 Central Dultdlnir, Victoria. B.C. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. Always ahead in Prices and Quality See Our Window. All goods marked lower. Pastry Flour, IU'b ,. ... 4Sc llruad Flour, .. 35o Hulled Oato, 5's ... . . 300 Orders $5.00 and Over Delivered. TUB DAILY NlnVa. Thursday, January 2l, Invalid Gxery Oio Bee! Cube are th eaiieit way to tak nourihment and th caatcat way to mak nouriahmenL Dcbaoua. atren(tkenin( beef tea, and other nourithinj diihe for invalid and conTaleacent may b prepared at a moment'a notice. And Oio Cube have a thou land and one general cookinj uiea ior all the houaehold. adding variety, flavor and nourishment to th meal you aerv Oi Sraabl Cge ScraMbte one t more rf it reqairrd and put them on tout, ever which kt bees tprrd a layer of chipped Oio, mlied Ith a little Utter. I Poached egt nay b acrved la the but way.) CUBES UtUael4.10.S0 aJ 100 CaU. sonnel, but the scope of the inquiry. I personally prefer that a judife or Judges, whether one or three, be named to preside over Hie inquiry so that there shall be no Vjuestion in the minds of the public or Hritish Columbia as ' to the weight of the decision reached. For the past twenty years I have given of the best that was In me for the public welfare or this Province, and I hope thai I have succeeded in some measure in thai effcirl. During that time marly attacks were made upon me by lite Literal parly, but it remains for the new Provincial Parly, under (Seneral Mcllae, to attack my personal honor. Thin they have done in The ifearch-lighl, thousaiuH of copies of which have been circulated throughout the i Province, leaving an impression lhal will be iJilll-cull lo eradicate unless a complete investigation is held. Sloan Defends Self "As ftir the charge against lion. William Sloan, I am not interested in it. Hon. Mr. Sloan is capable or taking care or him. seir." said Mr. Howser, who slated that the legal luminaries or the new parly. Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, K.C.; K. P. Davis, K.C., and A. II. McNeill, K.C., had drafted Ibe petition in such manner as to show undoubtedly they had in mind Section 130 oi the Criminal Code, which sets forth that any member or a Legislature who corruptly accepts money on account of anything already done or omitted, or lo be afterwards done or omitted, is guilty or an indictable offence and liable to fourteen years imprisonment. FLOWERS SAID TO BE MILLIONS OF YEARS OLD ARE PETRIFIED CHICAGO, Jan. 21. -Traces id ftower.s that may have bloomed millions or years ago have been discovered in the pclriried Toresl of the Southern (Hack Hills, in South Dakota, aecordiug lo D. C. Davie, director or the Field Museum or Natural History. The age or the format inn in which I hey are found, as estimated on the basis or active disintegration, exceeds a hundred million year. 'One oi these ftowers has been reconstructed here in the museum in co-operation with their discoverer. Professor Wieland of Yale, an authority on these plants. "These flowers belong lo m extinct group uf 'non-riowering' plants, an apparent, contradiction in terms, said Mr; Davies. "I heir nearest living relation are the so. called sago-palms, the plants thai furnish the 'palm leaves' used by riorisls. The sago-palms or Cycads are Tlowerless plants in the same sense as pine trees are ftowerless. Their extinct rela tives, however, bore perrcct flow-ers in great number. Targe, very elaborate and strikingly unlike any other flowers known. So abundant were these plants In their limn Hint. IIia prn when lliev nourished is called the Ago JCyeads. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ELECTS ITS OFFICERS Votes of Thanks Passed to Re tiring Officials and Others At the Presbyterian minimi gathering in the church hall last night, the Moderator of the session. Ilev. 11. II. Orant, U.O., presiding, officers for the com ing year were rluxen. Secretary of the con&reiralion. J- L. Christie. The new managers Hre 11 Smith. Joe (Jreer, and (Seorge Horie taking the place of Messrs. McClyniont, McKinley and Sleen. trustees chosen were Hon. A. M. Manson. F. (i. Dawson and lieyrge .Nadeu, re-elected. Notes of thanks were Passed lo the retiring otllcers, to J. Lome McLaren for auditing the book, to the officer and workers in (he Sunday School, lo the choir and to all others who helped in the HinrHi u-nrV ilnr- hng the year. HUGE DISTANCES IN PROPOSED AIR ROUTE i MKLItOtHNK. Jan. -I. - Progress is being made toward the 'establishment of u giganlic nir service which will connect Ureal iliritaiii, Kgypt. India nd Australia. Details or Ibe plan have been discussed in Melbourne will) Hie postmaster general and! the minister Ior defence, and It Is expected that it will be carried out. Al preeiit the journey front Australia to London occupies practically a month. The proposed airship servlee would cut Ibis (o a lillle mure than nine days, which would include a slay or six hours, at each of lh slopping plaees. The airships would rarry mail and passengers. The proposed route, with lime aui distances, follows: ' Miles, llrs. Creut llritaln to Cairo 2. 1 fi 1 0 Cairo to llagdad (5 19 llagdad lo llombay ... 1,771 It Hombay lo (kilculla . . 7H5 23 Calcutta lo Rangoon . 700 "0 Itangoon lo Singapore 1,03 1 Ifi Singapore lo Perth . . 2,280 15 it .i .Hveetl Ir UsHr N'. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTION! Vacant. unreserved. aurveytd Crown landa may b r.ropted t Urltlah aubjeet over II year of ace. and by alien on declaring Intention to become Urltlah aubjeel. conditional upon rldnc. occupation, ind Improrement for agricultural purpoaea. Information concerning rfu-atlon retarding- pre-emption la Ivan In Bulletin So. 1, Und Hri. How to Preempt Land." coplt of hleh can be obtained fre of charge y addreaalnc th Department of .and. Victoria. B.C, or t ny Oo-romtnt Agent. rtcorda will b (ranted rovrln inly land iultabl for agricultural purpoaca, and which I not timber-land. I., carrying; over l.ftot board fet per acre weat of th Coatt Rang nd l.00 feet per a era fait of that Rang. Application for prmptlona are o be addreaaed to the Land Com-nluloner of th Ind Recardltic IX lalon. In which th land applied for la altuated, and ar mau on prlnttl forma, eoplea of which can be obtained from th Land Commlaaloner. Pr-mptlon mut be occupied for flv year and Improvement mad to value of fl per acr. Including clearing; and cultivating at laaat fit acr, before a Crown Orant can b received. For mor detailed Information a th Bulletin "Mow to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Application are rteelred for pur chaa of vacant and unrarvd Crown landa. not blng tlmbarland. for agricultural purpoata; minimum price of flrt-ela (arable) land I i per acr. and cond-elaaa (grailng) land J2.t pr acr. further Information regarding purchaa or ! of Crown landa la given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Herle. "Purchaa and Leaa of Crown Land." Mill, factory, or Induatrlal altaa on Umber Und. not ieedlng 4 cr, may b purchaaed or Uad, th eon dltlon Including payment of lumpage. HOMESITE LEASES Unaurvayed area, not tcedlng It ere, may be leaatd aa homeallea, conditional upon a dwelling bains erected In the flrat year, title being obtainable after rldnc and Improvement condition) ar fulfilled and land haa been aurveyd. LEASES Kor grailng and Induatrlal pur-poa araaa not teedlng 4o acr may be laaeed by on peraon or a company, GRAZING L'nder th Qrailng Aet th Prov. Inc la divided Into grailng dlitrlct and th rang admlnlatared under q Orarlng Commlaaloner. Annual crazing parmlta ar laauad bated on number ranged, priority being given o ealabllehed owner. Hlook-ownari may form aaaoclatlona for rant inagmnt, rr, or partially fra ermlt ar available for aattleri. ampara and travtllara, up to tie 'lead. Phone 376 The House Watch Your Feet I "The Ideal Boot" e UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Phone 376. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Thursday, 7 and 9 "SLIPPY McGEE Tii romuiii e of a rook who biuil n own pi The lal of a seroml lury man who weul slr.nglil v e liip stealing a girl's heart, and jttl a he likrtl hint will you. How this Imrglar kit was pawped fur rai'b redeemed by love. Wheeler Oakman, Colleen Moore, 8am d Oratie, and Edith Yorki, and strong cast. Mermaid Comedy-"Backflre." Fun From The Preii. Admission 35c and 10c. STOCKTAKING Winter OVERCOATS 20 per cent WINTER STEVE KING Men' RUBBER Boots Phone 376 of Quality We hact jatt rectittd a fall lint of ntvo Spring ioc4, in. eluding all tht latest laslt, i the famous SlaterShoes for Men from $7.50 to $12.00 99 Discount on all OVERCOATS Phone Green 85 Third Avenue KNEE RUBBER BOOTS, White Sole Meg. .-,,.-,() SPKCIAI $4.00 WHITE KNEE RUBBER BOOT8 l,l,K- HPKUIAla $5.50 BLACK KNEETIUBBER BOOTS, Rod Sole vi' ..! HPKCiAI. $4.00 t ALL WHITE, 0" TOP, RUBBER BOOTS "fc-- .SPKUIAI. $4.50 THREE QUARTER RUBBER BOOTS, Red Sole uk. i" hpi:i:iai$6.50 8" RUBBER BOOTS, Red Sole r '.'I'" HPKUIAf $4-00 Jabour Bros. Ltd. Corner Third Ave. and Seventh St.