ThuMdny. January 2i. 102. Tin M W " ,tM' " "'' The .delicious fragrance of Baker's Breakfast Cocoa lit unqueitic-ned purity, uniformity and pelatabilitj? moke constant users of all .ia try !t; it it tht cocoa of high quality. Made In Canada By WalUr E(ker & Co. Uinitcd Utah 17M J kfontml, CwtJi soman or cnoicr nam mat ran COAL The Famoua LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON Lump and Egg Sliaa. STERLING Slova and Egg Sizes. V deUvnr In sari; or bulk. J'hnne us your order tiny or nuliL Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 16. Main Office Hold Central. EPSON COAL Wo can now Supply our FAW3US EOSOM COAL in tiny quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone St. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Plram Heated Hot and Cold Wnler llnten hy Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 659. m TOT DAILY NEWS. j!j,W.wi'iu,i; FADE FIV1. 'WATERWORKS i ELKS BURNED ' il ! IS FINISHED BANKERS' NOTE Metlakttla Village Takes Over i New Utility Council Elect-1 ed There and at Port Simpson ! Tin- water work at Metlakatln installed by the DiMiifniiMi Wnli-r Power f tnuifli (or Ihe Department . . .. . P t i a a 14 in'iiHii.ijiiiiro mi been nim-N pleled ami turned mer In the unlive council, In. Man Agent W. H. CulliMiii announced ihidtnoni-ilitr following Ida return from a .UII lit the village. I Tlie ylcm includes iilmilt a .uiilf of pipe nnil I In- village is now splendidly protected f n mi (fiii' hazard. There an five 'hydrant with a pressure nf lie. ' I with 70 ami Mil pmiiiiU ami slnml pifis fur ilnrnitir supply have been placed at (mini eon. j fiiim Jn I In. 7mic. Tim na. Ust themselves.' il In expected, will lalcr have llm water brought iiishh". The source nf supply is a small lake aluiiil ii rn j l iak of Ihc village. Tin' imxl project for Urn vilhge wllj probably n a hydro-elcrlrle lighting xlin. J. II. A. Stephen, engineer in harge of llu wnlcr work con- uirio'liim. U in llm rily ami will '! returning niilli liimnrrow ' morning. i Annual Election M- Collinon - lt I to Mella- l.aila yesterday n also tin- te. ' a""ii fur Ihe i-leclinli nf the Village rontmil fur 1 US I which Ave rloiKiMi as follow': : Chief (rfiiini'illiir William .N. lf.Ctglll. Councillor li. II. Clifton. John l, l.eijihlnu,' Charles W. Nurkluml. Itciihen Leighton ami : Henry I'revo!. " (unliable, uori alo appoint - ii ami Hirn in ami rommillec were named from llm riiiini'il a IMirliriilarly I rung one being rlioT" In laki' charge nf water vvnrk affair. Simpson Council llm native routiril al 1'ortj Simpson wa alo rlccled re-"itly a follow: i :iiif C.niinrillnr - Krnrxt Iu 1'iwanl. i:iunrinr John Sankfy. illnnn . "irri, William M-tarnvc. Jofph Offall. Haitian ,l.t.uiii( I rr. Hn. Jomr Henrj-. Unlx-rl 'tail. Sam lli'iuo'ii. llarr' jllyan ami I'liillip Orefn. iktriii'iioii of whieh wa under-Ifuken hy the eonnril. i jut 'olii.ul I'l.tupleieil nl Port Simp. on II will he a ilei'ided arpii. ition mi lm ydlase. QUIET WEDDING BUT AN INTERESTING ONE;. Bride of Donald Andrew Mc-Leod Ceremony Last Ever.g A ipliel hill uiljri'lin wedding look ptare tal eefiiim al H o'- Inrk In the Melliniliil Paron aye, Itev. . Hacker official- Free Delivery In Prince Rupert. I mmmmmmmmmmammmmm I B.C's Best Brew Because Cascade Is produced at British Columbia's model brewery, where quality and purity of ingredients, combined with perfectly hygienic conditions, are of paramount importance. Insist on Cascade pure palatable appetizing -.the brew for XOU. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED TI.U i.ilVill8vlll,.nt U nut published or cito&T'' ' Hoard vit IJiUU Columbia. or by thu' Ugvrnmiit It fyerwithmtaPcer l ihe.real .breatheablrta5leti, male the throat; cjieiC and lungi cold-re!tinjf. When a naity cold or coughing bout loretelli the revival of your old bronchial troub'le, the best thine to do it to tike Pcpt at once to itrenjthen and PJBtftECT the chut. When Pep ublet ia (aken trom it pre.ervinp $!lver wrapper cr.i allowed to d;':r.oIve frtthe mo-4'.!,it girci off powerful medicinal and germicidal fumei that irr.iiledii.tcSy circulate with the trteth through all the air. paitaset, and c'itioy any germs that have cut'..t,i' ... ' . - ccitrllt aod th.oit At the .mi time the tcre, infl-jrnti membrane it toothed, tv.aled, ar.d protected, phlttfm i re! lared from tl.e Iron-chidi, br.athic; ii mad; eaiy, and thftt dilrijtirg ' cougij and throat or:a:si, ditappear. by tiiia direct treatment Peps Keep trouble oif ife ,MIS1 and lunj, and the wont weather can be faced without fear of evil consequence. It it the tafett plan toalwayi have a few Pepi handy to arreit a cold, and prevent it reaching the lungt' or starting bronchitis and cheit weknen. mis ti. Iismi l tt l Ihi I lilmril ,.oblle playKroifnd. the rnn-,,. ,,, (lf ual) A1. drew Mcl.ei.d Itotli Mi an. I Mrs. Mrl.end are well known reniileiils nf Ion If slanilnu in the cily ami will re. ceive (he roiirHlulalions ami hearty Im1 wishes of many friends. The bride, who is a sis ter of Mr. Oliver A. Hovers, for evernl year, was slennjrrnpher'lo .... itbe cily elenk and hefnri' tlial Miss Clara Orchard Becomes lofnl wholesale firm. The Rrootn, who has resided here for fourteen ears, was formerly foreman for Ihe cily light ileparl. inent and is now acting ns manager of the Savoy Hotel. Mr. ami Mrs. M"I.eod will reside In ihe meantime al the Savoy liolcl. BRIDE ARRIVES FROM ITALY TO WED ANYOX MAN LAST EVENING one, I-. Cavanzo or .nyov sup-polling the groom and Miss vn- ehrysiinlhcninms. The bridesmaid was garbed In while with n similar houriuel. Mr. and Mrs. Ouxxoln are upending a few days in Ihe city before leaving on Sunday rjtehl for Anyox where Ihey will take up Iheir residence. The Pastime Cigar Store Opp. Empress Hotel. Tobacco, Cigar, Cigarettes, Candies and Soft Drinks, Wo lime H pleasant back room. v Cotno In and niako yourself nl home. ' W. M. Whiting, Prop. Local Lodfja Declared Free from Debt at Banquet Held Last Night IMPOSING CEREMONY Ladles Joined with Men's Order In Celebrating Auspicious ' Event An liiiprMnive rr-rftnony livok plarn lanl niKlit al n lain ban-iit given hy llm Klkd l.oilpe nl which llm mprnhnr of I lie ,alitn of llm Itoyal Purple anil a purn. firr of vliloc wern prexrnt. Tin" pvput was llm Imrnina nf! llm note lo Km hank on wlirh money, hwl'heen Imrrnweil ?v. oral yearn apri ami whieh hail recenlly hn liipiiilateil ami (he hamliiiif nut of clmrkH In pay olT Ihofcft iniliviilnal who hail rnaile Ioiiiih io llm Imle lo rarry timm ml ilurinjr llm man yearn' Jul ronrhnleil. II wat ileelareil I hat the Iml'i' wax now out of ijelil anil there was a Miiall haluure in I he )ank with whieh lo hlnrl Ihe new loile year. The hanquH look phiee in Ihe oilfe riHim foliowinr llm regular itu-Wintr ami wu preniiled over hy II. F. niaxiey with other of. fleer of llm oriler ami nf Ilia l.aiie of the Itoyal Purple mil porliu;.' Ii i in oil either ide ami with J'reil Sork. one of llm jeakeri of the eevniii?, nlo rfi a real of honor. In hi ooeuius aiMre. Mr. (lamey oulliimil llm finaneial eomlilion of the livlje (e)lintr how Ihrouh fi'ife nf ciri'iim- lniH'e a ileht hail In ho iueiir. rei anil how it- hail now llirmmli Ihe rninliini'il eiTiirtH of the iIk' anil of the LioHee nf llm Itoyal Purple heen liiiiiidalnl. He exlemteil lo the (adieu lm aipn'cialiou of the Klk and I liu wa laler einplianireil hy dearly I'heer ami iuuicu hoiior. Mr. ilai'y aid the new oltlrer would have the back- In 7 of every member of the .lodse. Al Ihe head they had in I ten Self a man who wa full ir teal for Ihe organization. Do Effective Work l)r (irant said, ho felt loaded i Willi etilhuiam, over I heir fine ac'iiiexemenl in pelting rid of Ihe debt and he romplimeuled both Iheni ami llm ladie on the .pl'-ndiil work they had aernm-plilmd. Thin xuuinmr he fell wan trolnft lo be an imporlanl one in Hie ttiniory or Ihe ciiy. He -fell limy were on Ihe eve nf MMimlhinF. The lodpe was nov at liberlv to an ahead and do eTerlive work. Carping crilicn rotild raime a depressing alinosjilmre but he wan iflad lo know thai the Klk were filled wilh enlhusiamn. They had been organized on llm principle of lilpiur ollmrn. Tim work of service was of llm great. ent importance. The order had not Imsitaled lo jive In time of need and lo help the distressed lie congratulated Mrs. filassry ns head of ladies' or?anlr.alioiv ami lieu Self a Ihe new head of Ihe Klks. lie hoped their anti cipations would be. richly fulfil led. For the Ladles I Mm. Ililili on Uehnlf nf Hie ladies said llo ladies of llm' . .Joseph I'iiioun (lairola of llm Hiynl Puride were just as Jiibii Uraiiby smeller nlalT al Anyox n a , nr0her Mills in lak-yesleiilay nflernoon at t -:n part in 11 coromony of tli( Clock in the. Catholic -Chapel, hunilnp of Ihc note. She thought, Hi.iiop I.. m . liuuu oiiiciaiinff.i,,,,,.!, rrrrmony would never jwas married lo Mis Mary Helen hnvp , ,nk(. raro ap,ain. VU(k jltaslro who" came hero nil Ihe MPVV niCers she felt oerlalii jwny from Italy lo become his would give a ?oo account of hrnle. Ihe rorepiony wis n quiet iimmselves in, the year vear's : work. - Hen Self the--newly elected exalted ruler of the order said nle Pirelli o mis cny aiiomnng ,e success was llm only Ihing llm hrnle. .Mrs. i.airoiu wore n ,,ia preceded. He would wait I.eauliful travelling costume and ,.forP Inkng anv nnounce- . ' . . . : I ..I.. I .....II..... ...!. iiiirn-n inn iiiii'ii men k or promises nnd el ac lions rather than .words speak. The ceremony I lien look place. The note was brought in on ty 1 1 ray. carried by I tin trustees Harry l.lpselt, Men gejf and .Ian is Mcl.eo.l, who marched around Ihe. room to the imisio of John'" Hrown'rt llody. Then standing in t lie. middle of Iho ball fire chief Miu'dnnald handed the nuitch to Mrs. J)jhh who ignited Ihc note held aloft by 11, I', J'ullen and it wa slowly burned amid Ihe cheer!) of tbo members nnd visitor. Ohecka Presented m The check; wprp (ben prencnU ed to Ihose wlu bud niado loan in time of klrus and the, lodge wa deolaied free.; of debt and with a neat lllllo bank balnnro. i'red Stork oft being called MILLIONS and Movies THROUGH the medium of slender strips bf celluloid an actor appears simultaneously on thouands of screens in as many different towns. On the same evening, he entertains great armies of film fans who eagerly pay their' money to see his performance. So the movie star commands a king's ransom for a salary, and a fortune is spent profitably, provide a proper background forhis art. The movie multiplies personality and earning power. Advertising does the same thing for a merchant or, manufacturer. In a single day it takes his message into thousands of homes to tell folks why they should have 1m goods and how to get them. Advertising endows him with a thousand voices with which to tell his story. But the value of advertising is by no means confined to the advertiser. It has a very definite value to you. A glance through this paper enables you to sift out the things that interest you. Sitting in your easy chair you can compare values and prices, in a moment you can tell exactly wher.e to go for what you want and how much to pay. Figure how much useless walking and talking and how much actual money you scan save by spending' a few moments daily with the advertisements. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS upon said il had been a special, pleasure ami privilege, lo be present at the Pruning of Ihej pole. He spoke of the assist-j mice of Ihe ladies, of Hie. in terest be look in the recent bazaar and of noine of his early experience, in the cily. He complimented the lodge on its choice of nftlcers. In the selection no better man could have been found. He spoke of the good work done by I lie order in providing' Christmas cheer and in giving relief lo llm needy. In this western country comradeship was not confined In fraternal organizations. What ever they did along that line was already paid a hundredfold. If I hey gave carping crilirlsm. they would gel it in return but if Ihey yave freely nnd lovingly as did Ihe Klks, Ihey would receive good IhinR in return. John Ujbhavn and others spoke and Dip party broke up at rather a late hour. The Klks orchestra provided excellent music and Mrs. Tup- per sang most acceplably. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert W. fi. Jordon, Victoria; fi. W. Dawson, Hazellon; It. Murray and J. W. Hell, Kdmonton; A. i Wall, (I.N.H.; N; l..I.andQ, fi. O Vivian, J. Hinns, K. A. Dagg, I). ,11. rievvelling, A. C. Sail, A. A. .Cox and F. S. Sheppard, an- couver; t). p.vlirowit and fi. M Hallentine, Sealtle; John ft. Turner, Dorreen. Central I.ouis McCalluni, High Prairie; W. Center nnd C. C. Walker. North Halllerord. Sask.j'W. F, Hugdon, city. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Aivaznff, formerly of this oily nnd now residing in Vancouver, have moved from filencoe Lodge, lo llm comer of Twelfth Avenue and Alder Street. The Shoe that holds its own with winter weather Mylr U not nYrtlmr. Lrrl.' Mum r tuiart ami pnwv. ii apiwiranrr i.r illyniiy ami tMvltm'4. Tlwv are built hi me niKitrwi aral Ivalhi'tj, ami Innire rumrnrl a hit iruial li'allh rar as itw rwl arf nuirrnmt. V"rar lrfcle'a: fcn-Juy Iheir httur rar- lur iualiiiii ami pr.iiwti.,ii rnmi In rlwiirnl limlrrriait ltHI,lllliMI veMfVVBLaHBBflBsP " faof- LECKIE'S J. LECKIE CO., LTD., VANCOUVER, B.C. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0, Office Hour. )lil Phone C8S. Open Evening Only Fop Special Appointments. I Big Redact ion on all Coats and Suits BEN T'S Shockleys pKn!?IMil,s . Sole Agents, for Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. ....... ...... tumbep J. Fyfe Smith Co . . . . . Hardwood Fraser Mill ... ..... Ftp Veneer Dimension Lumber. Fir, Spruce and Cedar. Spruce nnd Cedar Shiplap. Spruce Planking., Basil, Doors, Mouldings. Glass. Shingles., Fjr Veneer. Cedar Piling;.,