PAGE TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Telkw kwa and I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: -City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month . $i.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the united States, in advance, per year $6.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. . $1.40 per Inch per" insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page. ........ ,$2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion .25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion..... 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion ...15c per agate line All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - -86 . Contract Rates on Application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Friday, August 29, 192 1. Franks Case Is Nauseating One. The trial of the two young men at Chicago for the murder of young Franks, a brutal, cold-blooded affair, has filled the newspapers of the United Stales for the past several weeks and all the horrible details have been raked up and hashed over together with photographs showing the demeanor of the boys at every stage of the trial. The only excuse for such publicity was the fact that the lads were sons of millionaires and that the murder was a singularly brutal one. If the boys are committed to imprisonment for life, it is to be assumed that they will obtain their liberty in time, something which should not be allowed. The verdict on September 10 will be awaited with interest. Board Of Trade Excursion To Interior. a week there before returning. That the trip will be beneficial to them goes without saying. They will return and spread the news of the great things they have seen and we shall all become enthused over the future of the Bulkley Valley. There is a representative of the Daily News in the party and reports will be published in this paper of the progress of the party and of the things they see and do. Visit Here Of High Commissioner. 1. 1 rarkin, uanauian nign commissioner m London, is coming to the Pacific coast to study trade condition He cannot well do that unless he visits Prince Rupert. ' This port Will very soon he a factor in overseas trade and business wbl be done with the United Kingdom through this gateway. There is a rumor abroad that Larkin will be the represen tative of Canada to the United Stales. "If this happens he will need to know aooui i'rince unpen because this port does more business with the states than any other" on the coast. Settling Down To Administering Province. Since the elections were called the administrative end of the business of the province has resolved itself into a matter of routine.. Nothing could be done until the elections were over. Now that everything is settled the cabinet is being reorganized and things will get back to normal. Such matters as immigra- tjon, improvement of overseas trade, better freight rates and land settlement will be receiving closer attention. If it is decided lo permanently reduce the number of members of the cabinet the province will be the gainer. The cost of government is too great in the province. That is generally admitted. We have loo many ministers and too many members of the Legislature. AH have Jo be paid. Seven cabinet minis ters ought to be able to handle the affairs of a half a million people. 8plendid Steamship Service This Year. I here has been a splendid steamship service to Prince Rupert this year. The three companies have given regular ser vices so uiai mere nave neen ooais coming in almost every day. rni. : . 1 . i . I j 1 1 . 1 1 i i . , , , . mis iiuucu iu wie exi-eiieni iruni service jius neeij 01 great pene fit to the city. One thing lacking, however, is a belter mlail ser vice with the interior. We should have a daily nail as well as a daily train. Then we s.hould have little to complain about in regard to service. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD, Palling from JTIoce Kuperl, op VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, fwnon Bay, and AUrt Bar, Tutrtay, B FJB for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alti-t Bay, and Swanaon Bay. Saturday. 10 AM for ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walaa lalaM, SuiKay, P.. Hor PORT SIMPSON and Naaa ftlvar Cannarjaa, Tflday A.M 23 2nd Aianua. J. .rnalay, Agtat . , r,M Bjp The Man in the Moon SAYS: ACTIVE IN SOUTH SEAS APIA, Samoa. Extensive (Her I MAX'S leelh sometimes chatter but the prize is carried off hy' woman with her lonsue. , , . CljlllOPRACTOHS ami scientists should make good ball players, Jake says, because they are always slamming the pill. i . ALL men may be equal bu' not whoa in their bat hint? suits. IT'S long wait for ''the girl when she is expecting I lie. young Man to put the momentous iues lion that she so delights to hear. SOME people when Ihey go trout fishing lake liquid bail and fish with baited breath. A MAN dose not wear a wed ding ring when he is married because he looks the part without being fingermarked. AMERICAN as she is spoke is a curious language. Here is a sample: "Yes, I gotla dale with an egg and he's such an oil can I'd like to give him the gate. There's John, who's t lie berries, trying to date me for tonight and I had lo throw him down for a flat tire like this poor fish! Life-sure is lough." GIRLS are all crazy. Mother says those who have bobbed Iheir hair are crazy and I kriowr the nes who have not done it are crazy lo do it, so Ihere you are. THERE are a lot of foolish people in m 1 the world but Ihe one m r A number of local people left last evening for Smithers.!,7"1le ;vor'" Du,l.,"e ' h and other points to take in the two annual events there !wl,n .,ne OM h,,a, ." lo see something of the inferior country. They will spend oarJUnBS 'ake 'e swpfit lcu" Do not delay a savings deposit on account of its small size. Small regular deposits soon amount to a substantial sum. One dollar opens a savings account at any branch of ihe Union Bank. W1 mim bank OF CANADA Prince Rupert Brsnch -A. T. Brodcrick, Manager FIFTY years ago a daughter answered "yes, sir," to her father. Now she llippantly remarks "I'll tell the pop-eyed old world." THE ideal husband keeps his ears at allention. and his mouth at rest. The Ideal wife talks like the very old blazes. THE lowest depth of depravity is when a person has lo reach up lo touch bottom. r . THE only person who really knows bow children should b brought up is the old maid or possibly the wife, who has no children of her own. man plantations and uncultivated lands, inclilded in the "Samoaii crown estates" by New Zealand under the mandatory power granted over Western Samoa at Ihe close, of the world war, have been submitted lo public' tender for leasing. No distinction of nationality was made, and mosr of Ihe successful bidders were Germans. THE DAILY NEWS Friday, August 20, j 9 4 Supreme in itantf Supreme in flavor. A DELICIOUS BEVERAGE Free Coupons in every tin r itilling yim to beautiful china cups and saucers. ASK FOR "SUPREME." YOUNG AUSTRALIANS ARE TOURING CANADA Now on Way West and Will Stop Off at Jasper Park MONTREAL. AUS..29. a lour of Montreal, visits lo industrial plants and other points jf inlerest, Ihe fifty odd members of the Young Australia League arty loft here last night by Canadian National Railways en route for Ottawa anil, the West. The parly which is under Ihe oriiniand of Captain O. A. flrough is part of a movement for edu cation by travel which has been developed in Australia and the boys in the parly have been selected by a committee, to make Ibis lour of lb world which has already embraced six weeks at Wembley, a trip across Ihe At-'antie aiiil two days in Quebec. From Ottawa Ihey will go lo Toronto, Niagara Falls, Sarnia, ort Arthur, Winnipeg, Saska-'oon, Edmonton, and. on through lasper National ..Park lo Vancou ver maRing a, visit a!, eacti of the minis mentioned, including a lion al Jasper Park Lodge. The joys will be under Ihe care of the Canadian National Railway dur ing Iheir entire trjp across Can ada. MAKES RAILWAY PAY NEW YORK, Aug. .29. The Detroit, Toledo and Irouton Railroad, for which Henry Ford paid the sum of .5,000,000, had a gross revenue of $0,031,01 i dur ing Ihe first six months of this year, or an increase exceeding one million dollars over the same period of 1923. A natural in crease in travel Is narllv respon sible for the gain, but Ihe road has also heeome more popular under Hie l ord ownership. famous quality OLD CROW BOURBON WHISKEY BOTTLED UNDER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION rhis advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Terf Years Ago In Prince Rupert j August 29, 1914. Right under Ihe nose of the Heligoland fori it ical ions, the British navy scored a glorious vielory over Uerniany yesterday vlien two enemy cruisers and two loipi'ilo boats, wen sunk without Ihe hiss of a single Itrit-ish ship. The operations were directed by Vice Admiral Heallyj and Rear Admirals Christian and v Moore. - -- The flax market in Helglum and Russia being closed, canners on Ihe Skeeim River are begin ning lo wonder where next year's nets are lo be obtained. If is likelylbal Ihe inferior Japanese net wjll have lo b used. - Fire Chief 1). II. McDonald leaves today lo attend the Fire Chief's convention in Victoria. R. Morrison will be acting chief Mrs. McDonald is going to visit in Spokane. RECENT FORTUNES MADE FROM MARKS German Securities Purchased For Very Little Made Large Sums For Gamblers NEW YORK, Aug. 29. Tidy fortunes have been made in Wall Street by investors who purchased German bonds at phenominally low figures months ago and then reaped a heavy financial harvest through Ihe recent "skyrocket ing" of these bonds, says Ihe New York World. One instance cited is that of a forrn,er saloon keeper who paid ?375 for 50.-000,000 marks worth of 5 per cent Imperial Herman war bonds sev eral months ago to find after Ihe favorable turn of the mhrkelj thai his .375 investment had risen n value to H7,500. j Another investor, this limp an Italian, bought $700 worlh of Ihe same bonds and sold them on Ihe rise for 8170.000, more lhau two hundred fold Ihe price paid, says Ihe newspaper. A group of six Roslon men invested $0,000 and reaped a profit of $200,000. it is related. The speculative craze arising from the situation has been described as Ihe most amazing since investors of Ihe United Stales put alnvisl $1,000,000,000 into Herman markels after the war, only lo see them sink In a valueless level in this country, says Ihe World. if I don't!" HARD WORK She: 'You'll find you will have lo work hard to win Dial millionaire's daughter." Hp "I hall have lo work harder FLANNEL DRESSES for School Girls DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. SLICKER WEATHER! Children's and Hoys' Slickers from .... $4.50 to $6.50 Children' Waterproof Hain-capes with Plaid llnods, from $3.75 to t.75 Ladies' English Rubber Coals with Velvet Collar $14.50 H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd Cor. Fulton & 3rd Ave. Phone 8. Fresh Mas far Mixed in a Moment the appetite. Neutralized Sharpens richness of fat foods and the Lakes them easier to digest. butitmastbeColmaris Dr. Watson's Tonic ALE and STOUT One package makes 3 gallons of the most whob -nine , i nourishing daily drink. Kasily prepared. 75c Per Package. ORMES LIMITED THE REXALL STORE. Phones 82 and 200. Lakelse Lodge Lakelse Lake, via Terrace, B.C. Now open for service under management of Mi M. Haven. Ideal place lo spend your summer holid-.. onahle rales, flood home cooking. ConifortuMe Fishing, Hunting, Bathing in Lakelse Lake and S BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace TAXI M otors Op'jratmg Taxi anil Launch Service between Tew and Li'dge lauding, nssuring guests of quick, roiuli' i trip. Also operating taxi service to all parts of Ihe v 'I'V For reservations and rales, apply lo LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C. STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VIC TORIA, SEATTLE and inlenhediale points each Monday. Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 pm FOR STEWART . . . Friday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Masset, Port Clements and BucMey Bay, every Monday, 8.00 p.m. For Skldegate and, all ports soulh every Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. PA88ENQE.R TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. I.ev I'rince Hupert B.00 p.m. for rniNCF. OF.OtlOE, EDMONTON, W' NII'EO. ttl point F.tern Canada. United stale. AQCNGV ALL OCCAM STEAMSHIP LINES. ... Oily Tlekat Offl, 528 Third A, rrlnea Hupart. ehon B0, BACK AGAIN! AND AT YOUR SERVICE. HIGH CLASS DENTISTRY AT MODERATE PRICES. Dr. J. F. Maguire 8mlth Block. Phone 575.