Adl row. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rata of Exchange. Make your reservation! for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Rales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriter, Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE, Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and tteamshlp Agency. Prince Rupert, eLC DRY Birch & Cedar food Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone SSO. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES, Ager. for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Pal-tern and Style Thor Johnson Second Avenue EDSON COAL 411.' n. w a t ui rt ' ' 4.t:. Frm I- iverr. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Carlage and Storage Phone U. Cartage, Uarekousing. and Jttrbui4ivg Team or Mntar Senk. ". Sand and GraTeL We Splallxe In Piano and Furniture Kovlng. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk ar.d Cream Delivered Dally. Turcot the farm to the home. Phore Black US. P.O. Bo SS. M. S. SING SPECIAL DRY PRESSING To July 1. 1 Suit .... 75c I'hone 7t. SJ Third Avenwe IVO nox 8. Prince Rupert, 1I.C. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Melgerson Heck, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office. Hours, ta t, Phene SM. Open Ivenlnge Only Foe Special Appointment. !TH1 DAILY XIY7B. Friday, Jui, BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMnu? I ICON'T ME HOW kn fiSSl -.. ... . I! I nzl n,rK,.r . -r--. .' 7. I I I I --r I L."J FINAL MEETING OFNEWTONITES Address by W. W. Wright and Wrangling With Ross McKay Features Evening ! Wrangling between T. llns 'Markay. Provincial parly candi date, and W. V. Wright, Mayor Nwton campaign manager. and V. F.. Fisher, chairman, and general disorder in the audience marked the close f the Conservatives' final rally in the Iio.ton Hall ial night. Fulfilling a promt mado te him. Mr. Markay was allowed the platform to reeai the iuetions that had not been answered be-ifore. However. Mr. Maokay (found the audience somewhat .unfriendly to him and at times it w.s hardly Mtsible for him to be heard above lb uproar. The '.same condition of affair mate lkrMinrial ttartv qualifirmlon hich had lee rayallengnl by W. W. W ncht. The Pattnlm meet. !ing in the Kmpres Theatre hav-j Miff rhe.l early, ahvng about ! lo.St) Ibe lbt.n Hall became rre). betater nr not the au-tience w favorable to the 4tnervaiiw interest might be ties tinned. It was patent, how. jeer. that there was nt4 much sympathy for Mr. Mackay. IVefore Mr. Markay arrixed nn jthe seeete thing ent on calmly (enough. W. F- Fisher prettel and V. W. Wnrtil wa called luptvn to gie the addres of the imicn-ael an.t V. McK. Tuft, the jsrhedute,! shaker. n being on tbai tiae. Mr. Wright ;lke at some length on local Matter and then Mr. fersnjrhaet ,turned up. He delivered an attack o the lilixer government reiter- jating latement that he vha4 jmade here pre hhi1j. A. V. 'Fdce and Mayor Newton al graced the platform hut neither I spoke. The disorderly procett- mg were brought In a rloe sh.rtly hefore It oVbvck. Mr. 'kr rinUminf Ikal il va I K In the Letter Box CHEAPER RAILWAY FARES New Haiellon. ll.C. June 17. tt. Iaily New I wish, t draw ynur alleation The best Tobacco for the pipe Theres Healing in Every Touch of B. read thus 'tcforr Uiv war f.r instance. the return fare from New Haxrl- inn. was , . .M.r,..u., .- itolerateM Ikal m a etHintry huat . . a. "'". m ine qw.Mraauf lilaortv sad Mril i.k uere to Uaxe been direlaL un uii1isM.ed ami unable tn attend. Refuted Privilege i The end f the meeting rame .after Mr. Markay had been re- iuni ie iirmit-jit- ui rrHig IbfOWCllt the Henr- TlMtrnlnn. M. iwiir? wrr Mum, an snr ynpnlb)Hic eunMteral ion and something fur the benefit of a the puhtir i earned into effect with I be leu.l pniMe dadny. Mana- Iser of Canadian railways pieae hake note and do likewise. , ..(THE HOOK ASK SHALL TtZZz. """""" we drop the pilot? A..k I- n c- . .viivvyicr . . 1 7 f-jLijvr J kj . 1 : rests Perhaos Bowser hat Purred Himself from Old Time Scandals How uitticult a 1 to re.t the blandishment of the pnlmmenf- m-Buk Skin Diseases & injuries .reevt .u.'. . I rue tn an ev rantli- Stale ought i,, hax.. health, vitro. ILC to Prince Rupert. lt.C,iiu!etiger. gTe. of questions. ami not a ;.io.""ja .'itne. i. Mbr himolf i No iUmiM you will make (be hi. feet, and a,-.,,,,! himself in nere.sary correction, the best ofj.eha!e. He .nutiii .. he of a good people being (tame t errr. inwrat rluraeler and '.h.n at 1 ih In tate that I orfutlir irit. Ru: hr htmlf. any otbe person ar at liherlyjtbe ke,t or'mea .t.w not munt lo make ear nl and greJr,r mueh in Parliament. Frty ance known, aiwl the het eu-ellen: : n.i .r method fiwr ding i lhr.HiHi J ,,!,.Sns nuuin.-rv prn.Hmr4 the mtoaan of the pre., and itoLuimon tnd lr..i arzumeniivr , ""y" mterwu'iwe on lfce port of ny .wer. mifbt b eieelei fruw ... .n. . .i.r....- Hta.,. nt any mmmmi ran be rrtv nt:.ueti-.r. and ur- 1 i . . . . - freeihwHtJafure a modern r.ner f Bab'L I Mr. Rower. Lt. inslamse. bas It is evwdeiit heer bal myt,rett5 well purge.1 hiiulf in the letter of Ih 13th it bas oH.i-!'lrt. f Vea frrn the Kitsilano ed the uhjcl of re.tured raira !H-ene srandat. !he mMnimoa passenger fare afreh, bch l,TrUs! vandai. ar.d I be arrti.a. notice of Sir.titm of hav:ng mde hi office a rtmirman and lAttomer - (.er.eril a feedine jpre-htent of the Canadian .a- jgr-uii.1 f..p i,,. t.male law Tirm. Railways las; year, and I Hi oM-time nnlapxn-m tn understmd from his repre.nta. Jw,,tna,n uff ree Jba been effaced. live 1m. alle.1 on me last itrtnJ Urneral XrRae. with the aid of Iber. that in all probamNy ther r..reifnl anenuiry. a bold front nTnild be a reduction in railway !and a !! of mnnsy. hm almo.t re in the near future. . far;uutlhed the fQXjtoi nf the Port n.biBg more ha hee!jfaan notation. . of lea and . k. d Ik... , .. k. L . L . .a 2 . . .. . ip m.-m " sur,. ik m a iire or rake at Hycron i a ca-e r -a you were." no pro- rfui argument lo people b gre being made, landtan as mmy nMj tmrr ..p..Hunily to viM a penple are a very slow, eon- shaushoey Heieiht. except at rMNTERIOR NEWS SEES i k-t y--. " " Fl FVJTdR IMPORTANT responsible for their management ' no not get a 'mote on .on. Yonr trulv. Ml I.KI.KY MUtllllVII WM In Editorial Article Declares no Other Undertaking of Such General Benefit The Interior .Vrw. pwMishct at Smither. .n.ter the "North Ha Orenl Victory. njr; "Herhd in importance every other uljrt. like iteftnile aruoun vmfi that he interior and mast ba.l won il fipM foe a terminal e!r 4 tor hrisw a wave of vt mtsnr. 1.. the e4Unr and lieopie of (he .ywn alpatg the I railway. N.. '.hor thmterlakinc ary cnnvUflnle ho male bl m- r,u bae he leal itirert eictaiw Th H.ok. t:rf,t. ami i f uah grnral mgh it cusnei at Vancouver' Weekly paper. H .w i,mr i.n outry i mm CUT PLUG it to an error, presumably error in hard to deny Mo- elaims of friend- rbroe . f etodha M ha l.rmtinj: contained in the seeotid hip. ttrtiie pitiral agniftranre and paragraph or mv Mler re pectin' llwre i an shibbolelb to no g..e ume. . ran rUim any the above menlionest sulilect.lreidar th u. narlr hibaaefK .. n... r - m f efJtMto inn vr- no woo Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WOKO IN ADVANCE. No Adrtlamnt Taken for L... th,n 30t W ANTES VKNNKHS wanted for the KaU MMtunins f IUnien Street SebtMd. For parlwular. apply to understgne.1 Tender eUe i p.m. June 31. IIS V. H. Vanre. Secretary. TKNKKhS wanted for the hiiur. Iinir of King Kdwvrvl Srbnrd. For pnrtkrnlnr apply to tbe un4er.nnet. Tetar eloe P-M. June it. Hi V. Ii. Vanee. Serrelarr. TO RKXT. - Furni.hed hme- keeplng suite. Apply ilu!h' Ave. F-al or phone Hltie ?17. . MR RF-VT - Palmer Heme for cheap rales and bom comfort. Houe fur rant ale. If FpR RF.T.Fie roomed lat. H. Itournrau. Sixth Avnswe WeL Phone Ittack tli. tf erairv kim i peopte annjeth,,, r nltY RK.VT. - eij ""'iwf irwi ineir tiiefim. nttns in all lumps, vkberens w evening, r . A. MelHarmist. C Ur. ' . . . in Port Mann renlljr. lint et. celler.t s Mr. Hnwer and lien, erai MeRae m he a., indivntual caiolidates. iiT would make a quarreUome pa.r at Virtetrm and would iteca'i- th- ronsinarlive "unr . ..f :wn .ierTintent up- -.rler. LOST. LiT. Wremar hat Inken Snmtar afliruenp in Anglican church. Wih to recover a hi initiate.) T. Inside viilh Slee Kius mark inc. Phm - 67 1 1 LOST. Ituncb of key mi rinr. Finder plea return to Imsiy New 0ice. t Ik MISCELLANEOUS FOR HHKSSMAKLNO aa. pUm eing. phone t?7. FURNITURE. New and cndband FumU ilure ?Ure. W e Uuy. Se!: ami Kx ehaarc New and eeon.Hami ood. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 8M Third Ave. Phone 6t. TAXI Tail 7 Phone (Call Oeorge. Paul tr Dul) Prompt Service and Cotnfert Day or Night Stand .tOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block, Acrw from F-mpre Hotel. tmien amtare in ymr ine ofiThe no- o-ie read The party be -4 from any gov- of the peopte represent mix every FOR 1ALK WANTED. Furniture of every rO r SA1.K. Spee.1 boat ,nebo.' description. Highest price paid. Prince Rupert Kxeliangn. Auctioneers. Phone 633. WAXTF.IL F.ur berry picker. Apply J. Niedhart. Iteato. I IT WAITHRSS WAXTKH. YokohamaCafe. TENDERS WANTED FOR RENT New it; length 2 feel, Jicatn 5 fec-t. wind liield. canopy lop an, curtain, two auto neat with tealing capacity for eight or ten pemon. poweml with 18 h.p. Wmton Six engine; lloeii' ignition, storage battery. Han Paragon re,ere gear, Cnlum. l pruiteHer. C. I.. Meimlef. , C4l Storage. tX fTFTKBX pure boM Rhode ItUd red eh Ink en for aain, Ata cockerH. Priac bird. Apply tin lunnHir Sired. 1 K rOH RKXT Fnur room, .Jern,4iiKJl second-hand cvml rnnVe. healed Smith A at e) P( fRMfe(. A . Apply tf OFFICE FliR RENT. wMh molern Hmg qrler. V'eieeihaver Pro. if Three -wanted houe on Summit Ave. Phone lied f 9. 1 17 the 131b ini, 11 Ikk'-I have tjoen t mai er. il the man that err-me- t ., an achievement parly, and if the Hter gwvern. " mot rave u a helping baml 'thai wa eiactly mbat they ere elected for. TVe neil big hope 1 that the etevaior will he ready in lime to share in the rotdesv FOR SAI.B. Sixteen room room. Ing bmje and store; alt fpr-ihe.L Full skod has-mmt with now but air furswe. Tern arraognd. Tbu buiLtiug i right in front uf the Ikry Itoek, AnthrvM Avenue, tf RANCH at Terraoe for ole.- Tei aero, f H aero rioarod, re- rnnisnlr light ctonrtair; how ft by :m. hmnuieliirkea hou. Or. r H ntilos' front sintion. it mam. Term. Apply P.O. 1 1.. u2 11 4. . t FOR SALE. Ureat range: large beater; full iae bed: picture aiwl dihc. Phone Hiue HS tJO Fifth Avenue West. also Vef tngbue range for ale. Half W. Pat more. FOR SALE. .New and used BOARD AND ROOM Fresh milk and hot and Fi rate 1LG. BEAUTY PARLOR. II IHIM. FARM. TKRRACK. Hoard and reefdenre for the ummor hottda . Not a oonirahoenl dome, hul where anyone out of sort mill ooavatewoe. Homo eonkfng. Home grown vegetable and fruit in eaoa. butter. Tennis. Sphmdid ae-i ' Hill Farm. Tor POARU and Room at the faUnd oentrally located, oae half Mock Second Comnlete Iteautv . FSsr7 " "'; p PRINCE RUPERT TIOCI Friday. Jet jo Hum : It? lpsv . . rtr Ssturday, Jun 21 Hiah . I , IMi lwr . I'l 4". . t ". TIMBER SALE XC3M. aoaa t Urrar V lame.. k I I TIMBER SALE X (79). osmTaaM ;wwha rn. u Mua Ou 'Owe 4 Ur. TIMBER SALE X J0. ;i,nts,T ' Mar m Machinery. IfeaU ami Bs)gxue.iJ Nurtliern rlxehaage. tlfrnryMe n'i FOR SALE. Range. topped kilehew table, rhnir. elr. Phone 7. 1 1 ROYAL CFK far 'sale. For ftfJt parthntlar. apety Cafe ItAHY CtHHlAOK for Sale. Phsuac Rod IH7, 1 o. -m TIMBER SALE X 6220. ftkt fll I1 1 ' ViiOl i at loao tOU ft am kW ..k II Ife n pp7,t 1, . mmm mrt f fur la iti so -' Ven artlr ivoaor- mimo4alivn for children. fSoJ'ir'-'j-J1 111 II utth plartng field, etc. F.n 1 11 e charge of ehiKtren viben de-atrod. To save jtfapfoinlmeiil snake your raervatieas early. For lcrm. coc write) Lanfoan f lWr -U psrunav re XVMelii .. rrow ai 1 .' TIMBER SALE X 2741 imi. no m t Lane, h rat ! 1 oe v majryef L iM. W vo iaMlB mv . 1 ' N ! made ha 1 c nao- i I laao act . - - - - w tmmim rer 1 v m L4JM f'' I,. .11 yrl ml U) rraM rf t w A - - ' - .-. .iearase f Ci is 0 rtn.iV noi to 4W1 v ! ' from Post omce, H i Vw twi ",.iTk " Avcn.. Phono 3,. if ,,,,,,., MW u ' FOUND FOU.MI-Ab I.O.U. ner eaij have same at Uaity New offlee 'mjo r by proving ownership and pay. , . ,. 1 lust I ... I.t 'Parlor. Ilobbmg a speciality. tT,,i lZZZ . a " vo taao aer. ltiM u atf laot ing for Ibis advertisement. I f.' ". mmrl ox4eM cmm (4M4l harvest of the prairie this yw. Uairdressing. Hair Oood made jwj r - berause it bv-sb more train. P. kin and Scalp Treatments, t. i nwre traffic an.1 higher statu voet Ray. Prices Reasonable. .H eSSiii.? -far the railway through thi dt. "R- LOVE, t r. J"""JJ, triet; H will mean a market fr Rooia . Stephens PMg, over rwi . r ... I n,f wO ib" jrrwm m k ueai ann nvenn j .so-u su. -hmit jq. , that the north share hi the aiirrinu iitri ' TMt coaee-rM rmc evetT. ' ww ...... - . ..Urn IV. I . " . I n t .... . . aneosivcr largely (hmu.h the! flood oods HourhL BoughL Sold Sold or iv iiJ"Ss-Jis 4 '": oeveopjenl graia route. of Ibe western' r-xenanrro i Tb grain elevalae, M. M. HtMIIBl Auctlaneor. ; rr -. a an eabfWVed fact win be Fnrnitnre and Crockery. 4metbtnr over wfciek Mn.. -r , - . ... -m' ' . , . w niru Ave. .,, rvr , cay feel hippy iPbones lUack S3 and Red 112. fsnPe mm at. JP e lxs r NLTg t. o i l