44 I II its il PAUB TWO. For Your Health n you should buy the best. SALAD A To all other countries, in advance, pep year II B600 is the purest and most scientifically prepared tea, sold today. Try it. The Daily News PBINHE BUPEBT - BBITIHII COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, Ihe Prince Duperl Daily News, Limited,,, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Transient Display Advertising. .i.Sl.tO, per-inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page ...$2.80 per inh Local Readers, per insertion. .-... .- , . . . .2."c, per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per won! Legal Notices, each insertion Ifcc per agate line Contract Bales on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION 98 86 Thursday. March 13, I0.l. Newspaper Amalgamations. " Newspaper anta)gnmatinns and deaths have been going on steadily during Ihe pasl year. A very large niimlier have disappeared lliroiighout the ' continent since the heginuing of I and more yet -will go. This is the day of hig things. It is the day of hig newspapers, and the small one find it difficult to carry. on. 'Hi a I has heen the experience everywhere. The latest paper to di-appear is the Vancouver World. It success, hventuallv. in the face of such severe romnelitioo. it ?had to go under. By amalgamating with the morning paper and being published as an evening edition a i good deal of expense will bu spared hut yet there is some douhl if it will he a permanent success. Possibly il may. In a city the size of Vancouver there is room for just two daily' papers, one nuhlished in ,the morning and the other in the evening. Seattle has three hut' ....... n i n :i . - , ..1 If Ihe -UcD.ie millions and the funds of the big interests HOI lo In llvprl ill Hint GYROS HEAR MR. BRANKIN iSuperlntsndent of Neglected Children for B.C. Tells or i Work Being Carried on Thai honesty should mil ! considered as a policy im! rather as a principle which should be rigidly adhered to and I hat character, finding it elementary factor in desire f,r gmd ir evil, rules desliny,are teachings followed al lht provincial industrial school fur hoys al Essondale, according i . j. Itrankiii. superintendent of Dial institution and also siiporinlend.ml for British Cit iimtiia of neglected children, who addressed I do tiyro Club hriefly last evening. Staling thai every child brought into (ho world-was entitled lo good hirlh. nn nlivorv. .v mnil ,.rfirripr r.P mnnii. . t nn.nr"l"r Physical ran- and moral Hy mail lo all parts nf the British Empire and. the United States, in advance, per y?ar ......... Srt.OO has struggled for Mime years against tremendous (Mlds nnder-nnor home Dmi .ii.i mil various managements hut none have been .able to make it a jeondilions for Ihe child holler , .r.y w.ui a ...ij.He.,1 .enuorj ll lias neeu Olllieilll ,,. ,,,. wlf, ww mi,M: "a M"" . 'r ! misunderstood than Public Interest Seems . Dying In P.G.E. Investigation. ,v ' Willi a hig coi)veiiliou and much lriiid talk and hy means of free papers sent out to electors nt enormous expense, (he -leaders something crooked about the way the Oliver fioveniment is car rying on the business of the country. Interest in the iuvesliga-jtioii was dying a slow death until today it revives 16 find that iIip sl.ip u'lliifs llm lriviu;-.l it'll.!.- ; I...:., u: . than the, host conducted indus trial schools or reformatories, hut such institutions were necessary and were doing a good work. enunciating uio wA pnn- '.ciiles employed, in dealing with M the Provincial Party sought to convey the idea that there iJ - criminal. Mr. (Irankin urged that Ihe Oyro (Ilun do its share in inculcating those principle even lo children who hail not Itecohio wayward. Example, he declared, was one of ),e offered to Mdl the evidence hJ thought he had for I" ffr wl"' -'l'"'""' ion 1lis salar today from the General AlcBae party is ?r, a month Ihe uucslinn . T" ,",B' " "I"''" nore than he was formerly getting rrom Dip government. Also Jie fidntilled that he had been promised a permanent 'poiti"" if the parly was returned to power at the next election. The investigation has proved a boomerang. It has struck Dcneral AlcBae and his followers in Ihe face. Apparently Sir Charles llibberl Tuppcr had already retired rrom the iiivesiigat lion in disgust and now il looks likely that there will' be a still prefer scattering of the faithful. Parly Patronage Of The Worst Kind. - , There has been a lot of talk about parly ihlrouage ami the Oliver Government has often been blamed for .appointing jt friends o rnraut position. There is, however, no record of the Liberal or any other party heretofore bargaining with a discharged public servant lo pay him for his evidence airainsl his give eviuence against their lormer employers ... . ...:ilf l at. The sjieaker also referred to Ihe caeof neglected half-bred lormer employers by feeding him at the public trough and in tlie 1 " proceeding further. Kur-meanlime paying him a fat salary from party funds ml up hy Dier campaign reports showed millionaires and cororalious. .It has been proved, and the fact he fund lo he irrowinir steadily. is well known, that lliere are parly fuiuls for there must be un- (Sf,"d progress was reported hy iter me present system. It cost money to 'run an elpclion There is no objection to the n.e of money in the hiring of halls for meeting, providing travelling expenses for organizers, nnd carrying on the legitimate work of placing the views of the parly before the electors. It i done hy every parly ami must he done if Ihe' electors are to know what they are. voting for. That is miite a differenl thing from purchasing witnesses to children, of whom there were was for the considera lion of Ihe fjyrn Club. To Staoe Concert Business of the (iyro Cluli last night included mailers pertain-iiip to Ihe playground program, lh playground concert that is to he put on early in Mnv amkau appeal from Ihe hospital for assistance in its forlhrmiina campaign for membership. The playground commiltee is awaiting receipt of permission from the provincial vovernment to use Ihe Market Square as a venue for bny.s . baseball games S. K. Campbell for Ihe concert committee. School Wiildren and teachers will contribute largely to an attractive program that Is being arranged. The club has expressed its willingness to assist in the hospital campaign when formally called upon. Miarlc I-.. Starr, manager of m THE DAn.Y NKW8 Tliur.tyy. 'Mui,:, TT nr The Man ia the Moen SAVS- SUB lok my hand And gently pro yd; My canity ale (Save n no rest; She read my bonk"; .My cah' she sjienl. Willi ardent Links Willi hr I wont. And still she takes Whate'er she can ' Mill I think hlt takn Another niah. Till-: sort of men that women arry, is clear proof lial 'women ran take a joke.. A MAN who hang hfmself dies of his own freewill and a cord. WHISKEY runners are like fish. The biggest get away. NKVKIl mind. St. Patrick's Day protsrlion, .Mr. Itrankiii staled j will ! here nox weot ami then that, if circumstance prevented e can all celebrate, those responsible for the child' . giving Ihe last two mentioned of! JBIM5IXO hy Iheir aollons a those necessities, it was lin loilol of people in litis rlty hae I lie slate lo do so. Making Citizens Mr. Braukin went, on In outline the work carried out at the industrial school and Ihe methods of conducting it. The work done in litis roecl in llrtlish Colombia, hi "staled, was excelled hy no oilier, province in the Dominion. The old ideas associated wild industrial schools and reformi! lories had long since heen abandoned. While the industrial school had certain nf the condition of a prison, the purpose hclualiog those in charge was lo ascertain' Ihe cause rather than the, cwVrl of youthful misdemeanor and seek to remedy Iheni converting the inmates info -useful and upright citizens of whom the na tion migui in' promt, it was a olTer not yet reached the ape of discretion, hut a good many have reached the agepf decoration. THE way a woman can reduca the overhead expenses is hy culling down Ihe millinery hills. A MAN who lives in Prince Huperl and does not hrng .iImhiI his launch is likely lo'get a seat very close to the front when he gets lo heaven. .L. MY launch, sir; she's Die thing, Cood enough for any king She can chew: uj " miles like blazes. She can weather any sea And she's just the boat for ine In her direction everyone gazes. THIS is Ihe age of dissatisfaction. White one person wants lo he fat another wishes to he lean and others again just want lo lie good lookjiig. I'M as fat as fiil- ean be You'll commiserate with me.. For I find il "diflicull In move around. While my neighbor, 'Blllie Whin. Is absolutely 'thin; ' But no cure for either of u can lie found. j Ten Years Ago I In Pflnc Rupert March 13, 1913. P. D. Dill, secretary of Ihe Seattle Halibut Fishermen's Union, is in I'rinre, Hupert con sult ing with local members. He says that many fishing coni- FOUR YEAR OLD BABY unscrupulous manner today before the election what ,H of lihe Pacific puiieri t. Who is Baby Peggy f orgy is lo be expected should these hungry hangers on come to Selected a member of the club Hm wa" ,''!',,, n fivn-be fed from the public trough to pay them fur their services? It million-dollar rontrart for her is iiimeuu u, imagine a more despicable act than thai of the Provincial Conslable 11. iibnn discharged employee who tries lo get back at his former em- of Port Essinglon relurned from plovers by selling Ihe information he gained when empbived. A Vancouver on Ihe. Prince fieorg" m.iii .ii iii.ii kiiiii wooki oe a oigraco Tammany Ball. Happily .yesterday afternoon. Her went iirnisu oumiiin na. lew oi uiem. soull, i charge of prisoners I w iF TOBACCO I acting for the next three jears. A king's ransom at. Ihe very least. When Ihe fjrt page of Ihe dally newspaper), (he world over recently announced that Baby I'egRy Montgomery, frnir-year-ohl Universal star, had 4een offered one of the biggest con-Iracls in the hllory or mollon pictures, movie fans opened their eves In realize that another worthy faviMile hud come inlo her own. i No actress (oil.nv. mini! or h:iliv. No more rubbing till you ache Just let the clothes soak clean ! CHEETS, towels, shitts, undetwear, play clothfs and aptons What a day's work they used to be. Washing was something to be dreaded. Monday night found you tired out. To-day, how easy it is to get everything clean and white Rinso soaks dirt out The rich cleansing Rinso suds dissolve every particle of dirt just by soaking. The moit ground-in dirt is loosened and rinsed away. Only the very hardest spots need a light rubbing with dry Rinso. Rimo it told by all groceri and department itoiet Rinso LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. TORONTO was lucking al Ihe tone in the other i Mrs babies which pi-oinl parents bail broughl to Initeisat Cily. Ihe very first week saw her signed at fifty dollars a week The next week reunited in her salary being doubled; and at the end of the third eek she drew n hundred and fifly dollars. From I hen on it roe steadily, until re cently the startling news was flatbed that her annual Income would sjmver in Ihe vicinity of a "seven-figure salary." Unspoiled And with it all, the charming little' baby is slill the same tin. . , . i.-j".iir.i ..iijiii niiitT urtirp will panics . intend to move here from V' , . ,, ... i !. ,L . ..... . """broke ... .Irnke inlo into tnlury lnlury Ounedi Ounedies the he so . u h . Hi . year and . predict ,(f tJ hal this will be the PreaUMl halibut fishing port on Jhe Paci fic coast. ftfl ago, ac- .r)(0l erylody , In her com. pany. from director lo the uiml casual "extra." stlin n-ill It -An mm. I , marine impiiry is lo be hold a,,,,,.,,,,, u, ..,,. ....is' . .., ' " 1 1 1 1 M n.. il.- ....II..;.... ii.. ... ii ii-i-i-iiiijr hi iur York " steamers rrince jonn ami .ew. ington at Swan.in Bay. The pulp! sawmill, logging equipment and timber limits al Ocean Falls are lieing adver tised for sale al auction this month, by the receiver, Archie Martin. A MILLION DOLLAR WHAT THE PACKAGE DOES Tea growers have found from experience (hat it s necessary immediately to pack lea in air tight metal-lined chests, to preserve the flavor and goodness of Ihe leaf. Erpially so is art Jifr-liglil package necessary for the small lots of lea for individual consumption Bulk lea is always inferior tea because It is ' "'s' -i i" air. I lie .V1..II.V Wall Known ChIM Kite 1 h. Seen at the Westholme Friday and Saturday air-tight aluminum package is Ihe mosl efllcfeul way of pre. serving lea known. When you buy advertising you my CIRCULATION, and nee that oil re if ( HEART WAS SO BAD HAD TO SIT UP IN BED Mr. O, t. NlIf-MliJ, 104 llott su si TlKniut, Oiit wniet: -in Uw Pall of IRil, I itku ill ullb my Imirt, Itul (llil not VY murb atleullmi U II. I krpl on llh my lKinh(ild duli.fi, liut im-miixI in iim-oiue nrre nrifl mvru; mil finally ln'l lt rail In a rtm-Uir. lie ilil I wn II ruo dotn and a iirr'i rerl. Iil a wvere pain In my rlil hlli iulJ iimve ovr lo my lirirl awl It In is beller known i,r any corner of ffi 7 !S ! ST t ine worm, or lias acllleveu a greater success on sheer ability. Was an Extra Tu'll V0!ir. nn ll.l FlnnrMl ai Kiwiltierlnr r hm i wiiulil Have to all up jti lied l It I'ntfd away. I lrll reveral reinMiM, but lih no It-KHi reull.. rinally, I a IimImi-i-.) i i ii W Mlllwrn' Heart and .Vrve l'lll broke an "exlra." Bfr work L 7 tnl n" finmedialely allrncted the al- JO years and I am ikiw & year iiMii..n i.. i...- . i ...... f.hi " 'il ill yt-l JT, Ml l.riMIIIJ . Oiinedy picliire.. . Khe possessed! """""' "'rt and Vrve rill re ir e "- onvuiv' wiiitH mrn to, Llaillrd, Toronto. Onl Tk Uirt op mlm4. Wit 'world, the nikiti o( Ltu.ft.tkr Kioto. liiijwMM ' .( J Mf lor ti t f.Milr wttkftt Lu it bit tlLin. S- . if! Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blncksmllht, pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is efpiippod n handle all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PH0NE8 43 and 385. ELKAY'S STRAW HAT nnd walerpniof. ing fmi-ll DYE In All The Popular Colors ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. Make old Mlraw a look like new. II is pcrnm ictti Easy to apply and dries ipiicklv t"' i I "V The Pioneer Dru99)u If You Are BOAT-BUILDING We have llnnlvvood, Fir nnd Cedar Boat l.iimher. ' Ii you are Kr-d ()r Kalsoiiiinc and Paper. Iry Fir VJr l'.uiellliig, If yu nre thinking of building n linitse, we have nny lumtHT you require, asn Hash, Honrs, (Bass. SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills Cow Bay. MPhortif3Bl