Thursday, March 13, 1921, eMclp Dr. BknO' Foot. Li . tha ftc and pf rvf nt, broken rcixi. Dr.SchoO't A air lot MtUurwl Anh fpporf . avft Morton Tot"aa4 rvtft Cftatalaa through t bi of aha loot. t).skn'rviio ttaiucaf. Rcltrt bufMrau. Rtdacft tnd htdtt olornuri. This wide awake store is constantly seeking out new ways of giving you a service that is all the word implies. At a considerable expense, we have engaged the sen-ices of Dr. ScholPs Foot Expert, who will be here on Saturday, Monday, Tuesday March 15, 17, 18 This expert will work with our regular TractlpcdUt and aupj;et to you, after exam ining your fect, the quietest and most eco nomical way of having foot efficiency. Anyone can sell you a pair of shoes. Whether they arc just the shoes required for your feet, whether they arc stylish and, at the same time, comfortable, involves the question of service. If you aufftr from any fooc ailments, from a tiny corn to the mmt gfrtvitcd mm of flit foot, you are ure to finu immediate relief and permanent correction by taking advantage of ihli opportun fry. Delay only aggravate foot trouble. Male It a point to Lai advantage of tht opportunity. Fool Examination Frre SM nnntsrj to rrmort ko4 l ne r ami 1 PI o. liv onoe otore Third Avenue Bargains n Potato Pots Blue Me?. S.r.u, fur . Gray- Itcg. for . $1.40 $1.10 .See our Window. ' KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Phorte,. P.O. Box 1648. COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Sulla from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For, STEWART and ANYOX . . Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, March 12, 26 PASSENOLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. taa Prlnrr lluprrt .U p in fur I'niM E GrOWlC, tlM".TuN, Wl Kll'rO, all poluli taocni Canada. riuicl Slalxa, AOINCV ALL OCIAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Oil, Tltaat Orrica, SIS Tlilr At. Prlaca Huparl. Phaaa 20. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Servicci Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle, March 11, 21, April 1, 11, 22 For Ketchlkon. ' Wranjell, Juneau and Skagway, March 7, 17, 28, April 7, 18, 28 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For utedale, Swanion Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. m-.-M full Information from I- . , W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. 11 - - UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. gamma rrom rrtncf n..Pm. oa VANCOUVIft, VICTORIA, Oaaan falla, an S-anaon Bay, Tutatfaf, S PJi. er VANOOUVin. VICTORIA, Alart Paj, ar l-anao Bar, Salurdar Haaii. taaT. Walaa lilanl. Sunday S P.M. tr POUT SIMMON M Naal Bl' Caanarltt, rrway .aa. rrlnca nupari. B.C - Local and Personal ! li.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. -, . Haynere, Under User. Pboue 351. if St. Andrew' Society regular uonlhly meeting to-morrow light ul 8 ii.iii. We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. tf If you have any foot troubles call on Family Shoe Store on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. See our other advertisements. Mr.' iiml Mr. Leslie Skinner of Conner City arrived in Ihe eilv )eerday atli-moon uud expect lo return" on' I lie train I hit even Mis ilarheaii' Millinery Opening will lake idare this week on Prida and Saturday. Ladies are Inviled to inspect the lale.-l model ami style. 02 Howard t'Viz.ell returned lo Ihe eily yesterday afternoon from Vancouver where lie ha ln'i-ii for the past. several month taking a I u i n c .- course. J. li. Miller. eusloin inpec- lor, arrived from the south on I lie Prince George yesterday af leriKMiu and sailed liy the I'rinee Joint fin the Quech Charlotte stand. If you like good miisie coin)1 and hear the Wallsledt faun from Alaska, at the M () O S H CONUKHT. Kmprcs Theatre, lo nighi. Admiiou Sue. Ilescrvei eat 'tic,' George f,Mr.fee. manager of the life 1 1 ay mill ut Georgetown returned from Vancouver on the I'rinee (Jrorgw ye-lerday after noon. Mr. McAfee accompanied I a f itt north. The officer and crew of the Canadian Seottih and S.S I'rinee Hui,wrt will give a dance, Friday evening. Ie Luxe Hall Haneiiig commence i'.Jil p. in (ienl Sue. I.adie free. 1'roeeed lo General HomhIhI. 03 4. II. V.. Allen, manager of (I Itoyal Mill. Ilunall, relurneil by Hie Prince tieorpe yelenlay af ternoon from Victoria where he attended the animal meeting of the fore I protection board, lie eoiilinued by train to Hie in terior. - -, C. W. Tourlelotle. ni(unl manager of the Canadian Gov ernment .Meirliant Marine on the Pacific Coal. arrived from Van couver oil the Prince George ye-lenlay afleriiHn. 'l"bi I .Mr. lotitlellolle firl trip north of Ocean Fall. A. Irftx, Vaueiiuver arelii- leel. arrived in the eilv on the inee George yelenlay afler- ii'kiii ami 1 regilered al the rinre Ituperl Hotel. Mr. t'.ox i liere in connection with the new nure' home and the Hank of Montreal repair. He alo Ifii plan for other building project in Hie -rily. .announcement of which may be made horlly. ANNOUNCEMENTS MelhodUl llaler Sale. Tea. eving. home rooking. lied ros Hul. Aril 5. Iloyal Purple liKter ll;aar and Sale of Home Cooking, April Pi. Hill CO Chapter. I.O.D.K. Ama teur Theatrical. April It. Oueen Mary Chapter I.O.I i.l' Daffodil Hall, Caster .Monday, tf Concert for Anglican Church I l F.inpre Theatre, April "s, iby Symphony Orchestra. Ticket: 1 '.n' Minstrel Troupo. First sliuw May 1. Itidley Home llazaar, May I. Dr. Martel's Female Pills Kara )td nur theuianda mhi li half nnturr. corracUnc cauM, bulldinr up an4 atrafthnlir ortn, illvlti DELAYED. m4 TAINIUL MBNSTRUATION, NEK-VOUSNKSS. BACKACHE, DIZZINESS, .to. noinrTouidnlf.. Bold.nlrlo PwlMlllinn- tivvr 4 in uua wiinourataftttur. nrrwlwr. or dine! bt mail, r l.ln Mrkat. h 00 KtUknUctit C... 71 E. ttaat St, TwviU.C.a. CbcaltfaulUJu mwl. THi DAILY HBW8. PAOB THREI. Mr. ami Mrg. 0, K. Lord and child returned from Vancouver on the rnnce George yealerday fternooii. A derrick cow of. the federal liejiarlment of public works is being taken on the small eclion ff the local dry dock today for cleaning and painting. ? Seifteant Ilujth McOlinehy of the city police force returned hy the Prince. (Jeorge yesterday af-lernoon after having made a trip to Okalla in charge of city prixunert. - - - Mr. and Mr. Joe IJrown and laughter 'returned to (he city on the Prince George yelcrday af ternoon after, having cpenl a fortnight holidaying in Vancou ver and other southern cilies. Adam Maekie. inspector of fiheriet and l. .S. Cameron, overseer, who have been attend ing a conference of oven-cers in Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday V. A. Canleloii of the Van- ouver law firm of l.adrier A Canleluu arrived from the xoulh on Hie I'rinee George yesterday afternoon and mailed by tl.e I'rinee Juliu for the 'Jucen Char lotto Inland. , .S. Workman of the provincial department of public work Mailed I a I iiivhl on the Prince John for Skidegate. He i lo do come mad nirvey on I he Inland for the ilfparlineiil and will be away for a couple of week. J. J. Hilliard of, Ala-ka. who arrived early in the' week from Kelchikaii. -ailed lat nisht on Ihe I'rinee (ic,orge for Hyder where lie will relieve E. Sliver. United Slate culom ollicer. who i going on a taca lion (rip. - The office of llorie v Small chartered accountant, i being moved from Ihe Federal block to Ihe prem1e in Ihe Hay IJuild- ing formerly occupied by S. .' Magofliii A iUi. .The tatter com pany ha inoveil jl headquarter from here to Flinonlon. The imwiT ioue at the tlry dock, ha lieen jiarled to operat one of Ihe coinireor in onJer lo provide air. which i being ued a good deal jut now. That i why the blaf of the big wlii-lle was beard (hi mornin for Ihe firt time, in everal monlli. 4' -itt I ' D. J. Hcrgin, locating engineer for Hie provincial depart inehl of public work, who ha been mak ing arrangement for (lie con ducting of a recoiinaiancc sur vey of Ihe propoed highway be-Iwrcii I'rinee Rupert and Terrace, relumed to the city on lat night' train. II. Haskauip, one of Prince lluperl' early investor, i in town today looking condition over after au nbence of several year. He arrived on the I'rinee George yeletlay afternoon from St-allle. where lie I now residing, and will take Ihi evening' train for Sakaooii where lie own h hotel. J. S. Gray, the Smilher Jewel er, relumed from Vancouver on the Prince George yesterday af- ernoou and eoiilinued lo the in- irrior iy iraiu. .Mr. Oray was called south on account of. a serious illne which Mr. Gray slilTered whilo be wa visiling in Vancouver. She i now making a very alifacloiy recovery. - Jame H. MeVely. ueneral u perinlendent of the Kmpluymeut Service or Canada for HrilNh Columbia, arrived in the city on lat uighr train. He ha been al lending a conference of west ern superintendent at Kdmon. Ion and, on hi vyay lack In Vancouver, he i Inspecting the olllcc at Prince George and here. He will sail tomorrow morning on the I'rinee George for the south. D. H. Hrankiu, Grand Mater for Itrilisli Columliia of the Loyal .Orange Lodge, I visiting the city and tonight will be the guel of honor at a banquet be- ing given by the local lodge. Mr. Hraukin i superintendent of the provincial Industrial school Tor boy at F.ssondale a well in superinlendeiit of neglected children. He I a member or the I Vancouver Holary Club and w us a guest of the local lloluriuns nt their regular weekly luncheon 'totlav. PLAYERS .1II1 Vli lilifcii' 5, NAVY CUT CIGARETTES 10 for 18? Mor Sold 20 35? and' In fins of 50 and 100 .. Ilign-hi, hcal Japane!! mi-i ionary. : alled by the I'rinee! John last night for Ituckley Hay.' Judge F. MCH. Young and! Waller ' Gale,, court regilrar,: sailed lat nlshf oil the Prince George for Anyox. Jit a IT Captain Carruther of the Salvation Army, who arrived from hi headquarters in W'ran- gell early in tliC'.week, suited last nigjil 011 (lie Prince lluperl for Anyoi. Allisler Mcltae until recently employed in Mcllae. Jlro, sla-lionery store 'here, raiU-d last night on the '..i'rinee John for Huckley Hay where lie may de cide to locale - - J. M. O.N'eill, churged with supplying liguo'r lo Mamie Law-son, Indian girl, wa fined 50 wilh the option of thirty day iinpri-onincnL by Magistrate McClymont in the police court this morning. Mamie, who was! charged with Intoxication, wa iveu suspended .enlence of one wiek o that he may gel out of lown. INCREASED SAILINGS TO THE OLD COUNTRY In oiiler to lake care of in creased travel expected from Canada lo Ihe Old Country thi sum mer, the White Slur, Cunard and Anchor-Donaldson Lines 'an nounce additional sailings from Montreal and Uuebec. It is also suggested thai those going to the Old Country .should make reservation, and secure passports as early u possible. Wiile or call Canadian National Ituilway. 528 Third Avenue. Prince llupert. I I.C. phone 200. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mr, fieorire MeAr. Georgelown; D. J. Hergin, Ter race; . S. Curie. A. Furrow, Jame II. MeYely and A. A. Cox, Vancouver; George A. Jackson, Kdinonlon; K. Ilaye, .Montreal; Charles H. Kuhlmeier, Telkwn; Mr. and Mr. L. G. Skinner: Copper City; Duvi.l II. Hraukin, Port Coiiuilluin; C. V. Dawson, Haiellon: Mr. and Mr. T.'Hark- ness, Klsbey, Sak; J. P. Torde, Meloria; . . Carson. Smilher,4 II. Iluskainp. Saskatoon. Ctntraf ; G. Ilypdal, 0. Oliver and ,0s- cur Peleron, Hums Luke; l.nw'e" Viii' V, -:medium- than all other brands combined Win Her Affections A BOX OF Purdy's Candy WILL DO IT The Autocrat of the Candy World IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY OR THE THEATRE A Toothsome Delight in a Ueuulirul Dux. All Sizes. All Prices. Sole Agents r Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUES. In Any Recipe Calling for Milk In iny recipe calling (or milk use Carnation but, because it is twice as rich at ordinary milk, be aure to ue Yi cup Carnation to Vt cup of water. Use Carnation fur every milk need of your family. It is always rich, aafe and pure. Its cuuveuience and ecyiiuuiy make it the most dctirablc milk lor every putpose. Ask your grocer to deliver Carnation witn your other pure (ouds. tie knows its goodliest and is glad to sell it. 1' rod nerd In Ca nada CARNATION MILK PRODUCTS CO. LTD. 134 Abbott St. Vancouver, B.C. What Children Like Uwm trialJJtra tut Mui m tABhlttl, Jukvt UiU iUUlta relasj. i M LftjU4tlUat Kt rli-iiHa ijti U I UttM W lilt (HUB WAS Hjlia) W UV MiHftblM. lUltMtalUl,, I' lMf (V tkU U miUjrj Hail,. MART ttlAtti, Dwet $( OiMdoelt. V hh ran tlllm lk dnablr.rlrk runlrioa al I a la lln MaOl Ik ituarl walllv aim IIum lla aar