V()l XIV,, NO, 62 99 Beat Care and Bar Servloa In Ui Olty. Rates Reasonable Ror.r..r,lt luna of Dutch Eml gratlon Will Probably Come to B.C. Shortly VICTOMIA, .v.arc. March I a. To ex 1 Vhan Yn Want A II y The Latest In Restaurante. H TAXI 111 a hurry Phone Duleh einlcrolion, oiganualloii will probably come lo British 'Its, VlCrolllA, March l:. K. J, ltoilcr, runner railwuy department iirt-uiinlutit, und Mar wiluc uf (lie Provincial I'arly. admitted lu Mr. Justice IJallihcr in the Purific Ureal Kalern probe Hint la- i in the regular pay uf Ihe, Provincial Parly mid Dial he liud ofrered to sell copies of the government railway doctj. nienls lo the Conservative Parly for 5,in(i, Itosilcr said he lohl the Provincial Party leaders when he handed railway documents lo them (hey would have I" "find him a position until the election." This Ihe Provincial Parly had done, he added. OLD COUNTRY GAMES PLAYED Iff was heiiiir paid ?;50 a month now. he slated, which was 975 a month inure Ihan he had been receiving from the railway de- ipnrlmeiil. He produced una of lliis rheck from the Provincial i Party ignrd hy Aidiworth An derson ami A. M. Whiteside and Cup Ties and League WaUhesijrawn unitr t'nion Hank. Laadlna Lo Finals at Wemb- I ley Park Stadium Iloonilrr admitted further that 1 Iks alMi .received .(ruin the parly -. "' - - -in' prolllflfKrlnl'tlell,i'J'f, LU.MIUN, MarrJi lit me jf ,, ,,ar,y WU) rt.Urm fourth round on Ihe ties mu nip ,,owpr at lt. ,.xt election. I.ul iler Ihe l:nlih FiM-ll-all Assucla- ,(r ,,,,,, vu. ,M,l slated and lion I wo replay srumes look place ,, allry C'vas to receive wa yesterday, i-estilllng In a victory U)( fjxr, Tor Maneliesler eily over Cat-ditT. wjincss told the commissioner by I goal lo It. and a win for frall),y IW he agreed lo sell lo lluniley over Swindon H lo S - f Conservative Tor 5.000 While 1 1 I series is drawing ';,,n,,4.r rupiel rroin the original a rlo-p, Ihe finals will not he ,tM.mr ie railway de-plnyed for some tim and w,"i,,armrnl Tiles. This deal, how-tnke place nt the British F.mpire ,UI, ,., o n,in, he Kxhlbtltoii sladium. w emiiicy ,d , tit hail nol received a park. Other foot hull league guines pln)ed yr.lenhiv were: English League, Div. I. West BrtMiiwirh Alb 0. Chcl- SCM II. A-ton Villla .', Arsenal I. Ilollon t, Liverpool I. Second Division llradfonl Cily 0. Clapton Orient n. Northern -Section Wrexham S. I.iueolu I. Scottish Leanue, Div. 1. Ilaiililloll X Aberdeen 0. lalklrk I, Third Lanark I. EXAMINE LAND , STUART LAKE ceiil for I In- papers tit Hie eit'i, eilher from Cou-crvalivcs or tlie Provincial Party. EDMONTON IS GETTING LITTLE ENCOURAGEMENT FROM THE GOVERNMENT or Ihe cities id Ihe province, noils Ihe city, lo be permitted to levy an income lax rroin,ils cilUeifs. these vere point thai were made WW applied- amend Hon. T. D. . I'lillullo, mo inliiisler 1 of . lands, cabled Ihe Dutch org ll,,; . Hon yslerday. assuring them ''r.WIRELESo r rcc TA 10 Kttr mD IN His ilopurlmeiil's co-operaiiou wllh lis lepresenlalives lu Iho selecting or land sullnblo for coloiiUatiou. 10,(MK)7lNLANDERS" COMING TO CANADA I'Oltr AltTIIUII. il iireli 13 Mile Korle, Finnish (insular en, elates Ihal iipproxjnmlcly lO.oiM) Finlamlers will emigrate to Canada Ilils Hummer. HOOKEY SCORES vagary 0, Vuii -oUei' : VANCOUVKH, Mar. 13. When Ihe British round the world fliers reach Japan, If Ihey get Ihal fur, I bey will be picked up by Ihe new- radio station al Jericho Beach, being erected by Hie Hoyal Caiitnllan F.ngiiieers for Ihe Hoyal Canadian Alt Force. The muM are up and the equipment i.s expected next monli, One ot he duties or lli'U slullon will ho to tune Into Ihe British Amphibian inessages and keep 1 .'k 'f I'1'! 'wvcincnl' SIR EDMUND WALKER READS JIGGS STRIP Sir I Ulititni)! .Walker, who, in uddiliou to being president of one of Ihe principal .Canadian Banks, lias exerted a great influence in Ihe devhp. men I of Canadian art in various forms, laled in a recent address lliat there was no part of his uews-puper Ihal he more easterly scanned than the Jifrgs slrip. SETBACK FOR GOVERNMENT tola! of IIH.H'.iii lb. of hali- bul uml ?r.o II. of. red priu i iiMiiN Kt.V. March 13. Ihere salmon sold on Ihe l ish Kxchang ill I I. .. .... ,.r II. lirnv inclal litis niorniiitf. Four American mil ii" sunn' i i i automobile lax Tor Ihe city lhi boals . arrived , will. ,., U ,.00 , J ,, bs year Wilbcr will Ihere be an adJand six Ouiadians with 17, Jim dillon made lo the ga-uliuo lax, lbs. or halibut. The arrivals ii... i ....rn vfiii-A by Hie province ior me ncin-ni. . ( American President, is.imo lbs., at Jl.fe ami 8c, lo Ihe AI lilt Fisheries. Kenalak, iri.onn llfs., al !5o nlenr lo leleaal Ion coii-MiU'l we, K me I'aeiiie i isneries. valorous, ulorotis, iu.i tu.ooo ins., at to.xo Uuting or almost the entire city 'council and Commissioner Yo-u'l Kf, lo Ihe "l..,.ll. I.v Premier I'.i-een field and SloniSe Co, vM.iyni.v, VVvvillingness to support an, ,. lands In the St. ai I l.ak n h) ill. rict of Noithern Brills h Co I- ( Canadian AVflerner, I, hoi) His. i i 1 1 i ir and Ho; Iris 1,000 llis uiiibia In preparation ior '' IiI.m 1 1 .r l fiiixilit Ik I ll if llai lillkO III and Ho, lo the Hoolli lal.lishmcnl id Dutch farmera. - ' - ' . Canadian Co. PSYCHOLOGY CLUB PIIINCK Ml'PKHT, B.C., TIIL'MSDAY, MAItCII 13, IU21. .test Macdonald Administration Oets Adverse Vote on Minor Question LONDON, March 13 .The Macdonald Labor government received a setback In the House of Commons today when a proposal of J. R. Clynes, deputy leader of the House, for suspension of the 11 o'clock adjournment rule to discuss army estimates was defeated by a vole of 234 to ' 207. The government, however,, do&s not consider the defeat a vital one. FISH ARRIVALS Canadian histi V Wui.aMi, 1,500 11m., al ITm- ami t ' Mliies Can buildings.!-. Ihe Inel at parliament The ministers restated iein"uiau .o. al I3.5e at 13.1c Fisheries Ihere. repr-Nenlatlves of UioJ ,..,, l,;ln i, ,,,,1 ,,l Agnes U SfiM lbs., al la.ttp Mil IIM..V....V .. .....V . that '?' -J 11 ' "-7 " ' rental lax. Beyond theyj'" Kv. .,,1.1 .ml emitter II, e orooosals '"' H,,5 Mi,,l,1 M lbs., al Columbia "!'"' T shortly. ..r'rrom , the (.i.v.a city's renresentativM. representatives. I3-"5 Hr lo ,l,e -midian Fish A Cold Slorago Co, Tnplovv. '.'lid lbs. red spring salmon, at 1 7.5c ; and DO lbs. or . . 1 alt..! .1 I 11 1 11 t at- TOUCH BRITISH FLIERS-ii,,)',,i Fi"M:,,; "' KKTC.II IK AX, March 13. The PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vttrdr't Clfr.ulttMjn 1S7S lu spile ul.thc hounding W. J. got Irum his own. parly and the breaking awny ot a prominent section under .the name Socialist Miner Represents King at Holyrood Palace for General Assembly of Church LONDON, March Hi. The House of Lords yolertluv car ried a nudioii 011 u vole of 57 to 15 to the erfecl that the luxa tion of betting is' desirable and practicable. Lord iNcvvtuii in moving the resolution said lliere wus no harm in betting in moderation and the system or licensing1 would diminish it. Lord Arnold, under secrelary fur the ciiloiiies, agreed Ihal helling had become great evil, lie disagreed Ihal luxation would diminish belting suggesting that rather.il wunld provide heller facililies Tor it. II was not business proposition tor tjie governfiieut lo set up a machine against strung moral opposition to obtain only about t':i,500,000 a year trum the proposed luxes. FRANCE GETS A HUGE LOAN Arranges with U.S. v. Financiers for Credit of Not Less Than $100,000,000 NF.W VOHK, March 13. The i establishment of u banking credit of nol less I hail $100,000,000 inj favor or the Bank ol France has members of Ihe Barnes psy-jbeen arranged by ait American rholngy club met al the home or bunking gnmp -bended by .1. P. Mrs. J. W. Young. More lhan Morgan Co. The loan is mily Iwenly .men and women were 'secured by gold held In Ihe vaults present and all were enlhusiasllo'nr Ihe Bank or Franco and is lo over Ihe posslbilllles or Ihe good 1"' used, I o slabiltie French ex-o be accomplished through tho'change. and ior other purposes, organization anil maintenance of) The loan it is understood will a psychology club and therefore, .run for not more, than a year Ihey proceeded with the organl. ion and the interest Is low in view of I lie excellent security REDUCTION MADE NAVY ESTIMATES LONDON". March 13. Ureal Britain's navy estimates for .112 1-25 as men out in a statement by Yisconul Chelmsford, first lord of Ihe admiralty., amount lo 55,800,000 or a reduction of rj.SOO,-000 as compared with Ihe estimates for Ihe present year. t 4 i Strut Salt Z. an' III Vancouver, i iiuvc aidjs GOING TO VANCOUVER Vessel Will qo to Yarrows for Bottom Repairs Machinery Work at Vancouver C.V.ll. teamer Prince ltuperl is to be lakeii south al the firs' or the week to complete over iiaui. 1 lie vessel has peen in dock here ror the past week and her lailsharis have been drawn lor inspection by Albert Farrow, steamboat inspector, who ur rived troni Ihe south yesterday. Owing to - the fact thai the local yards will be busy with Ihe Canadian Scottish, repairs lo Ihe bottom or Ihe Prince ltuperl necessitated by a stranding near Oceair Falls last fall will be ex ecuted 'at Yarrows, Victoria Certain eiinin parts are lo be replaced and this will be done al Vancouver by company men Woodwork painting will also be done Ihere. The Prince ltuperl will remain ! at Vancouver until she resumes service in April. JACK TAYLOR WINS . WRESTLING BOU F.D.MOXTOX. March 13. Jack 1 BOSTON GRILL K Third Avenue. been of dm opinion I hat Prince ltuperl should fret a share of the Irade at least. Indeed, as I see jl, Vancouver will have more than, she 'can handle for many ears .Premier lo come. v ny men, uoi'i a weapon like' Prince ltuperl hack? "I havi taken up this (ueslion Oi Vunpoiiipr niul a ntimtipr of i ' J Mr. McBride is a member oT Ihe LONDON, March IV, Hy the appointment or a coiiitiiouer,j,'n,;:i't'iv! -'m"p but has sup. .Iidiu Brown, a l.onl High Oimniissioner lu the tieneral Asem-;lK,r.,,',, ,l,e eral on most oc-hly ot Ihe Church of Scutland, which is pending, a socialist lnem-.caH'0,ls her of parliament and a former miner. whue wife was a mill' girl, will Miccced to the post proudly held hy members of the PRINCE RUPERT IS r-riHiio iiiioiuij mr inu p.isi -." yrurs. It N the duty of Ihe commissioner lo act as representative uf the King during the Oeneral Asembly. The commissioner lias his residence in Ihe rmous llolyrood Palace and lor a few weeks each year krcpi Hoyal stale lliere. Ilrown says he intend to abate, nothing of the ancient dig-nilies. Mis wife will he slyled "Iler (ir.ice." House of Lords Would Place lax on Betting in Britain but Government Not Agreeable Best of food Good Service, Private Boies for Party Use, "Take Her to The Boston." PRICE FIVE CENTS. SENSATIONAL TURN IN RAILWAY INQUIRY COMMONER TO ASSUME POST OF DIGNITY HELD FOR CENTURIES BY NOBILITY Star Witness in P.G.E. Probe Admits Trying to Sell Copies i Railway Documents for $5,000 Rossiter now in pay of Provincial Party at $250 a month produces check signed by Anderson and Whiteside i BOWSER STILL ON TOP McBride Declares Himself in Favor Building Elevator at Prince Rupert by Government Thomas "(!. McBride, niernher for Carihoo in the llomirifon House uf Commons ih'clare that he will support prince Rupert's claim for recognition 'as a grain port arid Ihe building of an elevator here. In writing lo Secretary .Joint Blue of Ihe Kdr monloii Hoard of Trade acknowledging receipt of a resolution passed hy llieni recently urging the erection of an elevator here, Mr. AlcBride says: "In reply lo your letter uf February 18, winch referred to Prince ltuperl as an. uullel for grain from the pruiries. would say that I fully appreciate the stand you are lakh.. I A DAD A IMC "Whilff my interests -personally JfI)UI UlUj AND IDEALS Macdonald Addresses Annual Meeting qt British Parliamentary (lli.e:is lliere do not underslandj LOXlXI.N'. March 'J. "I supi why I should not boost for Van-, I'" Hie British Km pi re wat one couver all the time, and while I '" rabrics which in some know that Vancouver is destined people's opinion would be the 10 be one ot the larcesl. If not the fir I " fa,l asunder on the ad (largest port, on the Pacific coast, vent of a Labor government," de-. I also know that there are other ciar" premier .uacuonaia ai me olaces alonir the coast Ihal the annual meeting -of the ParlUi n, u.e rrpv,.o2u.i i'ariy, l ie i.oItseratlw tea.ierui neaO, . . . menlary -sj;ocialionwrilia real ' ' In... ..-a .tl,l Llih ,1 frill nl"luU II1C I irilliri lf UIII.UL'J. couver, and' ..VI .-.,ivfu, e- t iva.i - fair consideralion. "ir Ihe question ht building an elevalor comes up fn Ihe. house during the coming session, which I expect it will, you may rest as sured Ihal il will have my sup port. "inos. o. mchuim:." Ihal we are anxious to make I M country so big and Influential In t lie best sense or the term, that great Dominions will feel proud tot beim? associated with us." The premier urged thai only by constant personal contact could Ihe various governincnls or tho' Umpire maintain harmony. TO CONFISCATE BRITISH SHIP Raid on Narcotic and Drug Car rying Vessel Results In Such Demand Being Made XFAV YOHK. March 13. (lov. eminent confiscation , or the Hoyal Mail Meam Packet Co. passen ger snip iirtiuna is ueummieu 10- lay in a libel suit Hied in the federal court by the United Stales'" listricl attorney's slun us a re sult oT a narcotic and liquor raid made aboard the vessel yesterday when drugs and litpjor valued at $10,000 were seized and several member! oT the crew arrested. REICHSTAG DISSOLVED President Ebert Takea Action Following Activities of BKHLIX. March 13Pre:uMenl Kbert today dissolved Ihe Heieh-slair, the action licinjf a cou.se-ipience ut the determination oT the yocialisls to insist on revision of special emergency ordinance promulgated by Ihe government Taylor. Canadian heavyweight notably tax rennlatious UTe.tttiiur dominion, defeated l)anl 11 - Koloir, Bulgarian champion. i!MCGRATH STAYS WITH t iwo oui 01 uiree tans, , ; W. C. Orchard C.P.H. general a-ient. is advised thai the Cauii- diau government will pay al the s'Canailian port or lauding a rash bonus or I5 per adult and $7.50 per child paying half tare to Aniiouiicemeiil is made by t ho every third class Atlantic stcam-l IRISH GOVERNMENT DUBLIN, .March 13. .Joseph McOrulli, nriiilstetr of indutry and commerce, bus withdrawn his . resignation, according lo a despatch from Dublin. department of agriculture lliat ship passenger of British or A. 1). (lillies, local manager of the annual fair at Houston will Irish nationality who Is a bona- Ihe Canadian National Kxpremi be .field on September 13. The lido immigrant lo Canada and .Co., returned by lanl uiubt's train Prince llupcrt exhibition closes who passes Canadian imiuigra prom a holiday trip lo his old oi' that day It o! opcctlon 'home tit Montreal,